Zone1 Why was Jesus crucified?

Pharisee's Sadducee's
- he was messiah, however he stood in the way of their amassed power.

if they were the messiah, they were meant to stand in the way ... and prevail - which begs the question were someone to claim a title and then fail were they indeed the person they claimed to be ... of which for jesus no claim was made.

fact is the only historical record, hidden from view, of a claim jesus claimed to be the messiah was made by judas who's motivation was to collect their silver coins from those jews who put jesus on trial.

the heavenly events of the 1st century were a repudiation of judaism for their impersonation of the heavens, their false commandments whether pharisee or sadducee or any jew who were all guilty of the same crime. to this day.

and a revision of the original religion of antiquity through liberation theology, self determination those during that time were willing to give their lives for.
Pharisee's Sadducee's
You have cited two OPPOSING groups (a fact you might not have learned
in Sunday school) Can you cite evidence for that opposition---specific
to each group? I can name the group that was in opposition---and why.

Pharisee's Sadducee's
- he was messiah, however he stood in the way of their amassed power.
Can you describe the nature of the "amassed power" to which you refer
and which group HAD IT?
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you seem to be a conscientious kind of poster----but you did not even
come close to answering my simple, straightforward question. As to your
answer----which is nonresponsive to my question----I disagree. I read the NT
as a child---since I grew up in a christian town in which little old ladies
handed out copies of the NT----I read any book that fell into my hands.
I did not read in the NT that Jesus announced "I AM THE MESSIAH,
SON OF GOD" For review---I asked what is your evidence that the
Pharisees and Sadducees rejected Jesus? Do you have an impression
as to who the Pharisees and Sadducees were?
if they were the messiah, they were meant to stand in the way ... and prevail - which begs the question were someone to claim a title and then fail were they indeed the person they claimed to be ... of which for jesus no claim was made.

fact is the only historical record, hidden from view, of a claim jesus claimed to be the messiah was made by judas who's motivation was to collect their silver coins from those jews who put jesus on trial.

the heavenly events of the 1st century were a repudiation of judaism for their impersonation of the heavens, their false commandments whether pharisee or sadducee or any jew who were all guilty of the same crime. to this day.

and a revision of the original religion of antiquity through liberation theology, self determination those during that time were willing to give their lives for.
In the Sanhedrin trial of Jesus in Mark 14:61, when the high priest asked Jesus: "Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?" In the next verse, Jesus responded "I am". Jesus' claim here was emphatic enough to make the high priest tear his robe.
You have cited two OPPOSING groups (a fact you might not have learned
in Sunday school) Can you cite evidence for that opposition---specific
to each group? I can name the group that was in opposition---and why.

Can you describe the nature of the "amassed power" to which you refer
and which group HAD IT?
Frank---you are the very first to answer this question which I have posted
on this board for YEARS. What evidence to you have other than the NT -
that IN PARTICULAR---the SADDUCEES and the PHARISEES rejected Jesus.
Are you aware of the fact that the Pharisees and the Sadducees rejected
Luke 5:21
not very impressive, Frank. ----in fact, silly. What happened to Jesus in that
he violated the Sabbath rules ----which he did according to the NT----was he stoned to death? The manner in which the incidents are presented even in
Constantine's book-----seem more to me like a discussion of the intricacies of
the Sabbath rules. Such discussions talk place even today
not very impressive, Frank. ----in fact, silly. What happened to Jesus in that
he violated the Sabbath rules ----which he did according to the NT----was he stoned to death? The manner in which the incidents are presented even in
Constantine's book-----seem more to me like a discussion of the intricacies of
the Sabbath rules. Such discussions talk place even today
They continually rejected who he ,and what authority he had to do such things, this article shows quite a few instances.
even less impressive Frank. ROFLMAO @ the tone of the BS you
quoted. "heartless" "cold" "invented laws" "judgemental"
Do you have a license to drive? Review the LAWS governing your
"right" to drive-----one could apply the same idiotic description. I do not
even get to decide how slowly I can drive---(I once got a ticket for driving
too slowly by an evil, judgementel christian cop) Did Jesus have to pay
a fine?
PS----what are the two commands to which the silly article alludes?
what makes you imagine that Jesus rejected Mosaic law?
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you seem to be a conscientious kind of poster----but you did not even
come close to answering my simple, straightforward question. As to your
answer----which is nonresponsive to my question----I disagree. I read the NT
as a child---since I grew up in a christian town in which little old ladies
handed out copies of the NT----I read any book that fell into my hands.
I did not read in the NT that Jesus announced "I AM THE MESSIAH,
SON OF GOD" For review---I asked what is your evidence that the
Pharisees and Sadducees rejected Jesus? Do you have an impression
as to who the Pharisees and Sadducees were?
Why don't you read the NT as an adult?
not very impressive, Frank. ----in fact, silly. What happened to Jesus in that
he violated the Sabbath rules ----which he did according to the NT----was he stoned to death? The manner in which the incidents are presented even in
Constantine's book-----seem more to me like a discussion of the intricacies of
the Sabbath rules. Such discussions talk place even today
even less impressive Frank. ROFLMAO @ the tone of the BS you
quoted. "heartless" "cold" "invented laws" "judgemental"
Do you have a license to drive? Review the LAWS governing your
"right" to drive-----one could apply the same idiotic description. I do not
even get to decide how slowly I can drive---(I once got a ticket for driving
too slowly by an evil, judgementel christian cop) Did Jesus have to pay
a fine?
You asked for a reason I thought they had amassed power, they did it by those laws added to the basic commandments and did it to control
PS----what are the two commands to which the silly article alludes?
what makes you imagine that Jesus rejected Mosaic law?
Who said he rejected it?
Jesus not only clarified the Law but corrected erroneous interpretation by the self-righteous, legalistic Pharisaic establishment. That religion constantly distorted the Law, making it a system of self-righteousness. Its purpose, again, was to demonstrate that every human is spiritually bankrupt, needing a Savior.
PS----what are the two commands to which the silly article alludes?
what makes you imagine that Jesus rejected Mosaic law?
"Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?" He said to him, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. ' This is the greatest and first commandment. And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
Matthew 22 : 35-40 you claim to be a Bible scholar but do not know those! Hmm
Luke 5:21
Evidence? Factual evidence as to the truth of the N.T and the record thereof? Can you deny that God allowed Israel to be destroyed around AD 70....losing the entire nation, tribal IDs with Israel's people scattered around the globe? Judaism has remained static with its nationality totally lost from the earth for over 2000 years. All the while Christianity continued to grow to the point that Christianity is now the dominant religion on earth with approx. 3 billion people professing to the faith.

In order not to accept these must reject God's prophets and call them liars. Example: (Jer.31:31-34) speaks of a New Covenant different than the Law and the Prophets. Daniel prophesied of the Abomination of Desolation (that would destroy the temple and scatter the peoples of Israel.........Jesus Christ confirmed that event would take place in the 1st century as prophesied (Dan. 9:27, Matthew 24:15)
Who said he rejected it?
Jesus not only clarified the Law but corrected erroneous interpretation by the self-righteous, legalistic Pharisaic establishment. That religion constantly distorted the Law, making it a system of self-righteousness. Its purpose, again, was to demonstrate that every human is spiritually bankrupt, needing a Savior.
Can you define the "PHARISAIC ESTABLISHMENT" of Judea at the time of
Jesusu. To what does "its purpose ..... " refer---ie what is "IT"?
"Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?" He said to him, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. ' This is the greatest and first commandment. And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
Matthew 22 : 35-40 you claim to be a Bible scholar but do not know those! Hmm
The statements which you attribute to Jesus are not his. They are the issue
of scholars who preceded him. ----the first one is part of a prayer that
PHARISEE JEWS repeat EVERY DAY. Did you actually learn that Jesus
ORIGINATED those ideas principles?

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