Why was America attacked on September 11, 2001?

Did the Mid East Extremist attack US soil, people or property prior to US assisting Jewish people to establish a "national home in Palestine" in 1948?

Were they even capable of doing so prior to 1948?

Prior to the widespread discovery of oil and the independence from European colonialism (and Turkish colonialism prior to that), this was probably the poorest region of the planet. Your normal Chinese peasant probably had a higher income and standard of living then most people in North Africa and the Middle East.

And if this is all about Israel, why did it then take over 50 years to appear?

Sorry, your entire claim is laughable in the extreme. But have fun blaming the Jews for everything.

I guess that if some extremists from Indonesia attack the US next year that is because of Israel as well.

This guy will hijack the thread if you allow him to. Your move.
Iran & the West 3 part series:

Part 1: Khomeini - The Man Who Changed The World!


Part 2: Iran - The Pariah State!

Part 3: Iran - Nuclear Confrontation!
This all started way more than 2 decades ago. We really increased rocking their world & killing anyone who got in the way around WWII. The Iatola Komani, Osama Bin Ladin, Muammar Gaddafi, Ayman al-Zawahiri & other Mid East leaders started hitting back.

They have had it with our CIA operations & military crusade for the Jews and oil. They want the US & Jews out of their lands & out of control of their oil economy.

In the last 10 years we have toppled or killed most of their leaders. There are only a few more to go. Even Iran's Ahmadinejad & Komani are gone. So we are winning the war, not time to stop now.

Europen empires were therr way before the USA and neighbors there had oppressed and slaughtered so many innocents it is beyond appaling, yet you buy into the world view of Big Bad USA is to blame for it all

Your self loathing world view is immature and harmful to your psyche: seek help


Did the Mid East Extremist attack US soil, people or property prior to US assisting Jewish people to establish a "national home in Palestine" in 1948? Or before the CIA installed US puppet Shah into Iran in 1941? Why don't you just list all of those many attacks Mid East Extremist made on the USA prior. The first time on the US that I know of was Sirhan Sirhan assassinating Robert Kennedy in 1968. They have grown in number & severity since then. Sirhan Sirhan assassinated Robert Kennedy because of "his deliberate attempt to send those 50 bombers to Israel to obviously do harm to the Palestinians."

Did the Mid East Extremist attack US soil, people or property prior to US assisting Jewish people to establish a "national home in Palestine" in 1948?

Europen empires were therr way before the USA and neighbors there had oppressed and slaughtered so many innocents it is beyond appaling, yet you buy into the world view of Big Bad USA is to blame for it all

Your self loathing world view is immature and harmful to your psyche: seek help


Did the Mid East Extremist attack US soil, people or property prior to US assisting Jewish people to establish a "national home in Palestine" in 1948? Or before the CIA installed US puppet Shah into Iran in 1941? Why don't you just list all of those many attacks Mid East Extremist made on the USA prior. The first time on the US that I know of was Sirhan Sirhan assassinating Robert Kennedy in 1968. They have grown in number & severity since then. Sirhan Sirhan assassinated Robert Kennedy because of "his deliberate attempt to send those 50 bombers to Israel to obviously do harm to the Palestinians."

Did the Mid East Extremist attack US soil, people or property prior to US assisting Jewish people to establish a "national home in Palestine" in 1948?


I am sure you can provide proof of the hundreds of times that happened in all the years prior to 1948, just like the 500 times since.
Secondly, America's interventions have very likely resulted in far more death and destruction than had we NOT intervened. You might want to read up on WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, etc....the a-bombings and fire bombings in WWII should enlighten you, but sadly I have little hope.

Oh, so you support rule not by the will of the people, but by whoever is strongest. If somebody has the power to annex a neighbor, then that is their right as the stronger nation.

Thank you for that insight.

You have it backwards. You believe in the strongest controlling the world. Since the USA is the strongest militarily, we must allow our ignorant and corrupt leaders to impose their will on other nations. That is what you warmongering interventionists believe.

Even after decades of foolish military interventions, which have failed miserably, you and your kind think we must continue this disastrous policy of American empire and hegemony...which will only lead to our bankruptcy and destruction.

When will you wake up?

War makes the State increasingly more powerful and the people serfs. History tells us once a state gains unlimited power, the people suffer greatly. America today is perfect proof of this.

Here we are 50 years after the military industrial complex got away with murdering a president and yet, you want it's power to continue unabated and uncontrolled.

Sad. Very sad!
Secondly, America's interventions have very likely resulted in far more death and destruction than had we NOT intervened. You might want to read up on WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, etc....the a-bombings and fire bombings in WWII should enlighten you, but sadly I have little hope.

Oh, so you support rule not by the will of the people, but by whoever is strongest. If somebody has the power to annex a neighbor, then that is their right as the stronger nation.

Thank you for that insight.

You have it backwards. You believe in the strongest controlling the world. Since the USA is the strongest militarily, we must allow our ignorant and corrupt leaders to impose their will on other nations. That is what you warmongering interventionists believe.

Even after decades of foolish military interventions, which have failed miserably, you and your kind think we must continue this disastrous policy of American empire and hegemony...which will only lead to our bankruptcy and destruction.

When will you wake up?

War makes the State increasingly more powerful and the people serfs. History tells us once a state gains unlimited power, the people suffer greatly. America today is perfect proof of this.

Here we are 50 years after the military industrial complex got away with murdering a president and yet, you want it's power to continue unabated and uncontrolled.

Sad. Very sad!


You're wasting your time arguing with Mushroom,Kissmy, Rightwinger,and ToddsterParrot Gipper.

They are disinformation operative trolls sent here by their handlers to troll the boards to try and derail any kind of truth discussion about government corruption.

they always defend the governments version of events no matter how absurd and ridicules it is ignoring facts that prove them wrong never bothering to address them.they are here just to waste your time.Best to put them on ignore.

ONE reason among many? Hmmm, appears luke throw shit against a wall and see what sticks

Why do posters here @ usmb appear so gullible and willing to accept simplistic bs?

that describes the four posters I was talking to Gipper about to a tee.:lol:
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Motives for the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The attacks of September 11, 2001 in the northeast United States were an organized terrorist act carried out by 19 hijackers, and organized by numerous members of al-Qaeda. Motives for the attacks were stated before and after the attacks in several sources, iOsama bin Laden's declaration of a holy war against the United States, and a fatwā signed by bin Laden and others calling for the killing of American civilians in 1998, are seen by investigators as evidence of his motivation.[2] In bin Laden's November 2002 "Letter to America",[3][4] he explicitly stated that al-Qaeda's motives for their attacks include: Western support for attacking Muslims in Somalia, supporting Russian atrocities against Muslims in Chechnya, supporting the Indian oppression against Muslims in Kashmir, the Jewish aggression against Muslims in Lebanon, the presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia,[4][5][6] U.S. support of Israel,[7][8] and sanctions against Iraq.[9]

I love posters naively always use Wikipedia as a source worshipping them as their god and actually assuming they are accurate when they have actually been caught lying on MULTIPLE times in the past in the fact they can type in anything they want that fits their agenda.:lol::D:lmao::lmao::lmao::lol:
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Because someone was trying to drive a foreign policy change that benefits the U.S., Israel, Saudi Arabia and various other filth. Ultimately it was about money and the empire building necessary to create that wealth.

that sums it all up right there.


It had nothing to do with that. That is what the statist Bush promoted to the American people as the reason. It is total BS.

And really...we Americans are losing our freedoms every day as our government grows bigger and more powerful.

It had to do with their fanatical beliefs and our government's constant interventions in the ME.
those facts seem to escape a lot of people here.:cuckoo:

If you will read the transcript of PBS' John Miller's 1998 interview with bin Laden you will see his primary complaints against the U.S. were our support of Israel and the presence of our military base on holy ground in Saudi Arabia. Further affirmation of these two factors being the provocation for the 9/11 attack is plainly seen in the fact that shortly after that attack Bush promptly removed the bin Sultan airbase from Saudi Arabia and he pressured Sharon to evict hundreds of Israeli settlers from the Gaza region. Two radical actions, both of which were quietly executed and never mentioned by the compliant mainstream media.

Neo-conservative Bush supporters methodically ignore that very revealing fact when they boast about the absence of further attacks during the remaining Bush Presidency.

Bin Laden warned us. Clinton ignored the warning. So did Bush -- in spite of mounting intelligence alerts to the likelihood of an attack via hijacked passenger aircraft and "suspicious" Muslims taking flying lessons. Bush was practically told what was coming.

Bin Laden warned us. Then he instigated and organized an attack against us. His reasons are clearly laid out in the transcript of an interview. I've provided a link to that interview in Message #54 in this thread -- along with a brief and relevant excerpt. Those who are interested in learning the truth can find it there.

exactly.Bush like his budy Clinton,had mutiple warnings of the attacks coming and like Clinton,knew they were coming and ignored them.

Just like his pal Clinton,he had no interest in stopping terrorists attacks because it was all part of their new world order agenda that they have both spoken of which is also the same words Hitler spoke of having.Nothing like hearing it from the horse's mouth.
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we were attacked because we keep sticking our noses in Middle East affairs.

we were attacked because we keep taking Israel's side even when they are wrong.

we were attacked because we have participated in many Middle Eastern coups.

we were attacked because you reap what you sow.
Beirut Lebanon 1982, 83'. Regan cut and ran with his tail between his legs, Muslim extremist learned what cowards Americans are.... or at least how hollow our leaders are. What an effective tool suicide attacks were on the west. Our support for any cause can be shaken given the right tactics. But we still stand and we still support Israel. And so it goes...So maybe the real question here is: What did the attacks on 9/11 accomplish?
Beirut Lebanon 1982, 83'. Regan cut and ran with his tail between his legs, Muslim extremist learned what cowards Americans are.... or at least how hollow our leaders are. What an effective tool suicide attacks were on the west. Our support for any cause can be shaken given the right tactics. But we still stand and we still support Israel. And so it goes...So maybe the real question here is: What did the attacks on 9/11 accomplish?

Terroristz rarely win
This guy will hijack the thread if you allow him to. Your move.

Wow, step away for a day for some time in RL, and see what happened.

When these nutcases step in, there is really nothing you can do. They are the braindead, who everything their mind thinks is the truth, and no amount of discussion will ever change their minds or even make them open their eyes.

Such as "inside job", who you can see his problem from his own words.

You're wasting your time arguing with Mushroom,Kissmy, Rightwinger,and ToddsterParrot Gipper.

They are disinformation operative trolls sent here by their handlers to troll the boards to try and derail any kind of truth discussion about government corruption.

I for one do not "argue", I "debate". And there is a big difference. I cite facts (often referencing them for verification), he and others only parrot the same damaged lies over and over, insisting that anybody who does not agree with them are trolls and liars.

But yes, I consider this thread dead now, because the braindamaged ones have infested it. And it is sad, but all to common nowadays. When people scream you are a "government plant" just because you do not agree with them.

Talks levels about their paranoia and persecution complexes though.
OK, "Dante"(?), tell us…. WHY? But that would be to simple. You prefer games. Sam I am... This isn't about 9/11. Never was. Something fishy about this thread. I strongly urge everyone to refrain from posting until "Dante' can give a honest answer, or he and this thread can rot in the 9th circle of Hades.
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Why was America attacked on September 11, 2001?

What were the reasons given and what are your thoughts on why a bunch of foreigners decided to attack America.?

It is agreed that al qaeda started to take credit for attacks America starting in 1992. We can go back and ask why America was being attacked overseas by Muslim extremists.

Context has a funny way of making commonly accepted myths and beliefs seem like quaint delusions.


Two decades ago it all started. I wonder how many people know the full context of it all

I think it was something to do with American interference, wars, coups and various other crimes in other people's countries along with support for Israel.
The former makes America a direct legitimate target whilst the latter makes America a legitimate target as a line of supply to the enemy.

Of course, a lot of people don't want to hear it was your government's fault for doing all those things.

Want to get rid of terrorism from Muslim groups? Stop attacking them and they won't care about you.
Simple, even for the right wing morons, isn't it?
Why was America attacked on September 11, 2001?

What were the reasons given and what are your thoughts on why a bunch of foreigners decided to attack America.?

It is agreed that al qaeda started to take credit for attacks America starting in 1992. We can go back and ask why America was being attacked overseas by Muslim extremists.

Context has a funny way of making commonly accepted myths and beliefs seem like quaint delusions.


Two decades ago it all started. I wonder how many people know the full context of it all

I think it was something to do with American interference, wars, coups and various other crimes in other people's countries along with support for Israel.
The former makes America a direct legitimate target whilst the latter makes America a legitimate target as a line of supply to the enemy.

Of course, a lot of people don't want to hear it was your government's fault for doing all those things.

Want to get rid of terrorism from Muslim groups? Stop attacking them and they won't care about you.
Simple, even for the right wing morons, isn't it?

I agree with most of that, except the last sentence, which proves you are not well informed. Who is it that attacked Libya? Who is it that expanded the war in Afghanshitland? Who was it that interfered in the overthrow of Mubarak? Who is that wants war in Syria? Who is it that drops bombs from drones on Muslims? Who is it that invaded Packieland to kill OBL?

It has nothing to do with the right or left. Politicians and bureaucrats of both stripes love war, because it expands the power of the state. When an American reaches this level of understanding, they realize how the two parties divide us allowing them to fleece us. Lets stop the fleecing now.

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