Why Trump's many scandals simply don't resonate with the American people.

Cause they aren't real scandals.

The man's a civilian for 2 more days.

Nothing he did prior to that makes a damn bit of difference other that the fact he beat hitlary.

Wait? One must not be a non-civilian in order for one's deeds to be scandalous? Well, now that you've clarified that.....
Last edited:
Hopefully Friday, half of you commit suicide and the other half of you snowflakes move to Canada as promised. Go ahead and protest all you want. Apparently you can't get exercise from getting a job and working. Remember you are now completely powerless. Thanks to Ears, you lost the Congress, the Senate, and now the White House. More than that is your courts are going to be loaded up with conservative judges so you never have power again. And Go Up yourself.
Ray, Trump won, so why are you crying.

Who's crying? I'm celebrating! Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Nope, you are whining and whinging. Trump won, enjoy his day.

The Dems leading the American people forced the GOP attempt to change the Ethic Committee to piddle and run away. Your political enemies are so completely powerless that Single Payer universal heath care will be enacted and signed, a massive infrastructure bill will be enacted and signed, and the government will continue to grow and become more expensive. Sure you won. :lol:

SnowJakey, you libs really believe in your predictions, don't you? Well you've been wrong about all your other ones the last eight years, why stop now?

The two most important things are immigration and judges. If we can control that, I won't be disappointed if I don't get anything else.
Can you show you got more than me right the last eight years. Be specific, be honest, give every example.

The Dems did force down the GOP on the Ethics changes, yes. So you are wrong there.

I simply don't thing you are going to get a Scalia or an Alito style judge. McCain, Graham, and the other seven GOP senators won't permit it.

Immigration remains to be seen. I don't think he will mass deport. He likes being liked, he has found out that he likes it, and he knows where to get most of the applause on that issue, has he not?

RayFlake, you seem nervous. Very nervous. Hmmm . . . you should be.

If you paid any attention, you would already know he said several times there would be no mass deportation, so so much for your ESP and crystal ball; must be the same crystal ball you use to determine if I'm nervous or not.

From what I understand, most all of the judges he's considering are very conservative people, so I expect the same for the Supreme Court with nobody to stop him. Any Republican that tries to stop him will be mud in the eyes of the GOP, and will likely never get reelected if that's their plan. Talk radio will rip them a new one.
Normal Americans aren't even watching. They're interested in what he will do in office. It's only a few sullen, disgruntled liberal fanatics who are even bothering to look at his activities in years past.

BTW, where did the liberals go who used to insist that "What he does in his private life has no effect on his job and what he does in office, so they aren't the lest bit important." ? They said that a lot when Bill Clinton was in office, you know. Is there any reason it's not just as true when Trump is in office?

No one said what he does in his private life has no effect on his job. They said his sexual behaviour has no effect on his job, but then Bill Clinton never confessed to an open mike that said that he sexually assaulted women because he was a "star" and could get away with it.

Trump's business dealings and attempts to bully those he does business with, and conning of the American public are certainly indicative of his character, and his 7 bankruptcies speak to his business ability. Charges of racism and fraud, which he settled rather than fight, are just two of the many reasons why he is unfit for office.

He would have fought it until the end if not taking this job. But you liberals love to make up lies and pretend things that are happening are really not. Clinton never said he assaulted women, but did it anyway. Trump was never held in contempt of court or perjury, yet all you leftists supported him right until his last day in office.
The reason for the OP was the same that the hating right of America did not get about Bill Clinton: the people did not care because he did his job and did it well.

Trump is not a "good" man, but if he brings back jobs and fights ISIS and brings Single Payer, he is going to be in very good shape. His positions on abortion, gays, gay marriage, illegals, deportations, so forth, will not matter if he gets those first three things right.
It will be some achievement to turn the vast rust belt that was industrial America into busy automobile factories with full order books. Those steel factories belching out coal smoke with shifts 'round the clock are what Trump supporters want to see.

Coal smoke is CO2 and water. Same as with natural gas.

What was thequestion ?
Ask the parents of children who suffer from asthma. Burning coal releases toxins. Coal contains sulfur and other elements, including dangerous metals such as mercury, lead, and arsenic, that escape into the air when coal is burned. Burning coal also produces particulates that increase air pollution and health dangers.
The reason for the OP was the same that the hating right of America did not get about Bill Clinton: the people did not care because he did his job and did it well.

Trump is not a "good" man, but if he brings back jobs and fights ISIS and brings Single Payer, he is going to be in very good shape. His positions on abortion, gays, gay marriage, illegals, deportations, so forth, will not matter if he gets those first three things right.
It will be some achievement to turn the vast rust belt that was industrial America into busy automobile factories with full order books. Those steel factories belching out coal smoke with shifts 'round the clock are what Trump supporters want to see.

Coal smoke is CO2 and water. Same as with natural gas.

What was thequestion ?
Ask the parents of children who suffer from asthma. Burning coal releases toxins. Coal contains sulfur and other elements, including dangerous metals such as mercury, lead, and arsenic, that escape into the air when coal is burned. Burning coal also produces particulates that increase air pollution and health dangers.

You are saying there are no EPA regulations on the burning of coal or that you don't think they are tight enough ?

Your car exhaust produces all kinds of goodies.
The people who voted for Donald Trump have no moral compass.

Meaning as YOU define "moral compass".
No, I use plain English.
A moral compass is anything which serves to guide a person's decisions based on morals or virtues. There is no morality in voting for someone who defames Mexicans as rapists and murderers. There is no virtue in supporting a man who boasts of grabbing pussies and mocking the handicapped.
Ray, Trump won, so why are you crying.

Who's crying? I'm celebrating! Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Nope, you are whining and whinging. Trump won, enjoy his day.

The Dems leading the American people forced the GOP attempt to change the Ethic Committee to piddle and run away. Your political enemies are so completely powerless that Single Payer universal heath care will be enacted and signed, a massive infrastructure bill will be enacted and signed, and the government will continue to grow and become more expensive. Sure you won. :lol:

SnowJakey, you libs really believe in your predictions, don't you? Well you've been wrong about all your other ones the last eight years, why stop now?

The two most important things are immigration and judges. If we can control that, I won't be disappointed if I don't get anything else.
Can you show you got more than me right the last eight years. Be specific, be honest, give every example.

The Dems did force down the GOP on the Ethics changes, yes. So you are wrong there.

I simply don't thing you are going to get a Scalia or an Alito style judge. McCain, Graham, and the other seven GOP senators won't permit it.

Immigration remains to be seen. I don't think he will mass deport. He likes being liked, he has found out that he likes it, and he knows where to get most of the applause on that issue, has he not?

RayFlake, you seem nervous. Very nervous. Hmmm . . . you should be.

If you paid any attention, you would already know he said several times there would be no mass deportation, so so much for your ESP and crystal ball; must be the same crystal ball you use to determine if I'm nervous or not.

From what I understand, most all of the judges he's considering are very conservative people, so I expect the same for the Supreme Court with nobody to stop him. Any Republican that tries to stop him will be mud in the eyes of the GOP, and will likely never get reelected if that's their plan. Talk radio will rip them a new one.
Just like we told you during the campaign he was lying about mass deportation, which is good, but he is, yes, a liar. So I got that one right.

The GOP senators are not concerned about you trifling light weight Alt Righties: watch.

You are not good at this, are you, RayFlake.
The reason for the OP was the same that the hating right of America did not get about Bill Clinton: the people did not care because he did his job and did it well.

Trump is not a "good" man, but if he brings back jobs and fights ISIS and brings Single Payer, he is going to be in very good shape. His positions on abortion, gays, gay marriage, illegals, deportations, so forth, will not matter if he gets those first three things right.
It will be some achievement to turn the vast rust belt that was industrial America into busy automobile factories with full order books. Those steel factories belching out coal smoke with shifts 'round the clock are what Trump supporters want to see.

Coal smoke is CO2 and water. Same as with natural gas.

What was thequestion ?
Ask the parents of children who suffer from asthma. Burning coal releases toxins. Coal contains sulfur and other elements, including dangerous metals such as mercury, lead, and arsenic, that escape into the air when coal is burned. Burning coal also produces particulates that increase air pollution and health dangers.

You are saying there are no EPA regulations on the burning of coal or that you don't think they are tight enough ?

Your car exhaust produces all kinds of goodies.
You attempted to dismiss alarm over using coal by saying: "Coal smoke is CO2 and water."
It is a lot more than that.
The people who voted for Donald Trump have no moral compass.

Meaning as YOU define "moral compass".
No, I use plain English.
A moral compass is anything which serves to guide a person's decisions based on morals or virtues. There is no morality in voting for someone who defames Mexicans as rapists and murderers. There is no virtue in supporting a man who boasts of grabbing pussies and mocking the handicapped.

Thanks for making my point.
I'm guessing you Voted or would have supported Hillary had she won.
She is married to a serial sexual predator. She helped cover up and intimidate his victims. She is a serial liar and a sociopath who brags about killing people.
Your false piety is dismissed.
What was bullshit - the 3000 lawsuits? The Trump University Fraud? The IRS fining his phony Charity? The bribery of the Florida AG? These are all a matter of public record? Having to be shamed into actually giving the money he promised to veterans' groups to those groups? "I like to grab 'em by the pussy" "If I wasn't her father, I'd be dating Ivanka"?

You keep telling us that everything we saw and heard him say never happened. Who's the deluded fool here. The people saying the Emperor has no clothes or those gasping over his beautiful rainmant?

Trump and his businesses have been involved in at least 3,500 legal actions in state and federal courts over the last 30 years, a Wednesday USA Today report found.

In more than half of the lawsuits — about 1,900 — Trump or his companies are the plaintiff, while in about 1,450 cases they are the defendant. The rest are bankruptcy or other cases.

"Resonate"? How do you resonate? I remember when the media made fun of Hillary's crazy abusive Constitutionally illegal use of a "bimbo eruption squad" to intimidate and threaten the women who might have been victims of her husband's sexual abuse. The Arkansas hicks never had anything of value when they found themselves in the White House and they might have sold furniture belonging to the American people to pay for a bus ticket home. The point is that democrats can't seem to make a freaking living unless they become freaking politicians and the crazy left criticizes republicans who take a freaking cut in pay to do the job they are elected to do.
The people who voted for Donald Trump have no moral compass.

Meaning as YOU define "moral compass".
No, I use plain English.
A moral compass is anything which serves to guide a person's decisions based on morals or virtues. There is no morality in voting for someone who defames Mexicans as rapists and murderers. There is no virtue in supporting a man who boasts of grabbing pussies and mocking the handicapped.

Thanks for making my point.
I'm guessing you Voted or would have supported Hillary had she won.
She is married to a serial sexual predator. She helped cover up and intimidate his victims. She is a serial liar and a sociopath who brags about killing people.
Your false piety is dismissed.
You are off topic. This thread is about the many and continuing scandals of Donald Trump.
The people who voted for Donald Trump have no moral compass.

Meaning as YOU define "moral compass".
No, I use plain English.
A moral compass is anything which serves to guide a person's decisions based on morals or virtues. There is no morality in voting for someone who defames Mexicans as rapists and murderers. There is no virtue in supporting a man who boasts of grabbing pussies and mocking the handicapped.
Hillary made more in one 20 minute Goldman Sachs speech than a nurse makes in 10 years and she rants about the income gap.
Normal Americans aren't even watching. They're interested in what he will do in office. It's only a few sullen, disgruntled liberal fanatics who are even bothering to look at his activities in years past.

BTW, where did the liberals go who used to insist that "What he does in his private life has no effect on his job and what he does in office, so they aren't the lest bit important." ? They said that a lot when Bill Clinton was in office, you know. Is there any reason it's not just as true when Trump is in office?

No one said what he does in his private life has no effect on his job. They said his sexual behaviour has no effect on his job, but then Bill Clinton never confessed to an open mike that said that he sexually assaulted women because he was a "star" and could get away with it.

Trump's business dealings and attempts to bully those he does business with, and conning of the American public are certainly indicative of his character, and his 7 bankruptcies speak to his business ability. Charges of racism and fraud, which he settled rather than fight, are just two of the many reasons why he is unfit for office.

He would have fought it until the end if not taking this job. But you liberals love to make up lies and pretend things that are happening are really not. Clinton never said he assaulted women, but did it anyway. Trump was never held in contempt of court or perjury, yet all you leftists supported him right until his last day in office.
Donald Trump's companies destroyed or hid documents in defiance of court orders

It's hard to know because when you try to look up "Trump, contempt" so many articles come up because Trump find everything contemptible and the things he does are contemptible.

Trump forced to promise IN WRITING no charity funds be used to pay Trump U. scam settlement

You gotta admit, it's hilarious the AG of NY made him sign a paper saying he won't use charity money to pay off his Trump U scam lawsuit. Because he has a history of using Charity money to pay off lawsuits. What a swine. Too bad you agree with him and admire those kinds of actions. You must really be an awful person.
The people who voted for Donald Trump have no moral compass.

Meaning as YOU define "moral compass".
No, I use plain English.
A moral compass is anything which serves to guide a person's decisions based on morals or virtues. There is no morality in voting for someone who defames Mexicans as rapists and murderers. There is no virtue in supporting a man who boasts of grabbing pussies and mocking the handicapped.

Thanks for making my point.
I'm guessing you Voted or would have supported Hillary had she won.
She is married to a serial sexual predator. She helped cover up and intimidate his victims. She is a serial liar and a sociopath who brags about killing people.
Your false piety is dismissed.
You are off topic. This thread is about the many and continuing scandals of Donald Trump.

Meaning you are a hypocrite and don't like it pointed out.
Who's crying? I'm celebrating! Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Nope, you are whining and whinging. Trump won, enjoy his day.

The Dems leading the American people forced the GOP attempt to change the Ethic Committee to piddle and run away. Your political enemies are so completely powerless that Single Payer universal heath care will be enacted and signed, a massive infrastructure bill will be enacted and signed, and the government will continue to grow and become more expensive. Sure you won. :lol:

SnowJakey, you libs really believe in your predictions, don't you? Well you've been wrong about all your other ones the last eight years, why stop now?

The two most important things are immigration and judges. If we can control that, I won't be disappointed if I don't get anything else.
Can you show you got more than me right the last eight years. Be specific, be honest, give every example.

The Dems did force down the GOP on the Ethics changes, yes. So you are wrong there.

I simply don't thing you are going to get a Scalia or an Alito style judge. McCain, Graham, and the other seven GOP senators won't permit it.

Immigration remains to be seen. I don't think he will mass deport. He likes being liked, he has found out that he likes it, and he knows where to get most of the applause on that issue, has he not?

RayFlake, you seem nervous. Very nervous. Hmmm . . . you should be.

If you paid any attention, you would already know he said several times there would be no mass deportation, so so much for your ESP and crystal ball; must be the same crystal ball you use to determine if I'm nervous or not.

From what I understand, most all of the judges he's considering are very conservative people, so I expect the same for the Supreme Court with nobody to stop him. Any Republican that tries to stop him will be mud in the eyes of the GOP, and will likely never get reelected if that's their plan. Talk radio will rip them a new one.
Just like we told you during the campaign he was lying about mass deportation, which is good, but he is, yes, a liar. So I got that one right.

The GOP senators are not concerned about you trifling light weight Alt Righties: watch.

You are not good at this, are you, RayFlake.

I'm very good at this Snow Jake, and time will show you how right I am. Trump said when he first ran that he would have mass deportation, but didn't understand the red tape of it all. Each deportation has to have a court hearing, and he was made aware of that after that statement. Since then, he changed his pledge and instead, focused on the wall and getting rid of criminal foreigners that the Democrats want to keep in this country.
Nope, you are whining and whinging. Trump won, enjoy his day.

The Dems leading the American people forced the GOP attempt to change the Ethic Committee to piddle and run away. Your political enemies are so completely powerless that Single Payer universal heath care will be enacted and signed, a massive infrastructure bill will be enacted and signed, and the government will continue to grow and become more expensive. Sure you won. :lol:

SnowJakey, you libs really believe in your predictions, don't you? Well you've been wrong about all your other ones the last eight years, why stop now?

The two most important things are immigration and judges. If we can control that, I won't be disappointed if I don't get anything else.
Can you show you got more than me right the last eight years. Be specific, be honest, give every example.

The Dems did force down the GOP on the Ethics changes, yes. So you are wrong there.

I simply don't thing you are going to get a Scalia or an Alito style judge. McCain, Graham, and the other seven GOP senators won't permit it.

Immigration remains to be seen. I don't think he will mass deport. He likes being liked, he has found out that he likes it, and he knows where to get most of the applause on that issue, has he not?

RayFlake, you seem nervous. Very nervous. Hmmm . . . you should be.

If you paid any attention, you would already know he said several times there would be no mass deportation, so so much for your ESP and crystal ball; must be the same crystal ball you use to determine if I'm nervous or not.

From what I understand, most all of the judges he's considering are very conservative people, so I expect the same for the Supreme Court with nobody to stop him. Any Republican that tries to stop him will be mud in the eyes of the GOP, and will likely never get reelected if that's their plan. Talk radio will rip them a new one.
Just like we told you during the campaign he was lying about mass deportation, which is good, but he is, yes, a liar. So I got that one right.

The GOP senators are not concerned about you trifling light weight Alt Righties: watch.

You are not good at this, are you, RayFlake.

I'm very good at this Snow Jake, and time will show you how right I am. Trump said when he first ran that he would have mass deportation, but didn't understand the red tape of it all. Each deportation has to have a court hearing, and he was made aware of that after that statement. Since then, he changed his pledge and instead, focused on the wall and getting rid of criminal foreigner that the Democrats want to keep in this country.

I think he is going to find this out about HC too.

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