Why Trump's many scandals simply don't resonate with the American people.

Normal Americans aren't even watching. They're interested in what he will do in office. It's only a few sullen, disgruntled liberal fanatics who are even bothering to look at his activities in years past.

BTW, where did the liberals go who used to insist that "What he does in his private life has no effect on his job and what he does in office, so they aren't the lest bit important." ? They said that a lot when Bill Clinton was in office, you now. Is there any reason it's not just as true when Trump is in office?

Because Bubba couldn't keep his dick in his pants. Trump's scandals involve a myriad of people. IOW, Bill getting his end away with Monica was his and Monica's and Hillary's business. Trump accusing a judge of being biased because of his race matters. Him ridiculing a disabled person matters. His grabbing women's pussies matters. That's the difference'

Look, I know you can't see the difference. You're a deplorable. You'd kick Little Orphan Annie in the teeth if it would get you what you wanted. That's what deplorables do. And why you are one.
There are just too many.

When you have four presidents that entered office with a single civil suit against each one of them, then you have Trump with more than 70, it just doesn't seem possible. It seems like it must be fake news.

They still talk about the Clinton Foundation, but bring up the Trump Foundation and it's fake news.

And his nominees. A new basket of deplorable straight out of a swamp. They are so horrible, one after the other, when new info comes up on them, is just seems like more fake news. People just can't that bad. Or can they?

Take his Carrier deal. Many right wingers think he did an amazing thing. Then you look at the facts. It wasn't 1100 jobs saved. It was 730. And the CEO said he is going to take the millions he got from Trump and Pence and use it to automate. Meaning at least half of those will be gone. And when you explain that to the right wing, they just deny it. It can't be. It's fake news.

What happens when it's no longer fake?

Like I said. It's a train wreck. We can see it coming.

You can't wrap your tiny little brain around the fact that most Americans simply aren't buying the bullshit that you folks on the far left have been peddling about Trump, can you, R-Derp? Train wreck? That's already taken place! It was the 2016 elections where progressives got their asses handed to them!
Meh......Wait until Trump and the boys have been in power after 2-3 years........then conservative voters will realize that Trump Conned red state rural America, and those conservative earning between minimum wage to 60K for a married couple!!!

Fuck.....its hard to believe the conservatives in the aforementioned income brackets could even bring themselves to vote Republican!!!!
Obama is glad its almost over!!!! Imagine 8 years of having to deal with Inbreed Retarded Republicans!!! I wouldn't even wish that on a serial killer.

"The author just loves using exclamation points. If the author had a truthful point to make, he or she wouldn’t need to put two, three, even five exclamation points after every other sentence. In fact, we’re developing another theory here: The more exclamation points used, the less true it actually is. (Ditto for excessive use of capital letters.)"

There are just too many.

When you have four presidents that entered office with a single civil suit against each one of them, then you have Trump with more than 70, it just doesn't seem possible. It seems like it must be fake news.

They still talk about the Clinton Foundation, but bring up the Trump Foundation and it's fake news.

And his nominees. A new basket of deplorable straight out of a swamp. They are so horrible, one after the other, when new info comes up on them, is just seems like more fake news. People just can't that bad. Or can they?

Take his Carrier deal. Many right wingers think he did an amazing thing. Then you look at the facts. It wasn't 1100 jobs saved. It was 730. And the CEO said he is going to take the millions he got from Trump and Pence and use it to automate. Meaning at least half of those will be gone. And when you explain that to the right wing, they just deny it. It can't be. It's fake news.

What happens when it's no longer fake?

Like I said. It's a train wreck. We can see it coming.

I read consistent with his base, if Trump farts it's to be made a scandal.
There are just too many.

When you have four presidents that entered office with a single civil suit against each one of them, then you have Trump with more than 70, it just doesn't seem possible. It seems like it must be fake news.

They still talk about the Clinton Foundation, but bring up the Trump Foundation and it's fake news.

And his nominees. A new basket of deplorable straight out of a swamp. They are so horrible, one after the other, when new info comes up on them, is just seems like more fake news. People just can't that bad. Or can they?

Take his Carrier deal. Many right wingers think he did an amazing thing. Then you look at the facts. It wasn't 1100 jobs saved. It was 730. And the CEO said he is going to take the millions he got from Trump and Pence and use it to automate. Meaning at least half of those will be gone. And when you explain that to the right wing, they just deny it. It can't be. It's fake news.

What happens when it's no longer fake?

Like I said. It's a train wreck. We can see it coming.

I read consistent with his base, if Trump farts it's to be made a scandal.
Hey look at those Fake Breast!!!! She has a nose job and a lot of DNA fat sucked out of her face!!!! Invank Trump aint as beautiful as she appears. Look at Ivanka's mother!!! That is how Ivanka will look when plastic surgery can't help her anymore!!!
There are just too many.

When you have four presidents that entered office with a single civil suit against each one of them, then you have Trump with more than 70, it just doesn't seem possible. It seems like it must be fake news.

They still talk about the Clinton Foundation, but bring up the Trump Foundation and it's fake news.

And his nominees. A new basket of deplorable straight out of a swamp. They are so horrible, one after the other, when new info comes up on them, is just seems like more fake news. People just can't that bad. Or can they?

Take his Carrier deal. Many right wingers think he did an amazing thing. Then you look at the facts. It wasn't 1100 jobs saved. It was 730. And the CEO said he is going to take the millions he got from Trump and Pence and use it to automate. Meaning at least half of those will be gone. And when you explain that to the right wing, they just deny it. It can't be. It's fake news.

What happens when it's no longer fake?

Like I said. It's a train wreck. We can see it coming.

You can't wrap your tiny little brain around the fact that most Americans simply aren't buying the bullshit that you folks on the far left have been peddling about Trump, can you, R-Derp? Train wreck? That's already taken place! It was the 2016 elections where progressives got their asses handed to them!
Meh......Wait until Trump and the boys have been in power after 2-3 years........then conservative voters will realize that Trump Conned red state rural America, and those conservative earning between minimum wage to 60K for a married couple!!!

Fuck.....its hard to believe the conservatives in the aforementioned income brackets could even bring themselves to vote Republican!!!!

You mean those Middle Class Americans who saw their healthcare costs skyrocket under the Affordable Care Act? There is a reason why blue collar union workers in the Rust Belt voted for Trump, Rastamen...they simply got tired of progressive "promises" that were never kept!
There are just too many.

When you have four presidents that entered office with a single civil suit against each one of them, then you have Trump with more than 70, it just doesn't seem possible. It seems like it must be fake news.

They still talk about the Clinton Foundation, but bring up the Trump Foundation and it's fake news.

And his nominees. A new basket of deplorable straight out of a swamp. They are so horrible, one after the other, when new info comes up on them, is just seems like more fake news. People just can't that bad. Or can they?

Take his Carrier deal. Many right wingers think he did an amazing thing. Then you look at the facts. It wasn't 1100 jobs saved. It was 730. And the CEO said he is going to take the millions he got from Trump and Pence and use it to automate. Meaning at least half of those will be gone. And when you explain that to the right wing, they just deny it. It can't be. It's fake news.

What happens when it's no longer fake?

Like I said. It's a train wreck. We can see it coming.

After his unbelievably crass and disgusting comments about his desires with his daughter and his history of seeing women as sex objects to be evaluated by conformance to his sexual preferences, one wonders what he will say about his daughter then.

I read consistent with his base, if Trump farts it's to be made a scandal.
Hey look at those Fake Breast!!!! She has a nose job and a lot of DNA fat sucked out of her face!!!! Invank Trump aint as beautiful as she appears. Look at Ivanka's mother!!! That is how Ivanka will look when plastic surgery can't help her anymore!!!
There are just too many.

When you have four presidents that entered office with a single civil suit against each one of them, then you have Trump with more than 70, it just doesn't seem possible. It seems like it must be fake news.

They still talk about the Clinton Foundation, but bring up the Trump Foundation and it's fake news.

And his nominees. A new basket of deplorable straight out of a swamp. They are so horrible, one after the other, when new info comes up on them, is just seems like more fake news. People just can't that bad. Or can they?

Take his Carrier deal. Many right wingers think he did an amazing thing. Then you look at the facts. It wasn't 1100 jobs saved. It was 730. And the CEO said he is going to take the millions he got from Trump and Pence and use it to automate. Meaning at least half of those will be gone. And when you explain that to the right wing, they just deny it. It can't be. It's fake news.

What happens when it's no longer fake?

Like I said. It's a train wreck. We can see it coming.

You can't wrap your tiny little brain around the fact that most Americans simply aren't buying the bullshit that you folks on the far left have been peddling about Trump, can you, R-Derp? Train wreck? That's already taken place! It was the 2016 elections where progressives got their asses handed to them!
Meh......Wait until Trump and the boys have been in power after 2-3 years........then conservative voters will realize that Trump Conned red state rural America, and those conservative earning between minimum wage to 60K for a married couple!!!

Fuck.....its hard to believe the conservatives in the aforementioned income brackets could even bring themselves to vote Republican!!!!

You mean those Middle Class Americans who saw their healthcare costs skyrocket under the Affordable Care Act? There is a reason why blue collar union workers in the Rust Belt voted for Trump, Rastamen...they simply got tired of progressive "promises" that were never kept!
You mean the poison pill introduced by the GOP that caused premiums and deductibles to SKY ROCKET!!!!
How Marco Rubio is quietly killing Obamacare

When the Obama administration was crafting Obamacare, it came up with a crony capitalist solution to entice reluctant insurers to join the exchanges. Many insurers worried that there would not be enough healthy people paying in to cover the costs of sick people. So the administration created a “risk corridor” program to help prop up insurers who lost money in the first three years of the law. Profitable insurers would pay some of those profits into a pool to help insurers who lost money. If the amount insurers lost exceeded what the companies paid in, the government would step in and make up the difference.

Calling this “a taxpayer-funded bailout for insurance companies,” Rubio last year quietly inserted language into the omnibus government spending bill that barred the Department of Health and Human Services from dipping into general funds to pay failing insurers. “While the Obama administration can still administer the risk-corridor program, for one year at least, they won’t be able to use taxpayer funds to bail out insurance companies,” Rubio said.

His provision sparked little opposition at the time, but it has proved to be a poison pill that is killing Obamacare from within.

Last year, insurers lost $2.9 billion more than expected on Obamacare. But insurers had paid only $362 million into the program — leaving it more than $2.5 billion short. Thanks to Rubio’s provision, the administration was allowed to pay only 13 cents of every dollar insurers requested. Without the taxpayer bailouts, more than half of the Obamacare insurance cooperatives created under the law failed. One, Health Republic of Oregon, was expecting a $7.9 million bailout from the government. Instead, thanks to Rubio, it got only $995,000 — not a penny of it from the taxpayers. The Oregon co-op announced in October it was closing its doors. Soon, two other insurers — WinHealth Partners in Wyoming and Moda Health in Washington state — pulled out of the exchanges. And United Healthcare, one of the nation’s largest insurers, announced that it may leave the Obamacare exchanges in 2016.
Opinion | How Marco Rubio is quietly killing Obamacare
You will hear calls to Impeach Trump within two years.
The nuttier liberals are screaming for that now. And Trump hasn't even taken office yet.

In their desperation, they really believe the GOP would impeach one of their own. Talk about grabbing for straws. It seems that butt hurt is becoming infectious.
Meh, history only has to record articles of impeachment were handed down on Trump. Trump is already illegitimate. Handing down articles of impeachment only solidifies he's illegitimate.
You will hear calls to Impeach Trump within two years.
The nuttier liberals are screaming for that now. And Trump hasn't even taken office yet.

In their desperation, they really believe the GOP would impeach one of their own. Talk about grabbing for straws. It seems that butt hurt is becoming infectious.
Meh, history only has to record articles of impeachment were handed down on Trump. Trump is already illegitimate. Handing down articles of impeachment only solidifies he's illegitimate.

You can't do crap without a majority. The Democrats can jump up and down and cry all they like. Nobody is getting impeached. As for Democrats, they won't try it either as the pendulum has a habit of swinging the other way and they know it.
You will hear calls to Impeach Trump within two years.
The nuttier liberals are screaming for that now. And Trump hasn't even taken office yet.

In their desperation, they really believe the GOP would impeach one of their own. Talk about grabbing for straws. It seems that butt hurt is becoming infectious.
Meh, history only has to record articles of impeachment were handed down on Trump. Trump is already illegitimate. Handing down articles of impeachment only solidifies he's illegitimate.

You can't do crap without a majority. The Democrats can jump up and down and cry all they like. Nobody is getting impeached. As for Democrats, they won't try it either as the pendulum has a habit of swinging the other way and they know it.
You mean right now we are between the pit and the pendulum? Not cool.

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