Why was he running away?

He wasn't shot over child support idiot, he was shot because he ran and resisted arrest.

There will be no murder conviction, there may be a manslaughter conviction, and an evidence tampering conviction.

He wasn't shot over child support idiot, he was shot because he ran and resisted arrest.

and possibly shot the officer with the officers tazer

if you look closely you can see at least one of the wires hooked in on the cop

and the tazer being dragged behind Walter Scott
Looked more like the cop planted evidence to me.
You can't be so fucking stupid.
Slager did not go back to retrieve the Taser holster until AFTER another cop was standing where Scott was laying.
Slager to the other cop: "Whatever you do don't tell anyone that you saw me 'planting' evidence where Scott is laying. Tell everyone the Taser holster was beside the body when you arrived. OK pal? We racist murderer cops got to stick together right pal?"
Wise up numb-nuts or fuck off.

Tell everyone the Taser holster was beside the body when you arrived. OK pal? We racist murderer cops got to stick together right pal?"

yeah considering the second cop

on the scene was a black guy
Was he the one who said he did CPR but didn't?

I guess if you could argue on was not guilty I guess anythings possible. I hope justice prevails.

Was he the one who said he did CPR but didn't?

actually there was cpr performed

so you are being fed a false narrative again
You're forgetting that the officer and suspect were in physical hand to hand combat when the officer pulled his gun, in fact, I believe the reason said suspect was able to run was because the officer released his wrist to put both hands on his gun.

THAT part does bring up some justification for the suspect being shot by the officer, even if the suspect was running when hit by the other two or three shots. It's not like the officer can UNDO the action of firing because the suspect ran a split second after the gun was fired.

It is reported that one of the bullets hit the suspect in the chest. I am unaware if the "shot in the thigh" entered from the front or back. I think it's safe to presume the shot in the back and buttock are rear entry.
If any of this is true this is first I'm hearing it. Where you getting this?
He wasn't shot over child support idiot, he was shot because he ran and resisted arrest.

and possibly shot the officer with the officers tazer

if you look closely you can see at least one of the wires hooked in on the cop

and the tazer being dragged behind Walter Scott
Looked more like the cop planted evidence to me.
You can't be so fucking stupid.
Slager did not go back to retrieve the Taser holster until AFTER another cop was standing where Scott was laying.
Slager to the other cop: "Whatever you do don't tell anyone that you saw me 'planting' evidence where Scott is laying. Tell everyone the Taser holster was beside the body when you arrived. OK pal? We racist murderer cops got to stick together right pal?"
Wise up numb-nuts or fuck off.

Tell everyone the Taser holster was beside the body when you arrived. OK pal? We racist murderer cops got to stick together right pal?"

yeah considering the second cop

on the scene was a black guy
Was he the one who said he did CPR but didn't?

I guess if you could argue on was not guilty I guess anythings possible. I hope justice prevails.

Was he the one who said he did CPR but didn't?

actually there was cpr performed

so you are being fed a false narrative again
I watched the video. So NBC is corrupt on this? Brian williams not there.
Watch the video from the cell phone; the officer has a hand on the suspect's wrist AND one on his gun in the very first frames...

As for the entry wounds information, I've picked it up on various different reports - though yes, who knows what is true and what is not these days ~ it's not like the media vets their information and reports the truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth anymore...
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

That's like saying "why did that man run from that tiger" ? Of course we all know you should never run from a wild animal - but the fact that you do doesn't make you a bad person nor does it mean you WANT to get killed, it just means you made the wrong decision in the heat of the moment.

White cops love to kill black people. They know they can get away with it. Heck, if all else fails just say you thought you were reaching for your taser.
Looked more like the cop planted evidence to me.
You can't be so fucking stupid.
Slager did not go back to retrieve the Taser holster until AFTER another cop was standing where Scott was laying.
Slager to the other cop: "Whatever you do don't tell anyone that you saw me 'planting' evidence where Scott is laying. Tell everyone the Taser holster was beside the body when you arrived. OK pal? We racist murderer cops got to stick together right pal?"
Wise up numb-nuts or fuck off.

Tell everyone the Taser holster was beside the body when you arrived. OK pal? We racist murderer cops got to stick together right pal?"

yeah considering the second cop

on the scene was a black guy
Was he the one who said he did CPR but didn't?

I guess if you could argue on was not guilty I guess anythings possible. I hope justice prevails.

Was he the one who said he did CPR but didn't?

actually there was cpr performed

so you are being fed a false narrative again
I watched the video. So NBC is corrupt on this? Brian williams not there.

so you think that is the only video out there and the only witness to the incident

in this highly edited video by cnn

you can see at 2:17 mark a officer performing medical assistance on scott

I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

The man, 50-year old Walter Scott had a warrant for non-payment of child support and apparently ran to avoid going to jail on that charge. Did the police have the right to shoot him to prevent his escape? The law is clear they did not.. The police can use deadly force against a fleeing suspect only if the suspect is a dangerous felon. This means that the suspect has either inflicted or threatened to inflict serious bodily harm. Scott was not a dangerous felon by any stretch of the imagination, and the use of deadly force against him was criminal.

In Tennessee v. Garner, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) examined a Tennessee State statute which allowed the police to use deadly force against ALL fleeing felony suspects. The SCOTUS found the Tennessee statute to be unconstitutional, ruling that deadly force could only be used to prevent the escape of a dangerous felon. The following are pertinent portions of the Supreme Court's Court's findings (highlights are my own):

The use of deadly force to prevent the escape of all felony suspects, whatever the circumstances, is constitutionally unreasonable. It is not better that all felony suspects die than that they escape. Where the suspect poses no immediate threat to the officer and no threat to others, the harm resulting from failing to apprehend him does not justify the use of deadly force to do so. It is no doubt unfortunate when a suspect who is in sight escapes, but the fact that the police arrive a little late or are a little slower afoot does not always justify killing the suspect. A police officer may not seize an unarmed, nondangerous suspect by shooting him dead. The Tennessee statute is unconstitutional insofar as it authorizes the use of deadly force against such fleeing suspects.”

However, it is not unconstitutional on its face. Where the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a threat of serious physical harm, either to the officer or to others, it is not constitutionally unreasonable to prevent escape by using deadly force. Thus, if the suspect threatens the officer with a weapon or there is probable cause to believe that he has committed a crime involving the infliction or threatened infliction of serious physical harm, deadly force may be used if necessary to prevent escape, and if, where feasible, some warning has been given. As applied in such circumstances, the Tennessee statute would pass constitutional muster.”

Tennessee v. Garner Cop Block

I hope that answers your question.

The Charleston Pig Thug who murdered this man did it basically because he didn't want to have to go back to the office and explain to the boys he lost one. It was 100% pride (the motivation) mixed with 100% racism (the not caring about the victim). If the facts reported about him are true, he deserves a needle in his arm.
Watch the video from the cell phone; the officer has a hand on the suspect's wrist AND one on his gun in the very first frames...

As for the entry wounds information, I've picked it up on various different reports - though yes, who knows what is true and what is not these days ~ it's not like the media vets their information and reports the truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth anymore...
If someone didn't die it's almost comical how the guy just ran Twice! The cop probably just got frustrated and tired of running and from all the recent news around the country it seems as though its open season on black guys as long as no one gets you on camera.
You can't be so fucking stupid.
Slager did not go back to retrieve the Taser holster until AFTER another cop was standing where Scott was laying.
Slager to the other cop: "Whatever you do don't tell anyone that you saw me 'planting' evidence where Scott is laying. Tell everyone the Taser holster was beside the body when you arrived. OK pal? We racist murderer cops got to stick together right pal?"
Wise up numb-nuts or fuck off.

Tell everyone the Taser holster was beside the body when you arrived. OK pal? We racist murderer cops got to stick together right pal?"

yeah considering the second cop

on the scene was a black guy
Was he the one who said he did CPR but didn't?

I guess if you could argue on was not guilty I guess anythings possible. I hope justice prevails.

Was he the one who said he did CPR but didn't?

actually there was cpr performed

so you are being fed a false narrative again
I watched the video. So NBC is corrupt on this? Brian williams not there.

so you think that is the only video out there and the only witness to the incident

in this highly edited video by cnn

you can see at 2:17 mark a officer performing medical assistance on scott

Not the pig handcuffing the man he just murdered.
You can't be so fucking stupid.
Slager did not go back to retrieve the Taser holster until AFTER another cop was standing where Scott was laying.
Slager to the other cop: "Whatever you do don't tell anyone that you saw me 'planting' evidence where Scott is laying. Tell everyone the Taser holster was beside the body when you arrived. OK pal? We racist murderer cops got to stick together right pal?"
Wise up numb-nuts or fuck off.

Tell everyone the Taser holster was beside the body when you arrived. OK pal? We racist murderer cops got to stick together right pal?"

yeah considering the second cop

on the scene was a black guy
Was he the one who said he did CPR but didn't?

I guess if you could argue on was not guilty I guess anythings possible. I hope justice prevails.

Was he the one who said he did CPR but didn't?

actually there was cpr performed

so you are being fed a false narrative again
I watched the video. So NBC is corrupt on this? Brian williams not there.

so you think that is the only video out there and the only witness to the incident

in this highly edited video by cnn

you can see at 2:17 mark a officer performing medical assistance on scott

Not true. You call him on his face cuffed receiving CPR?
Here's a screen-shot of the split-second I'm talking about from the video:


Notice how the officer's hand is on the suspects wrist, and his gun. That's what I mean, they were STILL engaged in hand-to-hand when the officer pulled his gun, regardless if the suspect decided to run after the gun was fired or not. ~ or I suppose I should say, regardless of if the suspect decided to run as the officer pulled his gun or not, though again, I think the only reason the suspect /was/ able to run like that is because the officer released his wrist to get both hands on his gun.
Tell everyone the Taser holster was beside the body when you arrived. OK pal? We racist murderer cops got to stick together right pal?"

yeah considering the second cop

on the scene was a black guy
Was he the one who said he did CPR but didn't?

I guess if you could argue on was not guilty I guess anythings possible. I hope justice prevails.

Was he the one who said he did CPR but didn't?

actually there was cpr performed

so you are being fed a false narrative again
I watched the video. So NBC is corrupt on this? Brian williams not there.

so you think that is the only video out there and the only witness to the incident

in this highly edited video by cnn

you can see at 2:17 mark a officer performing medical assistance on scott

Not the pig handcuffing the man he just murdered.

I watched and didn't see care being administered to that man.

But hey, dont run from the cops.

If it comes out he faught with the cop before he got shot I might think differently. But still I'd give him 20 years out in ten with good behavior.
Thank God we have the Supreme Court to prevent people from being gunned down in the streets. Your strange ideas of vigilante justice will never see the light of day.

Yeah, we've seen how your system works. We have one of the highest homicide rates in 1st world countries, thanks to your "can't shoot criminals no matter what" mentality.
We don't have even close to one of the highest homicide rates in the world. Where the hell do you get your info? I saw a documentary on one of Russia's prisons where the inmates AVERAGED five homicides each. The US is. Lightweight when it comes to murder rates as compared to much more violent places. Perhaps if you Leftists didn't hate America so much you wouldn't skew the facts to make it look worse than it is.
You are an idiot. If you dont live in or near Detroit Saginaw and flint or places like them you have no idea what you are talking about.

Simple test. Come walk through a neighborhood I put you in at 2pm and you survive 1 hour.
There's a reason I don't live there. Where I live I can carry a gun. Let's turn this around. The black animals that live where you are wouldn't last a day in Idaho. They would be gunned down by law abiding gun carriers. That's why crime is low here.
And the list of potential criminals is probably pretty low where you love.

My dad always says there's a lot of poor people up north in michigan where its all white and violent crime doesnt exist.

I think how you raise your kids matter. I bet your indian mother and father or your entire community raised you better. It takes a village...
It helps that our father moved us off the reservation in Montana specifically so we wouldn't be influenced by it. A lot of dead beats in my family who only displayed passion when I married a white woman were proud to be Blackfeet even if that was their only accomplishment in life. I feel like our father saved us from a fate worse than death.
Tell everyone the Taser holster was beside the body when you arrived. OK pal? We racist murderer cops got to stick together right pal?"

yeah considering the second cop

on the scene was a black guy
Was he the one who said he did CPR but didn't?

I guess if you could argue on was not guilty I guess anythings possible. I hope justice prevails.

Was he the one who said he did CPR but didn't?

actually there was cpr performed

so you are being fed a false narrative again
I watched the video. So NBC is corrupt on this? Brian williams not there.

so you think that is the only video out there and the only witness to the incident

in this highly edited video by cnn

you can see at 2:17 mark a officer performing medical assistance on scott

Not true. You call him on his face cuffed receiving CPR?

you didnt watch the video
Was he the one who said he did CPR but didn't?

I guess if you could argue on was not guilty I guess anythings possible. I hope justice prevails.

Was he the one who said he did CPR but didn't?

actually there was cpr performed

so you are being fed a false narrative again
I watched the video. So NBC is corrupt on this? Brian williams not there.

so you think that is the only video out there and the only witness to the incident

in this highly edited video by cnn

you can see at 2:17 mark a officer performing medical assistance on scott

Not the pig handcuffing the man he just murdered.

I watched and didn't see care being administered to that man.

But hey, dont run from the cops.

If it comes out he faught with the cop before he got shot I might think differently. But still I'd give him 20 years out in ten with good behavior.

it is quite clear the cops are applying medical dressings to the wounds in the video

starting at 2:17 to say otherwise is dishonest
Yeah, we've seen how your system works. We have one of the highest homicide rates in 1st world countries, thanks to your "can't shoot criminals no matter what" mentality.
We don't have even close to one of the highest homicide rates in the world. Where the hell do you get your info? I saw a documentary on one of Russia's prisons where the inmates AVERAGED five homicides each. The US is. Lightweight when it comes to murder rates as compared to much more violent places. Perhaps if you Leftists didn't hate America so much you wouldn't skew the facts to make it look worse than it is.
You are an idiot. If you dont live in or near Detroit Saginaw and flint or places like them you have no idea what you are talking about.

Simple test. Come walk through a neighborhood I put you in at 2pm and you survive 1 hour.
There's a reason I don't live there. Where I live I can carry a gun. Let's turn this around. The black animals that live where you are wouldn't last a day in Idaho. They would be gunned down by law abiding gun carriers. That's why crime is low here.
And the list of potential criminals is probably pretty low where you love.

My dad always says there's a lot of poor people up north in michigan where its all white and violent crime doesnt exist.

I think how you raise your kids matter. I bet your indian mother and father or your entire community raised you better. It takes a village...
It helps that our father moved us off the reservation in Montana specifically so we wouldn't be influenced by it. A lot of dead beats in my family who only displayed passion when I married a white woman were proud to be Blackfeet even if that was their only accomplishment in life. I feel like our father saved us from a fate worse than death.

I spent 18 days hiking in the back country near that reservation. Most beautfiul part of the country I have ever seen.
Frankly I question if the suspect was actually dead when the officer cuffed him. There's a point at which it looks like the suspect moves his foot in the video, and why would they keep checking his pulse if he was dead? No report I've seen yet specifically states that the suspect was dead then, all the reports I have seen say that the suspect was declared dead "shortly after" the EMS team arrived. I'm not sure if the EMS team is the only one's who pronounce someone dead or not though, I don't know their procedures. Heck it could be standard procedure to cuff a suspect regardless, I've heard that EMS won't come in until the scene is secure/aka the suspect is cuffed (though that would lead me again to believe the suspect wasn't dead.)

I do know that multiple officers repeatedly appeared to check the suspect for a pulse. I know that the officers in the extended cellphone video appear to be pulling out bandages; which I'm not sure why they would bandage wounds if the suspect was already dead, ya know what I'm saying?

I can't say anything for if Officer Slager claims he gave CPR to the suspect, we certainly do /not/ see that in the cellphone video so that would be a lie, however if he said that "first aid was administered", that would technically be true, because the second officer on the scene did check him over and request EMS. It might be that Slager was actually NOT allowed to touch the wounded suspect because he didn't have any gloves on him [they would likely be in his car] Who knows...
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Wrong question.

The only real question is what on Earth could make it seem "ok" to shoot an unarmed fleeing man in the back?
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Wrong question.

The only real question is what on Earth could make it seem "ok" to shoot an unarmed fleeing man in the back?
I also find this effort to make Scott deserve what happened to him disturbing. Moral clarity is in short supply on this thread.

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