Why was America attacked on September 11, 2001?

Wow! Isn't it hilarious how the right can't form a single rational and coherent argument as to why America was attacked?


We gave you the answer. Islam. Why is it that you cannot accept the obvious truth? There is no other motive behind 9/11. It wasn't an inside job, George Bush didn't do it, it was the work of Muslims waging jihad against America.

Stop trying to overthink it. :eusa_hand:

You're obviously wearing yourself out here. It is what it is.

Inside job? Bush did it? Where does your little mind go when the lights are out? :cuckoo:

Islam? Islamic radicals are attempting to force a particular version of Islam on other Muslims. What has that to do with the USA?
Why was America attacked on September 11, 2001?

What were the reasons given and what are your thoughts on why a bunch of foreigners decided to attack America.?

It is agreed that al qaeda started to take credit for attacks America starting in 1992. We can go back and ask why America was being attacked overseas by Muslim extremists.

Context has a funny way of making commonly accepted myths and beliefs seem like quaint delusions.


Two decades ago it all started. I wonder how many people know the full context of it all
they were angry because we set up shop in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia .
Why was America attacked on September 11, 2001?

What were the reasons given and what are your thoughts on why a bunch of foreigners decided to attack America.?

It is agreed that al qaeda started to take credit for attacks America starting in 1992. We can go back and ask why America was being attacked overseas by Muslim extremists.

Context has a funny way of making commonly accepted myths and beliefs seem like quaint delusions.


Two decades ago it all started. I wonder how many people know the full context of it all

People who are tired of seeing or suffering from oppression in the world
can either choose to forgive, see that responsiblity and faults are shared,
and work with the peaceful reformists in various groups who
recognize the same faults with humanity and society, yet work for change sustainably

OR stay angry, frustrated, can't forgive, feel jealous and even take up arms
to rebel and protest whatever person or group they blame for the problems

whichever groups conspired to cause 9/11 did not have the same faith in or
access to connections solving the problems of disparity or corruption
they blame on the global economic system which they see as favoring the US, Israel and the Jewish/Christian capitalistic powers and influences.

The World Trade Towers symbolized not only this economic system the attackers felt left out of, but also was a visible target to send a public message, an outcry of protest
against the problems and whoever they blamed for it

Basically it was twisted cry for help

and it came out as an attack by anti-US terrorists
who don't have the freedom of speech and access to resources
we have to effect change in positive ways

if the oppressed countries were getting help fast enough to change,
and the people had adequate publicity and process for petitioning
then protests would be peaceable. but change wasn't happening fast enough,
so the men jealous over who is abusing power compete to bring down the top dog.

had America and the world been perfect, where everyone was working together forgiving
and correcting problems, then no attacks would occur in such a healing environment

but America was also distracted and divided politically with people on all sides
complaining about govt and not forgiving the other parties blamed back and forth etc.

So this divisive political environment allowed the plotting and attacks to go through undetected and unthwarted in the din, riding on that negative cloud of energy
connecting angry thoughts and ill will towards others like a circuit.

Nobody on this planet did enough to prevent 9/11 from happening as it did

the common cause was unforgiveness, fear and division that contributed
to why it wasn't detected or stopped in time. there was political division
and hateful energy circulating on both sides.

People who are jealous and unforgiving of what they perceive as injustice
will use their negative energy to protest in disruptive ways

while those who forgive and see how responsibility for change is shared
will find creative ways to solve the problems and change the world for better

these men did not have that forgiveness
so they did not see a better way to "petition for change"

they really believed they were sacrificing themselves for God's greater will
to send this msg to America and the world that the abuse of globalization
was selfish in its materialism and oppression of the poor being enslaved,
and really believe the sacrifice was necessary

the cycle of oppression and projected blame will continue until
everyone is made humble by faith in forgiveness and cooperation across groups
and chooses to change things peaceably by mutual agreement, in an open and inclusive
environment accepting of differences, where there is no longer any need
to compete with greater threat of force and bullying by coersion or by exclusion

9/11 was like a wakeup call, where all the anger and blame came out in the open. And where we progress from there will determine if we need other calls, or we get the message that we need to work smarter and faster to solve problems in the world together, and no longer need alarms going off as a reminder that people are still suffering and aggrieved.
Why was America attacked on September 11, 2001?

What were the reasons given and what are your thoughts on why a bunch of foreigners decided to attack America.?

It is agreed that al qaeda started to take credit for attacks America starting in 1992. We can go back and ask why America was being attacked overseas by Muslim extremists.

Context has a funny way of making commonly accepted myths and beliefs seem like quaint delusions.


Two decades ago it all started. I wonder how many people know the full context of it all
they were angry because we set up shop in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia .

That is part of the al qaeda OBL line. If we go with OBL, where did we ever get he wanted to attack us because of our freedoms?
Why was America attacked on September 11, 2001?

What were the reasons given and what are your thoughts on why a bunch of foreigners decided to attack America.?

It is agreed that al qaeda started to take credit for attacks America starting in 1992. We can go back and ask why America was being attacked overseas by Muslim extremists.

Context has a funny way of making commonly accepted myths and beliefs seem like quaint delusions.


Two decades ago it all started. I wonder how many people know the full context of it all

People who are tired of seeing or suffering from oppression in the world
can either choose to forgive, see that responsiblity and faults are shared,
and work with the peaceful reformists in various groups who
recognize the same faults with humanity and society, yet work for change sustainably

OR stay angry, frustrated, can't forgive, feel jealous and even take up arms
to rebel and protest whatever person or group they blame for the problems

whichever groups conspired to cause 9/11 did not have the same faith in or
access to connections solving the problems of disparity or corruption
they blame on the global economic system which they see as favoring the US, Israel and the Jewish/Christian capitalistic powers and influences.

The World Trade Towers symbolized not only this economic system the attackers felt left out of, but also was a visible target to send a public message, an outcry of protest
against the problems and whoever they blamed for it

Basically it was twisted cry for help

and it came out as an attack by anti-US terrorists
who don't have the freedom of speech and access to resources
we have to effect change in positive ways

if the oppressed countries were getting help fast enough to change,
and the people had adequate publicity and process for petitioning
then protests would be peaceable. but change wasn't happening fast enough,
so the men jealous over who is abusing power compete to bring down the top dog.

had America and the world been perfect, where everyone was working together forgiving
and correcting problems, then no attacks would occur in such a healing environment

but America was also distracted and divided politically with people on all sides
complaining about govt and not forgiving the other parties blamed back and forth etc.

So this divisive political environment allowed the plotting and attacks to go through undetected and unthwarted in the din, riding on that negative cloud of energy
connecting angry thoughts and ill will towards others like a circuit.

Nobody on this planet did enough to prevent 9/11 from happening as it did

the common cause was unforgiveness, fear and division that contributed
to why it wasn't detected or stopped in time. there was political division
and hateful energy circulating on both sides.

People who are jealous and unforgiving of what they perceive as injustice
will use their negative energy to protest in disruptive ways

while those who forgive and see how responsibility for change is shared
will find creative ways to solve the problems and change the world for better

these men did not have that forgiveness
so they did not see a better way to "petition for change"

they really believed they were sacrificing themselves for God's greater will
to send this msg to America and the world that the abuse of globalization
was selfish in its materialism and oppression of the poor being enslaved,
and really believe the sacrifice was necessary

the cycle of oppression and projected blame will continue until
everyone is made humble by faith in forgiveness and cooperation across groups
and chooses to change things peaceably by mutual agreement, in an open and inclusive
environment accepting of differences, where there is no longer any need
to compete with greater threat of force and bullying by coersion or by exclusion

9/11 was like a wakeup call, where all the anger and blame came out in the open. And where we progress from there will determine if we need other calls, or we get the message that we need to work smarter and faster to solve problems in the world together, and no longer need alarms going off as a reminder that people are still suffering and aggrieved.

Too much psychobabble here. Can you state a few facts without twisting them to fit your theories/thesis? It would go a long way towards helping people to take you seriously
Right Wing Imbecility 101

When you rearrange the letters:

too funny

Here are some anagrams by Neil Ramsey on alt.anagrams:

"US Constitution, Second Amendment:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free
State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be


"Indeed, but is the blatant massacre of the teenage American students
killed by the loner Cho Seung-Hui's relentless weapon a fitting,
legitimate price to pay for freedom or not?"


"Cho Seung-Hui, Loner:
He demonstrates by the killing of teenage American students that a
great price must often be paid for idealistic entitlement to bear
freely-sold weapons."
Why was America attacked on September 11, 2001?

What were the reasons given and what are your thoughts on why a bunch of foreigners decided to attack America.?

It is agreed that al qaeda started to take credit for attacks America starting in 1992. We can go back and ask why America was being attacked overseas by Muslim extremists.

Context has a funny way of making commonly accepted myths and beliefs seem like quaint delusions.


Two decades ago it all started. I wonder how many people know the full context of it all

Because wacakdoodles are crazy.
One reason...Religious Intolerance...
We are Infidels. It is not just America that is being attacked, but anyone that doesn't conform to a narrow definition of Islam worldwide. They attack people within their own religion that they also see as unfit as they may hold a more moderate view and perhaps a western view of Islam, resorting to sectarian violence. The goal is to convert the entire world to this radical viewpoint and kill anyone who doesn't conform.
America and it's policies is just a convenient excuse. We could change our entire policy and we will still have a target on our back.
Why was America attacked on September 11, 2001?

What were the reasons given and what are your thoughts on why a bunch of foreigners decided to attack America.?

It is agreed that al qaeda started to take credit for attacks America starting in 1992. We can go back and ask why America was being attacked overseas by Muslim extremists.

Context has a funny way of making commonly accepted myths and beliefs seem like quaint delusions.


Two decades ago it all started. I wonder how many people know the full context of it all

Because wacakdoodles are crazy.

So your premise is OBL was whacky? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
One reason...Religious Intolerance...
We are Infidels. It is not just America that is being attacked, but anyone that doesn't conform to a narrow definition of Islam worldwide. They attack people within their own religion that they also see as unfit as they may hold a more moderate view and perhaps a western view of Islam, resorting to sectarian violence. The goal is to convert the entire world to this radical viewpoint and kill anyone who doesn't conform.
America and it's policies is just a convenient excuse. We could change our entire policy and we will still have a target on our back.

The war is within Islam. There is no real war on the world. Extreme Arab Sects within Islam have been fighting to push their views on to the rest of Islam. The USA, Israel and the West have nothing to do with teaching Islam.

Your fear and loathing would be hilarious if it weren't so pathetically ignorant. And you are arrogant in your ignorance. A deadly thing for a small mind like yours
One reason...Religious Intolerance...
We are Infidels. It is not just America that is being attacked, but anyone that doesn't conform to a narrow definition of Islam worldwide. They attack people within their own religion that they also see as unfit as they may hold a more moderate view and perhaps a western view of Islam, resorting to sectarian violence. The goal is to convert the entire world to this radical viewpoint and kill anyone who doesn't conform.
America and it's policies is just a convenient excuse. We could change our entire policy and we will still have a target on our back.

The war is within Islam. There is no real war on the world. Extreme Arab Sects within Islam have been fighting to push their views on to the rest of Islam. The USA, Israel and the West have nothing to do with teaching Islam.

Your fear and loathing would be hilarious if it weren't so pathetically ignorant. And you are arrogant in your ignorance. A deadly thing for a small mind like yours

What a load of crap. :cuckoo:If the war is just within Islam that is where it should remain.
Did the "greatest generation" obsess about the cause of the "day of infamy". FDR couldn't give a speech for four years without referring to the attack he invited.
Why was America attacked on September 11, 2001?

What were the reasons given and what are your thoughts on why a bunch of foreigners decided to attack America.?

It is agreed that al qaeda started to take credit for attacks America starting in 1992. We can go back and ask why America was being attacked overseas by Muslim extremists.

Context has a funny way of making commonly accepted myths and beliefs seem like quaint delusions.


Two decades ago it all started. I wonder how many people know the full context of it all

Why was America attacked on September 11, 2001?

For the same reason Boston was attacked on April 15, 2013.
Why was America attacked on September 11, 2001?

What were the reasons given and what are your thoughts on why a bunch of foreigners decided to attack America.?

It is agreed that al qaeda started to take credit for attacks America starting in 1992. We can go back and ask why America was being attacked overseas by Muslim extremists.

Context has a funny way of making commonly accepted myths and beliefs seem like quaint delusions.


Two decades ago it all started. I wonder how many people know the full context of it all
Historians typically show that the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan triggered Islamic Terrorism moement. I wonder if YOU understand the full contest of it all.

Why are you so eager to discredit the United States, Dante? Did your chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost overnight? Awwww... :eusa_whistle:
Osama bin Laden signed and issued a Declaration of Jihad entitled "Message from Usamah Bin-Muhammad Bin-Laden to His Muslim Brothers in the Whole World and Especially in the Arabian Peninsula: Declaration of Jihad Against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Mosques; Expel the Heretics from the Arabian Peninsula."
Although bin Laden was already very much involved in anti-American activities, the declaration marked an effort to publicly justify planned and unplanned violence against the United States.

Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran when he replaced oppressive rule with oppressive rule declared the US the Great Satan.

Hezbollah pioneered the use of suicide bombers in the Middle East, and was linked to the 1983 bombing and subsequent deaths of 241 U.S. marines in Beirut, Lebanon, as well as multiple kidnappings of U.S. and Western civilians and government officials.

These are only a few of the many examples dating back through the 1970's, but Dante would spout that it is only a war within Islam. Bullshit!!. What about attacks in Britain, Spain, Russia, France, Israel, and recently Canada thwarted an effort to derail trains. Muslims have been victims in some of these indiscriminate attacks in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Israel, Iraq and even NY on 9/11. The list is endless. Pretty much shows a worldwide effort not confined just within Islam.
Why was America attacked on September 11, 2001?

What were the reasons given and what are your thoughts on why a bunch of foreigners decided to attack America.?

It is agreed that al qaeda started to take credit for attacks America starting in 1992. We can go back and ask why America was being attacked overseas by Muslim extremists.

Context has a funny way of making commonly accepted myths and beliefs seem like quaint delusions.


Two decades ago it all started. I wonder how many people know the full context of it all
Historians typically show that the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan triggered Islamic Terrorism moement. I wonder if YOU understand the full contest of it all.

Why are you so eager to discredit the United States, Dante? Did your chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost overnight? Awwww... :eusa_whistle:

How very odd you see a discrediting of the USA in what you've read. You are truly a sad individual :(

The Russians gave us lots, Ayn Rand, crazy asylum seekers who have taken America so far to the right they could trigger what they fear most
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