Why was New York booing Nancy Pelosi?

Why was New York booing Nancy Pelosi?​

A reflexive reaction to disinformation spewing forth from right wing media 24/7 about Dem leadership eating babies?

Or garbage like......................https://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/democrats-shill-for-and-protect-pedophiles.995061/
So still supporting those pedophiles are you?
THAT is a good question. I wonder if the media could even figure it out. Obviously not:
Daily mail asks that question early on and then proceeds to ignore it for the rest of the article.

WHY would this alleged leftist climate change supporting audience boo her...loudly.

1. Like Hilliary and Harris...she is not likeable.
2. Perhaps they're angry because she hasn't done enough to suit them when she has a majority in the house.
3. This bunch, the audience, face it, they're not the sharpest in the population. They buy this environmental crap, they Buy it...but they don't PRACTICE IT. They don't walk the walk.....but they want everyone else to walk the walk, meaning those of us that challenge it. I don't think they realize what they're supporting because it is not 'environmentalism, per se but rather something else more sinister.
4. Perhaps they're tired of her stupid comments on the matter or any matter.
5. Perhaps they despise all politicians at this point even leftist ones.


I was surprised at her face. I see fear there. She was in a hostile environment and she was smart to be fearful. The left knows full well what their own side is capable of in the matter of violence. I don't think they thought it would touch them......and it will.....it always does.
After some thought i've decided that i am giving these concert goers too much credit for being politically or environMENTALly knowledgeable. NOW i think that

1 and only. They were there strictly for the entertainment, not some political statement and didn't want their entertainment interrupted by some old political hag buzzing her dentures.

Still...i think she was caught off guard by the level of dislike. She always moves her mouth in odd ways when she's disconcerted. get it...dis. concert. ed. LOLOL
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New Yorkers would boo Mother Theresa or Santa Claus, this is normal behaviour from them. When they don't boo is when you have to worry.
New Yorkers tend to believe in free speech. Pelousy is a horror show. She deserves that kind of informative feedback.

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