Zone1 Why was Jesus crucified?

You are negative to virtually everyone who doesn't think like you do. I try and reserve mine for the worst of the worst although I am not always able to. I apologize for Christians who feel the need to denigrate your beliefs. I would never do that, the Words that make up our Books are sacred to us and therefore should be respected.
The words sacred to EVERYONE's books should be respected---that would be all scriptural writings----from the Ramayana to the Koran----but they are not---NOT BY A LONG SHOT. I grew up in a very christian town and even attended "sunday school' as a guest at least a dozen times. ---I also attended mosque friday prayer service twice and----a few esoteric hindu things. Getting back to christian-----vs me (jew) You can go to a
synagogue a thousand times and never hear the word christian or
Jesus etc etc-----but the fact is CHRISTIANS HAVE BEEN THROWING
SHIT AT JEWS AND JEWISH LITERATURE FOR 2 thousand years-----I read
it and even experienced it and it HAPPENS on this board and in the education of your kids and various literature genres. It infects the playgrounds. Your statement "You are negative to virtually everyone
who doesn't think like you do" is silly. I am negative to the BS that
instigates genocides of which the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" is remarkably
guilty------you got the Pharisees right----they uniformly refuse to kiss
your asses. PS--Jesus was a Pharisee. I know it because I read YOUR
In the Sanhedrin trial of Jesus in Mark 14:61, when the high priest asked Jesus: "Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?" In the next verse, Jesus responded "I am". Jesus' claim here was emphatic enough to make the high priest tear his robe.

jesus knew from the beginning what fate had in store for him - the repudiation of judaism would cost him his life -

their interrogation was in itself a criminal act agreeing with their lies or refute by conjecture, i am in the context of the stage would have made no difference for what closing scene was already predetermined.

do you ignore that were they the messiah, which will never be they would have prevailed and the criminals would have been vanquished.

- than the redneck, 4th century, christian makebelieve twisted dying for other peoples sins flight to fantasy. good luck.
jesus knew from the beginning what fate had in store for him - the repudiation of judaism would cost him his life -

their interrogation was in itself a criminal act agreeing with their lies or refute by conjecture, i am in the context of the stage would have made no difference for what closing scene was already predetermined.

do you ignore that were they the messiah, which will never be they would have prevailed and the criminals would have been vanquished.

- than the redneck, 4th century, christian makebelieve twisted dying for other peoples sins flight to fantasy. good luck.
thanks for you contribution, breezie. The NOBEL prize committee has
been made AWARE
You do not believe the new testament? I do
I believe in TESTING ALL THINGS......through reason and logic. (1 Thess. 5:21) Believing is not enough ".......demons believe and tremble....." (James 2:19).

As based upon the New Testament record.......belief is simply 1 of several steps necessary to salvation. "If you love will keep My commandments...." (John 14:15)

Jesus was establishing commandments...i.e, doctrine for the church/kingdom as described in Matthew 16.......even after His death and ascension, as He promised His Apostles to lead them into all truth with the power to deliver that truth through the Holy Spirit -- Acts. 1:7-8 (doctrine from Peter had the authority through his revelation to establish doctrine, his words bound in heaven what he bound on earth (Matthew 16:19) Jesus stated that He would deliver power unto the Apostles in order to establish doctrine for the New Testament Church...i.e, the last covenant between man and God (Acts), Peter ushered in the Last Days of Mankind on Pentecost day after the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven to set on the throne of David as promised in both Lord and Christ....i.e, Ruler and Savior (Acts 2:36).......Peter let the Jews know exactly who was to blame for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ...........

"Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made the same Jesus, WHOM YE HAVE CRCUIFIED........both Lord and Christ" -- Acts 2:36 There was no gentiles gathered on that day.........only Jews from all over the then known Hebrew world. (Acts 2:5)

The steps to salvation are explicitly defined in the New Testament. There are 3 steps to salvation. 1. Faith 2. Repentance 3. Water Baptism. These things are required of man in his part of the covenant. There is not one example of anyone entering the Kingdom/Church of Christ without water baptism being required........Just as Peter bound with His first gospel sermon on Pentecost day, (Acts 2:38) Repent and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.

There are 3 things that God provides on this path to salvation. 1. God remits sin 2. God provides the "gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38)....not the Holy Spirit but the gift of the Spirit....a gift, that is something given to someone, what is that gift that still exists today? The truth as revealed through the Holy Spirit of God.......the Holy Scriptures, that are all inspired of God and these scriptures establish truthful doctrine, order to make the man of God perfect in knowing righteousness (2 Tim. 3:16-17)
3. Eternal fellowship of God.....

God would have all men saved by coming to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim. 2:4) Its TRUTH that saves...........the whole truth. The truth from heaven states there are 3 steps to salvation. Faith, Repentance, and the Gift of the Spirit. Faith alone without works is dead........such as the act of water baptism (James 2:17) Jesus commanded water baptism, as the message given to the Apostles of Christ were messages from the Christ, just as He promised.......the Spirit as directed by Jesus would lead the Apostles into ALL TRUTH. (John 16:13). Water baptism is one of the truths. (Acts 2:38, Acts 10)........Water baptism was still required when the 1st gentile household was saved (Acts 10:47:48) 10 years after Peter's first gospel sermon when he used the keys to the kingdom given to him by the Christ (Matthew 16)
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"Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made the same Jesus, WHOM YE HAVE CRCUIFIED........both Lord and Christ" -- Acts 2:36 There was no gentiles gathered on that day.........only Jews from all over the then known Hebrew world. (Acts 2:5)

LOL @ "ACTS" ---a book written by an unknown and Luke---a person who
never met Jesus and did not even speak his language---almost 100 years
after the death of Jesus. ???? "no gentiles gathered" on WHAT DAY?
"Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made the same Jesus, WHOM YE HAVE CRCUIFIED........both Lord and Christ" -- Acts 2:36 There was no gentiles gathered on that day.........only Jews from all over the then known Hebrew world. (Acts 2:5)

LOL @ "ACTS" ---a book written by an unknown and Luke---a person who
never met Jesus and did not even speak his language---almost 100 years
after the death of Jesus. ???? "no gentiles gathered" on WHAT DAY?
Same old broken record. Bigot MUCH? :poke: I accept the Old Testament because we are instructed to study from the old text, to learn not to make the same mistakes the Jews did.......such as killing the only Begotten Son of God. That guy that you hate.....Paul/Saul is at it again, "Whatever things that were written before (Old Testament Scripture) were written for our learning." -- Romans 15:4. I believe every word written in the Old Testament......its a shame that you deny the documented book, chapter and verse that states that the Old Law of Moses was but temporary, and a New Covenant would be presented to the Jews "unlike the one presented to Moses on Mt. Sinai......" one that will be written on the hearts of God's true followers. (Jer. 31:31-34)

Why do I follow the Old Testament truths? It is in the Old Tesxt that we learn to praise God (Ps.34:2, Ps. 109:30). We learn to have faith in God's words of promise and wisdom, Just as did Abraham believe God's word when God instructed him to leave his country.....without hesitation, Abraham departed as the Lord had instructed him without giving a reason at that time (Gen. 12:1,4, that guy you hate agreed Hebrews 11:6). We learn to obey the Lord as per the lesson instructed in relation to Uzzah (2 Sam. 6:6) "antichrist doctrine" to see here.:icon_rolleyes: Talk about Bigotry. FYI: Acts was indeed written by the Physician Luke......who sometimes worked as a scribe for the Apostle Paul, because Luke was well versed in the Hebrew history and tradition, some scholars believe Luke was a Hellenistic Jew.....Luke also drafted the gospel of Luke, according to the early church historians. Thus, Luke could communicate with both Jews and Gentiles alike. Luke the Evangelist - Wikipedia

Hellenistic Jew: A Jew who was from Greece....therefore a Gentile by birth (Gentile: any nation other than Biblical Israel)

Another FYI: Peter declares the same thing, that water baptism is required for the remittance of sin as the Water represents the first death, with the baptized to rise again as innocent as a new born child. "The like figure whereunto even baptism does also now save us..........(not the putting away of the filth of the flesh (bathing), but the answer of a good conscience toward God.) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ." -- 1 Peter 3:21 Peter compares water baptism to the water that saved Noah and his family. (Vs.20).

We are all sure that you know more than Saul of Tarsus in relation to the Law and the Prophets, Paul/Saul was only instructed by the Rabbi Gamaliel (Acts 22:3)
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fortunately---Rabbi Gamaliel left extensive AUTHENTIC writings. Seems
the jelly-bean ladies prefer to ignore them-----clearly, PAUL is either confused or misrepresented -----you know in which book..
Thus, Luke could communicate with both Jews and Gentiles alike.

- and clyde believes either exist meritoriously than being in fact one in the same.

in heavenly reference for the lost sheep of humanity ... the desert religions.
This is in response to the thread about why Jews reject Jesus as Messiah

Answer this question and you get your answer to the other thread.

After all, the rejection of Jesus by the Jewish leaders of the time of Jesus is why he was rejected by Jews today.
Things were different back then and Jesus was bored so he pissed people off.
I believe in TESTING ALL THINGS......through reason and logic. (1 Thess. 5:21) Believing is not enough ".......demons believe and tremble....." (James 2:19).

As based upon the New Testament record.......belief is simply 1 of several steps necessary to salvation. "If you love will keep My commandments...." (John 14:15)

Jesus was establishing commandments...i.e, doctrine for the church/kingdom as described in Matthew 16.......even after His death and ascension, as He promised His Apostles to lead them into all truth with the power to deliver that truth through the Holy Spirit -- Acts. 1:7-8 (doctrine from Peter had the authority through his revelation to establish doctrine, his words bound in heaven what he bound on earth (Matthew 16:19) Jesus stated that He would deliver power unto the Apostles in order to establish doctrine for the New Testament Church...i.e, the last covenant between man and God (Acts), Peter ushered in the Last Days of Mankind on Pentecost day after the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven to set on the throne of David as promised in both Lord and Christ....i.e, Ruler and Savior (Acts 2:36).......Peter let the Jews know exactly who was to blame for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ...........

"Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made the same Jesus, WHOM YE HAVE CRCUIFIED........both Lord and Christ" -- Acts 2:36 There was no gentiles gathered on that day.........only Jews from all over the then known Hebrew world. (Acts 2:5)

The steps to salvation are explicitly defined in the New Testament. There are 3 steps to salvation. 1. Faith 2. Repentance 3. Water Baptism. These things are required of man in his part of the covenant. There is not one example of anyone entering the Kingdom/Church of Christ without water baptism being required........Just as Peter bound with His first gospel sermon on Pentecost day, (Acts 2:38) Repent and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.

There are 3 things that God provides on this path to salvation. 1. God remits sin 2. God provides the "gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38)....not the Holy Spirit but the gift of the Spirit....a gift, that is something given to someone, what is that gift that still exists today? The truth as revealed through the Holy Spirit of God.......the Holy Scriptures, that are all inspired of God and these scriptures establish truthful doctrine, order to make the man of God perfect in knowing righteousness (2 Tim. 3:16-17)
3. Eternal fellowship of God.....

God would have all men saved by coming to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim. 2:4) Its TRUTH that saves...........the whole truth. The truth from heaven states there are 3 steps to salvation. Faith, Repentance, and the Gift of the Spirit. Faith alone without works is dead........such as the act of water baptism (James 2:17) Jesus commanded water baptism, as the message given to the Apostles of Christ were messages from the Christ, just as He promised.......the Spirit as directed by Jesus would lead the Apostles into ALL TRUTH. (John 16:13). Water baptism is one of the truths. (Acts 2:38, Acts 10)........Water baptism was still required when the 1st gentile household was saved (Acts 10:47:48) 10 years after Peter's first gospel sermon when he used the keys to the kingdom given to him by the Christ (Matthew 16)
Preaching to the choir, Baptism is the first act of obedience in a believers life, an outward symbol of inward change
Preaching to the choir, Baptism is the first act of obedience in a believers life, an outward symbol of inward change
THE MASSES for the glory and greed of christian clergy
THE MASSES for the glory and greed of christian clergy
Baptism is not a law.
Baptism is not a burden.
Baptism brings no glory to clergy.
I don't see how baptism can satisfy anyone's greed.
Baptism is not a law.
Baptism is not a burden.
Baptism brings no glory to clergy.
I don't see how baptism can satisfy anyone's greed.
well Meri----actually I agree with you. My post was a response to
several jerks on this board who have insisted that the "TEMPLE RITES"
in Judaism were created to (sic) 'enrich the pharisees and sadducees'
along with a long list of invented burdensome laws----of which---
of course---Jesus freed DA JOOOOS and GENTILES from the grasping ways of the
well Meri----actually I agree with you. My post was a response to
several jerks on this board who have insisted that the "TEMPLE RITES"
in Judaism were created to (sic) 'enrich the pharisees and sadducees'
along with a long list of invented burdensome laws----of which---
of course---Jesus freed DA JOOOOS and GENTILES from the grasping ways of the
Yes. Today, Jesus would mention the few ministers who collect from widows and those with low incomes and use some of this money to buy mansions and private planes.

Plus, Jesus did use Old Testament scripture to remind people of the kinds of sacrifices that please God. Jesus did not get in the way of Jews and Hebrew teachings. He got in the way of Annas, Caiaphas, and their minions who had political leanings and obviously didn't mind fleecing the faithful when they could get away with it.
Yes. Today, Jesus would mention the few ministers who collect from widows and those with low incomes and use some of this money to buy mansions and private planes.

Plus, Jesus did use Old Testament scripture to remind people of the kinds of sacrifices that please God. Jesus did not get in the way of Jews and Hebrew teachings. He got in the way of Annas, Caiaphas, and their minions who had political leanings and obviously didn't mind fleecing the faithful when they could get away with it.
AN anecdote : My kid was attending a really conservative
religious grammar school (seemed to me the only safe alternative in the city.)
I noticed class notes with the name CAIAPHAS----
and asked "who's that?" ------I was actually surprised when he
answered "a really EVIL high priest"------gee!! Now THAT's
WOKE CURRICULUM The jerks on this board seem to imagine
that SADDUCEE and PHARISEE are names for the same thing.
AN anecdote : My kid was attending a really conservative
religious grammar school (seemed to me the only safe alternative in the city.)
I noticed class notes with the name CAIAPHAS----
and asked "who's that?" ------I was actually surprised when he
answered "a really EVIL high priest"------gee!! Now THAT's
WOKE CURRICULUM The jerks on this board seem to imagine
that SADDUCEE and PHARISEE are names for the same thing.
The failure in ALL the lower realms of education is that years and years of history are summed up in a single sentence. Then take into account that the students who read this sentence--if they remember it at all--are going to come to their own conclusions.

Everyone must understand we have in depth study in nothing. It is like reading one sentence in a thousand page book, and believing from that one sentence we truly believe we have all the information needed to reach our own conclusion--which, we then deem scholarly. We're all hopeless.
Do you hold yourself and yours to the same principle?

I do indeed. If someone however claims that. Our NT is as your OT to us.( from the Christian side of things like surada) I will hammer her/him incessantly as they are lying.
Thank you very much " irosie91 " for replying to my post

there is a reason that the most of The Dead Sea
Scrolls are not freely available for the common person to see and review online. One must be financially invested and academically { spoon fed } topical and subjects and parts of the - Dead Sea Scrolls as a project for reviewing parts ( EDUCATIONAL SUBJECTS ) as historical educational classes and study and involved in an educational program or associated with a TRINITARIAN propaganda origination in order to see, review and have access to a specific limited range of photos - / limited - of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

IF - all of the Dead Sea Scrolls were easily available for the common person to see online, this would create a problem for the Trinitarian Scholarly Societies who have been blackmailed and extorted for their dishonestly in how they have exaggerated and overly inflated and overstated what is exactly existing in the Dead Sea Scrolls

the Trinitarian Scholarly Societies control what can be shown online - who can view the manuscript material - and how they can view it and what portions can be reviewed and seen and what portions are not available in a given paid or educational arrangement.

One must have an invested interest with an organization that will be in a controlled environment as a continuance of " propaganda MOTIVE - to continue to promote and support the exaggerations and

this is because there is dishonesty about the contents of what all are contained in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Dead Sea Scrolls are not available and presented freely and easily to the public - without being associated with an organization that controls what you see, what you say and tell others.

IN OTHER WORDS - one must pay money and fund the Trinitarian Scholarly Societies by receiving an education and learning - AS A PROGRAM - in a controlled environment that is presenting to you an exaggeration and overly excessive exaggeration of what was truly found as The DEAD SEA SCROLLS

they are dishonest = for example - the Trinitarian Scholarly Societies sell and profit and make money by taking partial verses, partial chapters and partial books of translations made by people such as William Tyndale, John Wycliff or other 14 th century bible translations and the Trinitarian Scholarly Societies will make bible books that they sell as a completed Bible supposed to have been made by early translators -

Trinitarian Scholarly Societies will complete and manufacture the sell and price of the books / bibles made by early translators and sell these bibles as completed books when there are no translations manuscripts existing of the early translators as having actually completed the translation of the Bible.

early translators may have translated the Bible but the Trinitarian Scholarly Societies do not have the manuscripts of this completed Bible translation - they create a completed Bible themselves when they do not have a COMPLETED BODY OF TRANSLATED MANUSCRIPTS for early translations.

the Bible becomes a business - and it very, very profitable

The DEAD SEA SCROLLS - - are are a body of ancient manuscript material that confirm roughly - 35 - 50 % of all that is known and accepted today by Protestants as - the Bible.

this includes confirmation _ for about 1 % of the Greek Septuagint - itself, as it exists today
this includes confirmation _ for about 35 % of the Masoretic manuscripts - itself, as it exists today

Dead Sea Scrolls contained 5 copies of Tobit, 3 manuscripts of the Wisdom of Jesus ben Sirah (Ecclesiasticus),
1 manuscript of the Epistle of Jeremiah (not actually written by Jeremiah).
1 manuscript of The book of Enoch is represented in 12 copies from Qumran,
and 13 manuscripts of Jubilees

The DEAD SEA SCROLLS are very important - its not that the Dead Sea Scrolls contradict or prove the Protestant Bible to be wrong in roughly 50 %

it's simply just that around 25 - 35 % % of the DEAD SEA SCROLLS are missing or do not contain what is contained as the Protestant Bible as a completed Bible.

this is not a problem - the DEAD SEA SCROLLS artifacts discovered - simply have around
25 - 35 % of what is considered as the Protestant Bible. and they are in agreement

this is - what we can see - and perceive and what can be proven

and most
honestly be understood as truth in a controlled Trinitarian Scholarly Society invested in dishonesty

trinitarians are invested in untruth and manipulation of ancient texts.

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until this propaganda can fully be installed in the coming future and all aboard

the DEAD SEA SCROLLS will be a subject that is curiosity

trusting in the Trinitarian Faith System is a denial of ones intelligence and ability to take the manuscripts and understand the original message of the Bible as it was transmitted by the Spirit Of The Holy.
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