Why was the cure for homosexuality defended?

You truly are mentally ill. You spend all your time trying convince people you will never meet that being a faggot is not sick. That says a lot about you. Please, for Gods sake, don't adopt.
Actually, I spend all of my time at the gym, gardening, cooking and being with my family. And, I did adopt!! Deal with it:



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In the 70s, the DSM national diagnostic book contained homosexuality as a mental decease, and doctors worked on finding cure for it. Then it was removed. Why is that? Who are the people who want people to be sick? This time it couldn't be the doctors because they lost their funding. Any theories?
Mandate for Man Dating Man

This fake sexuality originated in the self-indulgent prep schools. Since the upper class controls ethics, diagnosing it as normal became the required psychiatric science. After the plutocracy adopted permissiveness in child raising, it was forced to declare that those who got addicted to this adolescent experimenalist fad would be declared psychologically normal. Another factor was that shrinks can make more money from telling patients that they are normal despite what reality and sane society tell them. The sick freaks keep coming back to hear that.

Over two thousand years ago, Plato, in his manifesto for pedophilia called the Symposium, stated that this habit was an advanced sexuality fit for patricians, whereas heterosexuality was a low form fit only for the common people. So this infantile, addictive, and obsessive self-indulgence has always had snob value.
Unlike the sick fags, I don't have to spend all my time on the internet trying to convince people I am normal.
In the 70s, the DSM national diagnostic book contained homosexuality as a mental decease, and doctors worked on finding cure for it. Then it was removed. Why is that? Who are the people who want people to be sick? This time it couldn't be the doctors because they lost their funding. Any theories?
For the same reason we used to subdivide the human race into four racial categories but now we do not: advancement of scientific knowledge.

In case of gays, it was found that homosexuality isn't a mental illness, but a natural product of birth and/or natural development. There is no "gay gene" just as there is not "straight gene", but there is no way a person can be cured of either sexual preference.

As for race, similar advancements in genetics revealed that, although all humans are 99.5% identical, the 0.5% involved a lot more variance than skin tone alone could account.

Science is knowledge and knowledge is power.
Decade After Decadent Decade, Generation After Degenerate Generation

Politically correct science is ignorance, drooling idiocy, and authoritarian irrationalism. It has the power to weaken society.

The New Age is on the cutting edge--of a shredder. Its Wave of the Future will be a tsunami.
Unlike the sick fags, I don't have to spend all my time on the internet trying to convince people I am normal.
You have been posting about 35 msgs per day for 16 months, so, yeah, whatever you say, miketx.
most people would argue that people are bullied and manipulated into heterosexuality.
People can't "turn" straight or gay, so any bullying just drives people underground. The fucking Communists persecuted those who were religious and attempted to stomp out religion. Did they succeed? No, they just drove it underground.
Yes, but it prevents the conversion of normal people into homosexuality, until a cure is found, right?
Normal people, AKA heterosexuals, don't "turn" or convert to homosexuality. They already are. What they are doing is masking themselves from society so as to appear "normal" and avoid bullying, mistreatment, being terminated from their job, etc.
I must disagree with this, because this has not been scientifically proven, in fact there may be more proof to the contrary.
Do you believe sexual preference is a choice or, somehow, wired into each of us?

Did you make a choice to be gay or straight? I didn't. I was naturally attracted to girls. Since many homophobes are latent homosexuals, do you have homosexual desires?
Girlyman Straights Support LGBT

That's a pretty nasty, petty, and infantile accusation, more typical of the dangerous freaks you're trying to turn loose on our children. Just the opposite is true. Like Peter Pan, Gayists were afraid to grow up, leave Mommy's skirts, and begin the process of getting a wife. Lesbians, of course, are frigid. Inside every Gayist is a Straight crying to get out.
People can't "turn" straight or gay, so any bullying just drives people underground. The fucking Communists persecuted those who were religious and attempted to stomp out religion. Did they succeed? No, they just drove it underground.
Yes, but it prevents the conversion of normal people into homosexuality, until a cure is found, right?
Normal people, AKA heterosexuals, don't "turn" or convert to homosexuality. They already are. What they are doing is masking themselves from society so as to appear "normal" and avoid bullying, mistreatment, being terminated from their job, etc.
I must disagree with this, because this has not been scientifically proven, in fact there may be more proof to the contrary.
Do you believe sexual preference is a choice or, somehow, wired into each of us?

Did you make a choice to be gay or straight? I didn't. I was naturally attracted to girls. Since many homophobes are latent homosexuals, do you have homosexual desires?
Girlyman Straights Support LGBT

That's a pretty nasty, petty, and infantile accusation, more typical of the dangerous freaks you're trying to turn loose on our children. Just the opposite is true. Like Peter Pan, Gayists were afraid to grow up, leave Mommy's skirts, and begin the process of getting a wife. Lesbians, of course, are frigid. Inside every Gayist is a Straight crying to get out.
Are you nuts, TSOMS? Most of the LGBT on this Board seem far more mainline and normal in their thinking than you.

Are you trying to deny your own gayness? It is OK to be you, Sage. Come on out of the closet.
ANOTHERLIFE is baiting all of you. He's like a KKK guy in a white sheet walking thru Harlem. Do yourselves a favor and ignore this thread.
The thread poses an existing question, doesn't matter who the OP is. You troll much? Hehe.

Fine. I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice. Let it be known by all who read this that Anothlife and I are gay lovers. I pitch, he receives. He loves my Johnson up his bung. He loves for me to spew in his mouth. He makes post like this to make people think he is anti gay, when the reality is, he is a cock hound, can't get enough of it.
If You Go Aynal, You'll Get Randy

Is his Garyjohnson so big that it eventually made your teeth buck out? Is the post traumatic stress from that the reason you lie about who is the pitcher?
ANOTHERLIFE is baiting all of you. He's like a KKK guy in a white sheet walking thru Harlem. Do yourselves a favor and ignore this thread.
The thread poses an existing question, doesn't matter who the OP is. You troll much? Hehe.

Fine. I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice. Let it be known by all who read this that Anothlife and I are gay lovers. I pitch, he receives. He loves my Johnson up his bung. He loves for me to spew in his mouth. He makes post like this to make people think he is anti gay, when the reality is, he is a cock hound, can't get enough of it.
I really asked them to take good care of you downtown, and this is what happened? I am disappointed.

Oh sweetie, let's just let everyone know about us. I'm tired of having to sneak around. You said you loved me as I was wrecking your anal canal, now let everyone know the truth. Then we can kiss in public.


See how easy it is to pretend to be a Gayist? That's how they all start out. After awhile, it becomes a habit, then an identity.
In the 70s, the DSM national diagnostic book contained homosexuality as a mental decease, and doctors worked on finding cure for it. Then it was removed. Why is that? Who are the people who want people to be sick? This time it couldn't be the doctors because they lost their funding. Any theories?
Mandate for Man Dating Man

This fake sexuality originated in the self-indulgent prep schools. Since the upper class controls ethics, diagnosing it as normal became the required psychiatric science. After the plutocracy adopted permissiveness in child raising, it was forced to declare that those who got addicted to this adolescent experimenalist fad would be declared psychologically normal. Another factor was that shrinks can make more money from telling patients that they are normal despite what reality and sane society tell them. The sick freaks keep coming back to hear that.

Over two thousand years ago, Plato, in his manifesto for pedophilia called the Symposium, stated that this habit was an advanced sexuality fit for patricians, whereas heterosexuality was a low form fit only for the common people. So this infantile, addictive, and obsessive self-indulgence has always had snob value.
Bizarre, Bovine Excrement to be sure
Annual sex will certainly hurt the woman in that marriage. That could be classified in the same category as coercion for wife beating. So yes it could be a hidden crime, but this is only logic, I don't think as far as law enforcement, but maybe it should be warranted.
Agreed 100%. Most women seem to prefer bimonthly sex, but most men prefer biweekly if not daily. I'v slowed down a bit in my old age, so biweekly works for me.

Now, back on the subject of sodomy, meaning anything not missionary style, are you really comparing consential doggy-style or oral sex by a married couple to be akin to wife beating? WTF?
Annual sex will certainly hurt the woman in that marriage. That could be classified in the same category as coercion for wife beating. So yes it could be a hidden crime, but this is only logic, I don't think as far as law enforcement, but maybe it should be warranted.
Agreed 100%. Most women seem to prefer bimonthly sex, but most men prefer biweekly if not daily. I'v slowed down a bit in my old age, so biweekly works for me.

Now, back on the subject of sodomy, meaning anything not missionary style, are you really comparing consential doggy-style or oral sex by a married couple to be akin to wife beating? WTF?

No I think sodomy is akin to wife beating, and that is independent of positions. I was also surprised to learn that in schools, it is sodomy that children learn first about sex, and children believe that sodomy is what sex is unless someone corrects them later. This is a fact, nationally, I've even heard it on TV, to confirm my observations.
People can't "turn" straight or gay, so any bullying just drives people underground. The fucking Communists persecuted those who were religious and attempted to stomp out religion. Did they succeed? No, they just drove it underground.
Yes, but it prevents the conversion of normal people into homosexuality, until a cure is found, right?
Normal people, AKA heterosexuals, don't "turn" or convert to homosexuality. They already are. What they are doing is masking themselves from society so as to appear "normal" and avoid bullying, mistreatment, being terminated from their job, etc.
I must disagree with this, because this has not been scientifically proven, in fact there may be more proof to the contrary.
Do you believe sexual preference is a choice or, somehow, wired into each of us?

Did you make a choice to be gay or straight? I didn't. I was naturally attracted to girls. Since many homophobes are latent homosexuals, do you have homosexual desires?
I think it is logical the assume that both birth conditions and learned behavior contribute to the creation of homosexuals. There is no scientific evidence otherwise.
Disagreed. Do you think the same about heterosexuals? Why? Why not? What scientific evidence do you have either way?
They think homosexuality is normal. They can't count 1+1 and future that unless 50 out of any 100 people are gay, homosexuality is not expected and is not normal. What is most homosexuals are bullied and manipulated into homosexuality, and they would be just normal otherwise?
most people would argue that people are bullied and manipulated into heterosexuality.
People can't "turn" straight or gay, so any bullying just drives people underground. The fucking Communists persecuted those who were religious and attempted to stomp out religion. Did they succeed? No, they just drove it underground.
What does religion have to do with queers? Why do you freaks always try to point attention elsewhere when your sickness is exposed?
Actually, religion has quite a lot to do with your antediluvian vies of homosexuality:

In the early Middle Ages the Christian Church ignored homosexuality in secular society; however, by the end of the 12th century hostility towards homosexuality began to emerge and spread through Europe’s secular and religious institutions. There were official expressions condemning the "unnatural" nature of homosexual behavior in the works of Thomas Aquinas and others. Until the 19th century, homosexual activity was referred to as "unnatural, crimes against nature", sodomy or buggery and was punishable by law, sometimes by death.[ Homosexuality and psychology - Wikipedia

So you see, your living in the 12th century!!

As people became more interested in discovering the causes of homosexuality, medicine and psychiatry began competing with the law and religion for jurisdiction. In the beginning of the 19th century, people began studying homosexuality scientifically. At this time, most theories regarded homosexuality as a disease, which had a great influence on how it was viewed culturally.[6

Then came the modern era which, sadly, you are not a part of:

The social, medical and legal approach to homosexuality ultimately led for its inclusion in the first and second publications of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM). This served to conceptualize homosexuality as a mental disorder and further stigmatize homosexuality in society. However, the evolution in scientific study and empirical data from Kinsey, Evelyn Hooker and others confronted these beliefs, and by the 1970s psychiatrists and psychologists were radically altering their views on homosexuality. Tests such as the Rorschach, Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) indicated that homosexual men and women were not distinguishable from heterosexual men and women in functioning
This cannot be true simply for example the moosleems are anti-gay by religion however as teens they are all gay.

So religion has nothing to do with it.

Homosexuality is cause by exposure to other homosexuals.

It is like any other contagious disease.
Islam is an Abrahamic religion like Judaism and Christianity. Same roots, different branch of the same tree.
Annual sex will certainly hurt the woman in that marriage. That could be classified in the same category as coercion for wife beating. So yes it could be a hidden crime, but this is only logic, I don't think as far as law enforcement, but maybe it should be warranted.
Agreed 100%. Most women seem to prefer bimonthly sex, but most men prefer biweekly if not daily. I'v slowed down a bit in my old age, so biweekly works for me.

Now, back on the subject of sodomy, meaning anything not missionary style, are you really comparing consential doggy-style or oral sex by a married couple to be akin to wife beating? WTF?

No I think sodomy is akin to wife beating, and that is independent of positions. I was also surprised to learn that in schools, it is sodomy that children learn first about sex, and children believe that sodomy is what sex is unless someone corrects them later. This is a fact, nationally, I've even heard it on TV, to confirm my observations.
Do you know this from first hand experience or some other means?
People can't "turn" straight or gay, so any bullying just drives people underground. The fucking Communists persecuted those who were religious and attempted to stomp out religion. Did they succeed? No, they just drove it underground.
Yes, but it prevents the conversion of normal people into homosexuality, until a cure is found, right?
Normal people, AKA heterosexuals, don't "turn" or convert to homosexuality. They already are. What they are doing is masking themselves from society so as to appear "normal" and avoid bullying, mistreatment, being terminated from their job, etc.
I must disagree with this, because this has not been scientifically proven, in fact there may be more proof to the contrary.
Do you believe sexual preference is a choice or, somehow, wired into each of us?

Did you make a choice to be gay or straight? I didn't. I was naturally attracted to girls. Since many homophobes are latent homosexuals, do you have homosexual desires?
I think it is logical the assume that both birth conditions and learned behavior contribute to the creation of homosexuals. There is no scientific evidence otherwise.
Learned? Birth Conditions? What does that mean? I don't think you actually know. What are you talking about? Can you document any of that? Ever hear of epigenetics ? I don't think so.
Last edited:
ANOTHERLIFE is baiting all of you. He's like a KKK guy in a white sheet walking thru Harlem. Do yourselves a favor and ignore this thread.
The thread poses an existing question, doesn't matter who the OP is. You troll much? Hehe.

Fine. I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice. Let it be known by all who read this that Anothlife and I are gay lovers. I pitch, he receives. He loves my Johnson up his bung. He loves for me to spew in his mouth. He makes post like this to make people think he is anti gay, when the reality is, he is a cock hound, can't get enough of it.
If You Go Aynal, You'll Get Randy

Is his Garyjohnson so big that it eventually made your teeth buck out? Is the post traumatic stress from that the reason you lie about who is the pitcher?

We had sex, didn't we?
most people would argue that people are bullied and manipulated into heterosexuality.
People can't "turn" straight or gay, so any bullying just drives people underground. The fucking Communists persecuted those who were religious and attempted to stomp out religion. Did they succeed? No, they just drove it underground.
What does religion have to do with queers? Why do you freaks always try to point attention elsewhere when your sickness is exposed?
Actually, religion has quite a lot to do with your antediluvian vies of homosexuality:

In the early Middle Ages the Christian Church ignored homosexuality in secular society; however, by the end of the 12th century hostility towards homosexuality began to emerge and spread through Europe’s secular and religious institutions. There were official expressions condemning the "unnatural" nature of homosexual behavior in the works of Thomas Aquinas and others. Until the 19th century, homosexual activity was referred to as "unnatural, crimes against nature", sodomy or buggery and was punishable by law, sometimes by death.[ Homosexuality and psychology - Wikipedia

So you see, your living in the 12th century!!

As people became more interested in discovering the causes of homosexuality, medicine and psychiatry began competing with the law and religion for jurisdiction. In the beginning of the 19th century, people began studying homosexuality scientifically. At this time, most theories regarded homosexuality as a disease, which had a great influence on how it was viewed culturally.[6

Then came the modern era which, sadly, you are not a part of:

The social, medical and legal approach to homosexuality ultimately led for its inclusion in the first and second publications of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM). This served to conceptualize homosexuality as a mental disorder and further stigmatize homosexuality in society. However, the evolution in scientific study and empirical data from Kinsey, Evelyn Hooker and others confronted these beliefs, and by the 1970s psychiatrists and psychologists were radically altering their views on homosexuality. Tests such as the Rorschach, Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) indicated that homosexual men and women were not distinguishable from heterosexual men and women in functioning
This cannot be true simply for example the moosleems are anti-gay by religion however as teens they are all gay.

So religion has nothing to do with it.

Homosexuality is cause by exposure to other homosexuals.

It is like any other contagious disease.
Islam is an Abrahamic religion like Judaism and Christianity. Same roots, different branch of the same tree.
Abraham was a mythical character invented by Moses and plagiarized by Akmed.

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