Why Trump's many scandals simply don't resonate with the American people.



There are just too many.

When you have four presidents that entered office with a single civil suit against each one of them, then you have Trump with more than 70, it just doesn't seem possible. It seems like it must be fake news.

They still talk about the Clinton Foundation, but bring up the Trump Foundation and it's fake news.

And his nominees. A new basket of deplorable straight out of a swamp. They are so horrible, one after the other, when new info comes up on them, is just seems like more fake news. People just can't that bad. Or can they?

Take his Carrier deal. Many right wingers think he did an amazing thing. Then you look at the facts. It wasn't 1100 jobs saved. It was 730. And the CEO said he is going to take the millions he got from Trump and Pence and use it to automate. Meaning at least half of those will be gone. And when you explain that to the right wing, they just deny it. It can't be. It's fake news.

What happens when it's no longer fake?

Like I said. It's a train wreck. We can see it coming.
Cause they aren't real scandals.

The man's a civilian for 2 more days.

Nothing he did prior to that makes a damn bit of difference other that the fact he beat hitlary.

It is rather weird, humans often need someone to blame, and reasoning why or who is beyond most. When a savior arrives and clearly names the blameworthy the followers cheer, now we know who to blame. Mirrors have no place with these people.

Interesting reads.

'The Gilded Rage: A Wild Ride Through Donald Trump's America' by Alexander Zaitchik

"One of the hardest parts in this election cycle has been separating the human media parasite that is Donald Trump from some of his more humble supporters." reviewer comment

"Strangers in Their Own Land - Anger and Mourning on the American Right" Arlie Russell Hochschild

Strangers in Their Own Land | The New Press
Normal Americans aren't even watching. They're interested in what he will do in office. It's only a few sullen, disgruntled liberal fanatics who are even bothering to look at his activities in years past.

BTW, where did the liberals go who used to insist that "What he does in his private life has no effect on his job and what he does in office, so they aren't the lest bit important." ? They said that a lot when Bill Clinton was in office, you know. Is there any reason it's not just as true when Trump is in office?
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The reason for the OP was the same that the hating right of America did not get about Bill Clinton: the people did not care because he did his job and did it well.

Trump is not a "good" man, but if he brings back jobs and fights ISIS and brings Single Payer, he is going to be in very good shape. His positions on abortion, gays, gay marriage, illegals, deportations, so forth, will not matter if he gets those first three things right.
There are just too many.

When you have four presidents that entered office with a single civil suit against each one of them, then you have Trump with more than 70, it just doesn't seem possible. It seems like it must be fake news.

They still talk about the Clinton Foundation, but bring up the Trump Foundation and it's fake news.

And his nominees. A new basket of deplorable straight out of a swamp. They are so horrible, one after the other, when new info comes up on them, is just seems like more fake news. People just can't that bad. Or can they?

Take his Carrier deal. Many right wingers think he did an amazing thing. Then you look at the facts. It wasn't 1100 jobs saved. It was 730. And the CEO said he is going to take the millions he got from Trump and Pence and use it to automate. Meaning at least half of those will be gone. And when you explain that to the right wing, they just deny it. It can't be. It's fake news.

What happens when it's no longer fake?

Like I said. It's a train wreck. We can see it coming.

You on the left have been attacking him since he announced his candidacy. It seems like since then, you had some new story about Trump every week that turned out to be utter BS.

It's the same thing with your claims of racism, homophobe, hate the poor talk. It's the Boy that cried Wolf, nobody even listens to you anymore. But you on the left are not smart enough to get that yet. Maybe in another 40 or 50 years perhaps.........
Because Americans recognize liberal propaganda designed to redirect blame for liberal failures.
Cause they aren't real scandals.

The man's a civilian for 2 more days.

Nothing he did prior to that makes a damn bit of difference other that the fact he beat hitlary.

Trump has been fast and loose with law. He will be the same way while President.

You will hear calls to Impeach Trump within two years.
There are just too many.

When you have four presidents that entered office with a single civil suit against each one of them, then you have Trump with more than 70, it just doesn't seem possible. It seems like it must be fake news.

They still talk about the Clinton Foundation, but bring up the Trump Foundation and it's fake news.

And his nominees. A new basket of deplorable straight out of a swamp. They are so horrible, one after the other, when new info comes up on them, is just seems like more fake news. People just can't that bad. Or can they?

Take his Carrier deal. Many right wingers think he did an amazing thing. Then you look at the facts. It wasn't 1100 jobs saved. It was 730. And the CEO said he is going to take the millions he got from Trump and Pence and use it to automate. Meaning at least half of those will be gone. And when you explain that to the right wing, they just deny it. It can't be. It's fake news.

What happens when it's no longer fake?

Like I said. It's a train wreck. We can see it coming.

You on the left have been attacking him since he announced his candidacy. It seems like since then, you had some new story about Trump every week that turned out to be utter BS.

It's the same thing with your claims of racism, homophobe, hate the poor talk. It's the Boy that cried Wolf, nobody even listens to you anymore. But you on the left are not smart enough to get that yet. Maybe in another 40 or 50 years perhaps.........
You on the Right have been attacking HRC since 1992!!!!!!

Here's the reality.......the left plan to treat the Trump Dictatorship the same way the right would have treated Hillary had she won the Presidency. GOP has attacked HRC for 35 years. Meanwhile, you cry baby Trump voters have the audacity to complain how the left has attacked Trump a mere 18 months. GO UP YOU LITTLE SISSY CRY BABY.

Enjoy the next 4 years of non-stop protest of an illegitimate Donald Trump.
The reason for the OP was the same that the hating right of America did not get about Bill Clinton: the people did not care because he did his job and did it well.

Trump is not a "good" man, but if he brings back jobs and fights ISIS and brings Single Payer, he is going to be in very good shape. His positions on abortion, gays, gay marriage, illegals, deportations, so forth, will not matter if he gets those first three things right.
It will be some achievement to turn the vast rust belt that was industrial America into busy automobile factories with full order books. Those steel factories belching out coal smoke with shifts 'round the clock are what Trump supporters want to see.
Because Americans recognize liberal propaganda designed to redirect blame for liberal failures.
Obama is glad its almost over!!!! Imagine 8 years of having to deal with Inbreed Retarded Republicans!!! I wouldn't even wish that on a serial killer.
There are just too many.

When you have four presidents that entered office with a single civil suit against each one of them, then you have Trump with more than 70, it just doesn't seem possible. It seems like it must be fake news.

They still talk about the Clinton Foundation, but bring up the Trump Foundation and it's fake news.

And his nominees. A new basket of deplorable straight out of a swamp. They are so horrible, one after the other, when new info comes up on them, is just seems like more fake news. People just can't that bad. Or can they?

Take his Carrier deal. Many right wingers think he did an amazing thing. Then you look at the facts. It wasn't 1100 jobs saved. It was 730. And the CEO said he is going to take the millions he got from Trump and Pence and use it to automate. Meaning at least half of those will be gone. And when you explain that to the right wing, they just deny it. It can't be. It's fake news.

What happens when it's no longer fake?

Like I said. It's a train wreck. We can see it coming.

You on the left have been attacking him since he announced his candidacy. It seems like since then, you had some new story about Trump every week that turned out to be utter BS.

It's the same thing with your claims of racism, homophobe, hate the poor talk. It's the Boy that cried Wolf, nobody even listens to you anymore. But you on the left are not smart enough to get that yet. Maybe in another 40 or 50 years perhaps.........
You on the Right have been attacking HRC since 1992!!!!!!

Here's the reality.......the left plan to treat the Trump Dictatorship the same way the right would have treated Hillary had she won the Presidency. GOP has attacked HRC for 35 years. Meanwhile, you cry baby Trump voters have the audacity to complain how the left has attacked Trump a mere 18 months. GO UP YOU LITTLE SISSY CRY BABY.

Enjoy the next 4 years of non-stop protest of an illegitimate Donald Trump.

Hopefully Friday, half of you commit suicide and the other half of you snowflakes move to Canada as promised. Go ahead and protest all you want. Apparently you can't get exercise from getting a job and working. Remember you are now completely powerless. Thanks to Ears, you lost the Congress, the Senate, and now the White House. More than that is your courts are going to be loaded up with conservative judges so you never have power again.

And Go Up yourself.
There are just too many.

When you have four presidents that entered office with a single civil suit against each one of them, then you have Trump with more than 70, it just doesn't seem possible. It seems like it must be fake news.

They still talk about the Clinton Foundation, but bring up the Trump Foundation and it's fake news.

And his nominees. A new basket of deplorable straight out of a swamp. They are so horrible, one after the other, when new info comes up on them, is just seems like more fake news. People just can't that bad. Or can they?

Take his Carrier deal. Many right wingers think he did an amazing thing. Then you look at the facts. It wasn't 1100 jobs saved. It was 730. And the CEO said he is going to take the millions he got from Trump and Pence and use it to automate. Meaning at least half of those will be gone. And when you explain that to the right wing, they just deny it. It can't be. It's fake news.

What happens when it's no longer fake?

Like I said. It's a train wreck. We can see it coming.

You can't wrap your tiny little brain around the fact that most Americans simply aren't buying the bullshit that you folks on the far left have been peddling about Trump, can you, R-Derp? Train wreck? That's already taken place! It was the 2016 elections where progressives got their asses handed to them!
There are just too many.

When you have four presidents that entered office with a single civil suit against each one of them, then you have Trump with more than 70, it just doesn't seem possible. It seems like it must be fake news.

They still talk about the Clinton Foundation, but bring up the Trump Foundation and it's fake news.

And his nominees. A new basket of deplorable straight out of a swamp. They are so horrible, one after the other, when new info comes up on them, is just seems like more fake news. People just can't that bad. Or can they?

Take his Carrier deal. Many right wingers think he did an amazing thing. Then you look at the facts. It wasn't 1100 jobs saved. It was 730. And the CEO said he is going to take the millions he got from Trump and Pence and use it to automate. Meaning at least half of those will be gone. And when you explain that to the right wing, they just deny it. It can't be. It's fake news.

What happens when it's no longer fake?

Like I said. It's a train wreck. We can see it coming.

The appropriate response is EVERGREEN:

There are just too many.

When you have four presidents that entered office with a single civil suit against each one of them, then you have Trump with more than 70, it just doesn't seem possible. It seems like it must be fake news.

They still talk about the Clinton Foundation, but bring up the Trump Foundation and it's fake news.

And his nominees. A new basket of deplorable straight out of a swamp. They are so horrible, one after the other, when new info comes up on them, is just seems like more fake news. People just can't that bad. Or can they?

Take his Carrier deal. Many right wingers think he did an amazing thing. Then you look at the facts. It wasn't 1100 jobs saved. It was 730. And the CEO said he is going to take the millions he got from Trump and Pence and use it to automate. Meaning at least half of those will be gone. And when you explain that to the right wing, they just deny it. It can't be. It's fake news.

What happens when it's no longer fake?

Like I said. It's a train wreck. We can see it coming.

You on the left have been attacking him since he announced his candidacy. It seems like since then, you had some new story about Trump every week that turned out to be utter BS.

It's the same thing with your claims of racism, homophobe, hate the poor talk. It's the Boy that cried Wolf, nobody even listens to you anymore. But you on the left are not smart enough to get that yet. Maybe in another 40 or 50 years perhaps.........
You appear to be paying attention.

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