Why was he running away?

"Scott had been jailed repeatedly for failing to pay child support."

Oh great, so he runs from the cop because he doesn't want to be arrested for failing to pay child support, yet he was all set to buy a late model Mercedes. Typical negro absentee father. This shooting was justified.
I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He was probably frightened the cop was a violent bastard, out to kill him.
Oh ...........
Yes, the video clearly shows the cop approached him in a threatening, homicidal manner.

Oh, wait, it does not show that.

Watch a jury acquit him of the charge of murder or manslaughter, but convict him of tampering with evidence.

The firing will surely stand.
"Scott had been jailed repeatedly for failing to pay child support."

Oh great, so he runs from the cop because he doesn't want to be arrested for failing to pay child support, yet he was all set to buy a late model Mercedes. Typical negro absentee father. This shooting was justified.
Shooting a fleeing man in the back is justified?

I was going to bring this up, but wasn't in the mood to be bitched at by the PC Police. Again.

The cop was wrong. It's not even close. He's gonna get what he deserves. Good. Thank goodness for the video.

I would also point out that every one of the recent white-cop-killing-black-guy national stories has included the same fact:

The guy who ended up getting killed was resisting arrest. Had they not resisted arrest, these stories would not exist.

I wonder if anyone would like to deny that.

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I was going to bring this up, but wasn't it the mood to be bitched at by the PC Police.

The cop was wrong. It's not even close. He's gonna get what he deserves. Good.

I would also point out that every one of the recent white-cop-killing-black-guy national stories has included the same fact:

The guy who ended up getting killed was resisting arrest. Had they not resisted arrest, these stories would not exist.

I wonder if anyone would like to deny that.

True and true.
The guy did not deserve to die and the cop was wrong. The cop will be convicted.

But.....why was a dead beat Dad driving a Mercedes? Why did the guy run?

Both were idiots. Both lives are over.
The guy did not deserve to die and the cop was wrong. The cop will be convicted.

But.....why was a dead beat Dad driving a Mercedes? Why did the guy run?

Both were idiots. Both lives are over.
Cop will do some time for tampering with evidence.

Won't be a cop again.
I want to know, what caused the black man to get out of his car and take off running?

He was probably frightened the cop was a violent bastard, out to kill him.
Oh ...........

Well if you look at the video, he was clearly safe from harm until he ran.

If your idiotic claim was true, then he should have surrendered peacefully when the police tried to cuff him.

I know it's crazy.... but following the law..... results in fewer shootings. Crazy idea, I know.
"Scott had been jailed repeatedly for failing to pay child support."

Oh great, so he runs from the cop because he doesn't want to be arrested for failing to pay child support, yet he was all set to buy a late model Mercedes. Typical negro absentee father. This shooting was justified.
Shooting a fleeing man in the back is justified?

No.. and yes.

According to the law, as it is written, the answer is no. Which is why the police officer will be tried, and I would put a good wager, he'll be convicted.

However, I believe the answer should be yes. You don't have the right to resist arrest. I so tired of people fight, attacking, taunting, resisting, police officers, and then whining that the police shoot them.

You *DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO RESIST ARREST*. Police are officers of the law. They have authority. You are to obey them. If you don't, then I personally don't give rats butt what happens to you. It's just that simple. DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD. When you don't.... screw you.

I've had more run-ins with police in my life, than any 3 of you people put together.

I've never been tased, never beaten, never hit, never shot, never cuffed even. Why? It's real simple people.... when the officer says stay in the car, I stay in the car. When the officer says get out, I get out. When the officer says put your hand where I can see them, I put my hands where they can see them.

I don't argue. I don't taunt. I don't insult. I don't spit at, or harass. When they ask a question, I answer the question. I say "yes sir", and "no sir", and I am respectful.

Why is this so hard?

You know, what is even more ironic, is that these very same people, if they are sent to prison, suddenly they know how to be respectful. All of a sudden, treating people with respect, magically is something they all grasp.

The Social Order of the Underworld How Prison Gangs Govern the American Penal System David Skarbek 9780199328505 Amazon.com Books

The Social Order of the Underworld: How Prison Gangs Govern the American Penal System

A fascinating look at prison gangs. Key factor? Respect. You go to prison, you treat everyone there with respect. IF you don't, you get your face beat in, or stabbed, or worse. Funny how all these people can grasp respect in the prison, but can't grasp it with police. Yet if you people treated Police with HALF the respect they do each other in the prison system, there wouldn't be any of these police shootings.

Funny how lack of respect will get you killed in prison, but in idiot world, lack of respect with armed police, shouldn't.
"Scott had been jailed repeatedly for failing to pay child support."

Oh great, so he runs from the cop because he doesn't want to be arrested for failing to pay child support, yet he was all set to buy a late model Mercedes. Typical negro absentee father. This shooting was justified.
Shooting a fleeing man in the back is justified?

No.. and yes.

According to the law, as it is written, the answer is no. Which is why the police officer will be tried, and I would put a good wager, he'll be convicted.

However, I believe the answer should be yes. You don't have the right to resist arrest. I so tired of people fight, attacking, taunting, resisting, police officers, and then whining that the police shoot them.

You *DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO RESIST ARREST*. Police are officers of the law. They have authority. You are to obey them. If you don't, then I personally don't give rats butt what happens to you. It's just that simple. DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD. When you don't.... screw you.

I've had more run-ins with police in my life, than any 3 of you people put together.

I've never been tased, never beaten, never hit, never shot, never cuffed even. Why? It's real simple people.... when the officer says stay in the car, I stay in the car. When the officer says get out, I get out. When the officer says put your hand where I can see them, I put my hands where they can see them.

I don't argue. I don't taunt. I don't insult. I don't spit at, or harass. When they ask a question, I answer the question. I say "yes sir", and "no sir", and I am respectful.

Why is this so hard?

You know, what is even more ironic, is that these very same people, if they are sent to prison, suddenly they know how to be respectful. All of a sudden, treating people with respect, magically is something they all grasp.

The Social Order of the Underworld How Prison Gangs Govern the American Penal System David Skarbek 9780199328505 Amazon.com Books

The Social Order of the Underworld: How Prison Gangs Govern the American Penal System

A fascinating look at prison gangs. Key factor? Respect. You go to prison, you treat everyone there with respect. IF you don't, you get your face beat in, or stabbed, or worse. Funny how all these people can grasp respect in the prison, but can't grasp it with police. Yet if you people treated Police with HALF the respect they do each other in the prison system, there wouldn't be any of these police shootings.
'"I've had more run-ins with police in my life, than any 3 of you people put together."

HMM, you do not know my brother and me.
"Scott had been jailed repeatedly for failing to pay child support."

Oh great, so he runs from the cop because he doesn't want to be arrested for failing to pay child support, yet he was all set to buy a late model Mercedes. Typical negro absentee father. This shooting was justified.
Shooting a fleeing man in the back is justified?

No.. and yes.

According to the law, as it is written, the answer is no. Which is why the police officer will be tried, and I would put a good wager, he'll be convicted.

However, I believe the answer should be yes. You don't have the right to resist arrest. I so tired of people fight, attacking, taunting, resisting, police officers, and then whining that the police shoot them.

You *DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO RESIST ARREST*. Police are officers of the law. They have authority. You are to obey them. If you don't, then I personally don't give rats butt what happens to you. It's just that simple. DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD. When you don't.... screw you.

I've had more run-ins with police in my life, than any 3 of you people put together.

I've never been tased, never beaten, never hit, never shot, never cuffed even. Why? It's real simple people.... when the officer says stay in the car, I stay in the car. When the officer says get out, I get out. When the officer says put your hand where I can see them, I put my hands where they can see them.

I don't argue. I don't taunt. I don't insult. I don't spit at, or harass. When they ask a question, I answer the question. I say "yes sir", and "no sir", and I am respectful.

Why is this so hard?

You know, what is even more ironic, is that these very same people, if they are sent to prison, suddenly they know how to be respectful. All of a sudden, treating people with respect, magically is something they all grasp.

The Social Order of the Underworld How Prison Gangs Govern the American Penal System David Skarbek 9780199328505 Amazon.com Books

The Social Order of the Underworld: How Prison Gangs Govern the American Penal System

A fascinating look at prison gangs. Key factor? Respect. You go to prison, you treat everyone there with respect. IF you don't, you get your face beat in, or stabbed, or worse. Funny how all these people can grasp respect in the prison, but can't grasp it with police. Yet if you people treated Police with HALF the respect they do each other in the prison system, there wouldn't be any of these police shootings.
Juries deliberate for days before deciding a vicious murderer deserves to die, but here you are suggesting that cops should waste anyone who resists and runs. I find it disturbing how cheaply we hold human life these days that we so easily call for the death of other people. We are becoming a culture of death and you are part of it.
"Scott had been jailed repeatedly for failing to pay child support."

Oh great, so he runs from the cop because he doesn't want to be arrested for failing to pay child support, yet he was all set to buy a late model Mercedes. Typical negro absentee father. This shooting was justified.
Shooting a fleeing man in the back is justified?

No.. and yes.

According to the law, as it is written, the answer is no. Which is why the police officer will be tried, and I would put a good wager, he'll be convicted.

However, I believe the answer should be yes. You don't have the right to resist arrest. I so tired of people fight, attacking, taunting, resisting, police officers, and then whining that the police shoot them.

You *DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO RESIST ARREST*. Police are officers of the law. They have authority. You are to obey them. If you don't, then I personally don't give rats butt what happens to you. It's just that simple. DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD. When you don't.... screw you.

I've had more run-ins with police in my life, than any 3 of you people put together.

I've never been tased, never beaten, never hit, never shot, never cuffed even. Why? It's real simple people.... when the officer says stay in the car, I stay in the car. When the officer says get out, I get out. When the officer says put your hand where I can see them, I put my hands where they can see them.

I don't argue. I don't taunt. I don't insult. I don't spit at, or harass. When they ask a question, I answer the question. I say "yes sir", and "no sir", and I am respectful.

Why is this so hard?

You know, what is even more ironic, is that these very same people, if they are sent to prison, suddenly they know how to be respectful. All of a sudden, treating people with respect, magically is something they all grasp.

The Social Order of the Underworld How Prison Gangs Govern the American Penal System David Skarbek 9780199328505 Amazon.com Books

The Social Order of the Underworld: How Prison Gangs Govern the American Penal System

A fascinating look at prison gangs. Key factor? Respect. You go to prison, you treat everyone there with respect. IF you don't, you get your face beat in, or stabbed, or worse. Funny how all these people can grasp respect in the prison, but can't grasp it with police. Yet if you people treated Police with HALF the respect they do each other in the prison system, there wouldn't be any of these police shootings.

Funny how lack of respect will get you killed in prison, but in idiot world, lack of respect with armed police, shouldn't.
Wearing the wrong colored bandana in Houston got one of the sweetest country black kids I ever knew shot in the face so many times his mother could not identify the body.

But who am I to criticize another group's culture?
According to the deceased's brother, he was terrified he'd be sent to jail.

A 50-year-old running from a cop isn't exactly logical, a backup cop could easily catch him.

And no one deserves the death penalty for running.
Terrified he'd be sent to jail, over a tail light? Makes no sense.

Its more people in jail over broken tail than for anything else
"Scott had been jailed repeatedly for failing to pay child support."

Oh great, so he runs from the cop because he doesn't want to be arrested for failing to pay child support, yet he was all set to buy a late model Mercedes. Typical negro absentee father. This shooting was justified.
Shooting a fleeing man in the back is justified?

No.. and yes.

According to the law, as it is written, the answer is no. Which is why the police officer will be tried, and I would put a good wager, he'll be convicted.

However, I believe the answer should be yes. You don't have the right to resist arrest. I so tired of people fight, attacking, taunting, resisting, police officers, and then whining that the police shoot them.

You *DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO RESIST ARREST*. Police are officers of the law. They have authority. You are to obey them. If you don't, then I personally don't give rats butt what happens to you. It's just that simple. DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD. When you don't.... screw you.

I've had more run-ins with police in my life, than any 3 of you people put together.

I've never been tased, never beaten, never hit, never shot, never cuffed even. Why? It's real simple people.... when the officer says stay in the car, I stay in the car. When the officer says get out, I get out. When the officer says put your hand where I can see them, I put my hands where they can see them.

I don't argue. I don't taunt. I don't insult. I don't spit at, or harass. When they ask a question, I answer the question. I say "yes sir", and "no sir", and I am respectful.

Why is this so hard?

You know, what is even more ironic, is that these very same people, if they are sent to prison, suddenly they know how to be respectful. All of a sudden, treating people with respect, magically is something they all grasp.

The Social Order of the Underworld How Prison Gangs Govern the American Penal System David Skarbek 9780199328505 Amazon.com Books

The Social Order of the Underworld: How Prison Gangs Govern the American Penal System

A fascinating look at prison gangs. Key factor? Respect. You go to prison, you treat everyone there with respect. IF you don't, you get your face beat in, or stabbed, or worse. Funny how all these people can grasp respect in the prison, but can't grasp it with police. Yet if you people treated Police with HALF the respect they do each other in the prison system, there wouldn't be any of these police shootings.

Funny how lack of respect will get you killed in prison, but in idiot world, lack of respect with armed police, shouldn't.
Wearing the wrong colored bandana in Houston got one of the sweetest country black kids I ever knew shot in the face so many times his mother could not identify the body.

But who am I to criticize another group's culture?

Yeah. I bet.
"Scott had been jailed repeatedly for failing to pay child support."

Oh great, so he runs from the cop because he doesn't want to be arrested for failing to pay child support, yet he was all set to buy a late model Mercedes. Typical negro absentee father. This shooting was justified.
Shooting a fleeing man in the back is justified?

No.. and yes.

According to the law, as it is written, the answer is no. Which is why the police officer will be tried, and I would put a good wager, he'll be convicted.

However, I believe the answer should be yes. You don't have the right to resist arrest. I so tired of people fight, attacking, taunting, resisting, police officers, and then whining that the police shoot them.

You *DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO RESIST ARREST*. Police are officers of the law. They have authority. You are to obey them. If you don't, then I personally don't give rats butt what happens to you. It's just that simple. DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD. When you don't.... screw you.

I've had more run-ins with police in my life, than any 3 of you people put together.

I've never been tased, never beaten, never hit, never shot, never cuffed even. Why? It's real simple people.... when the officer says stay in the car, I stay in the car. When the officer says get out, I get out. When the officer says put your hand where I can see them, I put my hands where they can see them.

I don't argue. I don't taunt. I don't insult. I don't spit at, or harass. When they ask a question, I answer the question. I say "yes sir", and "no sir", and I am respectful.

Why is this so hard?

You know, what is even more ironic, is that these very same people, if they are sent to prison, suddenly they know how to be respectful. All of a sudden, treating people with respect, magically is something they all grasp.

The Social Order of the Underworld How Prison Gangs Govern the American Penal System David Skarbek 9780199328505 Amazon.com Books

The Social Order of the Underworld: How Prison Gangs Govern the American Penal System

A fascinating look at prison gangs. Key factor? Respect. You go to prison, you treat everyone there with respect. IF you don't, you get your face beat in, or stabbed, or worse. Funny how all these people can grasp respect in the prison, but can't grasp it with police. Yet if you people treated Police with HALF the respect they do each other in the prison system, there wouldn't be any of these police shootings.
Juries deliberate for days before deciding a vicious murderer deserves to die, but here you are suggesting that cops should waste anyone who resists and runs. I find it disturbing how cheaply we hold human life these days that we so easily call for the death of other people. We are becoming a culture of death and you are part of it.

Yes absolutely. People who run, are a danger to society. If you are willing to run from a police officer, then clearly you have absolutely no respect for the law.

No, I don't want anyone to die. STOP BREAKING THE LAW.

The whole reason we have such a high murder rate in our society, is because we don't enforce the law. Shoot criminals, and fewer innocent people will be killed. I have ZERO care for the life of a law breaker. 100% care, for the life of the innocent.

We've played it your way for 50 years, and the highest murder rate of any 1st world country, is the result. Time for a new plan.

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