Why was Mark Esper fired so abruptly?

Esper was no yes man.

“At the end of the day, it’s as I said — you’ve got to pick your fights,” he said. “I could have a fight over anything, and I could make it a big fight, and I could live with that — why? Who’s going to come in behind me? It’s going to be a real ‘yes man.’ And then God help us.”

Having fired and replaced Esper so quickly, one can only read between the lines that Trump sees a good chance of winning back the presidency, and therefore calling the national guard and even military throughout the country to squelch the ensuing Leftist riots. If you recall Esper disagreed that using the Insurrection Act to call the military to bring order and security to our cities during the riots could apply. Otherwise why would Trump make this chess move and fire Esper so embarrassingly with only two months left?

Yeah, there's no 'good chance' of Trump winning the presidency. It seems far more likely that Trump wants yesmen in positions of power in the military.
Having fired and replaced Esper so quickly, one can only read between the lines that Trump sees a good chance of winning back the presidency, and therefore calling the national guard and even military throughout the country to squelch the ensuing Leftist riots. If you recall Esper disagreed that using the Insurrection Act to call the military to bring order and security to our cities during the riots could apply. Otherwise why would Trump make this chess move and fire Esper so embarrassingly with only two months left?

Because this man has and would have refused our sitting President's command of our military forces, against domestic enemies and Chinese forces. It is that simple.

Who told you that? Sean Hannity or Rush Limpbaugh. The man has served his country for over 25yrs, long b4 Trump came on the scene. Unlike you dumbass Trump Humpers his loyalties lie with his country, not Trump.
Having fired and replaced Esper so quickly, one can only read between the lines that Trump sees a good chance of winning back the presidency, and therefore calling the national guard and even military throughout the country to squelch the ensuing Leftist riots. If you recall Esper disagreed that using the Insurrection Act to call the military to bring order and security to our cities during the riots could apply. Otherwise why would Trump make this chess move and fire Esper so embarrassingly with only two months left?

Because this man has and would have refused our sitting President's command of our military forces, against domestic enemies and Chinese forces. It is that simple.

Who told you that? Sean Hannity or Rush Limpbaugh. The man has served his country for over 25yrs, long b4 Trump came on the scene. Unlike you dumbass Trump Humpers his loyalties lie with his country, not Trump.

What your kind failed to comprehend throughout these past four years is that no matter who actually is President, that office and person and title ARE AMERICA and synonymous with America . Instead you have betrayed your own nation (presuming you're even American) for hatred of one man. Consequences will ensue.
Having fired and replaced Esper so quickly, one can only read between the lines that Trump sees a good chance of winning back the presidency, and therefore calling the national guard and even military throughout the country to squelch the ensuing Leftist riots. If you recall Esper disagreed that using the Insurrection Act to call the military to bring order and security to our cities during the riots could apply. Otherwise why would Trump make this chess move and fire Esper so embarrassingly with only two months left?

Because this man has and would have refused our sitting President's command of our military forces, against domestic enemies and Chinese forces. It is that simple.

Who told you that? Sean Hannity or Rush Limpbaugh. The man has served his country for over 25yrs, long b4 Trump came on the scene. Unlike you dumbass Trump Humpers his loyalties lie with his country, not Trump.

What your kind failed to comprehend throughout these past four years is that no matter who actually is President, that office and person and title ARE AMERICA and synonymous with America . Instead you have betrayed your own nation (presuming you're even American) for hatred of one man. Consequences will ensue.

The consequences are what we are seeing today when folks like you who are Trump Humpers put your loyalty to a man and not this country. Folks in Gov't are there to serve the country not the man holding the office. Trump is in that office to serve this nation not himself and his do boys. This is not a dictatorship. Take off the blinders and see what you Trump Humpers are doing to this nation.
Having fired and replaced Esper so quickly, one can only read between the lines that Trump sees a good chance of winning back the presidency, and therefore calling the national guard and even military throughout the country to squelch the ensuing Leftist riots. If you recall Esper disagreed that using the Insurrection Act to call the military to bring order and security to our cities during the riots could apply. Otherwise why would Trump make this chess move and fire Esper so embarrassingly with only two months left?

Because this man has and would have refused our sitting President's command of our military forces, against domestic enemies and Chinese forces. It is that simple.

Who told you that? Sean Hannity or Rush Limpbaugh. The man has served his country for over 25yrs, long b4 Trump came on the scene. Unlike you dumbass Trump Humpers his loyalties lie with his country, not Trump.

What your kind failed to comprehend throughout these past four years is that no matter who actually is President, that office and person and title ARE AMERICA and synonymous with America . Instead you have betrayed your own nation (presuming you're even American) for hatred of one man. Consequences will ensue.

The consequences are what we are seeing today when folks like you who are Trump Humpers put your loyalty to a man and not this country. Folks in Gov't are there to serve the country not the man holding the office. Trump is in that office to serve this nation not himself and his do boys. This is not a dictatorship. Take off the blinders and see what you Trump Humpers are doing to this nation.

Whilst I appreciate your well thought out and reasonable proposition, which is rare these days, I must stand by my earlier assertions. Some on your side see only economic and thus day to day life improvements or detriments experienced under a given politician's reign. For others, like us, we base our logic, reason and feelings on a more, shall we say—long view epistemology—such as the rights and freedoms of ourselves and our families and the very survival of the human race. No one claimed Donald Trump was a saint or perfection made flesh. However, Donald Trump stands for the continuation of both our civilization and the human race. Your side, provided you are a democrat voter, very obviously and without hiding it, stands for the end of America and of our species. In our minds it is a very, very obvious and easy choice. But that does not mean we—fellow Americans—can't coexist in the meantime.
Having fired and replaced Esper so quickly, one can only read between the lines that Trump sees a good chance of winning back the presidency, and therefore calling the national guard and even military throughout the country to squelch the ensuing Leftist riots. If you recall Esper disagreed that using the Insurrection Act to call the military to bring order and security to our cities during the riots could apply. Otherwise why would Trump make this chess move and fire Esper so embarrassingly with only two months left?

Because this man has and would have refused our sitting President's command of our military forces, against domestic enemies and Chinese forces. It is that simple.

Who told you that? Sean Hannity or Rush Limpbaugh. The man has served his country for over 25yrs, long b4 Trump came on the scene. Unlike you dumbass Trump Humpers his loyalties lie with his country, not Trump.

What your kind failed to comprehend throughout these past four years is that no matter who actually is President, that office and person and title ARE AMERICA and synonymous with America . Instead you have betrayed your own nation (presuming you're even American) for hatred of one man. Consequences will ensue.

The consequences are what we are seeing today when folks like you who are Trump Humpers put your loyalty to a man and not this country. Folks in Gov't are there to serve the country not the man holding the office. Trump is in that office to serve this nation not himself and his do boys. This is not a dictatorship. Take off the blinders and see what you Trump Humpers are doing to this nation.

Whilst I appreciate your well thought out and reasonable proposition, which is rare these days, I must stand by my earlier assertions. Some on your side see only economic and thus day to day life improvements or detriments experienced under a given politician's reign. For others, like us, we base our logic, reason and feelings on a more, shall we say—long view epistemology—such as the rights and freedoms of ourselves and our families and the very survival of the human race. No one claimed Donald Trump was a saint or perfection made flesh. However, Donald Trump stands for the continuation of both our civilization and the human race. Your side, provided you are a democrat voter, very obviously and without hiding it, stands for the end of America and of our species. In our minds it is a very, very obvious and easy choice. But that does not mean we—fellow Americans—can't coexist in the meantime.

Donald Trump stands for Donald Trump. Trump is the problem in this country not the cure, he divides, he fuels the fires of hate and nothing more. Everything he is given credit for was started by someone else.
Having fired and replaced Esper so quickly, one can only read between the lines that Trump sees a good chance of winning back the presidency, and therefore calling the national guard and even military throughout the country to squelch the ensuing Leftist riots. If you recall Esper disagreed that using the Insurrection Act to call the military to bring order and security to our cities during the riots could apply. Otherwise why would Trump make this chess move and fire Esper so embarrassingly with only two months left?

Lol you’re nuts man
Having fired and replaced Esper so quickly, one can only read between the lines that Trump sees a good chance of winning back the presidency, and therefore calling the national guard and even military throughout the country to squelch the ensuing Leftist riots. If you recall Esper disagreed that using the Insurrection Act to call the military to bring order and security to our cities during the riots could apply. Otherwise why would Trump make this chess move and fire Esper so embarrassingly with only two months left?

Lol you’re nuts man

Yeah? Knowledge is power...
The point is Trump sees the possibility that there is enough evidence to challenge and win back enough of those critical states to win the presidency. Whether or not there actually is enough is a different story, but Trump's instincts have been spot on, and he foresaw the mess and fraud with the mail-in ballots in these Democrat cities months ago.

Or that Trump is a narcissistic petty man who fires people who don't agree with him.
But there was no need to do it, especially now, and in this manner. This was a chess move.
yeah. chess move.

Most news sources claim he was fired over disagreeing with troup pullout in Afghanistan, and sometimes that is not enough to get you fired, but pressure to appease who you are making deals with require it or sometimes those people cause risks by their opposition to implimenting something that is part of a deal, the type of risk that can cause fighting to continue and escalate which can set us back and taint the hard work and progress. (Cause and affect greater than the opposer has contemplated).
This is why John Bolton got fired, And notice after the hardliner was fired we were able to make peace deals in the Middle east.
The question is did Biden really beat Trump. The jury is still out. Stay tuned.
If Bidsen was really winning then why would these blue city vote counting locations have run out all the GOP observers? Why would they stop the counting in the middle of the night?

Who seriously believes that 140,000 votes all for Biden at 3am is legit?

No one does, especially the bastard lying crooked Dimocraps who pretend it is all legit like the shit4brains that they truly are.

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