Why was he running away?

I understand that,and the police actually have wide authority as to when to apply deadly force.
And sometimes they abuse that authority.

More times than are reported in the news. The only answer to stop the redneck stupidity of white cops is Cop Cams.

They have shown through a mere glimpse of public exposure in random cases that they cannot conduct themselves professionally.

So we have to treat them for what they are: Big stupid white guys who cannot be left alone around black people while carrying deadly weapons.

They need nannies. They need big government to keep them under control.

What a joke.

I'm all for body cams. It'll put an end to all these ghetto scum crying police brutality and it'll put an end to the cops who actually are assholes.
I'd be willing to bet it'll clear more cops than it will the shit bags they deal with daily.

Well, in case you haven't learned lately, those PDs that have started using cop cams have a sharply reduced frequency of incidents. The redneck cops hate them.
It's the end of the way to keep themselves from getting bored on the job.

New Publication Available: The Effect of Body-Worn Cameras on Police Use-of-Force
"The findings suggest more than a 50% reduction in the total number of incidents of use-of-force compared to control-conditions, and nearly ten times more citizens’ complaints in the 12-months prior to the experiment."

New Publication Available The Effect of Body-Worn Cameras on Police Use-of-Force Police Foundation

You mean a 50% reduction of police brutality because the perp couldnt lie about it.

You can't be this stupid. The one with the gun rules the day, dumb-ass. You must have missed all those Clint Eastwood movies.

This is what I mean about fucking idiots like you who conventiently dismiss the word "unarmed" from the story.

You sound like you've had a lot of experience with the police.
Doing what little he could to get away from a murderer?

Just a guess...
I don't support what the cop did but if the guy had just allowed himself to be taken in he'd probably be alive right now and probably out on Bail/bond.
The guy has zero culpability in what was done to him. Zero.
I'm not at all justifying him being killed but wonder if he'd be alive if he'd stayed in the car like the cop told him too. All the latest brutality situations have one thing in common, all were resisting or disobeying the police. Maybe greater emphasis has to be made in police training for how to handle those who disobey orders or resist arrest. I also think all police should have to have dash cams and body cams. They will protect the public and the cop,allow review of performance by the officer and highlight problem area's.

They were all unarmed, too. Stop making excuses for bad cops with guns who shoot first and ask questions later, you fucking idiot.
How do the cops know they are unarmed until the frisk them? If they aren't complying and are combative then the cop has to assume they are armed. It's easy to scream "unarmed" in hindsight. Then if the perp fights with the cop there is the chance he will go for the cops gun like Brown did,then the cops life is in danger. Stop making excuses for criminals and bad behavior " you fucking idiot".

Exactly. Kudos for reason in the face of absolute stupidity.
You're ability to rationalize gunning people down in the streets in no way makes it right. Running from cops is wrong, but killing him as a punishment disproportionate to the crime. And an obese 50 year old man is not a danger to society. Your whole argument is based on exaggeration. It seems you just want black people to be gunned down and any excuse will do.

You are of course allowed to be full of crap, and wrong. I don't care what you think. Never did, never will.

I stand by my prior statement.
I know you do. Maybe when a cop hydes your backside and handcuffs your dead corpse you'll finally get it.

You show me the person who is completely respectful, who does exactly as he is told, who gets shot.

Because that's how I am with police officers. I do exactly what I'm told, and treat them with the highest respect.

When you show me that video.... the video where the guy does 100% exactly as he's told, and the officer just blow him away.... then you got me on your side. I'll have that cop hanged.

But of course, you can't show me that video can you?

Guy was just trying to give the asshole cop his I.D.
Now sit down and STFU and get your rope ready, stupid cowboy.

And this is one of the videos I was referring to.
The cop was flat out wrong.

Yeah, now this one I agree with. This one you got me on your side.

The dude was attempting to comply with the orders the cop gave, and the cop freaked out.

And.... the cop was fired, rightly so. He'll likely never wear a badge again.
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I don't support what the cop did but if the guy had just allowed himself to be taken in he'd probably be alive right now and probably out on Bail/bond.
The guy has zero culpability in what was done to him. Zero.
I'm not at all justifying him being killed but wonder if he'd be alive if he'd stayed in the car like the cop told him too. All the latest brutality situations have one thing in common, all were resisting or disobeying the police. Maybe greater emphasis has to be made in police training for how to handle those who disobey orders or resist arrest. I also think all police should have to have dash cams and body cams. They will protect the public and the cop,allow review of performance by the officer and highlight problem area's.

They were all unarmed, too. Stop making excuses for bad cops with guns who shoot first and ask questions later, you fucking idiot.
How do the cops know they are unarmed until the frisk them? If they aren't complying and are combative then the cop has to assume they are armed. It's easy to scream "unarmed" in hindsight. Then if the perp fights with the cop there is the chance he will go for the cops gun like Brown did,then the cops life is in danger. Stop making excuses for criminals and bad behavior " you fucking idiot".

Walter Scott was not combative. Michael Slager lied, someone died.
You must live in a very white area and you must be very white.

I'm not disputing that Walter Scott wasn't combative you moron, go back and read my posts. No dumbass I don't live in a very white area I live in a very mixed area. I've also known plenty of whites to have the shit kicked out of them by the cops, it's not just a black thing.


The cop has the gun and you don't so follow these 5 simple rules:

1. Always comply with the cops orders: Never fight,run or mouth off.

2. Always keep your hands where the cop can see them. If you go for ID or anything outside the officers line of vision, tell him that's what you're doing before you do it. I.E. Officer my ID is in my wallet in my back pocket,I'm going to get it now OK?

3. Always be polite. Say yes sir and no sir. If he cuts you a break you say thank you sir.

4. If arrested you have the right to remain silent, use it and STFU!

5. You get one phone call, use it to Lawyer up: Never speak to the cops about your arrest without your lawyer present. A lawyer can be appointed to you by the court.
No arrest warrant for Walter Scott before he was killed by Michael Slager Daily Mail Online

No warrant had been issued for Walter Scott's arrest when he ran from Officer Michael Slager moments before he was shot dead, it has been revealed.

Court records show he was $7,500 behind on child support when he was pulled over on Saturday and had already been jailed three times for missing payments.

Whilst it's quite clear, the murder victim was very foolish, the ex cop is still a murderer.

This is backed up by Slager's lie about his victim grabbing the taser, then planting it next to the body - all caught on video.
No arrest warrant for Walter Scott before he was killed by Michael Slager Daily Mail Online

No warrant had been issued for Walter Scott's arrest when he ran from Officer Michael Slager moments before he was shot dead, it has been revealed.

Court records show he was $7,500 behind on child support when he was pulled over on Saturday and had already been jailed three times for missing payments.

Whilst it's quite clear, the murder victim was very foolish, the ex cop is still a murderer.

This is backed up by Slager's lie about his victim grabbing the taser, then planting it next to the body - all caught on video.

Which is all nice and peachy.... he still should not have run. He should have shut, done what he was told, and obeyed the police officer.
The "reasons to kill a black man" list is getting rather long

Add running to the list

I don't care if you are purple, white, red, yellow, or blue with pink dots. You don't run.

Thats seems to always be said whenever theres a black guy dead. Weird

That seems to always be the reply whenever a liberal is faced with the truth.

An-Delusion, what is the truth? The cop is in jail, no bail, charged with murder because he shot an UNARMED black guy 8 times in the back after he ran from the scene. Walter Scott was stopped for a non-moving traffic violation and 2 minutes later he was dead. Those are the facts, regardless of how they conflict with your "truth".

Here is reality: If he had been a white guy in a 2015 Mercedes out for a test drive, the fucking cop wouldn't have stopped him in the first place.

Maybe you should try reality since your "truth" fails.
If you want to list the facts, then get them all!

Walter Scott was told to stay in his car, he did not! He did not deserve to die, but you can't fix stupid.
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Doing what little he could to get away from a murderer?

Just a guess...
I don't support what the cop did but if the guy had just allowed himself to be taken in he'd probably be alive right now and probably out on Bail/bond.
The guy has zero culpability in what was done to him. Zero.

He didnt pay his child support and got a warrant for his arrest because of it.
Had he payed his child support and not tried to run he would be alive,so yes he does bear some responsibility for his own death.
Whats the recurring theme in all these police shootings? Resisting arrest,running and a long criminal history.
The cop shouldnt have shot the guy,but I'm finding it a little difficult to feel sorry for him.
I feel sorry for him and his family because he didn't deserve to die.
Do you feel sorry for his child, who will now probably get child support from the state? Considering his father was a dead beat, the kid is probably better off now.
Not enough apparently because it keeps happening all around the country. There are physical factors like overload of adrenaline that might not be covered in training.
You and I both know that a lack of training isn't to blame here. The cop was trained not to shoot unarmed suspects in the back. He did it anyway. Training was clearly not at fault.
I said I wasn't justifying what this cop did, shooting him in the back goes beyond adrenaline rush. I was speaking in a general sense that all the collective police brutality cases have resisting arrest in common. How can we better train cops to deal with the adrenaline rush? I also wondered if even with this cop, who represents the worst of the worst, if running was the trigger that set him off. Now obviously he shouldn't have been a cop in the first place but how would the PD know that ahead of time? That's were the body cams come into play. If this cop had aggressive behavior prior to this happening a body cam might have caught that behavior prior to this incident and he might have been fired.
He did. A complaint was filed against him for excessive use of force with a tazer. That's why I think the family's lawsuit will meet with success
If this cop is found aggressive in the Tazer case then yes I think the family will have an excellent case for a law suit. Of course all the money should go to burial expenses of the victim and the rest should go in a trust fund to the victims kids to help support and raise them.

Get real. Walter Scott's family is going to retire on the civil/wrongful death suit brought against the North Charleston P.D.

The HOA that let George Zimmerman carry a gun paid $1M for their stupidity.
Trayvon Martin's parents settle wrongful-death claim

Trayvon Martin wrongful death claim more than 1 million - tribunedigital-orlandosentinel
Great, his child will finally get that child support.
Doing what little he could to get away from a murderer?

Just a guess...
I don't support what the cop did but if the guy had just allowed himself to be taken in he'd probably be alive right now and probably out on Bail/bond.
The guy has zero culpability in what was done to him. Zero.

He didnt pay his child support and got a warrant for his arrest because of it.
Had he payed his child support and not tried to run he would be alive,so yes he does bear some responsibility for his own death.
Whats the recurring theme in all these police shootings? Resisting arrest,running and a long criminal history.
The cop shouldnt have shot the guy,but I'm finding it a little difficult to feel sorry for him.
I feel sorry for him and his family because he didn't deserve to die.
Do you feel sorry for his child, who will now probably get child support from the state? Considering his father was a dead beat, the kid is probably better off now.
Kids need their daddy, not a check.
Juries deliberate for days before deciding a vicious murderer deserves to die, but here you are suggesting that cops should waste anyone who resists and runs. I find it disturbing how cheaply we hold human life these days that we so easily call for the death of other people. We are becoming a culture of death and you are part of it.

Yes absolutely. People who run, are a danger to society. If you are willing to run from a police officer, then clearly you have absolutely no respect for the law.

No, I don't want anyone to die. STOP BREAKING THE LAW.

The whole reason we have such a high murder rate in our society, is because we don't enforce the law. Shoot criminals, and fewer innocent people will be killed. I have ZERO care for the life of a law breaker. 100% care, for the life of the innocent.

We've played it your way for 50 years, and the highest murder rate of any 1st world country, is the result. Time for a new plan.
You're ability to rationalize gunning people down in the streets in no way makes it right. Running from cops is wrong, but killing him as a punishment disproportionate to the crime. And an obese 50 year old man is not a danger to society. Your whole argument is based on exaggeration. It seems you just want black people to be gunned down and any excuse will do.

You are of course allowed to be full of crap, and wrong. I don't care what you think. Never did, never will.

I stand by my prior statement.
I know you do. Maybe when a cop hydes your backside and handcuffs your dead corpse you'll finally get it.

You show me the person who is completely respectful, who does exactly as he is told, who gets shot.

Because that's how I am with police officers. I do exactly what I'm told, and treat them with the highest respect.

When you show me that video.... the video where the guy does 100% exactly as he's told, and the officer just blow him away.... then you got me on your side. I'll have that cop hanged.

But of course, you can't show me that video can you?
Even unruly suspects don't deserve to be shot when they aren't posing a threat. In no sane world did this guy have it coming to him.
He didnt pay his child support and got a warrant for his arrest because of it.
Had he payed his child support and not tried to run he would be alive,so yes he does bear some responsibility for his own death.
Whats the recurring theme in all these police shootings? Resisting arrest,running and a long criminal history.
The cop shouldnt have shot the guy,but I'm finding it a little difficult to feel sorry for him.
I feel sorry for him and his family because he didn't deserve to die.

And he shouldnt have been a scofflaw.
Maybe if law breakers knew there was a possibility of being shot they'd stop being dumb asses.
Wrong. No American should fear being shot by the police unless they are threatening somebody's life. This isn't North Korea.
A person running from the cops is a threat to the rest of us. Might take hostages. Pretty desperate.
An imminent lethal threat? I think you know that's a stretch. Fortunately, the Supreme Court ruled on just this issue and agrees with me.
Now you are changing it to an imminent lethal threat? That's different. But a guy running from a cop seems to be a threat to society.

Not saying cops are right to shoot.

By the way in the 80s cops could shoot at the car during a high speed chase.

Some day its gonna be like that Wesley snipes stallone movie with Sandra Bullock. Demolishion man?
Yes absolutely. People who run, are a danger to society. If you are willing to run from a police officer, then clearly you have absolutely no respect for the law.

No, I don't want anyone to die. STOP BREAKING THE LAW.

The whole reason we have such a high murder rate in our society, is because we don't enforce the law. Shoot criminals, and fewer innocent people will be killed. I have ZERO care for the life of a law breaker. 100% care, for the life of the innocent.

We've played it your way for 50 years, and the highest murder rate of any 1st world country, is the result. Time for a new plan.
You're ability to rationalize gunning people down in the streets in no way makes it right. Running from cops is wrong, but killing him as a punishment disproportionate to the crime. And an obese 50 year old man is not a danger to society. Your whole argument is based on exaggeration. It seems you just want black people to be gunned down and any excuse will do.

You are of course allowed to be full of crap, and wrong. I don't care what you think. Never did, never will.

I stand by my prior statement.
I know you do. Maybe when a cop hydes your backside and handcuffs your dead corpse you'll finally get it.

You show me the person who is completely respectful, who does exactly as he is told, who gets shot.

Because that's how I am with police officers. I do exactly what I'm told, and treat them with the highest respect.

When you show me that video.... the video where the guy does 100% exactly as he's told, and the officer just blow him away.... then you got me on your side. I'll have that cop hanged.

But of course, you can't show me that video can you?
Even unruly suspects don't deserve to be shot when they aren't posing a threat. In no sane world did this guy have it coming to him.
Yes he did.
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.
I've been chastising blacks about this ever since this issue started. Stop fighting or running from our police. They shouldn't have to be faster and stronger than you. Not that the cop should have shot him but what are we saying its OK to resist arrest? Its not.
I agree. Running from the cops is bad period. I always taught my kids that when an officer stops you, you comply and keep your hands where he can see them. The only thing you say is yes sir and no sir. If he cuts you a break say thank you sir. He's got the gun, you don't.

The public needs to learn, don't run,don't fight and don't be a wise ass. The faster the public learns that the better off they will be. I always thought this was a common sense thing but maybe now it has to be taught in school. As far as the cops,lets get those body cams.
We need to address the violence from the cops but we also have to point out every black that's been shot has been acting a fool.

Cops need to improve but so do blacks.

Him running should lower the civil settlement. A jury won't like that he ran. The cop will rightfully go to jail for 20 years and the black family will get a could million after Jeffrey Geiger gets ahold of them.
You're ability to rationalize gunning people down in the streets in no way makes it right. Running from cops is wrong, but killing him as a punishment disproportionate to the crime. And an obese 50 year old man is not a danger to society. Your whole argument is based on exaggeration. It seems you just want black people to be gunned down and any excuse will do.

You are of course allowed to be full of crap, and wrong. I don't care what you think. Never did, never will.

I stand by my prior statement.
I know you do. Maybe when a cop hydes your backside and handcuffs your dead corpse you'll finally get it.

You show me the person who is completely respectful, who does exactly as he is told, who gets shot.

Because that's how I am with police officers. I do exactly what I'm told, and treat them with the highest respect.

When you show me that video.... the video where the guy does 100% exactly as he's told, and the officer just blow him away.... then you got me on your side. I'll have that cop hanged.

But of course, you can't show me that video can you?
Even unruly suspects don't deserve to be shot when they aren't posing a threat. In no sane world did this guy have it coming to him.
Yes he did.
^^^^ racist asshole

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