Why wasn’t OBAMA impeached and Holder sent to prison for Fast and Furious?

How many Repubs cared about Reagan selling weapons to Iran?

Same amount of Dems who cared about

-Joe Biden was in charge of Ukraine foreign policy from 2014-'16 and that is when his son (Hunter) went to Ukraine/created an lucrative, unethical business relationship w/ a Corp. (Burisma) known for its decades of corruption culture.
-This unethical relationship was about to get exposed, in 2015, but VP Joe Biden had the Prosecutor fired who was about to investigate Hunter's $700K annual salary from the corrupt Ukraine company.
What a crock of shit.

There was nothing unethical to accepting a board seat.
You are a lying fuck about the prosecutor about tio investigate Hunter Biden.
You God damn stupid shits have nothing but lies. Fuck off .
Some soap for your Tourette's, Misbehavy Davy:
Obama fucking sold firearms to the fucking cartels that were used to fucking kill our fucking LE officers.

Then Obama asserted executive privilege and Holder refused to turn documents over to Congress, and was held in contempt.

Can anyone specifically lay out for me how this was not impeachable?
Not done for personal benefit.
Without an investigation you have no idea. Come on silly tell us all you know now!
Can anyone specifically lay out for me how this was not impeachable?

Obama knew he could start an actual civil war if he was impeached & the republicans are empty nut sacks! (most still are).

Obama would have told CNN and MSNBS to start screaming "THEY ARE IMPEACHING OBAMA BECAUSE HE IS BLACK".

You don't think the leftists on this board would have believed it? How about IM2?

Then barak the magic negro waved his magic pen and forced perverts into the little girls bathrooms, dorms, showers, and dressing rooms. (still the empty nut sack repubs did nothing).

After that...do you really think manchelle is a woman? Why would obama do such a thing if manchelle was really female?
Another racist fuck afraid of intelligent women.

Transgendered people are not perverts. Maybe you should try to get a fucking education.
Transgender men are men stupid fk. That’s your PC eat it
Obama fucking sold firearms to the fucking cartels that were used to fucking kill our fucking LE officers.
Because that is a "FUCKING" LIE, and nobody knows it better than you.
The NRA prevented law enforcement from blocking "straw purchase" sales to the "fucking" cartels so they could kill LEOs and then the NRA could blame Obama.
Obama fucking sold firearms to the fucking cartels that were used to fucking kill our fucking LE officers.
Because that is a "FUCKING" LIE, and nobody knows it better than you.
The NRA prevented law enforcement from blocking "straw purchase" sales to the "fucking" cartels so they could kill LEOs and then the NRA could blame Obama.
Or not
that is an easy question to answer... The Republicans did not to seem racist by impeach the 1st "Black" president no matter what he did,
Obama fucking sold firearms to the fucking cartels that were used to fucking kill our fucking LE officers.

Then Obama asserted executive privilege and Holder refused to turn documents over to Congress, and was held in contempt.

Can anyone specifically lay out for me how this was not impeachable?

It was a perfect call.
What’s astonishing to me is why no one on the left would be concerned about our government selling guns to Mexican drug cartels that were used to kill Federal agents.

The money and power and corruption is so deep that they don’t care.

Who cares if Obama sold firearms to Mexican Drug Cartels that were used to murder US Federal agents? We have to protect the Democrat party!
The government sold no guns to the Mexican cartels you stupid fuck.

The guns that were smuggled & lost track were found at the site where the federal agent was killed but ballistics could not show one of those F & F guns actually was used to kill him.

You assfucks get dumber every fucking day.
FBI report at odds with ATF claim on weapons
uh, there was a partial match.
Obama fucking sold firearms to the fucking cartels that were used to fucking kill our fucking LE officers.
Because that is a "FUCKING" LIE, and nobody knows it better than you.
The NRA prevented law enforcement from blocking "straw purchase" sales to the "fucking" cartels so they could kill LEOs and then the NRA could blame Obama.
Or not
or so.
Thanks to the NRA Arizona has the weakest gun laws in the US. There are no waiting periods and no need for permits, and buyers are allowed to resell the guns which is why the Sinaloa drug cartel had made Phoenix its gun supermarket and recruited young Americans as its designated shoppers or straw purchasers long before Obama became president. The NRA owns the murder of Brian Terry and even you know it.

By June 2010 the agents had sent the U.S. Attorney’s office a list of 31 suspects they wanted to arrest, with 46 pages outlining their illegal acts. But for the next seven months NRA controlled prosecutors did not indict a single suspect. one of those 31 suspects was the straw purchaser of the guns found where terry was killed. the NRA owns the murder of Brian Terry, they always will no matter how much the Right lies about it.
Because that is a "FUCKING" LIE, and nobody knows it better than you.
The NRA prevented law enforcement from blocking "straw purchase" sales to the "fucking" cartels so they could kill LEOs and then the NRA could blame Obama.

You fucking simpleton...Holder and Obama ADMITTED IT!

Do you even know what shit you are spewing???

The NRA prevented law enforcement from blocking "straw purchase" sales??? How the fuck did they do that?
Because it was not public corruption, an abuse of power used for personal benefit. It was not cheating in an upcoming election.

Because the Obama administration cooperated in the investigation of the House, they showed up when subpoenaed, they executed properly the Executive privilege, and not some illegal and non-existent...

ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY of which Trump claimed to deny subpoenas entirely and order all of his admin to not comply with the legal subpoenas...

Trump claimed he and all of the executive branch, were immunized from being investigated for anything and the Obama administration followed the procedures of the law on executive privilege.


Obama did not order fast and furious
Holder did not order or even know about fast and furious until 2011 according to the IG INVESTIGATION.

HOPE that answers your question.
Knowingly arming Mexican Drug Cartels with weapons in order to create a BODY COUNT high enough to allow him to go after the 2nd Amendment, resulting in the deaths of Mexican and AMERICAN citizens was NOT an Impeachable offense?

US AG Holder was caught committing perjury under oath and Obstructed both Justice and the Congressional investigation by refusing to release documents - you called that 'Obama cooperating' in the investigation.

Despite Obama and Holder's hand-picked DOJ protecting Holder from indictment, a bipartisan Congress voted to Censure Holder, making him the 1st Presidential Administration Cabinet Member in US history to be Censured.

Obama knew nothing about it?

Yeah, and he learned about Hillary's server from the media.


44 should have been impeached numerous times but no one wanted the racist card hung on them.
For what?
I'm going to believe that you just aren't smart enough to know so I will point out just a few.

1. The 43 changes to ACA without one single congressional approval
2. His enforcement of the DREAM act without congressional approval
3. Went to the U.N. to get his war in Lybia there by bypassing congress and diluting the sovereign power of the U.S.
4. More then half the inspector generals of the U.S. wrote letters to congress accusing him and his administration of obstructing various investigations.

I could continue but your partisan soul would never let you consider that your God should have ever been anything but prayed to and admired.
44 should have been impeached numerous times but no one wanted the racist card hung on them.
For what?
I'm going to believe that you just aren't smart enough to know so I will point out just a few.

1. The 43 changes to ACA without one single congressional approval
2. His enforcement of the DREAM act without congressional approval
3. Went to the U.N. to get his war in Lybia there by bypassing congress and diluting the sovereign power of the U.S.
4. More then half the inspector generals of the U.S. wrote letters to congress accusing him and his administration of obstructing various investigations.

I could continue but your partisan soul would never let you consider that your God should have ever been anything but prayed to and admired.

The ACA gave the administration latitude to make decisions & changes. Most large pieces of legislation leave a lot of the decisions on implementing the program to the executive branch.

Learn the difference between the Dream Act & DACA,

There was no war in Libya you stupid fuck.

Let's hear about these instances of obstruction of justice.

Trump is guilty. Your whining & pouting and stomping your feet and your but but but Obama ain't going to change it.
Knowingly arming Mexican Drug Cartels with weapons in order to create a BODY COUNT high enough to allow him to go after the 2nd Amendment, resulting in the deaths of Mexican and AMERICAN citizens was NOT an Impeachable offense?

US AG Holder was caught committing perjury under oath and Obstructed both Justice and the Congressional investigation by refusing to release documents - you called that 'Obama cooperating' in the investigation.

Despite Obama and Holder's hand-picked DOJ protecting Holder from indictment, a bipartisan Congress voted to Censure Holder, making him the 1st Presidential Administration Cabinet Member in US history to be Censured.

Obama knew nothing about it?

Yeah, and he learned about Hillary's server from the media.



Lying fuck. No one was purposefully arming the cartel.

It was an effort to stop gun smuggling using typical tools to do it.

Nothing more.
Can anyone specifically lay out for me how this was not impeachable?

Obama knew he could start an actual civil war if he was impeached & the republicans are empty nut sacks! (most still are).

Obama would have told CNN and MSNBS to start screaming "THEY ARE IMPEACHING OBAMA BECAUSE HE IS BLACK".

You don't think the leftists on this board would have believed it? How about IM2?

Then barak the magic negro waved his magic pen and forced perverts into the little girls bathrooms, dorms, showers, and dressing rooms. (still the empty nut sack repubs did nothing).

After that...do you really think manchelle is a woman? Why would obama do such a thing if manchelle was really female?
Another racist fuck afraid of intelligent women.

Transgendered people are not perverts. Maybe you should try to get a fucking education.
Transgender men are men stupid fk. That’s your PC eat it

I am sure to a dumbfuck moron like you that is the way it is.
Obama fucking sold firearms to the fucking cartels that were used to fucking kill our fucking LE officers.

Then Obama asserted executive privilege and Holder refused to turn documents over to Congress, and was held in contempt.

Can anyone specifically lay out for me how this was not impeachable?
Why wasn't Bush?

For Fast and Furious?

Why would Bush be impeached for Fast and Furious. It was an Obama program, you silly goose.
Because Bush ised a different name, his allowing guns to cross the border & failed at tracking them.

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