Why was he running away?

I also find this effort to make Scott deserve what happened to him disturbing. Moral clarity is in short supply on this thread.

He did deserve it. That's all there is to it.
Then by arbitrary standards you deserve to be shot too.

You have the right to be wrong. I have never attacked a police officer, never run from an officer, never taunted or harassed an officer.

You do any of that, you deserve shot.
Bullshit. Nobody deserves to be shot just for running from the cops. You're more of a statist than most of the Leftists on this board.

You have the right to be wrong. Enforcing the law, and preventing criminals from brutalizing innocent citizens of this land, is not "statist", is justice. Justice should be the absolute highest priority of the government, more than roads, sewers, and education.

I want the criminals shot. I want them dead. I want them in a box under 6 feet of dirt. I am tired of people being victimized by criminals, and having some pathetic scum sucking criminal supporter, claim it's "statist" to protect innocent people, and that instead criminals should be protected from reaping the rewards of their criminal actions.

As far as I'm concerned, you defend criminals, you should be shot with them, and buried in the same box as them. You have blood on your head in my book. Every criminal supporter, should die with the criminals they support.
You're in a tiny minority. People want violent criminals to be locked up, but few, if any, are as bloodthirsty as you. Many former criminals have mended their ways because they were given a chance to by our corrections system. Running from cops is an impulse action by people who don't think. It could easily be my son or yours. People often don't think and do stupid stuff. But if we shoot everyone who screws up, nobody can learn from their mistakes. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
He did deserve it. That's all there is to it.
Then by arbitrary standards you deserve to be shot too.

You have the right to be wrong. I have never attacked a police officer, never run from an officer, never taunted or harassed an officer.

You do any of that, you deserve shot.
Bullshit. Nobody deserves to be shot just for running from the cops. You're more of a statist than most of the Leftists on this board.

You have the right to be wrong. Enforcing the law, and preventing criminals from brutalizing innocent citizens of this land, is not "statist", is justice. Justice should be the absolute highest priority of the government, more than roads, sewers, and education.

I want the criminals shot. I want them dead. I want them in a box under 6 feet of dirt. I am tired of people being victimized by criminals, and having some pathetic scum sucking criminal supporter, claim it's "statist" to protect innocent people, and that instead criminals should be protected from reaping the rewards of their criminal actions.

As far as I'm concerned, you defend criminals, you should be shot with them, and buried in the same box as them. You have blood on your head in my book. Every criminal supporter, should die with the criminals they support.
You're in a tiny minority. People want violent criminals to be locked up, but few, if any, are as bloodthirsty as you. Many former criminals have mended their ways because they were given a chance to by our corrections system. Running from cops is an impulse action by people who don't think. It could easily be my son or yours. People often don't think and do stupid stuff. But if we shoot everyone who screws up, nobody can learn from their mistakes. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
"People who run from the cops don't think." This is true. They don't "think" b/c they are not capable of doing so.
He did deserve it. That's all there is to it.
Then by arbitrary standards you deserve to be shot too.

You have the right to be wrong. I have never attacked a police officer, never run from an officer, never taunted or harassed an officer.

You do any of that, you deserve shot.
Bullshit. Nobody deserves to be shot just for running from the cops. You're more of a statist than most of the Leftists on this board.

You have the right to be wrong. Enforcing the law, and preventing criminals from brutalizing innocent citizens of this land, is not "statist", is justice. Justice should be the absolute highest priority of the government, more than roads, sewers, and education.

I want the criminals shot. I want them dead. I want them in a box under 6 feet of dirt. I am tired of people being victimized by criminals, and having some pathetic scum sucking criminal supporter, claim it's "statist" to protect innocent people, and that instead criminals should be protected from reaping the rewards of their criminal actions.

As far as I'm concerned, you defend criminals, you should be shot with them, and buried in the same box as them. You have blood on your head in my book. Every criminal supporter, should die with the criminals they support.

You're in a tiny minority. People want violent criminals to be locked up, but few, if any, are as bloodthirsty as you. Many former criminals have mended their ways because they were given a chance to by our corrections system. Running from cops is an impulse action by people who don't think. It could easily be my son or yours. People often don't think and do stupid stuff. But if we shoot everyone who screws up, nobody can learn from their mistakes. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

Why would I care about that? I can't think of a single reason I'd care if everyone, or no one, agrees with me.

No, very few, extremely few mend their ways and become wonderful law abiding citizens.

The recidivism rates according to the DOJ is 80% for property offenses over all, and over 60% for violent crime.

Let me explain that to you in simpler terms. You support MILLIONS of people being victimized and abused, for the sake of a tiny fraction of people WHO COMMITTED CRIMES THEMSELVES... because they might not.

That makes you a vile bit of human scum. You support the harm, pain, the abuse and suffering of INNOCENT PEOPLE, just because you don't want to shed a tear over a criminal you support.

I don't how you sick twisted people can even look yourself in the mirror.

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