Why was he running away?

According to the deceased's brother, he was terrified he'd be sent to jail.

A 50-year-old running from a cop isn't exactly logical, a backup cop could easily catch him.

And no one deserves the death penalty for running.
Remember the difference b
If the cop tackled him and he died I wouldn't blame the cop.

Why did the guy run? Maybe he knew this cop was dangerous? Perhaps the two knew each other.
Why should the cop cause himself bodily harm because of a loser who didn't know how to be man?
Because he decided to be a cop. Dont want the risk or to have to chase criminals dont be a cop.
Who taught you to hate police so much?

Who taught blacks to hate whites? Whites.

Who taught muslims to hate christians?

Who taught the poor to hate the ruling class?

Who taught rape victims to hate rapists?

Who taught democrats to hate the GOP?

Who taught me to hate you? Lol
You see that is there parents fault not the police.....Thanks for making my point that liberal indoctrination has made the black population culturally stunted.....Do you feel proud to support another form of slavery you racist fuck?
Right wing talking point says what? All I'm agreeing with is black people do need to stop fighting and running from cops. That's all. If you would like to explain what you mean maybe I can help you see the error of your conclusion.

If you mean the militant position young people are taught they have rights?

Heres the problem with cops and this situation. Pay attention cause this is good.

We now realize blacks have a reason to fear and not like the cops and maybe not be necessarily happy when they get pulled over AGAIN so put yourself in their shoes. Then we have the ex jock white cop with a hard on who isnt trained properly or monitored. These cops push black peoples buttons.

I'm on a cell phone so can't type as fast as I'm thinking. I'm arguing with myself on my own points. Or I'm already knowing what you are going to say. I'll stop here. Just know I'm not completely disagreeing with you.

I'm just willing to admit this isnt all one sided. We need better police. Better trained and monitored. But black people or society needs to evolve. I know its whitey fault but so what? Figure it out on your fucking own. This is america. How about start with raise good kids and vote. Then maybe black life will matter more.

And in the future if you run or fight a cop and die, he may get fired or go to jail for overreacting but you will get ZERO in a civil case.
Well, in case you haven't learned lately, those PDs that have started using cop cams have a sharply reduced frequency of incidents. The redneck cops hate them.
It's the end of the way to keep themselves from getting bored on the job.

New Publication Available: The Effect of Body-Worn Cameras on Police Use-of-Force
"The findings suggest more than a 50% reduction in the total number of incidents of use-of-force compared to control-conditions, and nearly ten times more citizens’ complaints in the 12-months prior to the experiment."

New Publication Available The Effect of Body-Worn Cameras on Police Use-of-Force Police Foundation
One negro law professor who's a regular on MSNBC says he doesn't want cops to have BC's. "Because it is 'invasive'. Yup. That's how totally fucked he is. And he's teaching that shit to the students in his 100% negro college.
I am thinking you need to read some books..... Go to the library and educate yourself.....I am sure there is one close to your trailer park.
You can read 1000 dumb racist or science fiction books doesnt mean you are smart or educated. Means you like to read. I met a 4 year old retard who could read 3 times faster than you. But does he comprehend? And is he reading good progressive material or rush's memoirs? Or bill O'Reilly s books. Reading can also make you stupider.
You are far more stupid then that kid because unlike you he is at least reading something that used original content.
Just FYI, but dannyboys is just sealybobo's alternate account. Yeah, he's that stupid.
Shut up thanatos
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

The man, 50-year old Walter Scott had a warrant for non-payment of child support and apparently ran to avoid going to jail on that charge. Did the police have the right to shoot him to prevent his escape? The law is clear they did not.. The police can use deadly force against a fleeing suspect only if the suspect is a dangerous felon. This means that the suspect has either inflicted or threatened to inflict serious bodily harm. Scott was not a dangerous felon by any stretch of the imagination, and the use of deadly force against him was criminal.

In Tennessee v. Garner, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) examined a Tennessee State statute which allowed the police to use deadly force against ALL fleeing felony suspects. The SCOTUS found the Tennessee statute to be unconstitutional, ruling that deadly force could only be used to prevent the escape of a dangerous felon. The following are pertinent portions of the Supreme Court's Court's findings (highlights are my own):

The use of deadly force to prevent the escape of all felony suspects, whatever the circumstances, is constitutionally unreasonable. It is not better that all felony suspects die than that they escape. Where the suspect poses no immediate threat to the officer and no threat to others, the harm resulting from failing to apprehend him does not justify the use of deadly force to do so. It is no doubt unfortunate when a suspect who is in sight escapes, but the fact that the police arrive a little late or are a little slower afoot does not always justify killing the suspect. A police officer may not seize an unarmed, nondangerous suspect by shooting him dead. The Tennessee statute is unconstitutional insofar as it authorizes the use of deadly force against such fleeing suspects.”

However, it is not unconstitutional on its face. Where the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a threat of serious physical harm, either to the officer or to others, it is not constitutionally unreasonable to prevent escape by using deadly force. Thus, if the suspect threatens the officer with a weapon or there is probable cause to believe that he has committed a crime involving the infliction or threatened infliction of serious physical harm, deadly force may be used if necessary to prevent escape, and if, where feasible, some warning has been given. As applied in such circumstances, the Tennessee statute would pass constitutional muster.”

Tennessee v. Garner Cop Block

I hope that answers your question.

It wasn't a "felony stop" and the cop had no reason to fear fro his life.

We'll see a lot of twist and shout as this unfolds but there is nothing that will make the basic facts go away.
Tell us what happened between the 1st video and the 2nd if you know so damn much to convict the arresting officer?
One negro law professor who's a regular on MSNBC says he doesn't want cops to have BC's. "Because it is 'invasive'. Yup. That's how totally fucked he is. And he's teaching that shit to the students in his 100% negro college.
I am thinking you need to read some books..... Go to the library and educate yourself.....I am sure there is one close to your trailer park.
You can read 1000 dumb racist or science fiction books doesnt mean you are smart or educated. Means you like to read. I met a 4 year old retard who could read 3 times faster than you. But does he comprehend? And is he reading good progressive material or rush's memoirs? Or bill O'Reilly s books. Reading can also make you stupider.
You are far more stupid then that kid because unlike you he is at least reading something that used original content.
Just FYI, but dannyboys is just sealybobo's alternate account. Yeah, he's that stupid.
Shut up thanatos
unlike you dummies I dont need two accounts.
The SC has ruled on this. There's a narrow criteria that justifies shooting a fleeing suspect. Outside of that it's illegal.

I understand that,and the police actually have wide authority as to when to apply deadly force.
And sometimes they abuse that authority.

More times than are reported in the news. The only answer to stop the redneck stupidity of white cops is Cop Cams.

They have shown through a mere glimpse of public exposure in random cases that they cannot conduct themselves professionally.

So we have to treat them for what they are: Big stupid white guys who cannot be left alone around black people while carrying deadly weapons.

They need nannies. They need big government to keep them under control.

What a joke.

I'm all for body cams. It'll put an end to all these ghetto scum crying police brutality and it'll put an end to the cops who actually are assholes.
I'd be willing to bet it'll clear more cops than it will the shit bags they deal with daily.

Well, in case you haven't learned lately, those PDs that have started using cop cams have a sharply reduced frequency of incidents. The redneck cops hate them.
It's the end of the way to keep themselves from getting bored on the job.

New Publication Available: The Effect of Body-Worn Cameras on Police Use-of-Force
"The findings suggest more than a 50% reduction in the total number of incidents of use-of-force compared to control-conditions, and nearly ten times more citizens’ complaints in the 12-months prior to the experiment."

New Publication Available The Effect of Body-Worn Cameras on Police Use-of-Force Police Foundation
One negro law professor who's a regular on MSNBC says he doesn't want cops to have BC's. "Because it is 'invasive'. Yup. That's how totally fucked he is. And he's teaching that shit to the students in his 100% negro college.
More times than not the evidence on the tape will be damaging to the perp not the cop so be careful what we wish for. Cop can't let you go because its all on tape. Maybe this is how they get us to ask for more big brother.

So I see the professors point.
I am thinking you need to read some books..... Go to the library and educate yourself.....I am sure there is one close to your trailer park.
You can read 1000 dumb racist or science fiction books doesnt mean you are smart or educated. Means you like to read. I met a 4 year old retard who could read 3 times faster than you. But does he comprehend? And is he reading good progressive material or rush's memoirs? Or bill O'Reilly s books. Reading can also make you stupider.
You are far more stupid then that kid because unlike you he is at least reading something that used original content.
Just FYI, but dannyboys is just sealybobo's alternate account. Yeah, he's that stupid.
Shut up thanatos
unlike you dummies I dont need two accounts.
Wed know it was you. Only you say the stupid shit you do the way you do.
I understand that,and the police actually have wide authority as to when to apply deadly force.
And sometimes they abuse that authority.

More times than are reported in the news. The only answer to stop the redneck stupidity of white cops is Cop Cams.

They have shown through a mere glimpse of public exposure in random cases that they cannot conduct themselves professionally.

So we have to treat them for what they are: Big stupid white guys who cannot be left alone around black people while carrying deadly weapons.

They need nannies. They need big government to keep them under control.

What a joke.

I'm all for body cams. It'll put an end to all these ghetto scum crying police brutality and it'll put an end to the cops who actually are assholes.
I'd be willing to bet it'll clear more cops than it will the shit bags they deal with daily.

Well, in case you haven't learned lately, those PDs that have started using cop cams have a sharply reduced frequency of incidents. The redneck cops hate them.
It's the end of the way to keep themselves from getting bored on the job.

New Publication Available: The Effect of Body-Worn Cameras on Police Use-of-Force
"The findings suggest more than a 50% reduction in the total number of incidents of use-of-force compared to control-conditions, and nearly ten times more citizens’ complaints in the 12-months prior to the experiment."

New Publication Available The Effect of Body-Worn Cameras on Police Use-of-Force Police Foundation
One negro law professor who's a regular on MSNBC says he doesn't want cops to have BC's. "Because it is 'invasive'. Yup. That's how totally fucked he is. And he's teaching that shit to the students in his 100% negro college.
More times than not the evidence on the tape will be damaging to the perp not the cop so be careful what we wish for. Cop can't let you go because its all on tape. Maybe this is how they get us to ask for more big brother.

So I see the professors point.
And you think a cop should just "let perps go"?
The reason complaints are down so much in places were the cops are wearing BC's is b/c most 'complaints' are BS and a waste of the cop's time.
Every cop should wear a BC. "Before I ask you any questions or explain why I stopped you you need to be aware I am wearing a body camera and everything that happens from now on is being recorded. Do you understand?
Now put your hands where I can see them. If I tell you to stay in the car you do so. Do you understand?"
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.
I've been chastising blacks about this ever since this issue started. Stop fighting or running from our police. They shouldn't have to be faster and stronger than you. Not that the cop should have shot him but what are we saying its OK to resist arrest? Its not.
Resisting arrest is a death warrant in my opinion. Our laws must be respected. There is no room for compromise or this country is going into the shitter now that urban culture seems to be tolerated and defended these days. It's producing men and women who have no respect or decency.
The guy has zero culpability in what was done to him. Zero.

He didnt pay his child support and got a warrant for his arrest because of it.
Had he payed his child support and not tried to run he would be alive,so yes he does bear some responsibility for his own death.
Whats the recurring theme in all these police shootings? Resisting arrest,running and a long criminal history.
The cop shouldnt have shot the guy,but I'm finding it a little difficult to feel sorry for him.
I feel sorry for him and his family because he didn't deserve to die.
Do you feel sorry for his child, who will now probably get child support from the state? Considering his father was a dead beat, the kid is probably better off now.
Kids need their daddy, not a check.
The kid didn't have either one, now at least, he gets a check.

I just can't feel sorry, for a dead beat dad, especially one driving a new Mercedes. Bastard should have been taking care of his kid.
I don't know about any of that. I don't do character assassinations on the victims of murder to try to paint the picture that he had it coming.
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.
I've been chastising blacks about this ever since this issue started. Stop fighting or running from our police. They shouldn't have to be faster and stronger than you. Not that the cop should have shot him but what are we saying its OK to resist arrest? Its not.
I agree. Running from the cops is bad period. I always taught my kids that when an officer stops you, you comply and keep your hands where he can see them. The only thing you say is yes sir and no sir. If he cuts you a break say thank you sir. He's got the gun, you don't.

The public needs to learn, don't run,don't fight and don't be a wise ass. The faster the public learns that the better off they will be. I always thought this was a common sense thing but maybe now it has to be taught in school. As far as the cops,lets get those body cams.
Your kids didn't listen to cop killer CD's. You didn't let them. We're dealing with a culture of kids being raised to hate cops and to gain respect by defying them. Black culture is the problem and until black parents start raising their kids like you and I raise ours, this will keep happening.
You are correct. But negroes are not renowned for their parenting skills. Ovr 70% of negro children are born into a home with no father figure.
Let's be honest. Low IQ's. Systemic illiteracy. Endemic HPD in the negro community. Endemic negro on negro violence and murder. Zero respect for anyone or anything.....including the cops. Endemic drug abuse in the inner cities. And what you end up with is a failing race world wide.
You're "until" word is pretty hollow in the face of the facts.
Nothing will ever change the death spiral of the negro race. Social Darwinism at work and mankind is not immune from it just b/c some of us can spell the words.
I disagree. Blacks used to be very polite, hard working, church goers who raised their kids to be responsible and respectful. This is before the demonic, racist Left systematically destroyed the black family with welfare. Democrats have always hated blacks from slavery to segregation to putting abortion clinics in their neighborhood to trapping them in generational dependency and despair. Yet blacks keep voting for Democrats no matter how bad they are to them.
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.
I've been chastising blacks about this ever since this issue started. Stop fighting or running from our police. They shouldn't have to be faster and stronger than you. Not that the cop should have shot him but what are we saying its OK to resist arrest? Its not.
Resisting arrest is a death warrant in my opinion. Our laws must be respected. There is no room for compromise or this country is going into the shitter now that urban culture seems to be tolerated and defended these days. It's producing men and women who have no respect or decency.
Thank God we have the Supreme Court to prevent people from being gunned down in the streets. Your strange ideas of vigilante justice will never see the light of day.
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.
I've been chastising blacks about this ever since this issue started. Stop fighting or running from our police. They shouldn't have to be faster and stronger than you. Not that the cop should have shot him but what are we saying its OK to resist arrest? Its not.
Resisting arrest is a death warrant in my opinion. Our laws must be respected. There is no room for compromise or this country is going into the shitter now that urban culture seems to be tolerated and defended these days. It's producing men and women who have no respect or decency.
Thank God we have the Supreme Court to prevent people from being gunned down in the streets. Your strange ideas of vigilante justice will never see the light of day.

Yeah, we've seen how your system works. We have one of the highest homicide rates in 1st world countries, thanks to your "can't shoot criminals no matter what" mentality.
According to the deceased's brother, he was terrified he'd be sent to jail.

A 50-year-old running from a cop isn't exactly logical, a backup cop could easily catch him.

And no one deserves the death penalty for running.
Terrified he'd be sent to jail, over a tail light? Makes no sense.
No he was terrified he was going to be sent to jail over deadbeat dad warrants.

no warrants
Existing warrants.

I feel sorry for him and his family because he didn't deserve to die.
Do you feel sorry for his child, who will now probably get child support from the state? Considering his father was a dead beat, the kid is probably better off now.
Kids need their daddy, not a check.
The kid didn't have either one, now at least, he gets a check.

I just can't feel sorry, for a dead beat dad, especially one driving a new Mercedes. Bastard should have been taking care of his kid.
So kill every dead beat dad? And would you say its not "murder" because he broke the law?
He wasn't shot over child support idiot, he was shot because he ran and resisted arrest.

There will be no murder conviction, there may be a manslaughter conviction, and an evidence tampering conviction.

He wasn't shot over child support idiot, he was shot because he ran and resisted arrest.

and possibly shot the officer with the officers tazer

if you look closely you can see at least one of the wires hooked in on the cop

and the tazer being dragged behind Walter Scott
The guy has zero culpability in what was done to him. Zero.

He didnt pay his child support and got a warrant for his arrest because of it.
Had he payed his child support and not tried to run he would be alive,so yes he does bear some responsibility for his own death.
Whats the recurring theme in all these police shootings? Resisting arrest,running and a long criminal history.
The cop shouldnt have shot the guy,but I'm finding it a little difficult to feel sorry for him.
I feel sorry for him and his family because he didn't deserve to die.
Do you feel sorry for his child, who will now probably get child support from the state? Considering his father was a dead beat, the kid is probably better off now.
Kids need their daddy, not a check.
The kids DIDN'T HAVE A DADDY you fool.
'Daddy' was cruising in his fucking Mercedes with a friend. I wonder how many times the 'kids' got to ride in it?

cruising in his fucking Mercedes with a friend

any word on the car

was it hot
More times than are reported in the news. The only answer to stop the redneck stupidity of white cops is Cop Cams.

They have shown through a mere glimpse of public exposure in random cases that they cannot conduct themselves professionally.

So we have to treat them for what they are: Big stupid white guys who cannot be left alone around black people while carrying deadly weapons.

They need nannies. They need big government to keep them under control.

What a joke.

I'm all for body cams. It'll put an end to all these ghetto scum crying police brutality and it'll put an end to the cops who actually are assholes.
I'd be willing to bet it'll clear more cops than it will the shit bags they deal with daily.

Well, in case you haven't learned lately, those PDs that have started using cop cams have a sharply reduced frequency of incidents. The redneck cops hate them.
It's the end of the way to keep themselves from getting bored on the job.

New Publication Available: The Effect of Body-Worn Cameras on Police Use-of-Force
"The findings suggest more than a 50% reduction in the total number of incidents of use-of-force compared to control-conditions, and nearly ten times more citizens’ complaints in the 12-months prior to the experiment."

New Publication Available The Effect of Body-Worn Cameras on Police Use-of-Force Police Foundation
One negro law professor who's a regular on MSNBC says he doesn't want cops to have BC's. "Because it is 'invasive'. Yup. That's how totally fucked he is. And he's teaching that shit to the students in his 100% negro college.
More times than not the evidence on the tape will be damaging to the perp not the cop so be careful what we wish for. Cop can't let you go because its all on tape. Maybe this is how they get us to ask for more big brother.

So I see the professors point.
And you think a cop should just "let perps go"?
The reason complaints are down so much in places were the cops are wearing BC's is b/c most 'complaints' are BS and a waste of the cop's time.
Every cop should wear a BC. "Before I ask you any questions or explain why I stopped you you need to be aware I am wearing a body camera and everything that happens from now on is being recorded. Do you understand?
Now put your hands where I can see them. If I tell you to stay in the car you do so. Do you understand?"
If they run then what?
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.
I've been chastising blacks about this ever since this issue started. Stop fighting or running from our police. They shouldn't have to be faster and stronger than you. Not that the cop should have shot him but what are we saying its OK to resist arrest? Its not.
Resisting arrest is a death warrant in my opinion. Our laws must be respected. There is no room for compromise or this country is going into the shitter now that urban culture seems to be tolerated and defended these days. It's producing men and women who have no respect or decency.

That's why I said the solution should be that cops even things out and shoot a few whites who resist or run.
Do you feel sorry for his child, who will now probably get child support from the state? Considering his father was a dead beat, the kid is probably better off now.
Kids need their daddy, not a check.
The kid didn't have either one, now at least, he gets a check.

I just can't feel sorry, for a dead beat dad, especially one driving a new Mercedes. Bastard should have been taking care of his kid.
So kill every dead beat dad? And would you say its not "murder" because he broke the law?
He wasn't shot over child support idiot, he was shot because he ran and resisted arrest.

There will be no murder conviction, there may be a manslaughter conviction, and an evidence tampering conviction.

He wasn't shot over child support idiot, he was shot because he ran and resisted arrest.

and possibly shot the officer with the officers tazer

if you look closely you can see at least one of the wires hooked in on the cop

and the tazer being dragged behind Walter Scott
Looked more like the cop planted evidence to me.
Do you feel sorry for his child, who will now probably get child support from the state? Considering his father was a dead beat, the kid is probably better off now.
Kids need their daddy, not a check.
The kid didn't have either one, now at least, he gets a check.

I just can't feel sorry, for a dead beat dad, especially one driving a new Mercedes. Bastard should have been taking care of his kid.
So kill every dead beat dad? And would you say its not "murder" because he broke the law?
He wasn't shot over child support idiot, he was shot because he ran and resisted arrest.

There will be no murder conviction, there may be a manslaughter conviction, and an evidence tampering conviction.

He wasn't shot over child support idiot, he was shot because he ran and resisted arrest.

and possibly shot the officer with the officers tazer

if you look closely you can see at least one of the wires hooked in on the cop

and the tazer being dragged behind Walter Scott
We shall see in court.
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.
I've been chastising blacks about this ever since this issue started. Stop fighting or running from our police. They shouldn't have to be faster and stronger than you. Not that the cop should have shot him but what are we saying its OK to resist arrest? Its not.
Resisting arrest is a death warrant in my opinion. Our laws must be respected. There is no room for compromise or this country is going into the shitter now that urban culture seems to be tolerated and defended these days. It's producing men and women who have no respect or decency.

I might give the cop 20 out in ten for good behavior.

And I'd only give the family 1 mill not ten because he ran.

We can't give cops the death penalty or life for this situation.

Maybe a full 20 years prison no early release.

Kwami kilpatrick got more and he didn't kill anyone. Actually that might not be true. There's this stripper green? Who ended up dead after a party at the manoogian manor.

I was in Detroit. Black cops. You can bet if he asked me anything it would have been yes sir no sir officer and I'd give him no reason to arrest me. No warrents.

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