Why was America attacked on September 11, 2001?

How soon they forget.

When Iraq invaded Kuwait, the Middle Eastern Muslims asked the US for help. Bin Laden wanted to be a "player" and head a coalition to drive out Saddam but the rest of the Muslims preferred the US. They knew America could do it and they didn't want to make Bin Laden a hero.

Bin Laden felt he had been snubbed and that westerners killing Arabs and Muslims in the Middle Eastern holy lands was an insult too great, so he "got even".

The US did the right thing. We were asked by allies in the region for help and to fight back an invasion. This was done quickly and with little loss of life. Bush Sr. stopped at the border of Iraq because he knew the cost of nation building and put overhead satellites in place to watch Saddam and sanctions as punishment for what Iraq had done.

The fault of 9/11 was Bin Laden for feeling "dissed". The US did the right thing helping Kuwait.

If you help someone out of a burning car and someone walked up and shot you for helping them, is it your fault for helping them or the fault of the shooter you were shot. Clearly, the fault of the shooter. What you did was humanitarian.
If you will read the transcript of PBS' John Miller's 1998 interview with bin Laden you will see his primary complaints against the U.S. were our support of Israel and the presence of our military base on holy ground in Saudi Arabia. Further affirmation of these two factors being the provocation for the 9/11 attack is plainly seen in the fact that shortly after that attack Bush promptly removed the bin Sultan airbase from Saudi Arabia and he pressured Sharon to evict hundreds of Israeli settlers from the Gaza region. Two radical actions, both of which were quietly executed and never mentioned by the compliant mainstream media.

Neo-conservative Bush supporters methodically ignore that very revealing fact when they boast about the absence of further attacks during the remaining Bush Presidency.

Bin Laden warned us. Clinton ignored the warning. So did Bush -- in spite of mounting intelligence alerts to the likelihood of an attack via hijacked passenger aircraft and "suspicious" Muslims taking flying lessons. Bush was practically told what was coming.

Bin Laden warned us. Then he instigated and organized an attack against us. His reasons are clearly laid out in the transcript of an interview. I've provided a link to that interview in Message #54 in this thread -- along with a brief and relevant excerpt. Those who are interested in learning the truth can find it there.

Do you always parrot propaganda that supports your world view no matter the obvious truths?

You could quote Hitler's stated reasons for invading neighbors, Stalin's reasons for enslaving and killing millions, or even the USA's reasons for taking over the Philipines or PR, but you'd just be parroting obvious propaganda

Excerpted from PBS Frontline (John Miller) 1998 interview with Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan.

[. . .]We know at least one reason behind the symbolic participation of the Western forces and that is to support the Zionist plans for expansion of what is called the Greater Israel. Surely, their presence is not out of concern over their interests in the region. ... Their presence has no meaning save one and that is to offer support to the Jews in Palestine who are in need of their Christian brothers to achieve full control over the Arab Peninsula which they intend to make an important part of the so called Greater Israel. ...
Who Is Bin Laden? - Interview With Osama Bin Laden (in May 1998) | Hunting Bin Laden | FRONTLINE | PBS


That is not "propaganda." That is Osama bin Laden telling us specifically why he and his radical followers were pissed off at us. And if you'll read the entire transcript of that interview you will find his warning that if the offenses were not addressed there would be consequences. And you will find there is no mention of anything contained in your convoluted speculations about the motive for 9/11.

If you are a Zionist the reason for your denial of the obvious, which is mitigation on Israel's behalf, is clear. If you are not a Zionist it would seem you are simply defending a long-held theory of your own which you stubbornly refuse to abandon in spite of any conflicting evidence, however irrefutable.

Unfortunately there are none so blind as they who will not see. So I should mention that I do not expect anything I've presented here to change your mind. Because, like members of the Flat Earth Society, your mind is made up and you cannot be swayed by conflicting facts. My concern is for the benefit of those who have been deprived of the facts contained in the bin Laden interview and who might be diverted from the truth by your ruminations.
All the failed foreign interventions, with there consequent death and destruction, should lead one to conclude a policy of non-intervention is best. But the chances of that happening are about zero, with the flawed and corrupt omnipresent American government.

Oh yes. The Napoleonic Wars, World War I, World War II, Cambodia, Iran-Iraq, Darfur, Somalia, etc, etc, etc. Isolationism has been such a great thing for the world, we simply must have more of it!

The only thing I have seen about isolationism is that it creates some disgustingly large death counts.

Most absurd.

Why is it you interventionist warmongers always conclude that non-intervention MEANS isolationism...it must be some kind of mental illness.

Secondly, America's interventions have very likely resulted in far more death and destruction than had we NOT intervened. You might want to read up on WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, etc....the a-bombings and fire bombings in WWII should enlighten you, but sadly I have little hope.

Unfortunately you apparently think it is America's job to stop foreign wars and atrocities wherever they occur. Well my little friend, a policy such as this will only lead to our demise because it can't be stopped. Man has been killing man since we got here. It will never stop....and intervening causes greater harm.

Time to mind our own business and take care of America.

You might not have heard or understood this famous quote. Here it is: "War is the Health of the State" Do I need to explain the meaning to you?
Their religion. Islam. According to them we are the great satan and Israel is the little satan.

This is so simplistic, I absilutely love it. Reminds me of a favorite Steppenwolf tine:

Lyrics to 'Don't Step on the Grass, Sam' by Steppenwolf or better the lyrics to Tighten Up Your Wig:

"Your mind is too narrow, and it's no surprise
If you fell on a pin, well, you'd be blind in both eyes"
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If you will read the transcript of PBS' John Miller's 1998 interview with bin Laden you will see his primary complaints against the U.S. were our support of Israel and the presence of our military base on holy ground in Saudi Arabia. Further affirmation of these two factors being the provocation for the 9/11 attack is plainly seen in the fact that shortly after that attack Bush promptly removed the bin Sultan airbase from Saudi Arabia and he pressured Sharon to evict hundreds of Israeli settlers from the Gaza region. Two radical actions, both of which were quietly executed and never mentioned by the compliant mainstream media.

Neo-conservative Bush supporters methodically ignore that very revealing fact when they boast about the absence of further attacks during the remaining Bush Presidency.

Bin Laden warned us. Clinton ignored the warning. So did Bush -- in spite of mounting intelligence alerts to the likelihood of an attack via hijacked passenger aircraft and "suspicious" Muslims taking flying lessons. Bush was practically told what was coming.

Bin Laden warned us. Then he instigated and organized an attack against us. His reasons are clearly laid out in the transcript of an interview. I've provided a link to that interview in Message #54 in this thread -- along with a brief and relevant excerpt. Those who are interested in learning the truth can find it there.

Do you always parrot propaganda that supports your world view no matter the obvious truths?

You could quote Hitler's stated reasons for invading neighbors, Stalin's reasons for enslaving and killing millions, or even the USA's reasons for taking over the Philipines or PR, but you'd just be parroting obvious propaganda

Excerpted from PBS Frontline (John Miller) 1998 interview with Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan.

[. . .]We know at least one reason behind the symbolic participation of the Western forces and that is to support the Zionist plans for expansion of what is called the Greater Israel. Surely, their presence is not out of concern over their interests in the region. ... Their presence has no meaning save one and that is to offer support to the Jews in Palestine who are in need of their Christian brothers to achieve full control over the Arab Peninsula which they intend to make an important part of the so called Greater Israel. ...
Who Is Bin Laden? - Interview With Osama Bin Laden (in May 1998) | Hunting Bin Laden | FRONTLINE | PBS


That is not "propaganda." That is Osama bin Laden telling us specifically why he and his radical followers were pissed off at us. And if you'll read the entire transcript of that interview you will find his warning that if the offenses were not addressed there would be consequences. And you will find there is no mention of anything contained in your convoluted speculations about the motive for 9/11.

If you are a Zionist the reason for your denial of the obvious, which is mitigation on Israel's behalf, is clear. If you are not a Zionist it would seem you are simply defending a long-held theory of your own which you stubbornly refuse to abandon in spite of any conflicting evidence, however irrefutable.

Unfortunately there are none so blind as they who will not see. So I should mention that I do not expect anything I've presented here to change your mind. Because, like members of the Flat Earth Society, your mind is made up and you cannot be swayed by conflicting facts. My concern is for the benefit of those who have been deprived of the facts contained in the bin Laden interview and who might be diverted from the truth by your ruminations.

Good gawd, bin laden says something and it cannot be considered propaganda? :cuckoo:

Hitler, Goebbels, other Nazis...they all gave reasons why they invaded neighbors...and using your whack-a-doodle yard stick, their reasons could not be considered lies and propaganda because?
Secondly, America's interventions have very likely resulted in far more death and destruction than had we NOT intervened. You might want to read up on WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, etc....the a-bombings and fire bombings in WWII should enlighten you, but sadly I have little hope.

Oh, so you support rule not by the will of the people, but by whoever is strongest. If somebody has the power to annex a neighbor, then that is their right as the stronger nation.

Thank you for that insight.
Secondly, America's interventions have very likely resulted in far more death and destruction than had we NOT intervened. You might want to read up on WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, etc....the a-bombings and fire bombings in WWII should enlighten you, but sadly I have little hope.

Oh, so you support rule not by the will of the people, but by whoever is strongest. If somebody has the power to annex a neighbor, then that is their right as the stronger nation.

Thank you for that insight.

Like the USA and Mexico? :lol: but I agree with you, except when it comes to tough decisions like making the USA bigger than it was prior to US/Mexican war

Remember, principles are there to serve humanity or nations or people, not the other way around. Every great leap forward in building the USA involved putting principles temporarilly into the back pocket...for a greater gain or good versus taking a principle to it's logical conclusion
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Irrational acts have a rationality that only irrational people can buy into
If you are referring specifically to the 9/11 attack as irrational, I'll agree it was as irrational as is any act of organized insanity -- which obliquely defines the entirety of warfare. But aside from that wholly intellectual observation the fact is the 9/11 attack was a brilliantly executed and phenomenally successful example of guerilla warfare.

If you wish to assign an irrational characteristic to it I would say it's the fact that it was wholly and easily preventable. All Bill Clinton or G.W. Bush had to do is acknowledge bin Laden's legitimately valid complaints and his unmistakable warning and do exactly what Bush very quietly did shortly after the attack -- which was remove the bin Sultan airbase from Mecca and pressure Sharon to evict the settlers from the Gaza region. If, instead of issuing his infamously stupid "Bring it on!" challenge, Bush had done those two things when bin Laden voiced his reasonable complaint there would have been no reason for him to bring on the 9/11 attack.

But your position is the attack was the result of bin Laden being "dissed" (which presumably means disrespected). So you keep on believing that and see how many others, aside from Zionists and brainwashed neo-conservatives, go along with such a plainly specious theory.
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Like the USA and Mexico? :lol: but I agree with you, except when it comes to tough decisions like making the USA bigger than it was prior to US/Mexican war

It always amazes me that people do not realize there were 2 separate wars between Mexico and Texas.

The first was in 1836, and did not really involve the US at all. That is when Texas revolted from Mexico, and became the Republic of Texas.

Texas at that time became an independent nation, until 1845 when at the request of the people of Texas they petitioned and became the 29th state, almost a decade after becoming independent.

Now by this time General Santa Anna had been deposed, and returned to power. He refused to recognize the treaty that granted Texas it's independence, and insisted it was all still Mexican territory.

A year after annexation, a company of US Dragoons was ambushed near Brownsville, Texas by a heavy brigade of Mexican forces. 16 were killed, 5 were wounded, 49 were taken prisoner, and 1 escaped.

This is the incident that started the Mexican-American War. And during the course of this war, California had it's own revolt and joined the US as well.
Why was America attacked on September 11, 2001?

What were the reasons given and what are your thoughts on why a bunch of foreigners decided to attack America.?

It is agreed that al qaeda started to take credit for attacks America starting in 1992. We can go back and ask why America was being attacked overseas by Muslim extremists.

Context has a funny way of making commonly accepted myths and beliefs seem like quaint delusions.

Two decades ago it all started. I wonder how many people know the full context of it all

This all started way more than 2 decades ago. We really increased rocking their world & killing anyone who got in the way around WWII. The Iatola Komani, Osama Bin Ladin, Muammar Gaddafi, Ayman al-Zawahiri & other Mid East leaders started hitting back.

They have had it with our CIA operations & military crusade for the Jews and oil. They want the US & Jews out of their lands & out of control of their oil economy.

In the last 10 years we have toppled or killed most of their leaders. There are only a few more to go. Even Iran's Ahmadinejad & Komani are gone. So we are winning the war, not time to stop now.
They have had it with our CIA operations & military crusade for the Jews and oil. They want the US & Jews out of their lands & out of control of their oil economy.

Ahh, that makes everything so crystal clear!

Like the USA and Mexico? :lol: but I agree with you, except when it comes to tough decisions like making the USA bigger than it was prior to US/Mexican war

It always amazes me that people do not realize there were 2 separate wars between Mexico and Texas.

The first was in 1836, and did not really involve the US at all. That is when Texas revolted from Mexico, and became the Republic of Texas.

Texas at that time became an independent nation, until 1845 when at the request of the people of Texas they petitioned and became the 29th state, almost a decade after becoming independent.

Now by this time General Santa Anna had been deposed, and returned to power. He refused to recognize the treaty that granted Texas it's independence, and insisted it was all still Mexican territory.

A year after annexation, a company of US Dragoons was ambushed near Brownsville, Texas by a heavy brigade of Mexican forces. 16 were killed, 5 were wounded, 49 were taken prisoner, and 1 escaped.

This is the incident that started the Mexican-American War. And during the course of this war, California had it's own revolt and joined the US as well.

It always amazes me that blowhards assume others do not know what they know. I am currently reading up on Kearney's March

Do you have a degree in revisionist history or do you practice pedantry without one?

bte, your comment about US Marines in Lebanon...I've met somebody who was there as you mentioned you had a friend there...and I have lots...lots of friends and acquaintances connected to 911.. so I call your expertise by association and raise you...
Why was America attacked on September 11, 2001?

What were the reasons given and what are your thoughts on why a bunch of foreigners decided to attack America.?

It is agreed that al qaeda started to take credit for attacks America starting in 1992. We can go back and ask why America was being attacked overseas by Muslim extremists.

Context has a funny way of making commonly accepted myths and beliefs seem like quaint delusions.

Two decades ago it all started. I wonder how many people know the full context of it all

This all started way more than 2 decades ago. We really increased rocking their world & killing anyone who got in the way around WWII. The Iatola Komani, Osama Bin Ladin, Muammar Gaddafi, Ayman al-Zawahiri & other Mid East leaders started hitting back.

They have had it with our CIA operations & military crusade for the Jews and oil. They want the US & Jews out of their lands & out of control of their oil economy.

In the last 10 years we have toppled or killed most of their leaders. There are only a few more to go. Even Iran's Ahmadinejad & Komani are gone. So we are winning the war, not time to stop now.

Europen empires were therr way before the USA and neighbors there had oppressed and slaughtered so many innocents it is beyond appaling, yet you buy into the world view of Big Bad USA is to blame for it all

Your self loathing world view is immature and harmful to your psyche: seek help
Why was America attacked on September 11, 2001?

What were the reasons given and what are your thoughts on why a bunch of foreigners decided to attack America.?

It is agreed that al qaeda started to take credit for attacks America starting in 1992. We can go back and ask why America was being attacked overseas by Muslim extremists.

Context has a funny way of making commonly accepted myths and beliefs seem like quaint delusions.

Two decades ago it all started. I wonder how many people know the full context of it all

This all started way more than 2 decades ago. We really increased rocking their world & killing anyone who got in the way around WWII. The Iatola Komani, Osama Bin Ladin, Muammar Gaddafi, Ayman al-Zawahiri & other Mid East leaders started hitting back.

They have had it with our CIA operations & military crusade for the Jews and oil. They want the US & Jews out of their lands & out of control of their oil economy.

In the last 10 years we have toppled or killed most of their leaders. There are only a few more to go. Even Iran's Ahmadinejad & Komani are gone. So we are winning the war, not time to stop now.

Europen empires were therr way before the USA and neighbors there had oppressed and slaughtered so many innocents it is beyond appaling, yet you buy into the world view of Big Bad USA is to blame for it all

Your self loathing world view is immature and harmful to your psyche: seek help


Did the Mid East Extremist attack US soil, people or property prior to US assisting Jewish people to establish a "national home in Palestine" in 1948? Or before the CIA installed US puppet Shah into Iran in 1941? Why don't you just list all of those many attacks Mid East Extremist made on the USA prior. The first time on the US that I know of was Sirhan Sirhan assassinating Robert Kennedy in 1968. They have grown in number & severity since then. Sirhan Sirhan assassinated Robert Kennedy because of "his deliberate attempt to send those 50 bombers to Israel to obviously do harm to the Palestinians."
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Did the Mid East Extremist attack US soil, people or property prior to US assisting Jewish people to establish a "national home in Palestine" in 1948?

Were they even capable of doing so prior to 1948?

Prior to the widespread discovery of oil and the independence from European colonialism (and Turkish colonialism prior to that), this was probably the poorest region of the planet. Your normal Chinese peasant probably had a higher income and standard of living then most people in North Africa and the Middle East.

And if this is all about Israel, why did it then take over 50 years to appear?

Sorry, your entire claim is laughable in the extreme. But have fun blaming the Jews for everything.

I guess that if some extremists from Indonesia attack the US next year that is because of Israel as well.
Did the Mid East Extremist attack US soil, people or property prior to US assisting Jewish people to establish a "national home in Palestine" in 1948?

Were they even capable of doing so prior to 1948?

Prior to the widespread discovery of oil and the independence from European colonialism (and Turkish colonialism prior to that), this was probably the poorest region of the planet. Your normal Chinese peasant probably had a higher income and standard of living then most people in North Africa and the Middle East.

And if this is all about Israel, why did it then take over 50 years to appear?

Sorry, your entire claim is laughable in the extreme. But have fun blaming the Jews for everything.

I guess that if some extremists from Indonesia attack the US next year that is because of Israel as well.

Yes they were always able to terrorize people. How hard is it to shoot a politician?

Also look at the terrorist reasons for attacking. When & why did they start attacking US? It did not take 50 years to appear. It was exactly 20 years latter that Sirhan killed Kennedy.

I never claimed they were not dirt poor peasants prior to our discovery of oil there & our meddling in their economy & politics. Our involvement in the ME has likely helped many of them. The Jews technology has also helped them. But the extremist are pissed about it, religion & Jews invading.
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This all started way more than 2 decades ago. We really increased rocking their world & killing anyone who got in the way around WWII. The Iatola Komani, Osama Bin Ladin, Muammar Gaddafi, Ayman al-Zawahiri & other Mid East leaders started hitting back.

They have had it with our CIA operations & military crusade for the Jews and oil. They want the US & Jews out of their lands & out of control of their oil economy.

In the last 10 years we have toppled or killed most of their leaders. There are only a few more to go. Even Iran's Ahmadinejad & Komani are gone. So we are winning the war, not time to stop now.

Europen empires were therr way before the USA and neighbors there had oppressed and slaughtered so many innocents it is beyond appaling, yet you buy into the world view of Big Bad USA is to blame for it all

Your self loathing world view is immature and harmful to your psyche: seek help


Did the Mid East Extremist attack US soil, people or property prior to US assisting Jewish people to establish a "national home in Palestine" in 1948? Or before the CIA installed US puppet Shah into Iran in 1941? Why don't you just list all of those many attacks Mid East Extremist made on the USA prior. The first time on the US that I know of was Sirhan Sirhan assassinating Robert Kennedy in 1968. They have grown in number & severity since then. Sirhan Sirhan assassinated Robert Kennedy because of "his deliberate attempt to send those 50 bombers to Israel to obviously do harm to the Palestinians."

You will never win people over with your style or shit. :eusa_hand:
Europen empires were therr way before the USA and neighbors there had oppressed and slaughtered so many innocents it is beyond appaling, yet you buy into the world view of Big Bad USA is to blame for it all

Your self loathing world view is immature and harmful to your psyche: seek help


Did the Mid East Extremist attack US soil, people or property prior to US assisting Jewish people to establish a "national home in Palestine" in 1948? Or before the CIA installed US puppet Shah into Iran in 1941? Why don't you just list all of those many attacks Mid East Extremist made on the USA prior. The first time on the US that I know of was Sirhan Sirhan assassinating Robert Kennedy in 1968. They have grown in number & severity since then. Sirhan Sirhan assassinated Robert Kennedy because of "his deliberate attempt to send those 50 bombers to Israel to obviously do harm to the Palestinians."

You will never win people over with your style or shit. :eusa_hand:

I knew you could not answer the questions. Stupid monkeys like you can only fling shit.

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