Why was he running away?

I feel sorry for him and his family because he didn't deserve to die.

And he shouldnt have been a scofflaw.
Maybe if law breakers knew there was a possibility of being shot they'd stop being dumb asses.
Wrong. No American should fear being shot by the police unless they are threatening somebody's life. This isn't North Korea.
A person running from the cops is a threat to the rest of us. Might take hostages. Pretty desperate.
An imminent lethal threat? I think you know that's a stretch. Fortunately, the Supreme Court ruled on just this issue and agrees with me.
Now you are changing it to an imminent lethal threat? That's different. But a guy running from a cop seems to be a threat to society.

Not saying cops are right to shoot.

By the way in the 80s cops could shoot at the car during a high speed chase.

Some day its gonna be like that Wesley snipes stallone movie with Sandra Bullock. Demolishion man?
The Supreme Court already ruled on that. They said that people can't be gunned down in the streets because of imaginary threats.
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.
I've been chastising blacks about this ever since this issue started. Stop fighting or running from our police. They shouldn't have to be faster and stronger than you. Not that the cop should have shot him but what are we saying its OK to resist arrest? Its not.
I agree. Running from the cops is bad period. I always taught my kids that when an officer stops you, you comply and keep your hands where he can see them. The only thing you say is yes sir and no sir. If he cuts you a break say thank you sir. He's got the gun, you don't.

The public needs to learn, don't run,don't fight and don't be a wise ass. The faster the public learns that the better off they will be. I always thought this was a common sense thing but maybe now it has to be taught in school. As far as the cops,lets get those body cams.
Your kids didn't listen to cop killer CD's. You didn't let them. We're dealing with a culture of kids being raised to hate cops and to gain respect by defying them. Black culture is the problem and until black parents start raising their kids like you and I raise ours, this will keep happening.
Hate to agree. Even whites aren't going that great a job of it.

Maybe we can let gays adopt but only black kids. They can't do worse than black parents if you can even call them that. I saw Precious. Fucked up culture.
And he shouldnt have been a scofflaw.
Maybe if law breakers knew there was a possibility of being shot they'd stop being dumb asses.
Wrong. No American should fear being shot by the police unless they are threatening somebody's life. This isn't North Korea.
A person running from the cops is a threat to the rest of us. Might take hostages. Pretty desperate.
An imminent lethal threat? I think you know that's a stretch. Fortunately, the Supreme Court ruled on just this issue and agrees with me.
Now you are changing it to an imminent lethal threat? That's different. But a guy running from a cop seems to be a threat to society.

Not saying cops are right to shoot.

By the way in the 80s cops could shoot at the car during a high speed chase.

Some day its gonna be like that Wesley snipes stallone movie with Sandra Bullock. Demolishion man?
The Supreme Court already ruled on that. They said that people can't be gunned down in the streets because of imaginary threats.
I know and agree. First they start doing it to blacks then us. He could have been nuts.
I don't feel bad for a asshole who was stupid and ran because he was a loser who couldn't handle his responsibilities like real men do
If the cop tackled him and he died I wouldn't blame the cop.

Why did the guy run? Maybe he knew this cop was dangerous? Perhaps the two knew each other.
I don't feel bad for a asshole who was stupid and ran because he was a loser who couldn't handle his responsibilities like real men do
If the cop tackled him and he died I wouldn't blame the cop.

Why did the guy run? Maybe he knew this cop was dangerous? Perhaps the two knew each other.
Why should the cop cause himself bodily harm because of a loser who didn't know how to be man?
According to the deceased's brother, he was terrified he'd be sent to jail.

A 50-year-old running from a cop isn't exactly logical, a backup cop could easily catch him.

And no one deserves the death penalty for running.
Terrified he'd be sent to jail, over a tail light? Makes no sense.
No he was terrified he was going to be sent to jail over deadbeat dad warrants.
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.
he had a warrant out for unpaid child support

I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Doing what little he could to get away from a murderer?

Just a guess...
I don't support what the cop did but if the guy had just allowed himself to be taken in he'd probably be alive right now and probably out on Bail/bond.
The guy has zero culpability in what was done to him. Zero.
I'm not at all justifying him being killed but wonder if he'd be alive if he'd stayed in the car like the cop told him too. All the latest brutality situations have one thing in common, all were resisting or disobeying the police. Maybe greater emphasis has to be made in police training for how to handle those who disobey orders or resist arrest. I also think all police should have to have dash cams and body cams. They will protect the public and the cop,allow review of performance by the officer and highlight problem area's.
There's already plenty of training on correct procedure to deal with people resisting and running away. It's so simple I can sum it up in three words.

Don't shoot them.

I believe the policy is DO shoot them if they have been identified as a violent felon, if they are armed with a weapon, or if the officer is attacked and fears for his/her life. Correct me if that is not true, but none of that applies in this case.
According to the deceased's brother, he was terrified he'd be sent to jail.

A 50-year-old running from a cop isn't exactly logical, a backup cop could easily catch him.

And no one deserves the death penalty for running.
Terrified he'd be sent to jail, over a tail light? Makes no sense.
No he was terrified he was going to be sent to jail over deadbeat dad warrants.

no warrants
Existing warrants.
I don't feel bad for a asshole who was stupid and ran because he was a loser who couldn't handle his responsibilities like real men do
If the cop tackled him and he died I wouldn't blame the cop.

Why did the guy run? Maybe he knew this cop was dangerous? Perhaps the two knew each other.
Why should the cop cause himself bodily harm because of a loser who didn't know how to be man?
Only because not murdering is the right thing to do. Christians have explained to me the difference between killing and murder. Did he kill that man or murder him?
I don't feel bad for a asshole who was stupid and ran because he was a loser who couldn't handle his responsibilities like real men do
If the cop tackled him and he died I wouldn't blame the cop.

Why did the guy run? Maybe he knew this cop was dangerous? Perhaps the two knew each other.
Why should the cop cause himself bodily harm because of a loser who didn't know how to be man?
Are you a christian?
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.
Christians have pointed out to me the difference between murder and kill. Why you using the word kill? They say its OK to kill not murder. So was this a murder or kill?
I don't support what the cop did but if the guy had just allowed himself to be taken in he'd probably be alive right now and probably out on Bail/bond.
The guy has zero culpability in what was done to him. Zero.

He didnt pay his child support and got a warrant for his arrest because of it.
Had he payed his child support and not tried to run he would be alive,so yes he does bear some responsibility for his own death.
Whats the recurring theme in all these police shootings? Resisting arrest,running and a long criminal history.
The cop shouldnt have shot the guy,but I'm finding it a little difficult to feel sorry for him.
I feel sorry for him and his family because he didn't deserve to die.
Do you feel sorry for his child, who will now probably get child support from the state? Considering his father was a dead beat, the kid is probably better off now.
Kids need their daddy, not a check.
The kid didn't have either one, now at least, he gets a check.

I just can't feel sorry, for a dead beat dad, especially one driving a new Mercedes. Bastard should have been taking care of his kid.
The guy has zero culpability in what was done to him. Zero.

He didnt pay his child support and got a warrant for his arrest because of it.
Had he payed his child support and not tried to run he would be alive,so yes he does bear some responsibility for his own death.
Whats the recurring theme in all these police shootings? Resisting arrest,running and a long criminal history.
The cop shouldnt have shot the guy,but I'm finding it a little difficult to feel sorry for him.
I feel sorry for him and his family because he didn't deserve to die.
Do you feel sorry for his child, who will now probably get child support from the state? Considering his father was a dead beat, the kid is probably better off now.
Kids need their daddy, not a check.
The kid didn't have either one, now at least, he gets a check.

I just can't feel sorry, for a dead beat dad, especially one driving a new Mercedes. Bastard should have been taking care of his kid.
So kill every dead beat dad? And would you say its not "murder" because he broke the law?
I don't feel bad for a asshole who was stupid and ran because he was a loser who couldn't handle his responsibilities like real men do
If the cop tackled him and he died I wouldn't blame the cop.

Why did the guy run? Maybe he knew this cop was dangerous? Perhaps the two knew each other.
Why should the cop cause himself bodily harm because of a loser who didn't know how to be man?
Are you a christian?
Are you of those who dont know how to be a man?
I don't support what the cop did but if the guy had just allowed himself to be taken in he'd probably be alive right now and probably out on Bail/bond.
The guy has zero culpability in what was done to him. Zero.

He didnt pay his child support and got a warrant for his arrest because of it.
Had he payed his child support and not tried to run he would be alive,so yes he does bear some responsibility for his own death.
Whats the recurring theme in all these police shootings? Resisting arrest,running and a long criminal history.
The cop shouldnt have shot the guy,but I'm finding it a little difficult to feel sorry for him.
I feel sorry for him and his family because he didn't deserve to die.
Do you feel sorry for his child, who will now probably get child support from the state? Considering his father was a dead beat, the kid is probably better off now.
Kids need their daddy, not a check.
Any indication Walter Scott was being a "daddy"?

"Daddys" usually support their kids, on time.

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