Why was he running away?

I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Doing what little he could to get away from a murderer?

Just a guess...
I don't support what the cop did but if the guy had just allowed himself to be taken in he'd probably be alive right now and probably out on Bail/bond.
The guy has zero culpability in what was done to him. Zero.

He didnt pay his child support and got a warrant for his arrest because of it.
Had he payed his child support and not tried to run he would be alive,so yes he does bear some responsibility for his own death.
Whats the recurring theme in all these police shootings? Resisting arrest,running and a long criminal history.
The cop shouldnt have shot the guy,but I'm finding it a little difficult to feel sorry for him.
I feel sorry for him and his family because he didn't deserve to die.

And he shouldnt have been a scofflaw.
Maybe if law breakers knew there was a possibility of being shot they'd stop being dumb asses.
Doing what little he could to get away from a murderer?

Just a guess...
I don't support what the cop did but if the guy had just allowed himself to be taken in he'd probably be alive right now and probably out on Bail/bond.
The guy has zero culpability in what was done to him. Zero.

He didnt pay his child support and got a warrant for his arrest because of it.
Had he payed his child support and not tried to run he would be alive,so yes he does bear some responsibility for his own death.
Whats the recurring theme in all these police shootings? Resisting arrest,running and a long criminal history.
The cop shouldnt have shot the guy,but I'm finding it a little difficult to feel sorry for him.
I feel sorry for him and his family because he didn't deserve to die.

And he shouldnt have been a scofflaw.
Maybe if law breakers knew there was a possibility of being shot they'd stop being dumb asses.
Wrong. No American should fear being shot by the police unless they are threatening somebody's life. This isn't North Korea.
Doing what little he could to get away from a murderer?

Just a guess...
I don't support what the cop did but if the guy had just allowed himself to be taken in he'd probably be alive right now and probably out on Bail/bond.
The guy has zero culpability in what was done to him. Zero.
I'm not at all justifying him being killed but wonder if he'd be alive if he'd stayed in the car like the cop told him too. All the latest brutality situations have one thing in common, all were resisting or disobeying the police. Maybe greater emphasis has to be made in police training for how to handle those who disobey orders or resist arrest. I also think all police should have to have dash cams and body cams. They will protect the public and the cop,allow review of performance by the officer and highlight problem area's.
There's already plenty of training on correct procedure to deal with people resisting and running away. It's so simple I can sum it up in three words.

Don't shoot them.

Not enough apparently because it keeps happening all around the country. There are physical factors like overload of adrenaline that might not be covered in training.
You and I both know that a lack of training isn't to blame here. The cop was trained not to shoot unarmed suspects in the back. He did it anyway. Training was clearly not at fault.
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.
I've been chastising blacks about this ever since this issue started. Stop fighting or running from our police. They shouldn't have to be faster and stronger than you. Not that the cop should have shot him but what are we saying its OK to resist arrest? Its not.
I don't support what the cop did but if the guy had just allowed himself to be taken in he'd probably be alive right now and probably out on Bail/bond.
The guy has zero culpability in what was done to him. Zero.

He didnt pay his child support and got a warrant for his arrest because of it.
Had he payed his child support and not tried to run he would be alive,so yes he does bear some responsibility for his own death.
Whats the recurring theme in all these police shootings? Resisting arrest,running and a long criminal history.
The cop shouldnt have shot the guy,but I'm finding it a little difficult to feel sorry for him.
I feel sorry for him and his family because he didn't deserve to die.

And he shouldnt have been a scofflaw.
Maybe if law breakers knew there was a possibility of being shot they'd stop being dumb asses.
Wrong. No American should fear being shot by the police unless they are threatening somebody's life. This isn't North Korea.
A person running from the cops is a threat to the rest of us. Might take hostages. Pretty desperate.
I don't support what the cop did but if the guy had just allowed himself to be taken in he'd probably be alive right now and probably out on Bail/bond.
The guy has zero culpability in what was done to him. Zero.
I'm not at all justifying him being killed but wonder if he'd be alive if he'd stayed in the car like the cop told him too. All the latest brutality situations have one thing in common, all were resisting or disobeying the police. Maybe greater emphasis has to be made in police training for how to handle those who disobey orders or resist arrest. I also think all police should have to have dash cams and body cams. They will protect the public and the cop,allow review of performance by the officer and highlight problem area's.
There's already plenty of training on correct procedure to deal with people resisting and running away. It's so simple I can sum it up in three words.

Don't shoot them.

Not enough apparently because it keeps happening all around the country. There are physical factors like overload of adrenaline that might not be covered in training.
You and I both know that a lack of training isn't to blame here. The cop was trained not to shoot unarmed suspects in the back. He did it anyway. Training was clearly not at fault.
I said I wasn't justifying what this cop did, shooting him in the back goes beyond adrenaline rush. I was speaking in a general sense that all the collective police brutality cases have resisting arrest in common. How can we better train cops to deal with the adrenaline rush? I also wondered if even with this cop, who represents the worst of the worst, if running was the trigger that set him off. Now obviously he shouldn't have been a cop in the first place but how would the PD know that ahead of time? That's were the body cams come into play. If this cop had aggressive behavior prior to this happening a body cam might have caught that behavior prior to this incident and he might have been fired.
The guy has zero culpability in what was done to him. Zero.
I'm not at all justifying him being killed but wonder if he'd be alive if he'd stayed in the car like the cop told him too. All the latest brutality situations have one thing in common, all were resisting or disobeying the police. Maybe greater emphasis has to be made in police training for how to handle those who disobey orders or resist arrest. I also think all police should have to have dash cams and body cams. They will protect the public and the cop,allow review of performance by the officer and highlight problem area's.
There's already plenty of training on correct procedure to deal with people resisting and running away. It's so simple I can sum it up in three words.

Don't shoot them.

Not enough apparently because it keeps happening all around the country. There are physical factors like overload of adrenaline that might not be covered in training.
You and I both know that a lack of training isn't to blame here. The cop was trained not to shoot unarmed suspects in the back. He did it anyway. Training was clearly not at fault.
I said I wasn't justifying what this cop did, shooting him in the back goes beyond adrenaline rush. I was speaking in a general sense that all the collective police brutality cases have resisting arrest in common. How can we better train cops to deal with the adrenaline rush? I also wondered if even with this cop, who represents the worst of the worst, if running was the trigger that set him off. Now obviously he shouldn't have been a cop in the first place but how would the PD know that ahead of time? That's were the body cams come into play. If this cop had aggressive behavior prior to this happening a body cam might have caught that behavior prior to this incident and he might have been fired.
He did. A complaint was filed against him for excessive use of force with a tazer. That's why I think the family's lawsuit will meet with success
The guy has zero culpability in what was done to him. Zero.

He didnt pay his child support and got a warrant for his arrest because of it.
Had he payed his child support and not tried to run he would be alive,so yes he does bear some responsibility for his own death.
Whats the recurring theme in all these police shootings? Resisting arrest,running and a long criminal history.
The cop shouldnt have shot the guy,but I'm finding it a little difficult to feel sorry for him.
I feel sorry for him and his family because he didn't deserve to die.

And he shouldnt have been a scofflaw.
Maybe if law breakers knew there was a possibility of being shot they'd stop being dumb asses.
Wrong. No American should fear being shot by the police unless they are threatening somebody's life. This isn't North Korea.
A person running from the cops is a threat to the rest of us. Might take hostages. Pretty desperate.
An imminent lethal threat? I think you know that's a stretch. Fortunately, the Supreme Court ruled on just this issue and agrees with me.
"Scott had been jailed repeatedly for failing to pay child support."

Oh great, so he runs from the cop because he doesn't want to be arrested for failing to pay child support, yet he was all set to buy a late model Mercedes. Typical negro absentee father. This shooting was justified.
Shooting a fleeing man in the back is justified?

No.. and yes.

According to the law, as it is written, the answer is no. Which is why the police officer will be tried, and I would put a good wager, he'll be convicted.

However, I believe the answer should be yes. You don't have the right to resist arrest. I so tired of people fight, attacking, taunting, resisting, police officers, and then whining that the police shoot them.

You *DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO RESIST ARREST*. Police are officers of the law. They have authority. You are to obey them. If you don't, then I personally don't give rats butt what happens to you. It's just that simple. DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD. When you don't.... screw you.

I've had more run-ins with police in my life, than any 3 of you people put together.

I've never been tased, never beaten, never hit, never shot, never cuffed even. Why? It's real simple people.... when the officer says stay in the car, I stay in the car. When the officer says get out, I get out. When the officer says put your hand where I can see them, I put my hands where they can see them.

I don't argue. I don't taunt. I don't insult. I don't spit at, or harass. When they ask a question, I answer the question. I say "yes sir", and "no sir", and I am respectful.

Why is this so hard?

You know, what is even more ironic, is that these very same people, if they are sent to prison, suddenly they know how to be respectful. All of a sudden, treating people with respect, magically is something they all grasp.

The Social Order of the Underworld How Prison Gangs Govern the American Penal System David Skarbek 9780199328505 Amazon.com Books

The Social Order of the Underworld: How Prison Gangs Govern the American Penal System

A fascinating look at prison gangs. Key factor? Respect. You go to prison, you treat everyone there with respect. IF you don't, you get your face beat in, or stabbed, or worse. Funny how all these people can grasp respect in the prison, but can't grasp it with police. Yet if you people treated Police with HALF the respect they do each other in the prison system, there wouldn't be any of these police shootings.
'"I've had more run-ins with police in my life, than any 3 of you people put together."

HMM, you do not know my brother and me.
Perhaps he is married to a cop!
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.
I've been chastising blacks about this ever since this issue started. Stop fighting or running from our police. They shouldn't have to be faster and stronger than you. Not that the cop should have shot him but what are we saying its OK to resist arrest? Its not.
I agree. Running from the cops is bad period. I always taught my kids that when an officer stops you, you comply and keep your hands where he can see them. The only thing you say is yes sir and no sir. If he cuts you a break say thank you sir. He's got the gun, you don't.

The public needs to learn, don't run,don't fight and don't be a wise ass. The faster the public learns that the better off they will be. I always thought this was a common sense thing but maybe now it has to be taught in school. As far as the cops,lets get those body cams.
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.
I've been chastising blacks about this ever since this issue started. Stop fighting or running from our police. They shouldn't have to be faster and stronger than you. Not that the cop should have shot him but what are we saying its OK to resist arrest? Its not.
I agree. Running from the cops is bad period. I always taught my kids that when an officer stops you, you comply and keep your hands where he can see them. The only thing you say is yes sir and no sir. If he cuts you a break say thank you sir. He's got the gun, you don't.

The public needs to learn, don't run,don't fight and don't be a wise ass. The faster the public learns that the better off they will be. I always thought this was a common sense thing but maybe now it has to be taught in school. As far as the cops,lets get those body cams.
Your kids didn't listen to cop killer CD's. You didn't let them. We're dealing with a culture of kids being raised to hate cops and to gain respect by defying them. Black culture is the problem and until black parents start raising their kids like you and I raise ours, this will keep happening.
I don't support what the cop did but if the guy had just allowed himself to be taken in he'd probably be alive right now and probably out on Bail/bond.
The guy has zero culpability in what was done to him. Zero.

He didnt pay his child support and got a warrant for his arrest because of it.
Had he payed his child support and not tried to run he would be alive,so yes he does bear some responsibility for his own death.
Whats the recurring theme in all these police shootings? Resisting arrest,running and a long criminal history.
The cop shouldnt have shot the guy,but I'm finding it a little difficult to feel sorry for him.
I feel sorry for him and his family because he didn't deserve to die.

And he shouldnt have been a scofflaw.
Maybe if law breakers knew there was a possibility of being shot they'd stop being dumb asses.
Wrong. No American should fear being shot by the police unless they are threatening somebody's life. This isn't North Korea.

So what if they're a known violent offender? I can think of plenty of reasons where a cop should shoot a fleeing suspect.
I'm not at all justifying him being killed but wonder if he'd be alive if he'd stayed in the car like the cop told him too. All the latest brutality situations have one thing in common, all were resisting or disobeying the police. Maybe greater emphasis has to be made in police training for how to handle those who disobey orders or resist arrest. I also think all police should have to have dash cams and body cams. They will protect the public and the cop,allow review of performance by the officer and highlight problem area's.
There's already plenty of training on correct procedure to deal with people resisting and running away. It's so simple I can sum it up in three words.

Don't shoot them.

Not enough apparently because it keeps happening all around the country. There are physical factors like overload of adrenaline that might not be covered in training.
You and I both know that a lack of training isn't to blame here. The cop was trained not to shoot unarmed suspects in the back. He did it anyway. Training was clearly not at fault.
I said I wasn't justifying what this cop did, shooting him in the back goes beyond adrenaline rush. I was speaking in a general sense that all the collective police brutality cases have resisting arrest in common. How can we better train cops to deal with the adrenaline rush? I also wondered if even with this cop, who represents the worst of the worst, if running was the trigger that set him off. Now obviously he shouldn't have been a cop in the first place but how would the PD know that ahead of time? That's were the body cams come into play. If this cop had aggressive behavior prior to this happening a body cam might have caught that behavior prior to this incident and he might have been fired.
He did. A complaint was filed against him for excessive use of force with a tazer. That's why I think the family's lawsuit will meet with success
If this cop is found aggressive in the Tazer case then yes I think the family will have an excellent case for a law suit. Of course all the money should go to burial expenses of the victim and the rest should go in a trust fund to the victims kids to help support and raise them.
The guy has zero culpability in what was done to him. Zero.

He didnt pay his child support and got a warrant for his arrest because of it.
Had he payed his child support and not tried to run he would be alive,so yes he does bear some responsibility for his own death.
Whats the recurring theme in all these police shootings? Resisting arrest,running and a long criminal history.
The cop shouldnt have shot the guy,but I'm finding it a little difficult to feel sorry for him.
I feel sorry for him and his family because he didn't deserve to die.

And he shouldnt have been a scofflaw.
Maybe if law breakers knew there was a possibility of being shot they'd stop being dumb asses.
Wrong. No American should fear being shot by the police unless they are threatening somebody's life. This isn't North Korea.

So what if they're a known violent offender? I can think of plenty of reasons where a cop should shoot a fleeing suspect.
The only one that's justifiable is if the suspect is armed or if he's an escaped felon, armed or not.
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.
I've been chastising blacks about this ever since this issue started. Stop fighting or running from our police. They shouldn't have to be faster and stronger than you. Not that the cop should have shot him but what are we saying its OK to resist arrest? Its not.
I agree. Running from the cops is bad period. I always taught my kids that when an officer stops you, you comply and keep your hands where he can see them. The only thing you say is yes sir and no sir. If he cuts you a break say thank you sir. He's got the gun, you don't.

The public needs to learn, don't run,don't fight and don't be a wise ass. The faster the public learns that the better off they will be. I always thought this was a common sense thing but maybe now it has to be taught in school. As far as the cops,lets get those body cams.
Your kids didn't listen to cop killer CD's. You didn't let them. We're dealing with a culture of kids being raised to hate cops and to gain respect by defying them. Black culture is the problem and until black parents start raising their kids like you and I raise ours, this will keep happening.
Oh hell no I didn't let them listen to that crap. I didn't even allow anything other than game boy in the house with games I approved. None of that play station and grand theft auto crap. The kids complained but too bad,my house my rules.
I really want to know why this is a race issue, and why the cop shot the guy instead of perusing him, that's all.
He didnt pay his child support and got a warrant for his arrest because of it.
Had he payed his child support and not tried to run he would be alive,so yes he does bear some responsibility for his own death.
Whats the recurring theme in all these police shootings? Resisting arrest,running and a long criminal history.
The cop shouldnt have shot the guy,but I'm finding it a little difficult to feel sorry for him.
I feel sorry for him and his family because he didn't deserve to die.

And he shouldnt have been a scofflaw.
Maybe if law breakers knew there was a possibility of being shot they'd stop being dumb asses.
Wrong. No American should fear being shot by the police unless they are threatening somebody's life. This isn't North Korea.

So what if they're a known violent offender? I can think of plenty of reasons where a cop should shoot a fleeing suspect.
The only one that's justifiable is if the suspect is armed or if he's an escaped felon, armed or not.

What about a perp suspected of a felony?
I have to question why anyone would run from the police unless they expected jail time for a current,past or pending charge.
There is absolutely no other explanation as to why they would run.
I really want to know why this is a race issue, and why the cop shot the guy instead of perusing him, that's all.
It's not a race issue really,I've known plenty of whites to get it too. I don't know why blacks think its only them. Usually there's a problem when perp is running, combative or mouthing off.

Why this cop didn't continue to give chase IDK he should have. I guess only he knows the answer to that and it looks like he'll have plenty of time to contemplate how stupid it was. I don't feel sorry for the cop but I do feel sorry for the cops mother. I hope that man knows he broke two mothers hearts and one of them was his own mother.
I feel sorry for him and his family because he didn't deserve to die.

And he shouldnt have been a scofflaw.
Maybe if law breakers knew there was a possibility of being shot they'd stop being dumb asses.
Wrong. No American should fear being shot by the police unless they are threatening somebody's life. This isn't North Korea.

So what if they're a known violent offender? I can think of plenty of reasons where a cop should shoot a fleeing suspect.
The only one that's justifiable is if the suspect is armed or if he's an escaped felon, armed or not.

What about a perp suspected of a felony?
I have to question why anyone would run from the police unless they expected jail time for a current,past or pending charge.
There is absolutely no other explanation as to why they would run.
The SC has ruled on this. There's a narrow criteria that justifies shooting a fleeing suspect. Outside of that it's illegal.
I was one of the first on the bandwagon to say to hang the cop who shot the unarmed black man in the back in SC.

Tonight I saw the dashcam video from the police cruiser, and I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He shouldn't have been killed over it(I don't think), but I would like to know the answer.

Doing what little he could to get away from a murderer?

Just a guess...
I don't support what the cop did but if the guy had just allowed himself to be taken in he'd probably be alive right now and probably out on Bail/bond.
The guy has zero culpability in what was done to him. Zero.
I'm not at all justifying him being killed but wonder if he'd be alive if he'd stayed in the car like the cop told him too. All the latest brutality situations have one thing in common, all were resisting or disobeying the police. Maybe greater emphasis has to be made in police training for how to handle those who disobey orders or resist arrest. I also think all police should have to have dash cams and body cams. They will protect the public and the cop,allow review of performance by the officer and highlight problem area's.

They were all unarmed, too. Stop making excuses for bad cops with guns who shoot first and ask questions later, you fucking idiot.

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