Why was he running away?

I watched the video. So NBC is corrupt on this? Brian williams not there.

so you think that is the only video out there and the only witness to the incident

in this highly edited video by cnn

you can see at 2:17 mark a officer performing medical assistance on scott

Not the pig handcuffing the man he just murdered.

I watched and didn't see care being administered to that man.

But hey, dont run from the cops.

If it comes out he faught with the cop before he got shot I might think differently. But still I'd give him 20 years out in ten with good behavior.

An eyewitness had already made a sworn statement she saw Slager and Scott in an ongoing fight which occurred the length of a football field. She swore she saw Scott on top of Slager when they were both struggling on the ground.
Before you come to any quick conclusions it's best to wait for all the evidence to be released to the public.
"HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT!!!!!!" HAAAAA HAAAAA!!!! Ya fucking right!

Another zimmerman defense?

The guy in the car said "I dont know why he ran" nothing about fighting the cop. Can't wait to know the truth.

You can't handle the truth pal. You run your stupid fucking mouth and literally every time you end up looking like the idiot you are.
Question: Are you the 5'3" fool in the bar who's always getting drunk and picking fights with men who always punch your lights out and then you come in your pants and are happy. You need to ask why you are always on the wrong headed side of things. Are you trying to punish your mother for not breast feeding you?
Your father for not 'disciplining' you so you need strangers to do the job for him?
you see the problem with the media is you see only what they want you to see

You've either lost, or missed, the context of the ongoing discussion that comment was replying to. No worries.

Normally I'd just shrug and not reply, given it was a no-fault mistake on your part, however, I found great amusement that you attempted to chastise /me/ for falling for media bias - clearly you did not read my sig heh. I do thank you for the chuckle this morning. :)
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Why was he running? Uhmmmm, why do all criminals run? CAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO GO TO FUCKING JAIL, DUH!!! OJ RAN, BOSTON BOMBER RAN, CRIMINALS RUN, DUH!!!

I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Why was he running? Uhmmmm, why do all criminals run? CAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO GO TO FUCKING JAIL, DUH!!! OJ RAN, BOSTON BOMBER RAN, CRIMINALS RUN, DUH!!!

Innocent men don't run. Period.
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Why was he running? Uhmmmm, why do all criminals run? CAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO GO TO FUCKING JAIL, DUH!!! OJ RAN, BOSTON BOMBER RAN, CRIMINALS RUN, DUH!!!

Innocent men don't run. Period.

LOLOLOLOL.....There's a thing in this country called a court of justice. Now whether you run, raise your hands and stay, all are entitled to a damned day in court. Otherwise, lets just abolish our courts and revert back to the cowboy days, eh?
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Why was he running? Uhmmmm, why do all criminals run? CAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO GO TO FUCKING JAIL, DUH!!! OJ RAN, BOSTON BOMBER RAN, CRIMINALS RUN, DUH!!!

Innocent men don't run. Period.

That is (sadly) sometimes not true. If you are confronted by a rogue cop, flight might become a damn necessity.

And I don't say that lightly. I tend to like cops. But when one of more go off the deep end, getting the fuck away from them is arguably nothing more than a survival instinct at work.
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Why was he running? Uhmmmm, why do all criminals run? CAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO GO TO FUCKING JAIL, DUH!!! OJ RAN, BOSTON BOMBER RAN, CRIMINALS RUN, DUH!!!

Innocent men don't run. Period.

That is (sadly) sometimes not true. If you are confronted by a rogue cop, flight might become a damn necessity.

And I don't say that lightly. I tend to like cops. But when one of more go off the deep end, getting the fuck away from them is arguably nothing more than a survival instinct at work.

Bottom line is this, camera's must be present at all times, better training and this is the biggest change......outside investigators should handle these cases of unarmed minorities being murdered....no more policing our own shit!!
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Why was he running? Uhmmmm, why do all criminals run? CAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO GO TO FUCKING JAIL, DUH!!! OJ RAN, BOSTON BOMBER RAN, CRIMINALS RUN, DUH!!!

Innocent men don't run. Period.

LOLOLOLOL.....There's a thing in this country called a court of justice. Now whether you run, raise your hands and stay, all are entitled to a damned day in court. Otherwise, lets just abolish our courts and revert back to the cowboy days, eh?

Nah, I disagree. You forfeit your rights, when you make the choice to be a criminal.

If you didn't... we wouldn't be able to lock up rapists and burglers. They would still have the right to liberty.

You grasp this? Pretty easy concept to follow?

When the police stop you.... you are protected by your rights, if you follow the police officers orders.

To the point......

If an officer says stop, and you don't? If the officer catches you, and you fight him? If you do anything at all, ANYTHING to the officer?

I say shoot. You deserve to die, and have no value being alive. You have your day in court, when you surrender to the officer to get that day in court.

You fail to do that, you get 6 feet, and some dirt. And that's only if someone other than the tax payers are willing to pay to put you down.
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Why was he running? Uhmmmm, why do all criminals run? CAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO GO TO FUCKING JAIL, DUH!!! OJ RAN, BOSTON BOMBER RAN, CRIMINALS RUN, DUH!!!

Innocent men don't run. Period.

That is (sadly) sometimes not true. If you are confronted by a rogue cop, flight might become a damn necessity.

And I don't say that lightly. I tend to like cops. But when one of more go off the deep end, getting the fuck away from them is arguably nothing more than a survival instinct at work.

Bottom line is this, camera's must be present at all times, better training and this is the biggest change......outside investigators should handle these cases of unarmed minorities being murdered....no more policing our own shit!!

It's not murder when you are a criminal. It's called "justice". We need more of it, not less.
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Why was he running? Uhmmmm, why do all criminals run? CAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO GO TO FUCKING JAIL, DUH!!! OJ RAN, BOSTON BOMBER RAN, CRIMINALS RUN, DUH!!!

Innocent men don't run. Period.

That is (sadly) sometimes not true. If you are confronted by a rogue cop, flight might become a damn necessity.

And I don't say that lightly. I tend to like cops. But when one of more go off the deep end, getting the fuck away from them is arguably nothing more than a survival instinct at work.

Bottom line is this, camera's must be present at all times, better training and this is the biggest change......outside investigators should handle these cases of unarmed minorities being murdered....no more policing our own shit!!

Two things:

For those advocating "body cameras" on all cops, I suggest you all take a giant step backwards, take a deep breath, then think.

I predict that if we put these cameras on all the patrol cops out there, it will be mere MOMENTS before some folks start demanding that the invasion of privacy be curtailed! "One nation, under surveillance" sound familiar?

And we might also want to carefully consider the call for outside investigators, too.

For similar reasons.

The old Romans had a line for the famous question: "who will guard the guards themselves?" (Also translated as "who will watch the watchmen?")

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? It is a deeply profound question because the various answers come with differing problems.
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Why was he running? Uhmmmm, why do all criminals run? CAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO GO TO FUCKING JAIL, DUH!!! OJ RAN, BOSTON BOMBER RAN, CRIMINALS RUN, DUH!!!

Innocent men don't run. Period.

That is (sadly) sometimes not true. If you are confronted by a rogue cop, flight might become a damn necessity.

And I don't say that lightly. I tend to like cops. But when one of more go off the deep end, getting the fuck away from them is arguably nothing more than a survival instinct at work.

Bottom line is this, camera's must be present at all times, better training and this is the biggest change......outside investigators should handle these cases of unarmed minorities being murdered....no more policing our own shit!!

Two things:

For those advocating "body cameras" on all cops, I suggest you all take a giant step backwards, take a deep breath, then think.

I predict that if we put these cameras on all the patrol cops out there, it will be mere MOMENTS before some folks start demanding that the invasion of privacy be curtailed! "One nation, under surveillance" sound familiar?

And we might also want to carefully consider the call for outside investigators, too.

For similar reasons.

The old Romans had a line for the famous question: "who will guard the guards themselves?" (Also translated as "who will watch the watchmen?")

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? It is a deeply profound question because the various answers come with differing problems.

Until you put on the shoe of a black person, than you could never understand the dangerous dellima we're in. The Michael Brown case in Fergerson had a damned black eye wittness and his testimony was dismissed. As for outside investigators, having police who eat drink and sleep with each other investigate one another??? Seriously?
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Why was he running? Uhmmmm, why do all criminals run? CAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO GO TO FUCKING JAIL, DUH!!! OJ RAN, BOSTON BOMBER RAN, CRIMINALS RUN, DUH!!!

Innocent men don't run. Period.

That is (sadly) sometimes not true. If you are confronted by a rogue cop, flight might become a damn necessity.

And I don't say that lightly. I tend to like cops. But when one of more go off the deep end, getting the fuck away from them is arguably nothing more than a survival instinct at work.

Bottom line is this, camera's must be present at all times, better training and this is the biggest change......outside investigators should handle these cases of unarmed minorities being murdered....no more policing our own shit!!

It's not murder when you are a criminal. It's called "justice". We need more of it, not less.

You sound like an idiot....not paying child support is no reason to get 8 bullets to the back you moron. Tell you what, when whites get the same justice, than lets talk, otherwise, I suggest you get on your knees and thank god for the white skin your in.
Why was he running? Uhmmmm, why do all criminals run? CAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO GO TO FUCKING JAIL, DUH!!! OJ RAN, BOSTON BOMBER RAN, CRIMINALS RUN, DUH!!!

Innocent men don't run. Period.

That is (sadly) sometimes not true. If you are confronted by a rogue cop, flight might become a damn necessity.

And I don't say that lightly. I tend to like cops. But when one of more go off the deep end, getting the fuck away from them is arguably nothing more than a survival instinct at work.

Bottom line is this, camera's must be present at all times, better training and this is the biggest change......outside investigators should handle these cases of unarmed minorities being murdered....no more policing our own shit!!

Two things:

For those advocating "body cameras" on all cops, I suggest you all take a giant step backwards, take a deep breath, then think.

I predict that if we put these cameras on all the patrol cops out there, it will be mere MOMENTS before some folks start demanding that the invasion of privacy be curtailed! "One nation, under surveillance" sound familiar?

And we might also want to carefully consider the call for outside investigators, too.

For similar reasons.

The old Romans had a line for the famous question: "who will guard the guards themselves?" (Also translated as "who will watch the watchmen?")

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? It is a deeply profound question because the various answers come with differing problems.

Until you put on the shoe of a black person, than you could never understand the dangerous dellima we're in. The Michael Brown case in Fergerson had a damned black eye wittness and his testimony was dismissed. As for outside investigators, having police who eat drink and sleep with each other investigate one another??? Seriously?

I even know how to spell the word dilemma.

The Michael Brown case was established to be a lot of bullshit for all those who wear the t-shirt "hands up don't shoot." Witnesses might lie, but forensic evidence cannot. YOU got hoodwinked on that one.

And I am not opposed in all cases to outsiders conducting investigations for police involved shootings. I am simply warning against placing undue reliance on them and them alone. We don't achieve justice by replacing one pre-canned conclusion for the flip side pre-canned conclusion.
I don't support what the cop did but if the guy had just allowed himself to be taken in he'd probably be alive right now and probably out on Bail/bond.
The guy has zero culpability in what was done to him. Zero.
I'm not at all justifying him being killed but wonder if he'd be alive if he'd stayed in the car like the cop told him too. All the latest brutality situations have one thing in common, all were resisting or disobeying the police. Maybe greater emphasis has to be made in police training for how to handle those who disobey orders or resist arrest. I also think all police should have to have dash cams and body cams. They will protect the public and the cop,allow review of performance by the officer and highlight problem area's.

They were all unarmed, too. Stop making excuses for bad cops with guns who shoot first and ask questions later, you fucking idiot.
How do the cops know they are unarmed until the frisk them? If they aren't complying and are combative then the cop has to assume they are armed. It's easy to scream "unarmed" in hindsight. Then if the perp fights with the cop there is the chance he will go for the cops gun like Brown did,then the cops life is in danger. Stop making excuses for criminals and bad behavior " you fucking idiot".

Exactly. Kudos for reason in the face of absolute stupidity.

The fact is all of these people were unarmed, weren't they? None of them pulled a gun on the cop and fired first, did they?
Innocent men don't run. Period.

That is (sadly) sometimes not true. If you are confronted by a rogue cop, flight might become a damn necessity.

And I don't say that lightly. I tend to like cops. But when one of more go off the deep end, getting the fuck away from them is arguably nothing more than a survival instinct at work.

Bottom line is this, camera's must be present at all times, better training and this is the biggest change......outside investigators should handle these cases of unarmed minorities being murdered....no more policing our own shit!!

Two things:

For those advocating "body cameras" on all cops, I suggest you all take a giant step backwards, take a deep breath, then think.

I predict that if we put these cameras on all the patrol cops out there, it will be mere MOMENTS before some folks start demanding that the invasion of privacy be curtailed! "One nation, under surveillance" sound familiar?

And we might also want to carefully consider the call for outside investigators, too.

For similar reasons.

The old Romans had a line for the famous question: "who will guard the guards themselves?" (Also translated as "who will watch the watchmen?")

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? It is a deeply profound question because the various answers come with differing problems.

Until you put on the shoe of a black person, than you could never understand the dangerous dellima we're in. The Michael Brown case in Fergerson had a damned black eye wittness and his testimony was dismissed. As for outside investigators, having police who eat drink and sleep with each other investigate one another??? Seriously?

I even know how to spell the word dilemma.

The Michael Brown case was established to be a lot of bullshit for all those who wear the t-shirt "hands up don't shoot." Witnesses might lie, but forensic evidence cannot. YOU got hoodwinked on that one.

And I am not opposed in all cases to outsiders conducting investigations for police involved shootings. I am simply warning against placing undue reliance on them and them alone. We don't achieve justice by replacing one pre-canned conclusion for the flip side pre-canned conclusion.

You and I both have usage of spell check, I clicked prematurely....forgive!!
Listen, nothing you nor the bs evidence is gonna convince me or anyone for that matter with a working brain cell that that Brown wasn't murdered.
Innocent men don't run. Period.

That is (sadly) sometimes not true. If you are confronted by a rogue cop, flight might become a damn necessity.

And I don't say that lightly. I tend to like cops. But when one of more go off the deep end, getting the fuck away from them is arguably nothing more than a survival instinct at work.

Bottom line is this, camera's must be present at all times, better training and this is the biggest change......outside investigators should handle these cases of unarmed minorities being murdered....no more policing our own shit!!

Two things:

For those advocating "body cameras" on all cops, I suggest you all take a giant step backwards, take a deep breath, then think.

I predict that if we put these cameras on all the patrol cops out there, it will be mere MOMENTS before some folks start demanding that the invasion of privacy be curtailed! "One nation, under surveillance" sound familiar?

And we might also want to carefully consider the call for outside investigators, too.

For similar reasons.

The old Romans had a line for the famous question: "who will guard the guards themselves?" (Also translated as "who will watch the watchmen?")

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? It is a deeply profound question because the various answers come with differing problems.

Until you put on the shoe of a black person, than you could never understand the dangerous dellima we're in. The Michael Brown case in Fergerson had a damned black eye wittness and his testimony was dismissed. As for outside investigators, having police who eat drink and sleep with each other investigate one another??? Seriously?

I even know how to spell the word dilemma.

The Michael Brown case was established to be a lot of bullshit for all those who wear the t-shirt "hands up don't shoot." Witnesses might lie, but forensic evidence cannot. ....

No, it wasn't a lot of bullshit. There's no doubt Michael Brown was shot 6-7 times at a distance, and that he was UNARMED.
The DOJ found that Darren Wilson acted in accordance to Missouri law which allows for cops to shoot suspects who are running away from them, regardless of the reason.
So take your fucking Fly OVer Redneck country laws and shove them up your tight, white azz.
Last edited:
That is (sadly) sometimes not true. If you are confronted by a rogue cop, flight might become a damn necessity.

And I don't say that lightly. I tend to like cops. But when one of more go off the deep end, getting the fuck away from them is arguably nothing more than a survival instinct at work.

Bottom line is this, camera's must be present at all times, better training and this is the biggest change......outside investigators should handle these cases of unarmed minorities being murdered....no more policing our own shit!!

Two things:

For those advocating "body cameras" on all cops, I suggest you all take a giant step backwards, take a deep breath, then think.

I predict that if we put these cameras on all the patrol cops out there, it will be mere MOMENTS before some folks start demanding that the invasion of privacy be curtailed! "One nation, under surveillance" sound familiar?

And we might also want to carefully consider the call for outside investigators, too.

For similar reasons.

The old Romans had a line for the famous question: "who will guard the guards themselves?" (Also translated as "who will watch the watchmen?")

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? It is a deeply profound question because the various answers come with differing problems.

Until you put on the shoe of a black person, than you could never understand the dangerous dellima we're in. The Michael Brown case in Fergerson had a damned black eye wittness and his testimony was dismissed. As for outside investigators, having police who eat drink and sleep with each other investigate one another??? Seriously?

I even know how to spell the word dilemma.

The Michael Brown case was established to be a lot of bullshit for all those who wear the t-shirt "hands up don't shoot." Witnesses might lie, but forensic evidence cannot. YOU got hoodwinked on that one.

And I am not opposed in all cases to outsiders conducting investigations for police involved shootings. I am simply warning against placing undue reliance on them and them alone. We don't achieve justice by replacing one pre-canned conclusion for the flip side pre-canned conclusion.

You and I both have usage of spell check, I clicked prematurely....forgive!!
Listen, nothing you nor the bs evidence is gonna convince me or anyone for that matter with a working brain cell that that Brown wasn't murdered.

Brown was murdered by a chickenshit cop whose previous job at a different Missouri PD had such a bad record for racial problems that it had to be shut down. So the white rednecks in Ferguson picked him up..

Let the cops shoot a white guy and leave his body in the street for 4.5 hours....Just try it.

White Construction workers witness Mike Brown being shot with hands up

That is (sadly) sometimes not true. If you are confronted by a rogue cop, flight might become a damn necessity.

And I don't say that lightly. I tend to like cops. But when one of more go off the deep end, getting the fuck away from them is arguably nothing more than a survival instinct at work.

Bottom line is this, camera's must be present at all times, better training and this is the biggest change......outside investigators should handle these cases of unarmed minorities being murdered....no more policing our own shit!!

Two things:

For those advocating "body cameras" on all cops, I suggest you all take a giant step backwards, take a deep breath, then think.

I predict that if we put these cameras on all the patrol cops out there, it will be mere MOMENTS before some folks start demanding that the invasion of privacy be curtailed! "One nation, under surveillance" sound familiar?

And we might also want to carefully consider the call for outside investigators, too.

For similar reasons.

The old Romans had a line for the famous question: "who will guard the guards themselves?" (Also translated as "who will watch the watchmen?")

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? It is a deeply profound question because the various answers come with differing problems.

Until you put on the shoe of a black person, than you could never understand the dangerous dellima we're in. The Michael Brown case in Fergerson had a damned black eye wittness and his testimony was dismissed. As for outside investigators, having police who eat drink and sleep with each other investigate one another??? Seriously?

I even know how to spell the word dilemma.

The Michael Brown case was established to be a lot of bullshit for all those who wear the t-shirt "hands up don't shoot." Witnesses might lie, but forensic evidence cannot. ....

No, it wasn't a lot of bullshit. There's no doubt Michael Brown was shot 6-7 times at a distancr, and that he was UNARMED.
The DOJ found that Darren Wilson acted in accordance to Missouri law which allows for cops to shoot suspects who are running away from them, regardless of the reason.
So take your fucking Fly OVer Redneck country laws and shove them up your tight, white azz.

Bottom line is this, camera's must be present at all times, better training and this is the biggest change......outside investigators should handle these cases of unarmed minorities being murdered....no more policing our own shit!!

Two things:

For those advocating "body cameras" on all cops, I suggest you all take a giant step backwards, take a deep breath, then think.

I predict that if we put these cameras on all the patrol cops out there, it will be mere MOMENTS before some folks start demanding that the invasion of privacy be curtailed! "One nation, under surveillance" sound familiar?

And we might also want to carefully consider the call for outside investigators, too.

For similar reasons.

The old Romans had a line for the famous question: "who will guard the guards themselves?" (Also translated as "who will watch the watchmen?")

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? It is a deeply profound question because the various answers come with differing problems.

Until you put on the shoe of a black person, than you could never understand the dangerous dellima we're in. The Michael Brown case in Fergerson had a damned black eye wittness and his testimony was dismissed. As for outside investigators, having police who eat drink and sleep with each other investigate one another??? Seriously?

I even know how to spell the word dilemma.

The Michael Brown case was established to be a lot of bullshit for all those who wear the t-shirt "hands up don't shoot." Witnesses might lie, but forensic evidence cannot. YOU got hoodwinked on that one.

And I am not opposed in all cases to outsiders conducting investigations for police involved shootings. I am simply warning against placing undue reliance on them and them alone. We don't achieve justice by replacing one pre-canned conclusion for the flip side pre-canned conclusion.

You and I both have usage of spell check, I clicked prematurely....forgive!!
Listen, nothing you nor the bs evidence is gonna convince me or anyone for that matter with a working brain cell that that Brown wasn't murdered.

Brown was murdered by a chickenshit cop whose previous job at a different Missouri PD had such a bad record for racial problems that it had to be shut down. So the white rednecks in Ferguson picked him up..

Let the cops shoot a white guy and leave his body in the street for 4.5 hours....Just try it.

White Construction workers witness Mike Brown being shot with hands up

Hey, I'm on your side (smile).
Black skin.

It is a bit sad that your stock default answer is always "racism!" Like no cop has ever shot a fleeing white suspect.

What does it take for it to be racism? Does he have to jump up and down on the body and yell "I'm racist" ? Even then - he's just exercising his freedom of speech, right?

To CALL it racism would require that YOU have some valid basis to claim that YOU know what his motivation was.

You don't.

You are merely guessing and doing so on the basis of your own racist belief system.

He might have been motivated by racism. I don't know. The point, however, is that neither do you.
Last night they were showing the cop looking around to see who saw him. And his conversations after are very non chalont. Unacceptable.
Who was "showing the cop looking around". MSNBC?
Nancy Grace?
You make me laugh.
So some fuck-wits on your favorite 'Tin Foil Hat' channel accuses a cop of "looking around". You need mental help.
It was NBC and they had a behavioral scientist on..... Oh I forgot you guys dont believe in science.

He looked around like " did anyone see what I just did?" He wasn't in fear for his life. You're as dumb as OJ defenders.

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