Why was America attacked on September 11, 2001?

burrrrp.... edit:
Because these radical scum like living in the stone age.
And they hate anyone who doesn't want to hang out with them.

Unlike the irrational drunkard known as [MENTION=23991]daveman[/MENTION], you may be onto something.

Funny how the sad lonely types here @ usmb are always projecting their self loathing onto others
I think it had something to do with they resent our freedom
I think it had something to do with they resent our freedom

It had nothing to do with that. That is what the statist Bush promoted to the American people as the reason. It is total BS.

And really...we Americans are losing our freedoms every day as our government grows bigger and more powerful.

It had to do with their fanatical beliefs and our government's constant interventions in the ME.
How soon they forget.

When Iraq invaded Kuwait, the Middle Eastern Muslims asked the US for help. Bin Laden wanted to be a "player" and head a coalition to drive out Saddam but the rest of the Muslims preferred the US. They knew America could do it and they didn't want to make Bin Laden a hero.

Bin Laden felt he had been snubbed and that westerners killing Arabs and Muslims in the Middle Eastern holy lands was an insult too great, so he "got even".

The US did the right thing. We were asked by allies in the region for help and to fight back an invasion. This was done quickly and with little loss of life. Bush Sr. stopped at the border of Iraq because he knew the cost of nation building and put overhead satellites in place to watch Saddam and sanctions as punishment for what Iraq had done.

The fault of 9/11 was Bin Laden for feeling "dissed". The US did the right thing helping Kuwait.

If you help someone out of a burning car and someone walked up and shot you for helping them, is it your fault for helping them or the fault of the shooter you were shot. Clearly, the fault of the shooter. What you did was humanitarian.

Today's Republicans feel every man for himself so they may not understand that.
How soon they forget.

When Iraq invaded Kuwait, the Middle Eastern Muslims asked the US for help. Bin Laden wanted to be a "player" and head a coalition to drive out Saddam but the rest of the Muslims preferred the US. They knew America could do it and they didn't want to make Bin Laden a hero.

Bin Laden felt he had been snubbed and that westerners killing Arabs and Muslims in the Middle Eastern holy lands was an insult too great, so he "got even".

The US did the right thing. We were asked by allies in the region for help and to fight back an invasion. This was done quickly and with little loss of life. Bush Sr. stopped at the border of Iraq because he knew the cost of nation building and put overhead satellites in place to watch Saddam and sanctions as punishment for what Iraq had done.

The fault of 9/11 was Bin Laden for feeling "dissed". The US did the right thing helping Kuwait.

If you help someone out of a burning car and someone walked up and shot you for helping them, is it your fault for helping them or the fault of the shooter you were shot. Clearly, the fault of the shooter. What you did was humanitarian.
If you will read the transcript of PBS' John Miller's 1998 interview with bin Laden you will see his primary complaints against the U.S. were our support of Israel and the presence of our military base on holy ground in Saudi Arabia. Further affirmation of these two factors being the provocation for the 9/11 attack is plainly seen in the fact that shortly after that attack Bush promptly removed the bin Sultan airbase from Saudi Arabia and he pressured Sharon to evict hundreds of Israeli settlers from the Gaza region. Two radical actions, both of which were quietly executed and never mentioned by the compliant mainstream media.

Neo-conservative Bush supporters methodically ignore that very revealing fact when they boast about the absence of further attacks during the remaining Bush Presidency.

Bin Laden warned us. Clinton ignored the warning. So did Bush -- in spite of mounting intelligence alerts to the likelihood of an attack via hijacked passenger aircraft and "suspicious" Muslims taking flying lessons. Bush was practically told what was coming.

Bin Laden warned us. Then he instigated and organized an attack against us. His reasons are clearly laid out in the transcript of an interview. I've provided a link to that interview in Message #54 in this thread -- along with a brief and relevant excerpt. Those who are interested in learning the truth can find it there.
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Americans are asking ``Why do they hate us?''

They hate what they see right here in this chamber: a democratically elected government. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms: our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other.

George W Bush, September 20, 2001
How soon they forget.

When Iraq invaded Kuwait, the Middle Eastern Muslims asked the US for help. Bin Laden wanted to be a "player" and head a coalition to drive out Saddam but the rest of the Muslims preferred the US. They knew America could do it and they didn't want to make Bin Laden a hero.

Bin Laden felt he had been snubbed and that westerners killing Arabs and Muslims in the Middle Eastern holy lands was an insult too great, so he "got even".

The US did the right thing. We were asked by allies in the region for help and to fight back an invasion. This was done quickly and with little loss of life. Bush Sr. stopped at the border of Iraq because he knew the cost of nation building and put overhead satellites in place to watch Saddam and sanctions as punishment for what Iraq had done.

The fault of 9/11 was Bin Laden for feeling "dissed". The US did the right thing helping Kuwait.

If you help someone out of a burning car and someone walked up and shot you for helping them, is it your fault for helping them or the fault of the shooter you were shot. Clearly, the fault of the shooter. What you did was humanitarian.

Today's Republicans feel every man for himself so they may not understand that.

Excellent! :clap2:
How soon they forget.

When Iraq invaded Kuwait, the Middle Eastern Muslims asked the US for help. Bin Laden wanted to be a "player" and head a coalition to drive out Saddam but the rest of the Muslims preferred the US. They knew America could do it and they didn't want to make Bin Laden a hero.

Bin Laden felt he had been snubbed and that westerners killing Arabs and Muslims in the Middle Eastern holy lands was an insult too great, so he "got even".

The US did the right thing. We were asked by allies in the region for help and to fight back an invasion. This was done quickly and with little loss of life. Bush Sr. stopped at the border of Iraq because he knew the cost of nation building and put overhead satellites in place to watch Saddam and sanctions as punishment for what Iraq had done.

The fault of 9/11 was Bin Laden for feeling "dissed". The US did the right thing helping Kuwait.

If you help someone out of a burning car and someone walked up and shot you for helping them, is it your fault for helping them or the fault of the shooter you were shot. Clearly, the fault of the shooter. What you did was humanitarian.
If you will read the transcript of PBS' John Miller's 1998 interview with bin Laden you will see his primary complaints against the U.S. were our support of Israel and the presence of our military base on holy ground in Saudi Arabia. Further affirmation of these two factors being the provocation for the 9/11 attack is plainly seen in the fact that shortly after that attack Bush promptly removed the bin Sultan airbase from Saudi Arabia and he pressured Sharon to evict hundreds of Israeli settlers from the Gaza region. Two radical actions, both of which were quietly executed and never mentioned by the compliant mainstream media.

Neo-conservative Bush supporters methodically ignore that very revealing fact when they boast about the absence of further attacks during the remaining Bush Presidency.

Bin Laden warned us. Clinton ignored the warning. So did Bush -- in spite of mounting intelligence alerts to the likelihood of an attack via hijacked passenger aircraft and "suspicious" Muslims taking flying lessons. Bush was practically told what was coming.

Bin Laden warned us. Then he instigated and organized an attack against us. His reasons are clearly laid out in the transcript of an interview. I've provided a link to that interview in Message #54 in this thread -- along with a brief and relevant excerpt. Those who are interested in learning the truth can find it there.

Do you always parrot propaganda that supports your world view no matter the obvious truths?

You could quote Hitler's stated reasons for invading neighbors, Stalin's reasons for enslaving and killing millions, or even the USA's reasons for taking over the Philipines or PR, but you'd just be parroting obvious propaganda
Americans are asking ``Why do they hate us?''

They hate what they see right here in this chamber: a democratically elected government. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms: our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other.

George W Bush, September 20, 2001

Are you sure Bush wasn't talking about the democratic party?

He could be talking about you or MikeK with that...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjrZj3GXjoA]South Park Bush´s Conspiracy, 9-11 was an inside job ! - YouTube[/ame]
Americans are asking ``Why do they hate us?''

They hate what they see right here in this chamber: a democratically elected government. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms: our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other.

George W Bush, September 20, 2001

Are you sure Bush wasn't talking about the democratic party?

He could be talking about you or MikeK with that...

The Democrats actually went after bin Laden unlike Bush, who let him get away

Bush knew that if he killd bin Laden, the US would lose interest and would never approve of his blunder into Iraq

Bin Laden served a purpose. As long as he was alive, Bush could play his 9-11 card
[MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] never really heard that slant before...interesting.

I highly doubt that was the plan, but it is very possible that is how it was used and played out as events and unevents unfolded
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Why was America attacked on September 11, 2001?

What were the reasons given and what are your thoughts on why a bunch of foreigners decided to attack America.?

Much as most people fail to put December 7 in the correct military context, I believe that most fail to see the "full picture' in September 11.

Mostly I see September 11 in much the same way as December 7th: A great miscalculation as to what the response of the US would be.

From 1996-2001, Afghanistan had been involved in a Civil War, with the Taliban on one side, and the Northern Alliance on the other. And while the US was technically uninvolved, we were tentatively supporting Ahmad Shah Massoud and the Northern Alliance.

Ahmad Shah Massoud and the US had a relationship going back to the Soviet-Afghan War. He was the largest recipient of aid from the US, and had a close working relationship with the CIA. He was also the lynchpin of the Northern Alliance, and the biggest thorn in the Taliban.

And on 9 September 2001 he was assassinated by al-Queda, at the request of the Taliban.

I see this as a part of a one-two punch, intending to give them total control of Afghanistan. First they assassinate the biggest leader opposing them, then they distract the US so they will not get involved in time to prevent their taking over the country.

They saw the US as weak, impotent, and figured they would not know who to place the blame on, and even if we did would only do like President Clinton did before: launch a few cruise missiles and declare a victory.
Why was America attacked on September 11, 2001?

What were the reasons given and what are your thoughts on why a bunch of foreigners decided to attack America.?

Much as most people fail to put December 7 in the correct military context, I believe that most fail to see the "full picture' in September 11.

Mostly I see September 11 in much the same way as December 7th: A great miscalculation as to what the response of the US would be.

From 1996-2001, Afghanistan had been involved in a Civil War, with the Taliban on one side, and the Northern Alliance on the other. And while the US was technically uninvolved, we were tentatively supporting Ahmad Shah Massoud and the Northern Alliance.

Ahmad Shah Massoud and the US had a relationship going back to the Soviet-Afghan War. He was the largest recipient of aid from the US, and had a close working relationship with the CIA. He was also the lynchpin of the Northern Alliance, and the biggest thorn in the Taliban.

And on 9 September 2001 he was assassinated by al-Queda, at the request of the Taliban.

I see this as a part of a one-two punch, intending to give them total control of Afghanistan. First they assassinate the biggest leader opposing them, then they distract the US so they will not get involved in time to prevent their taking over the country.

They saw the US as weak, impotent, and figured they would not know who to place the blame on, and even if we did would only do like President Clinton did before: launch a few cruise missiles and declare a victory.
Not bad, not bad at all but how does it explain the 'why' on being attacked?

btw. Clarke and others who were there refute your bs line about Clinton declaring victory after launchong cruise missles.

Why did you have to go wingnutty?
Not bad, not bad at all but how does it explain the 'why' on being attacked?

btw. Clarke and others who were there refute your bs line about Clinton declaring victory after launchong cruise missles.

Why did you have to go wingnutty?

As a distraction, and a warning to stay out of the affairs of Afghanistan. Remember, for almost a decade they had done attack after attack (WTC 1993, Khobar Towers, Somalia, USS Cole), and saw pretty much no response other then a few cruise missiles. I honestly think that is all they expected to get in return.

And notice I did not say that is how *I* believed, but how they saw it. Remember that they had been dismissive many times of the US, seeing it as a country that only launches a few missiles in an empty gesture when attacked. We were not talking my own perceptions, but theirs.

And sorry, I in no way see this as "nutty", nor even particularly "right wing". If you are going to be getting this and dissecting it politically, this is pretty much at an end.
How soon they forget.

When Iraq invaded Kuwait, the Middle Eastern Muslims asked the US for help. Bin Laden wanted to be a "player" and head a coalition to drive out Saddam but the rest of the Muslims preferred the US. They knew America could do it and they didn't want to make Bin Laden a hero.

Bin Laden felt he had been snubbed and that westerners killing Arabs and Muslims in the Middle Eastern holy lands was an insult too great, so he "got even".

The US did the right thing. We were asked by allies in the region for help and to fight back an invasion. This was done quickly and with little loss of life. Bush Sr. stopped at the border of Iraq because he knew the cost of nation building and put overhead satellites in place to watch Saddam and sanctions as punishment for what Iraq had done.

The fault of 9/11 was Bin Laden for feeling "dissed". The US did the right thing helping Kuwait.

If you help someone out of a burning car and someone walked up and shot you for helping them, is it your fault for helping them or the fault of the shooter you were shot. Clearly, the fault of the shooter. What you did was humanitarian.
If you will read the transcript of PBS' John Miller's 1998 interview with bin Laden you will see his primary complaints against the U.S. were our support of Israel and the presence of our military base on holy ground in Saudi Arabia. Further affirmation of these two factors being the provocation for the 9/11 attack is plainly seen in the fact that shortly after that attack Bush promptly removed the bin Sultan airbase from Saudi Arabia and he pressured Sharon to evict hundreds of Israeli settlers from the Gaza region. Two radical actions, both of which were quietly executed and never mentioned by the compliant mainstream media.

Neo-conservative Bush supporters methodically ignore that very revealing fact when they boast about the absence of further attacks during the remaining Bush Presidency.

Bin Laden warned us. Clinton ignored the warning. So did Bush -- in spite of mounting intelligence alerts to the likelihood of an attack via hijacked passenger aircraft and "suspicious" Muslims taking flying lessons. Bush was practically told what was coming.

Bin Laden warned us. Then he instigated and organized an attack against us. His reasons are clearly laid out in the transcript of an interview. I've provided a link to that interview in Message #54 in this thread -- along with a brief and relevant excerpt. Those who are interested in learning the truth can find it there.

You guys should know better than to fuck with Clinton. He makes you guys look mindless and stupid. Obama does a pretty good job but Clinton really makes right wingers look stupid.

And look at this guy, asking Clinton questions and every time Clinton answers, he interrupts. He keeps trying to direct Clinton into "something", who knows what? And listen, you better watch the entire video before you do another "nice little conservative hit job".
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