Why was he running away?

You can't be so fucking stupid.
Slager did not go back to retrieve the Taser holster until AFTER another cop was standing where Scott was laying.
Slager to the other cop: "Whatever you do don't tell anyone that you saw me 'planting' evidence where Scott is laying. Tell everyone the Taser holster was beside the body when you arrived. OK pal? We racist murderer cops got to stick together right pal?"
Wise up numb-nuts or fuck off.
Leftists believe there really are that many racists out there, to the point they can collaborate and institute racism at a systemic level. It's part of their lunacy.
You righties know a lot about institutional racism.
We've been fighting it for over 200 years. So, yeah.
You poor white things you. Fucking whiners. My dad came to this country on a boat and my brother is a VP at a fortune 500 company making over $500k a year and I do alright myself. You poor white whiner. Please tell me about the shit you've had to endure you pathetic punk.
I'm not white, fuckstick. I'm Native American.
Whatever geronimo. Your reservations are full of slackers who couldn't make it in the real world. And you got reparations blacks didn't.
You can't be so fucking stupid.
Slager did not go back to retrieve the Taser holster until AFTER another cop was standing where Scott was laying.
Slager to the other cop: "Whatever you do don't tell anyone that you saw me 'planting' evidence where Scott is laying. Tell everyone the Taser holster was beside the body when you arrived. OK pal? We racist murderer cops got to stick together right pal?"
Wise up numb-nuts or fuck off.
Leftists believe there really are that many racists out there, to the point they can collaborate and institute racism at a systemic level. It's part of their lunacy.
You righties know a lot about institutional racism.
We've been fighting it for over 200 years. So, yeah.
You poor white things you. Fucking whiners. My dad came to this country on a boat and my brother is a VP at a fortune 500 company making over $500k a year and I do alright myself. You poor white whiner. Please tell me about the shit you've had to endure you pathetic punk.
I'm not white, fuckstick. I'm Native American.
I didn't know you people had the net. Thought you still did smoke signals.

I dont know why we paid you anything. Like whites took Australia and now its ours whites took america. Get over it. Ancient history. Assimilate. We took Texas from mexico too they can't have it back.
Leftists believe there really are that many racists out there, to the point they can collaborate and institute racism at a systemic level. It's part of their lunacy.
You righties know a lot about institutional racism.
We've been fighting it for over 200 years. So, yeah.
You poor white things you. Fucking whiners. My dad came to this country on a boat and my brother is a VP at a fortune 500 company making over $500k a year and I do alright myself. You poor white whiner. Please tell me about the shit you've had to endure you pathetic punk.
I'm not white, fuckstick. I'm Native American.
Whatever geronimo. Your reservations are full of slackers who couldn't make it in the real world. And you got reparations blacks didn't.
I wouldn't know. My father moved us off the rez when I was little and I never used any programs. Everything I have I worked for with my own two hands.

Except for the massive down payment on a house with a pool provided by my rich, white, liberal in laws, all cards on the table.

Because I married their daughter, not because I'm Indian.
Leftists believe there really are that many racists out there, to the point they can collaborate and institute racism at a systemic level. It's part of their lunacy.
You righties know a lot about institutional racism.
We've been fighting it for over 200 years. So, yeah.
You poor white things you. Fucking whiners. My dad came to this country on a boat and my brother is a VP at a fortune 500 company making over $500k a year and I do alright myself. You poor white whiner. Please tell me about the shit you've had to endure you pathetic punk.
I'm not white, fuckstick. I'm Native American.
I didn't know you people had the net. Thought you still did smoke signals.

I dont know why we paid you anything. Like whites took Australia and now its ours whites took america. Get over it. Ancient history. Assimilate. We took Texas from mexico too they can't have it back.
Did I complain?
He wasn't shot over child support idiot, he was shot because he ran and resisted arrest.

and possibly shot the officer with the officers tazer

if you look closely you can see at least one of the wires hooked in on the cop

and the tazer being dragged behind Walter Scott
Looked more like the cop planted evidence to me.
You can't be so fucking stupid.
Slager did not go back to retrieve the Taser holster until AFTER another cop was standing where Scott was laying.
Slager to the other cop: "Whatever you do don't tell anyone that you saw me 'planting' evidence where Scott is laying. Tell everyone the Taser holster was beside the body when you arrived. OK pal? We racist murderer cops got to stick together right pal?"
Wise up numb-nuts or fuck off.
Leftists believe there really are that many racists out there, to the point they can collaborate and institute racism at a systemic level. It's part of their lunacy.
You righties know a lot about institutional racism.
We've been fighting it for over 200 years. So, yeah.
Are you complaining here? If not what's your point here.
Looked more like the cop planted evidence to me.
You can't be so fucking stupid.
Slager did not go back to retrieve the Taser holster until AFTER another cop was standing where Scott was laying.
Slager to the other cop: "Whatever you do don't tell anyone that you saw me 'planting' evidence where Scott is laying. Tell everyone the Taser holster was beside the body when you arrived. OK pal? We racist murderer cops got to stick together right pal?"
Wise up numb-nuts or fuck off.
Leftists believe there really are that many racists out there, to the point they can collaborate and institute racism at a systemic level. It's part of their lunacy.
You righties know a lot about institutional racism.
We've been fighting it for over 200 years. So, yeah.
Are you complaining here? If not what's your point here.
I don't know. The discussion wasn't my personal life. I didn't go to college so I missed the course in Bitterness Studies that would have equipped me with the appropriate amount of resentment you assume I have for the White Man.
You can't be so fucking stupid.
Slager did not go back to retrieve the Taser holster until AFTER another cop was standing where Scott was laying.
Slager to the other cop: "Whatever you do don't tell anyone that you saw me 'planting' evidence where Scott is laying. Tell everyone the Taser holster was beside the body when you arrived. OK pal? We racist murderer cops got to stick together right pal?"
Wise up numb-nuts or fuck off.
Leftists believe there really are that many racists out there, to the point they can collaborate and institute racism at a systemic level. It's part of their lunacy.
You righties know a lot about institutional racism.
We've been fighting it for over 200 years. So, yeah.
Are you complaining here? If not what's your point here.
I don't know. The discussion wasn't my personal life. I didn't go to college so I missed the course in Bitterness Studies that would have equipped me with the appropriate amount of resentment you assume I have for the White Man.
I'm just busting balls and maybe I was trying to make a point and I assumed a lot off. Of one comment. And I have great remorse for what we did to native Americans and then called ourselves a nation built on christian values.
Leftists believe there really are that many racists out there, to the point they can collaborate and institute racism at a systemic level. It's part of their lunacy.
You righties know a lot about institutional racism.
We've been fighting it for over 200 years. So, yeah.
Are you complaining here? If not what's your point here.
I don't know. The discussion wasn't my personal life. I didn't go to college so I missed the course in Bitterness Studies that would have equipped me with the appropriate amount of resentment you assume I have for the White Man.
I'm just busting balls and maybe I was trying to make a point and I assumed a lot off. Of one comment. And I have great remorse for what we did to native Americans and then called ourselves a nation built on christian values.
Manifest Destiny, the belief that America was the new Israel and they were commanded of God to possess the land like biblical Israel possessed Canaan, slaughtering the inhabitants.

But I'm not bitter.
You righties know a lot about institutional racism.
We've been fighting it for over 200 years. So, yeah.
Are you complaining here? If not what's your point here.
I don't know. The discussion wasn't my personal life. I didn't go to college so I missed the course in Bitterness Studies that would have equipped me with the appropriate amount of resentment you assume I have for the White Man.
I'm just busting balls and maybe I was trying to make a point and I assumed a lot off. Of one comment. And I have great remorse for what we did to native Americans and then called ourselves a nation built on christian values.
Manifest Destiny, the belief that America was the new Israel and they were commanded of God to possess the land like biblical Israel possessed Canaan, slaughtering the inhabitants.

But I'm not bitter.
Us Greeks are still bitter towards turks. I'm not but you and I are way past all that. Are the English and french still mad we pulled a coup and played them against each other? Actually my boss is English and he doesnt like the French. Seems like everyone has a little chip. Us Greeks still talk about how 300 of us killed 1 million iranians. Are they over it?
Is iraq over us invading? How about Japan for dropping the bomb? The Korean war? Cuba? Russia?

We have forgiven italy and the catholics for going along with Hitler.
We've been fighting it for over 200 years. So, yeah.
Are you complaining here? If not what's your point here.
I don't know. The discussion wasn't my personal life. I didn't go to college so I missed the course in Bitterness Studies that would have equipped me with the appropriate amount of resentment you assume I have for the White Man.
I'm just busting balls and maybe I was trying to make a point and I assumed a lot off. Of one comment. And I have great remorse for what we did to native Americans and then called ourselves a nation built on christian values.
Manifest Destiny, the belief that America was the new Israel and they were commanded of God to possess the land like biblical Israel possessed Canaan, slaughtering the inhabitants.

But I'm not bitter.
Us Greeks are still bitter towards turks. I'm not but you and I are way past all that. Are the English and french still mad we pulled a coup and played them against each other? Actually my boss is English and he doesnt like the French. Seems like everyone has a little chip. Us Greeks still talk about how 300 of us killed 1 million iranians. Are they over it?
And the Pope just said the Armenians were victims of genocide and the Turks responded by recalling their ambassador to the Vatican.

I agree with you, people just need to get over shit.
Resisting arrest is a death warrant in my opinion. Our laws must be respected. There is no room for compromise or this country is going into the shitter now that urban culture seems to be tolerated and defended these days. It's producing men and women who have no respect or decency.
Thank God we have the Supreme Court to prevent people from being gunned down in the streets. Your strange ideas of vigilante justice will never see the light of day.

Yeah, we've seen how your system works. We have one of the highest homicide rates in 1st world countries, thanks to your "can't shoot criminals no matter what" mentality.
We don't have even close to one of the highest homicide rates in the world. Where the hell do you get your info? I saw a documentary on one of Russia's prisons where the inmates AVERAGED five homicides each. The US is. Lightweight when it comes to murder rates as compared to much more violent places. Perhaps if you Leftists didn't hate America so much you wouldn't skew the facts to make it look worse than it is.
You are an idiot. If you dont live in or near Detroit Saginaw and flint or places like them you have no idea what you are talking about.

Simple test. Come walk through a neighborhood I put you in at 2pm and you survive 1 hour.
There's a reason I don't live there. Where I live I can carry a gun. Let's turn this around. The black animals that live where you are wouldn't last a day in Idaho. They would be gunned down by law abiding gun carriers. That's why crime is low here.

Here is a great comparison you can understand. Detroit ain't Idaho and neither is Baghdad. If it were as easy as you claim dont you think the law abiding citizens would have cleaned up Baghdad and Detroit a long time ago? You'd need to be able to grasp what a big city is to say you'd be able to clean up crime in such big cities.

Know what the solution is? More jobs and more taxes paying for more cops.
Kids need their daddy, not a check.
The kid didn't have either one, now at least, he gets a check.

I just can't feel sorry, for a dead beat dad, especially one driving a new Mercedes. Bastard should have been taking care of his kid.
So kill every dead beat dad? And would you say its not "murder" because he broke the law?
He wasn't shot over child support idiot, he was shot because he ran and resisted arrest.

There will be no murder conviction, there may be a manslaughter conviction, and an evidence tampering conviction.

He wasn't shot over child support idiot, he was shot because he ran and resisted arrest.

and possibly shot the officer with the officers tazer

if you look closely you can see at least one of the wires hooked in on the cop

and the tazer being dragged behind Walter Scott

Shooting while being tazed is pro :bs1:

Um... it is unclear if he was tased or not.

Being shot with the taser, and getting tased, are not (contrary to intuition) automatically connected.

First, the shot could have had a dart nail the cop in the vest. If it hit the cop there, or any other place were connectivity was hindered, no tasing would happen.

Second, police tasers are different than civilian tasers. A civilian taser will continuously shock for 30 seconds. Police tasers are limited to 5 seconds. However, the officer can choose to taze for another 5 seconds, by depressing the trigger again.

In the video, what we believe is the taser, is dropped on the ground, just as Scott turns to run away.

Without him actually holding the button down, whatever tazing would stop within 5 seconds. And most all police are trained in being tazed, so likely the officer was able to recover (which is exactly why they are trained that way).

Lastly, as Scott runs away from the officer, you can see the tase cartridge dangling behind him. Obviuosly the cartridge was separated from the tazer. It is theoretically possible that the cartridge discharged and broke free from the tazer pretty quickly. Or even that the officer intentionally knocked the cartridge from the tazer, when they were struggling for it.

So, no he was not being tased, while he was shooting.
Are we sure the solution is to arm more blacks? Lol
The kid didn't have either one, now at least, he gets a check.

I just can't feel sorry, for a dead beat dad, especially one driving a new Mercedes. Bastard should have been taking care of his kid.
So kill every dead beat dad? And would you say its not "murder" because he broke the law?
He wasn't shot over child support idiot, he was shot because he ran and resisted arrest.

There will be no murder conviction, there may be a manslaughter conviction, and an evidence tampering conviction.

He wasn't shot over child support idiot, he was shot because he ran and resisted arrest.

and possibly shot the officer with the officers tazer

if you look closely you can see at least one of the wires hooked in on the cop

and the tazer being dragged behind Walter Scott

Shooting while being tazed is pro :bs1:

Um... it is unclear if he was tased or not.

Being shot with the taser, and getting tased, are not (contrary to intuition) automatically connected.

First, the shot could have had a dart nail the cop in the vest. If it hit the cop there, or any other place were connectivity was hindered, no tasing would happen.

Second, police tasers are different than civilian tasers. A civilian taser will continuously shock for 30 seconds. Police tasers are limited to 5 seconds. However, the officer can choose to taze for another 5 seconds, by depressing the trigger again.

In the video, what we believe is the taser, is dropped on the ground, just as Scott turns to run away.

Without him actually holding the button down, whatever tazing would stop within 5 seconds. And most all police are trained in being tazed, so likely the officer was able to recover (which is exactly why they are trained that way).

Lastly, as Scott runs away from the officer, you can see the tase cartridge dangling behind him. Obviuosly the cartridge was separated from the tazer. It is theoretically possible that the cartridge discharged and broke free from the tazer pretty quickly. Or even that the officer intentionally knocked the cartridge from the tazer, when they were struggling for it.

So, no he was not being tased, while he was shooting.
I didn't say he was.

Let's see what comes out in court. I hope you are right but doesnt look good so far for the cop.
Resisting arrest is a death warrant in my opinion. Our laws must be respected. There is no room for compromise or this country is going into the shitter now that urban culture seems to be tolerated and defended these days. It's producing men and women who have no respect or decency.
Thank God we have the Supreme Court to prevent people from being gunned down in the streets. Your strange ideas of vigilante justice will never see the light of day.

Yeah, we've seen how your system works. We have one of the highest homicide rates in 1st world countries, thanks to your "can't shoot criminals no matter what" mentality.
We don't have even close to one of the highest homicide rates in the world. Where the hell do you get your info? I saw a documentary on one of Russia's prisons where the inmates AVERAGED five homicides each. The US is. Lightweight when it comes to murder rates as compared to much more violent places. Perhaps if you Leftists didn't hate America so much you wouldn't skew the facts to make it look worse than it is.
You are an idiot. If you dont live in or near Detroit Saginaw and flint or places like them you have no idea what you are talking about.

Simple test. Come walk through a neighborhood I put you in at 2pm and you survive 1 hour.
There's a reason I don't live there. Where I live I can carry a gun. Let's turn this around. The black animals that live where you are wouldn't last a day in Idaho. They would be gunned down by law abiding gun carriers. That's why crime is low here.
And the list of potential criminals is probably pretty low where you love.

My dad always says there's a lot of poor people up north in michigan where its all white and violent crime doesnt exist.

I think how you raise your kids matter. I bet your indian mother and father or your entire community raised you better. It takes a village...
The kid didn't have either one, now at least, he gets a check.

I just can't feel sorry, for a dead beat dad, especially one driving a new Mercedes. Bastard should have been taking care of his kid.
So kill every dead beat dad? And would you say its not "murder" because he broke the law?
He wasn't shot over child support idiot, he was shot because he ran and resisted arrest.

There will be no murder conviction, there may be a manslaughter conviction, and an evidence tampering conviction.

He wasn't shot over child support idiot, he was shot because he ran and resisted arrest.

and possibly shot the officer with the officers tazer

if you look closely you can see at least one of the wires hooked in on the cop

and the tazer being dragged behind Walter Scott

Shooting while being tazed is pro :bs1:

Um... it is unclear if he was tased or not.

Being shot with the taser, and getting tased, are not (contrary to intuition) automatically connected.

First, the shot could have had a dart nail the cop in the vest. If it hit the cop there, or any other place were connectivity was hindered, no tasing would happen.

Second, police tasers are different than civilian tasers. A civilian taser will continuously shock for 30 seconds. Police tasers are limited to 5 seconds. However, the officer can choose to taze for another 5 seconds, by depressing the trigger again.

In the video, what we believe is the taser, is dropped on the ground, just as Scott turns to run away.

Without him actually holding the button down, whatever tazing would stop within 5 seconds. And most all police are trained in being tazed, so likely the officer was able to recover (which is exactly why they are trained that way).

Lastly, as Scott runs away from the officer, you can see the tase cartridge dangling behind him. Obviuosly the cartridge was separated from the tazer. It is theoretically possible that the cartridge discharged and broke free from the tazer pretty quickly. Or even that the officer intentionally knocked the cartridge from the tazer, when they were struggling for it.

So, no he was not being tased, while he was shooting.

I just read a great op eds on this case. None of the offenses this man may or may not have commited would have warranted a death sentence. Stolen car child support speeding no insurance drunk resisting arrest.

The writer said anyone who thinks anything he did was worth taking his life is morally corrupt themselves.

I dont know all the circumstances. Perhaps I'm missing some details of the events. What is the cop saying and then why no bail? Why even his boss threw him under the bus? Now you gonna be a conspiracy theorist? What do you know? Facts.
The kid didn't have either one, now at least, he gets a check.

I just can't feel sorry, for a dead beat dad, especially one driving a new Mercedes. Bastard should have been taking care of his kid.
So kill every dead beat dad? And would you say its not "murder" because he broke the law?
He wasn't shot over child support idiot, he was shot because he ran and resisted arrest.

There will be no murder conviction, there may be a manslaughter conviction, and an evidence tampering conviction.

He wasn't shot over child support idiot, he was shot because he ran and resisted arrest.

and possibly shot the officer with the officers tazer

if you look closely you can see at least one of the wires hooked in on the cop

and the tazer being dragged behind Walter Scott
Looked more like the cop planted evidence to me.
You can't be so fucking stupid.
Slager did not go back to retrieve the Taser holster until AFTER another cop was standing where Scott was laying.
Slager to the other cop: "Whatever you do don't tell anyone that you saw me 'planting' evidence where Scott is laying. Tell everyone the Taser holster was beside the body when you arrived. OK pal? We racist murderer cops got to stick together right pal?"
Wise up numb-nuts or fuck off.

Tell everyone the Taser holster was beside the body when you arrived. OK pal? We racist murderer cops got to stick together right pal?"

yeah considering the second cop

on the scene was a black guy
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Doing what little he could to get away from a murderer?

Just a guess...
No he ran because he had warrants. Nice Leftytoon fail though.

Okay, you closet homicidal axe murderer. It's not a left or a right thing. It's Murder, PERIOD. Maybe in your world, Non Payment of Child Support is a capital charge and they should be shot. Or, in the rest of our worlds, the Cop could have easily run him down. He's fat and fifty. Not exactly "Public Enemy Number One".
So kill every dead beat dad? And would you say its not "murder" because he broke the law?
He wasn't shot over child support idiot, he was shot because he ran and resisted arrest.

There will be no murder conviction, there may be a manslaughter conviction, and an evidence tampering conviction.

He wasn't shot over child support idiot, he was shot because he ran and resisted arrest.

and possibly shot the officer with the officers tazer

if you look closely you can see at least one of the wires hooked in on the cop

and the tazer being dragged behind Walter Scott
Looked more like the cop planted evidence to me.
You can't be so fucking stupid.
Slager did not go back to retrieve the Taser holster until AFTER another cop was standing where Scott was laying.
Slager to the other cop: "Whatever you do don't tell anyone that you saw me 'planting' evidence where Scott is laying. Tell everyone the Taser holster was beside the body when you arrived. OK pal? We racist murderer cops got to stick together right pal?"
Wise up numb-nuts or fuck off.

Tell everyone the Taser holster was beside the body when you arrived. OK pal? We racist murderer cops got to stick together right pal?"

yeah considering the second cop

on the scene was a black guy
Was he the one who said he did CPR but didn't?

I guess if you could argue on was not guilty I guess anythings possible. I hope justice prevails.
You're forgetting that the officer and suspect were in physical hand to hand combat when the officer pulled his gun, in fact, I believe the reason said suspect was able to run was because the officer released his wrist to put both hands on his gun.

THAT part does bring up some justification for the suspect being shot by the officer, even if the suspect was running when hit by the other two or three shots. It's not like the officer can UNDO the action of firing because the suspect ran a split second after the gun was fired.

It is reported that one of the bullets hit the suspect in the chest. I am unaware if the "shot in the thigh" entered from the front or back. I think it's safe to presume the shot in the back and buttock are rear entry.

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