Why trust McCain's opinion?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Low information Americans seem to rely on emotion and a little bit of guilt rather than logic when it comes to McCain's alleged expertise about the Military. McCain is a graduate of Annapolis and became a carrier pilot. He was shot down in Vietnam and spent the remainder of the war as a POW. How did he become the spokesperson for the use of Military forces in Syria? His opinion is no more valuable than any other politician.
So his service to his country, IN THE MILITARY, means nothing?

I don't agree with him, but I do think he has a unique perspective in terms of the armed services.
Low information Americans seem to rely on emotion and a little bit of guilt rather than logic when it comes to McCain's alleged expertise about the Military. McCain is a graduate of Annapolis and became a carrier pilot. He was shot down in Vietnam and spent the remainder of the war as a POW. How did he become the spokesperson for the use of Military forces in Syria? His opinion is no more valuable than any other politician.

because low information voters think anyone who served is an expert on national security issues....kinda like they think being a community organizer is a enough background for becoming President....

McPain-in-the-ass has been a thorn in the GOP for years.....how he got reelected in Arizona is beyond me.....there must be more illegals voting there than suspected....
So his service to his country, IN THE MILITARY, means nothing?

I don't agree with him, but I do think he has a unique perspective in terms of the armed services.

For a proper perspective on a Syrian strike, McCain could learn from retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters and Col. David Hunt; with the latter being instrumental in developing and implementing Delta Force.
I lived in AZ for 30-ish years. One thing AZ's know is that McCain's opinions depend on where he is in the election cycle. Along with Kyl, he did nothing to help the illegal immigration problem, refused to authorize ore Border Patrol even though then-Gov. Janet Napalitano had balanced the budget and had an excess. He won't do his own job but he'll butt in where he's not wanted or needed.

And, he said he lost thousands of dollars playing cyber poker during the hearings yesterday.

How come MCcain can go poke around Syria and talk with the rebels and Obama cant?


Why would the president of the US go talk to Syrian rebels?
Defense Industry lobbyists love McCain. Does he still own seven houses? Geez, being a public servant pays well.


McCain's wife is worth a fortune. Not as much as Kerry's wife...but plenty for 7 houses.
So his service to his country, IN THE MILITARY, means nothing?

I don't agree with him, but I do think he has a unique perspective in terms of the armed services.

Unique? No. 10 years ago he accused united states intel of being corrupt. Now hes basing his decision on us Intel and asking us to believe it.....without proof.
There are more military veterans and active duty soldiers who are AGAINST this potential war. However, since they do not agree with the Dear Leader Obama, or the Dear Leader Mccain, you discredit them immeidately, don't you?

If you're going to make the claim that military service is the END ALL BE ALL of credibility, then it can't be a one-way street, you are forced to consider all the opinions of veterans and active duty servicemen that CONTRADICT Mccain as Gospel too.
Low information Americans seem to rely on emotion and a little bit of guilt rather than logic when it comes to McCain's alleged expertise about the Military. McCain is a graduate of Annapolis and became a carrier pilot. He was shot down in Vietnam and spent the remainder of the war as a POW. How did he become the spokesperson for the use of Military forces in Syria? His opinion is no more valuable than any other politician.

To piggy back, military experience is not immediately indicative of some better understanding of current military plans. This is particularly true when considering he was a pilot – someone that is not associated with the actual strategy of war whatsoever.

More importantly, experience gives a person weight until you evaluate his opinions/voting record/council. McCain has given me all I need to evaluate what his opinion is worth. He advocates war and torture (scary when you add what he has been through) and completely counters freedom with a good portion of the bills that he backs. I don’t care if he was the Dali Llama before entering senatorial service – his opinion is worthless.

BTW, his time on the security council in the senate is worth FAR more than his military service in this case. Not that matters either as I have said above. His voting record and opinions have already invalidated whatever his credentials were.
Low information Americans seem to rely on emotion and a little bit of guilt rather than logic when it comes to McCain's alleged expertise about the Military. McCain is a graduate of Annapolis and became a carrier pilot. He was shot down in Vietnam and spent the remainder of the war as a POW. How did he become the spokesperson for the use of Military forces in Syria? His opinion is no more valuable than any other politician.

To piggy back, military experience is not immediately indicative of some better understanding of current military plans. This is particularly true when considering he was a pilot – someone that is not associated with the actual strategy of war whatsoever.

More importantly, experience gives a person weight until you evaluate his opinions/voting record/council. McCain has given me all I need to evaluate what his opinion is worth. He advocates war and torture (scary when you add what he has been through) and completely counters freedom with a good portion of the bills that he backs. I don’t care if he was the Dali Llama before entering senatorial service – his opinion is worthless.

BTW, his time on the security council in the senate is worth FAR more than his military service in this case. Not that matters either as I have said above. His voting record and opinions have already invalidated whatever his credentials were.

Bravo; well said. And accurate.

In his latter years I've found him to be a bully and dismissive of anyone in his own party with a dissenting voice.

He would rather rally with old Democrat Senators from the Inside the Beltway dinner party circuit than working within the Republicans.

And he's sold his soul again to the liberals to get his daughter Meghan her own reality tv show called Raising McCain.

It is long overdue for this pilot to give up his wings in Washington.

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