Why was he running away?

so you think that is the only video out there and the only witness to the incident

in this highly edited video by cnn

you can see at 2:17 mark a officer performing medical assistance on scott

Not the pig handcuffing the man he just murdered.

I watched and didn't see care being administered to that man.

But hey, dont run from the cops.

If it comes out he faught with the cop before he got shot I might think differently. But still I'd give him 20 years out in ten with good behavior.

An eyewitness had already made a sworn statement she saw Slager and Scott in an ongoing fight which occurred the length of a football field. She swore she saw Scott on top of Slager when they were both struggling on the ground.
Before you come to any quick conclusions it's best to wait for all the evidence to be released to the public.
"HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT!!!!!!" HAAAAA HAAAAA!!!! Ya fucking right!

Another zimmerman defense?

The guy in the car said "I dont know why he ran" nothing about fighting the cop. Can't wait to know the truth.

You can't handle the truth pal. You run your stupid fucking mouth and literally every time you end up looking like the idiot you are.
Question: Are you the 5'3" fool in the bar who's always getting drunk and picking fights with men who always punch your lights out and then you come in your pants and are happy. You need to ask why you are always on the wrong headed side of things. Are you trying to punish your mother for not breast feeding you?
Your father for not 'disciplining' you so you need strangers to do the job for him?

Let me guess youre a conservative white male?
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Wrong question.

The only real question is what on Earth could make it seem "ok" to shoot an unarmed fleeing man in the back?
I also find this effort to make Scott deserve what happened to him disturbing. Moral clarity is in short supply on this thread.

He did deserve it. That's all there is to it.
Then by arbitrary standards you deserve to be shot too.
you see the problem with the media is you see only what they want you to see

You've either lost, or missed, the context of the ongoing discussion that comment was replying to. No worries.

Normally I'd just shrug and not reply, given it was a no-fault mistake on your part, however, I found great amusement that you attempted to chastise /me/ for falling for media bias - clearly you did not read my sig heh. I do thank you for the chuckle this morning. :)

i didnt miss anything
That is (sadly) sometimes not true. If you are confronted by a rogue cop, flight might become a damn necessity.

And I don't say that lightly. I tend to like cops. But when one of more go off the deep end, getting the fuck away from them is arguably nothing more than a survival instinct at work.

Bottom line is this, camera's must be present at all times, better training and this is the biggest change......outside investigators should handle these cases of unarmed minorities being murdered....no more policing our own shit!!

Two things:

For those advocating "body cameras" on all cops, I suggest you all take a giant step backwards, take a deep breath, then think.

I predict that if we put these cameras on all the patrol cops out there, it will be mere MOMENTS before some folks start demanding that the invasion of privacy be curtailed! "One nation, under surveillance" sound familiar?

And we might also want to carefully consider the call for outside investigators, too.

For similar reasons.

The old Romans had a line for the famous question: "who will guard the guards themselves?" (Also translated as "who will watch the watchmen?")

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? It is a deeply profound question because the various answers come with differing problems.

Until you put on the shoe of a black person, than you could never understand the dangerous dellima we're in. The Michael Brown case in Fergerson had a damned black eye wittness and his testimony was dismissed. As for outside investigators, having police who eat drink and sleep with each other investigate one another??? Seriously?

I even know how to spell the word dilemma.

The Michael Brown case was established to be a lot of bullshit for all those who wear the t-shirt "hands up don't shoot." Witnesses might lie, but forensic evidence cannot. YOU got hoodwinked on that one.

And I am not opposed in all cases to outsiders conducting investigations for police involved shootings. I am simply warning against placing undue reliance on them and them alone. We don't achieve justice by replacing one pre-canned conclusion for the flip side pre-canned conclusion.

You and I both have usage of spell check, I clicked prematurely....forgive!!
Listen, nothing you nor the bs evidence is gonna convince me or anyone for that matter with a working brain cell that that Brown wasn't murdered.
So the "evidence" was BS? I forgot. You're a negro so you don't have the IQ to understand what scientific facts are. Thanks for once again proving the point. Like a banana?
BTW. "Anyone" is otherwise known as the Grand Jury. HAAA HAAA!
That is (sadly) sometimes not true. If you are confronted by a rogue cop, flight might become a damn necessity.

And I don't say that lightly. I tend to like cops. But when one of more go off the deep end, getting the fuck away from them is arguably nothing more than a survival instinct at work.

Bottom line is this, camera's must be present at all times, better training and this is the biggest change......outside investigators should handle these cases of unarmed minorities being murdered....no more policing our own shit!!

Two things:

For those advocating "body cameras" on all cops, I suggest you all take a giant step backwards, take a deep breath, then think.

I predict that if we put these cameras on all the patrol cops out there, it will be mere MOMENTS before some folks start demanding that the invasion of privacy be curtailed! "One nation, under surveillance" sound familiar?

And we might also want to carefully consider the call for outside investigators, too.

For similar reasons.

The old Romans had a line for the famous question: "who will guard the guards themselves?" (Also translated as "who will watch the watchmen?")

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? It is a deeply profound question because the various answers come with differing problems.

Until you put on the shoe of a black person, than you could never understand the dangerous dellima we're in. The Michael Brown case in Fergerson had a damned black eye wittness and his testimony was dismissed. As for outside investigators, having police who eat drink and sleep with each other investigate one another??? Seriously?

I even know how to spell the word dilemma.

The Michael Brown case was established to be a lot of bullshit for all those who wear the t-shirt "hands up don't shoot." Witnesses might lie, but forensic evidence cannot. ....

No, it wasn't a lot of bullshit. There's no doubt Michael Brown was shot 6-7 times at a distance, and that he was UNARMED.
The DOJ found that Darren Wilson acted in accordance to Missouri law which allows for cops to shoot suspects who are running away from them, regardless of the reason.
So take your fucking Fly OVer Redneck country laws and shove them up your tight, white azz.
You must be a negro right? The forensic evidence proves conclusively that 'Big Mike' was NOT shot when he was "running away". But frankly who really thinks you have the IQ to comprehend basic reality.
Reading your posts and other negro posts here habitually defending the indefensible is no different than reading posts put up by a bunch of 'Special Needs' people.
I actually feel sorry you all are living with such a handicap. But don't stop posting.
Bottom line is this, camera's must be present at all times, better training and this is the biggest change......outside investigators should handle these cases of unarmed minorities being murdered....no more policing our own shit!!

Two things:

For those advocating "body cameras" on all cops, I suggest you all take a giant step backwards, take a deep breath, then think.

I predict that if we put these cameras on all the patrol cops out there, it will be mere MOMENTS before some folks start demanding that the invasion of privacy be curtailed! "One nation, under surveillance" sound familiar?

And we might also want to carefully consider the call for outside investigators, too.

For similar reasons.

The old Romans had a line for the famous question: "who will guard the guards themselves?" (Also translated as "who will watch the watchmen?")

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? It is a deeply profound question because the various answers come with differing problems.

Until you put on the shoe of a black person, than you could never understand the dangerous dellima we're in. The Michael Brown case in Fergerson had a damned black eye wittness and his testimony was dismissed. As for outside investigators, having police who eat drink and sleep with each other investigate one another??? Seriously?

I even know how to spell the word dilemma.

The Michael Brown case was established to be a lot of bullshit for all those who wear the t-shirt "hands up don't shoot." Witnesses might lie, but forensic evidence cannot. ....

No, it wasn't a lot of bullshit. There's no doubt Michael Brown was shot 6-7 times at a distance, and that he was UNARMED.
The DOJ found that Darren Wilson acted in accordance to Missouri law which allows for cops to shoot suspects who are running away from them, regardless of the reason.
So take your fucking Fly OVer Redneck country laws and shove them up your tight, white azz.
You must be a negro right? The forensic evidence proves conclusively that 'Big Mike' was NOT shot when he was "running away". But frankly who really thinks you have the IQ to comprehend basic reality.
Reading your posts and other negro posts here habitually defending the indefensible is no different than reading posts put up by a bunch of 'Special Needs' people.
I actually feel sorry you all are living with such a handicap. But don't stop posting.

Oh and you must be a red white and blah redneck, correct? Your theory and my story of what really happened obviously conflicts....so why don't you do us both a favor and ignore me going forward....and always remember dear friend, the nigga you call out today, will be in your family tree tomorrow....just sayin

Two things:

For those advocating "body cameras" on all cops, I suggest you all take a giant step backwards, take a deep breath, then think.

I predict that if we put these cameras on all the patrol cops out there, it will be mere MOMENTS before some folks start demanding that the invasion of privacy be curtailed! "One nation, under surveillance" sound familiar?

And we might also want to carefully consider the call for outside investigators, too.

For similar reasons.

The old Romans had a line for the famous question: "who will guard the guards themselves?" (Also translated as "who will watch the watchmen?")

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? It is a deeply profound question because the various answers come with differing problems.

Until you put on the shoe of a black person, than you could never understand the dangerous dellima we're in. The Michael Brown case in Fergerson had a damned black eye wittness and his testimony was dismissed. As for outside investigators, having police who eat drink and sleep with each other investigate one another??? Seriously?

I even know how to spell the word dilemma.

The Michael Brown case was established to be a lot of bullshit for all those who wear the t-shirt "hands up don't shoot." Witnesses might lie, but forensic evidence cannot. ....

No, it wasn't a lot of bullshit. There's no doubt Michael Brown was shot 6-7 times at a distance, and that he was UNARMED.
The DOJ found that Darren Wilson acted in accordance to Missouri law which allows for cops to shoot suspects who are running away from them, regardless of the reason.
So take your fucking Fly OVer Redneck country laws and shove them up your tight, white azz.
You must be a negro right? The forensic evidence proves conclusively that 'Big Mike' was NOT shot when he was "running away". But frankly who really thinks you have the IQ to comprehend basic reality.
Reading your posts and other negro posts here habitually defending the indefensible is no different than reading posts put up by a bunch of 'Special Needs' people.
I actually feel sorry you all are living with such a handicap. But don't stop posting.

Oh and you must be a red white and blah redneck, correct? Your theory and my story of what really happened obviously conflicts....so why don't you do us both a favor and ignore me going forward....and always remember dear friend, the nigga you call out today, will be in your family tree tomorrow....just sayin

View attachment 39764
I don't think I'll ignore you. Much as you'd like me to.
Debating with you is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.
As to your negro race 'blending in' with the White race once again you're showing your lack of IQ. At the rate negroes and Whites are getting married the negro race will have murdered each other to the point of extinction first.
Until you put on the shoe of a black person, than you could never understand the dangerous dellima we're in. The Michael Brown case in Fergerson had a damned black eye wittness and his testimony was dismissed. As for outside investigators, having police who eat drink and sleep with each other investigate one another??? Seriously?

I even know how to spell the word dilemma.

The Michael Brown case was established to be a lot of bullshit for all those who wear the t-shirt "hands up don't shoot." Witnesses might lie, but forensic evidence cannot. ....

No, it wasn't a lot of bullshit. There's no doubt Michael Brown was shot 6-7 times at a distance, and that he was UNARMED.
The DOJ found that Darren Wilson acted in accordance to Missouri law which allows for cops to shoot suspects who are running away from them, regardless of the reason.
So take your fucking Fly OVer Redneck country laws and shove them up your tight, white azz.
You must be a negro right? The forensic evidence proves conclusively that 'Big Mike' was NOT shot when he was "running away". But frankly who really thinks you have the IQ to comprehend basic reality.
Reading your posts and other negro posts here habitually defending the indefensible is no different than reading posts put up by a bunch of 'Special Needs' people.
I actually feel sorry you all are living with such a handicap. But don't stop posting.

Oh and you must be a red white and blah redneck, correct? Your theory and my story of what really happened obviously conflicts....so why don't you do us both a favor and ignore me going forward....and always remember dear friend, the nigga you call out today, will be in your family tree tomorrow....just sayin

View attachment 39764
I don't think I'll ignore you. Much as you'd like me to.
Debating with you is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.
As to your negro race 'blending in' with the White race once again you're showing your lack of IQ. At the rate negroes and Whites are getting married the negro race will have murdered each other to the point of extinction first.

LOLOL...glad you got balls, that pleases me immensely...cause most of you cowards turn me in....listen, I live in the south and trust me, the way yo white women are salivating over dark meat, I don't see extinction coming any time soon, hate to burst your bubble on that one, Hoss. As for my lack of IQ, that in itself speaks volume about you, wouldn't you say?
I even know how to spell the word dilemma.

The Michael Brown case was established to be a lot of bullshit for all those who wear the t-shirt "hands up don't shoot." Witnesses might lie, but forensic evidence cannot. ....

No, it wasn't a lot of bullshit. There's no doubt Michael Brown was shot 6-7 times at a distance, and that he was UNARMED.
The DOJ found that Darren Wilson acted in accordance to Missouri law which allows for cops to shoot suspects who are running away from them, regardless of the reason.
So take your fucking Fly OVer Redneck country laws and shove them up your tight, white azz.
You must be a negro right? The forensic evidence proves conclusively that 'Big Mike' was NOT shot when he was "running away". But frankly who really thinks you have the IQ to comprehend basic reality.
Reading your posts and other negro posts here habitually defending the indefensible is no different than reading posts put up by a bunch of 'Special Needs' people.
I actually feel sorry you all are living with such a handicap. But don't stop posting.

Oh and you must be a red white and blah redneck, correct? Your theory and my story of what really happened obviously conflicts....so why don't you do us both a favor and ignore me going forward....and always remember dear friend, the nigga you call out today, will be in your family tree tomorrow....just sayin

View attachment 39764
I don't think I'll ignore you. Much as you'd like me to.
Debating with you is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.
As to your negro race 'blending in' with the White race once again you're showing your lack of IQ. At the rate negroes and Whites are getting married the negro race will have murdered each other to the point of extinction first.

LOLOL...glad you got balls, that pleases me immensely...cause most of you cowards turn me in....listen, I live in the south and trust me, the way yo white women are salivating over dark meat, I don't see extinction coming any time soon, hate to burst your bubble on that one, Hoss. As for my lack of IQ, that in itself speaks volume about you, wouldn't you say?
The word is 'volumes'. Fucking negro fish in a small barrel. HAAA HAAA
You're wet dream myth that White women wanting 'dark meat' is a fucking joke. Truth is most White women see negro men as repulsive/liars/theives/irresponsible fuckinghg losers. So that means they have pegged negro men perfectly. What White women want is a man without HPD, a man with an IQ above 80, a man who will get a fucking job and show up every night after work, a man who will honor and respect a women, a man who will be a father to his children.......none of which honourable qualities a negro man is exactly famous worldwide for.
The divorce rate of White women married to negro men is TWICE the national divorce rate. Negro men simply don't have what it takes to behave themselves.
No, it wasn't a lot of bullshit. There's no doubt Michael Brown was shot 6-7 times at a distance, and that he was UNARMED.
The DOJ found that Darren Wilson acted in accordance to Missouri law which allows for cops to shoot suspects who are running away from them, regardless of the reason.
So take your fucking Fly OVer Redneck country laws and shove them up your tight, white azz.
You must be a negro right? The forensic evidence proves conclusively that 'Big Mike' was NOT shot when he was "running away". But frankly who really thinks you have the IQ to comprehend basic reality.
Reading your posts and other negro posts here habitually defending the indefensible is no different than reading posts put up by a bunch of 'Special Needs' people.
I actually feel sorry you all are living with such a handicap. But don't stop posting.

Oh and you must be a red white and blah redneck, correct? Your theory and my story of what really happened obviously conflicts....so why don't you do us both a favor and ignore me going forward....and always remember dear friend, the nigga you call out today, will be in your family tree tomorrow....just sayin

View attachment 39764
I don't think I'll ignore you. Much as you'd like me to.
Debating with you is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.
As to your negro race 'blending in' with the White race once again you're showing your lack of IQ. At the rate negroes and Whites are getting married the negro race will have murdered each other to the point of extinction first.

LOLOL...glad you got balls, that pleases me immensely...cause most of you cowards turn me in....listen, I live in the south and trust me, the way yo white women are salivating over dark meat, I don't see extinction coming any time soon, hate to burst your bubble on that one, Hoss. As for my lack of IQ, that in itself speaks volume about you, wouldn't you say?
The word is 'volumes'. Fucking negro fish in a small barrel. HAAA HAAA
You're wet dream myth that White women wanting 'dark meat' is a fucking joke. Truth is most White women see negro men as repulsive/liars/theives/irresponsible fuckinghg losers. So that means they have pegged negro men perfectly. What White women want is a man without HPD, a man with an IQ above 80, a man who will get a fucking job and show up every night after work, a man who will honor and respect a women, a man who will be a father to his children.......none of which honourable qualities a negro man is exactly famous worldwide for.
The divorce rate of White women married to negro men is TWICE the national divorce rate. Negro men simply don't have what it takes to behave themselves.

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.....listen, you can dog nigga's up all you want, Hoss.....but a nigga on a bike, fresh out of prison with one gold tooth and a nickle in his pocket.....has a better chance of snatchin up one of your prized mops, than a corn fed, Harvard educated white boy with a 6 figure income, driving a Benz and them is facts....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL......Hate to tell you Hoss, but Becky don't seem to mind one damned bit!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Dear Dannyboy....I know its difficult in these hard times of perhaps having to relinquish your white's only privelege card, but times my dear friend are a changing and no longer will the voice of white only be the only voices heard in this country. Gays, minorities and women are finding their voices and white men either need to start listening or get off the pot and wipe.

For the tides of change are rolling in and nothing and I mean nothing short of the coming of Christ is gonna turn this country back into the dark ages of white only rule and exclusion.

So my friend, if you are wise and you are not....I'd find a comfy rock and crawl under it!!
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Why was he running? Uhmmmm, why do all criminals run? CAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO GO TO FUCKING JAIL, DUH!!! OJ RAN, BOSTON BOMBER RAN, CRIMINALS RUN, DUH!!!

Innocent men don't run. Period.

That is (sadly) sometimes not true. If you are confronted by a rogue cop, flight might become a damn necessity.

And I don't say that lightly. I tend to like cops. But when one of more go off the deep end, getting the fuck away from them is arguably nothing more than a survival instinct at work.

Bottom line is this, camera's must be present at all times, better training and this is the biggest change......outside investigators should handle these cases of unarmed minorities being murdered....no more policing our own shit!!

Two things:

For those advocating "body cameras" on all cops, I suggest you all take a giant step backwards, take a deep breath, then think.

I predict that if we put these cameras on all the patrol cops out there, it will be mere MOMENTS before some folks start demanding that the invasion of privacy be curtailed! "One nation, under surveillance" sound familiar?

And we might also want to carefully consider the call for outside investigators, too.

For similar reasons.

The old Romans had a line for the famous question: "who will guard the guards themselves?" (Also translated as "who will watch the watchmen?")

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? It is a deeply profound question because the various answers come with differing problems.
I'm uneasy about it to but from a different angle. Body cams are being called for on every cop in the country, setting a precedent for more uniform standards and eventually nationalizing all police. In fact, Joe Biden (bless his heart) let the cat out of the bag by calling for exactly that; not the first time he set aside subtlety and outed the Left's unspoken agenda.
Dear Dannyboy....I know its difficult in these hard times of perhaps having to relinquish your white's only privelege card, but times my dear friend are a changing and no longer will the voice of white only be the only voices heard in this country. Gays, minorities and women are finding their voices and white men either need to start listening or get off the pot and wipe.

For the tides of change are rolling in and nothing and I mean nothing short of the coming of Christ is gonna turn this country back into the dark ages of white only rule and exclusion.

So my friend, if you are wise and you are not....I'd find a comfy rock and crawl under it!!
You're just another low IQ negro with no decent future.
Permanent Ignore.
Another runner...

Another Tree Dweller no longer able to endanger the lives of innocent people.

I hope nobody wasted any money burying him. He doesn't deserve a square inch on the planet.
Throw him in the nearest garbage incinerator.
* * * *

You and I both have usage of spell check, I clicked prematurely....forgive!!

We may both have it, yet you seem unable to actually use it.

Listen, nothing you nor the bs evidence is gonna convince me or anyone for that matter with a working brain cell that that Brown wasn't murdered.

LOL. You are a MASSIVE douche. You just basically ADMITTED that you will not ALLOW "evidence" to get in the way of your mindless, baseless and preconceived incorrect supposition.

The forensic evidence is not a matter of opinion, you moron. The hands up claim was false. Period.

Even a simpleton of your tragically low intellectual capacity should wonder why the Obumbler/Holder investigation was unable and therefore unwilling to prosecute the cop over this bogus claim.

I'll tell you. YOU won't understand, because you already said that facts don't matter to you, but still:

The FACT is that there is not the slightest valid doubt in the universe that the "his hands were up" story is and was entirely false.
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Wrong question.

The only real question is what on Earth could make it seem "ok" to shoot an unarmed fleeing man in the back?
I also find this effort to make Scott deserve what happened to him disturbing. Moral clarity is in short supply on this thread.

He did deserve it. That's all there is to it.
Then by arbitrary standards you deserve to be shot too.

You have the right to be wrong. I have never attacked a police officer, never run from an officer, never taunted or harassed an officer.

You do any of that, you deserve shot.
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Wrong question.

The only real question is what on Earth could make it seem "ok" to shoot an unarmed fleeing man in the back?
I also find this effort to make Scott deserve what happened to him disturbing. Moral clarity is in short supply on this thread.

He did deserve it. That's all there is to it.
Then by arbitrary standards you deserve to be shot too.

You have the right to be wrong. I have never attacked a police officer, never run from an officer, never taunted or harassed an officer.

You do any of that, you deserve shot.
Bullshit. Nobody deserves to be shot just for running from the cops. You're more of a statist than most of the Leftists on this board.
Wrong question.

The only real question is what on Earth could make it seem "ok" to shoot an unarmed fleeing man in the back?
I also find this effort to make Scott deserve what happened to him disturbing. Moral clarity is in short supply on this thread.

He did deserve it. That's all there is to it.
Then by arbitrary standards you deserve to be shot too.

You have the right to be wrong. I have never attacked a police officer, never run from an officer, never taunted or harassed an officer.

You do any of that, you deserve shot.
Bullshit. Nobody deserves to be shot just for running from the cops. You're more of a statist than most of the Leftists on this board.

You have the right to be wrong. Enforcing the law, and preventing criminals from brutalizing innocent citizens of this land, is not "statist", is justice. Justice should be the absolute highest priority of the government, more than roads, sewers, and education.

I want the criminals shot. I want them dead. I want them in a box under 6 feet of dirt. I am tired of people being victimized by criminals, and having some pathetic scum sucking criminal supporter, claim it's "statist" to protect innocent people, and that instead criminals should be protected from reaping the rewards of their criminal actions.

As far as I'm concerned, you defend criminals, you should be shot with them, and buried in the same box as them. You have blood on your head in my book. Every criminal supporter, should die with the criminals they support.

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