Why was he running away?

I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Wrong question.

The only real question is what on Earth could make it seem "ok" to shoot an unarmed fleeing man in the back?

Black skin.
Here's a screen-shot of the split-second I'm talking about from the video:


Notice how the officer's hand is on the suspects wrist, and his gun. That's what I mean, they were STILL engaged in hand-to-hand when the officer pulled his gun, regardless if the suspect decided to run after the gun was fired or not. ~ or I suppose I should say, regardless of if the suspect decided to run as the officer pulled his gun or not, though again, I think the only reason the suspect /was/ able to run like that is because the officer released his wrist to get both hands on his gun.

they are fighting over the tazer

the cop gets hit by it a millisecond later

he then draws his sidearm

you can see one wire from the taser in the cops vest the other

appears to be hooked in his left calf

the wire is stretched around scotts leg

and he is dragging it behind him

in the videos showing the cop during debriefing

you can see him with his left pant leg rolled up

which further suggests he was showing his taser injury to his leg
Frankly I question if the suspect was actually dead when the officer cuffed him. There's a point at which it looks like the suspect moves his foot in the video, and why would they keep checking his pulse if he was dead? No report I've seen yet specifically states that the suspect was dead then, all the reports I have seen say that the suspect was declared dead "shortly after" the EMS team arrived. I'm not sure if the EMS team is the only one's who pronounce someone dead or not though, I don't know their procedures. Heck it could be standard procedure to cuff a suspect regardless, I've heard that EMS won't come in until the scene is secure/aka the suspect is cuffed (though that would lead me again to believe the suspect wasn't dead.)

I do know that multiple officers repeatedly appeared to check the suspect for a pulse. I know that the officers in the extended cellphone video appear to be pulling out bandages; which I'm not sure why they would bandage wounds if the suspect was already dead, ya know what I'm saying?

I can't say anything for if Officer Slager claims he gave CPR to the suspect, we certainly do /not/ see that in the cellphone video so that would be a lie, however if he said that "first aid was administered", that would technically be true, because the second officer on the scene did check him over and request EMS. It might be that Slager was actually NOT allowed to touch the wounded suspect because he didn't have any gloves on him [they would likely be in his car] Who knows...

Frankly I question if the suspect was actually dead when the officer cuffed him. There's a point at which it looks like the suspect moves his foot in the video,

i wondered that also

but i think he is pulled by the black officer prepping him for medical dressings
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Wrong question.

The only real question is what on Earth could make it seem "ok" to shoot an unarmed fleeing man in the back?

Black skin.

It is a bit sad that your stock default answer is always "racism!" Like no cop has ever shot a fleeing white suspect.
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Wrong question.

The only real question is what on Earth could make it seem "ok" to shoot an unarmed fleeing man in the back?

Black skin.

It is a bit sad that your stock default answer is always "racism!" Like no cop has ever shot a fleeing white suspect.

the stock default is built in because that is what the sheeple are spoon fed
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Wrong question.

The only real question is what on Earth could make it seem "ok" to shoot an unarmed fleeing man in the back?

Black skin.

It is a bit sad that your stock default answer is always "racism!" Like no cop has ever shot a fleeing white suspect.

What does it take for it to be racism? Does he have to jump up and down on the body and yell "I'm racist" ? Even then - he's just exercising his freedom of speech, right?
Frankly I question if the suspect was actually dead when the officer cuffed him. There's a point at which it looks like the suspect moves his foot in the video,

i wondered that also

but i think he is pulled by the black officer prepping him for medical dressings

I agree, I mean there's a number of points in the cellphone video where it looks like the suspect moves his legs/feet, but it's so hard to tell cause the cellphone is moving around and the second officer it doing whatever too. I just don't know, but I mean, that's the point, we don't know. I've YET to see a report saying that the suspect was dead immediately or anything, I've only seen reports that he was pronounced dead "shortly after" EMS arrived on the scene - and of course this is further confused by the fact that we don't see a full video of "up until" when the EMS arrived and what happened after they arrived...

We haven't seen an official police report from Slager yet either, so idk that he actually said he'd administered "CPR" at all. I mean all I've seen is a media report on what the police said, but when I read that article and the actual police reports filed by other officers - the media's supposed "police said" isn't exactly right either.

Looking at it from an unbiased, and perhaps less than educated on particulars and procedures, viewpoint, I don't know why they would attempt first aid if Scott was already dead, of course I don't know why they /wouldn't/ do CPR if he died [after the second officer showed up] either. I don't see any CPR but that cellphone video is not the entire scene either, I mean it doesn't have the original struggle, so we cannot automatically assume that it would have any CPR done by the officers arriving before the EMS guys either... There are TWO scene cuts in the cellphone video's I've seen (extended cellphone video and the edited ones put out on the news) seriously makes me question why said cuts exist at all, and more so what happened during said cuts...

There are just too many questions for me to make a decision one way or the other yet. My intuition at this moment says that the suspect (at a minimum) attempted to take the tazer, and therefore the officer had reasonable cause to believe the suspect was a threat, and that is why he shot him. The officer was arrested because of concerns about riots and because there is a question of doubt on if it was a good shoot or not. That said, if the officer did some of the things he's reported to have done /after/ the shooting, then I'm going to have a much harder time taking the officer at his word that the suspect took/attempted to take his tazer, and that's going to be a major issue for my current opinion...
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Doing what little he could to get away from a murderer?

Just a guess...
No he ran because he had warrants. Nice Leftytoon fail though.

Okay, you closet homicidal axe murderer. It's not a left or a right thing. It's Murder, PERIOD. Maybe in your world, Non Payment of Child Support is a capital charge and they should be shot. Or, in the rest of our worlds, the Cop could have easily run him down. He's fat and fifty. Not exactly "Public Enemy Number One".
Never said it was a left or right thing. Simply stated why he ran away. Take your meds loon.
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Wrong question.

The only real question is what on Earth could make it seem "ok" to shoot an unarmed fleeing man in the back?

What makes it ok, is that we are a nation of laws, not anarchy. You must follow those laws, are you forfeit your life.

Further, it is clear he was fighting with police. A man who is willing to go to physical violence with an armed police officer, is clearly a danger to society, and can not be allowed to go free.

Therefore, if this man can not be arrested peaceably, then he should be shot. Society is better off now.
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Wrong question.

The only real question is what on Earth could make it seem "ok" to shoot an unarmed fleeing man in the back?
I also find this effort to make Scott deserve what happened to him disturbing. Moral clarity is in short supply on this thread.

He did deserve it. That's all there is to it.
Frankly I question if the suspect was actually dead when the officer cuffed him. There's a point at which it looks like the suspect moves his foot in the video,

i wondered that also

but i think he is pulled by the black officer prepping him for medical dressings

I agree, I mean there's a number of points in the cellphone video where it looks like the suspect moves his legs/feet, but it's so hard to tell cause the cellphone is moving around and the second officer it doing whatever too. I just don't know, but I mean, that's the point, we don't know. I've YET to see a report saying that the suspect was dead immediately or anything, I've only seen reports that he was pronounced dead "shortly after" EMS arrived on the scene - and of course this is further confused by the fact that we don't see a full video of "up until" when the EMS arrived and what happened after they arrived...

We haven't seen an official police report from Slager yet either, so idk that he actually said he'd administered "CPR" at all. I mean all I've seen is a media report on what the police said, but when I read that article and the actual police reports filed by other officers - the media's supposed "police said" isn't exactly right either.

Looking at it from an unbiased, and perhaps less than educated on particulars and procedures, viewpoint, I don't know why they would attempt first aid if Scott was already dead, of course I don't know why they /wouldn't/ do CPR if he died [after the second officer showed up] either. I don't see any CPR but that cellphone video is not the entire scene either, I mean it doesn't have the original struggle, so we cannot automatically assume that it would have any CPR done by the officers arriving before the EMS guys either... There are TWO scene cuts in the cellphone video's I've seen (extended cellphone video and the edited ones put out on the news) seriously makes me question why said cuts exist at all, and more so what happened during said cuts...

There are just too many questions for me to make a decision one way or the other yet. My intuition at this moment says that the suspect (at a minimum) attempted to take the tazer, and therefore the officer had reasonable cause to believe the suspect was a threat, and that is why he shot him. The officer was arrested because of concerns about riots and because there is a question of doubt on if it was a good shoot or not. That said, if the officer did some of the things he's reported to have done /after/ the shooting, then I'm going to have a much harder time taking the officer at his word that the suspect took/attempted to take his tazer, and that's going to be a major issue for my current opinion...

the second officer it doing whatever too. I just don't know,

the 2nd cop is giving medical aid without question

you can see a third officer bring the 2nd officer a large medical kit which they use for medical compresses to control bleeding

you see the problem with the media is you see only what they want you to see

the police reports write about the medical attention and cpr which is handed over to EMS
Thank God we have the Supreme Court to prevent people from being gunned down in the streets. Your strange ideas of vigilante justice will never see the light of day.

Yeah, we've seen how your system works. We have one of the highest homicide rates in 1st world countries, thanks to your "can't shoot criminals no matter what" mentality.
We don't have even close to one of the highest homicide rates in the world. Where the hell do you get your info? I saw a documentary on one of Russia's prisons where the inmates AVERAGED five homicides each. The US is. Lightweight when it comes to murder rates as compared to much more violent places. Perhaps if you Leftists didn't hate America so much you wouldn't skew the facts to make it look worse than it is.
You are an idiot. If you dont live in or near Detroit Saginaw and flint or places like them you have no idea what you are talking about.

Simple test. Come walk through a neighborhood I put you in at 2pm and you survive 1 hour.
There's a reason I don't live there. Where I live I can carry a gun. Let's turn this around. The black animals that live where you are wouldn't last a day in Idaho. They would be gunned down by law abiding gun carriers. That's why crime is low here.

I'm sure blacks can safely visit idaho.

If you live in Idaho you dont even know what a real high crime ghetto is. Two different Americas. A real city vs. Mayberry.
You call the fucking filthy shit-holes the negroes live in "real cities"? You need mental help.
I prefer to live in a place where young girls can walk down the street without a bunch of young nego simians harassing them.
Was he the one who said he did CPR but didn't?

I guess if you could argue on was not guilty I guess anythings possible. I hope justice prevails.

Was he the one who said he did CPR but didn't?

actually there was cpr performed

so you are being fed a false narrative again
I watched the video. So NBC is corrupt on this? Brian williams not there.

so you think that is the only video out there and the only witness to the incident

in this highly edited video by cnn

you can see at 2:17 mark a officer performing medical assistance on scott

Not the pig handcuffing the man he just murdered.

I watched and didn't see care being administered to that man.

But hey, dont run from the cops.

If it comes out he faught with the cop before he got shot I might think differently. But still I'd give him 20 years out in ten with good behavior.

An eyewitness had already made a sworn statement she saw Slager and Scott in an ongoing fight which occurred the length of a football field. She swore she saw Scott on top of Slager when they were both struggling on the ground.
Before you come to any quick conclusions it's best to wait for all the evidence to be released to the public.
"HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT!!!!!!" HAAAAA HAAAAA!!!! Ya fucking right!
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Wrong question.

The only real question is what on Earth could make it seem "ok" to shoot an unarmed fleeing man in the back?

Black skin.

It is a bit sad that your stock default answer is always "racism!" Like no cop has ever shot a fleeing white suspect.

What does it take for it to be racism? Does he have to jump up and down on the body and yell "I'm racist" ? Even then - he's just exercising his freedom of speech, right?

To CALL it racism would require that YOU have some valid basis to claim that YOU know what his motivation was.

You don't.

You are merely guessing and doing so on the basis of your own racist belief system.

He might have been motivated by racism. I don't know. The point, however, is that neither do you.
Was he the one who said he did CPR but didn't?

I guess if you could argue on was not guilty I guess anythings possible. I hope justice prevails.

Was he the one who said he did CPR but didn't?

actually there was cpr performed

so you are being fed a false narrative again
I watched the video. So NBC is corrupt on this? Brian williams not there.

so you think that is the only video out there and the only witness to the incident

in this highly edited video by cnn

you can see at 2:17 mark a officer performing medical assistance on scott

Not true. You call him on his face cuffed receiving CPR?

you didnt watch the video

I did. I hate you can't see right before. 1 minute sooner.
Was he the one who said he did CPR but didn't?

actually there was cpr performed

so you are being fed a false narrative again
I watched the video. So NBC is corrupt on this? Brian williams not there.

so you think that is the only video out there and the only witness to the incident

in this highly edited video by cnn

you can see at 2:17 mark a officer performing medical assistance on scott

Not the pig handcuffing the man he just murdered.

I watched and didn't see care being administered to that man.

But hey, dont run from the cops.

If it comes out he faught with the cop before he got shot I might think differently. But still I'd give him 20 years out in ten with good behavior.

An eyewitness had already made a sworn statement she saw Slager and Scott in an ongoing fight which occurred the length of a football field. She swore she saw Scott on top of Slager when they were both struggling on the ground.
Before you come to any quick conclusions it's best to wait for all the evidence to be released to the public.
"HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT!!!!!!" HAAAAA HAAAAA!!!! Ya fucking right!

Another zimmerman defense?

The guy in the car said "I dont know why he ran" nothing about fighting the cop. Can't wait to know the truth.
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Wrong question.

The only real question is what on Earth could make it seem "ok" to shoot an unarmed fleeing man in the back?

Black skin.

It is a bit sad that your stock default answer is always "racism!" Like no cop has ever shot a fleeing white suspect.

What does it take for it to be racism? Does he have to jump up and down on the body and yell "I'm racist" ? Even then - he's just exercising his freedom of speech, right?

To CALL it racism would require that YOU have some valid basis to claim that YOU know what his motivation was.

You don't.

You are merely guessing and doing so on the basis of your own racist belief system.

He might have been motivated by racism. I don't know. The point, however, is that neither do you.
Last night they were showing the cop looking around to see who saw him. And his conversations after are very non chalont. Unacceptable.
Wrong question.

The only real question is what on Earth could make it seem "ok" to shoot an unarmed fleeing man in the back?

Black skin.

It is a bit sad that your stock default answer is always "racism!" Like no cop has ever shot a fleeing white suspect.

What does it take for it to be racism? Does he have to jump up and down on the body and yell "I'm racist" ? Even then - he's just exercising his freedom of speech, right?

To CALL it racism would require that YOU have some valid basis to claim that YOU know what his motivation was.

You don't.

You are merely guessing and doing so on the basis of your own racist belief system.

He might have been motivated by racism. I don't know. The point, however, is that neither do you.
Last night they were showing the cop looking around to see who saw him. And his conversations after are very non chalont. Unacceptable.
Who was "showing the cop looking around". MSNBC?
Nancy Grace?
You make me laugh.
So some fuck-wits on your favorite 'Tin Foil Hat' channel accuses a cop of "looking around". You need mental help.

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