Why was Brown walking down middle of the street after committing a robbery ?

There are at least two crazies here, if that's somehow a death penalty offense.
Why was Brown walking down middle of the street after committing a robbery ?

because he didnt give a shit
Ghetto people do that shit all the time trying to piss people off or provoke shit. Same reason they crowd the mall and walks extremely slow...then talk shit when you try to walk through their herd.

Provocateurs. Plain and simple.
He was a big tough guy who thought the rules didn't apply to him, but fortunately the rest of society is rid of the worthless piece of crap.
He was looking to provoke. He got what he wanted, a confrontation with a white cop, because he was high he overplayed his hand. Now he is dead. So plain to see but so difficult for the jaded to understand

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Because he was "The Man..." He just strong armed a guy a third his size and felt like he was a Sumo Wrestler and could do anything he wanted. No one, especially a cracker pig could stop him from doing anything.

He found out differently and that still didn't stop him!
it's obvious that an idiot dumb enough to walk in the middle of a street after a robbery in broad daylight is dumb or crazy enough to bull rush a cop !
it's obvious that an idiot dumb enough to walk in the middle of a street after a robbery in broad daylight is dumb or crazy enough to bull rush a cop !
no answers for this from the liberal left.
I don't think he gave a damn. The guy thought he was big enough to do as he pleased.
There are at least two crazies here, if that's somehow a death penalty offense.
Brown didn't break the cops face after he was gunned down . he initiated the conflict.

This to the left doesn't matter as Brown was too much of a saint within their eyes. It couldn't be soo they scream!

These people are out to enforce the idea that whites are butchering blacks. They don't care how much lying and damage it causes.

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