Why wasn’t OBAMA impeached and Holder sent to prison for Fast and Furious?

Knowingly arming Mexican Drug Cartels with weapons in order to create a BODY COUNT high enough to allow him to go after the 2nd Amendment, resulting in the deaths of Mexican and AMERICAN citizens was NOT an Impeachable offense?
No it is not an impeachable offense, it IS a NRA lie to cover their complicity in arming Mexican drug cartels through STRAW PURCHASES which the NRA defends.
The NRA prevented law enforcement from blocking "straw purchase" sales??? How the fuck did they do that?
By lobbying Congress every time they tried to restrict straw purchases, the main way drug cartels get guns.

If a person buys a gun and sells it to another person, who in turn sells it to yet another person, the bill’s language could be used to punish the initial buyer of the gun, the NRA says.

“It potentially holds people liable for the intention of parties far down the chain of possession,” NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam wrote in an email to The Hill.
Lying fuck. No one was purposefully arming the cartel.
You are wrong there, the NRA is!

The NRA believes the more "bad guys with a gun" they create the more "good guys with a gun" are needed to combat them, so they do everything they can to allow straw purchases, the primary way "bad guys with guns" get their guns.
No it is not an impeachable offense....
Again, knowingly arming Mexican Drug Cartels with weapons WITH THE INTENT TO CREATE A BODY COUNT HIGH ENOUGH to allow him to go after the 2nd Amendment, resulting in the deaths of Mexican and AMERICAN citizens was NOT an 'Impeachable offense?


'Nuff said from the Barry Worshipers...


No it is not an impeachable offense....
Again, knowingly arming Mexican Drug Cartels with weapons WITH THE INTENT TO CREATE A BODY COUNT HIGH ENOUGH to allow him to go after the 2nd Amendment, resulting in the deaths of Mexican and AMERICAN citizens was NOT an 'Impeachable offense?


'Nuff said from the Barry Worshipers...
Repeating your NRA crafted lie does not make it any less a lie, it only makes YOU a serial liar.
Repeating your NRA crafted lie does not make it any less a lie, it only makes YOU a serial liar.
Saying, 'NUH-UH' over and over again in response to a confirmed fact makes you look like an idiot...
The NRA prevented law enforcement from blocking "straw purchase" sales??? How the fuck did they do that?
By lobbying Congress every time they tried to restrict straw purchases, the main way drug cartels get guns.

If a person buys a gun and sells it to another person, who in turn sells it to yet another person, the bill’s language could be used to punish the initial buyer of the gun, the NRA says.

“It potentially holds people liable for the intention of parties far down the chain of possession,” NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam wrote in an email to The Hill.
They also fought efforts to prevent a single buy from buying 40 AR-15's at a time.
Repeating your NRA crafted lie does not make it any less a lie, it only makes YOU a serial liar.
Saying, 'NUH-UH' over and over again in response to a confirmed fact makes you look like an idiot...
Your "confirmed" fact is a confirmed lie manufactured by the NRA to deflect from their support for straw purchasers buying guns to supply their bad guys with guns to increase gun sales to good guys with guns. The whole purpose of the NRA is to sell as many guns as possible, and the more guns in the hands of the bad guys the more guns are needed to defend against the NRA armed bad guys.
No it is not an impeachable offense....
Again, knowingly arming Mexican Drug Cartels with weapons WITH THE INTENT TO CREATE A BODY COUNT HIGH ENOUGH to allow him to go after the 2nd Amendment, resulting in the deaths of Mexican and AMERICAN citizens was NOT an 'Impeachable offense?


'Nuff said from the Barry Worshipers...

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Your story is amusing.

If you assfucks don't care about children getting slaughtered, why would you care about dead Mexicans?
Your "confirmed" fact is a confirmed lie manufactured by the NRA to deflect from their support for straw purchasers buying guns to supply their bad guys with guns to increase gun sales to good guys with guns.
I would ask for a link, but why bother. You would not / could not provide one to substantiate your claim, which was stupid to begin with. You destroyed your own claim by saying it was the NRA who was supporting 'strawman purchases' - a 'strawman' argument based on the fact that it was THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION WHO GAVE MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS automatic weapons and grenades.

Why wasn't Obama impeached then?

Why wasn't Reagan impeached for Iran Contra ?

same same....

Your story is amusing.
No, it's NOT.

If you assfucks don't care about children getting slaughtered, why would you care about dead Mexicans?
....says the brain-dead, indoctrinated, easily emotionally-manipulated snowflake.

So you are saying I / Conservatives don't care about children getting slaughtered?!

If Barry and his administration cared so much they would not have placed automatic weapons and grenades in the hands of Mexican Drug Cartels, even though they were warned that once these weapons had been delivered there was no way to track them and get them back. ... instead Barry put the guns in the hands of the Cartels who did the slaughtering of women and children...and American citizens, snowflake.

If Barry, Democrats, and snowflakes gave a damn about women and children, US citizens being slaughtered, they would not call for / support Open Borders, aid an abet Drug Traffickers / Cartels / Coyotes bring illegals across our border, would not incentivize illegals to attempt to make the trek which places their lives in the hands of human / sex traffickers and criminals who rape, enslave, and kill women and children.

If Barry, Democrats, and snowflakes gave a damn about women and children, US citizens being slaughtered, they would not support Sanctuary Cities that protect violent illegal gangs, rapists, thieves, human / sex traffickers, and violent criminals...would not call for the elimination of ICE....

Remember how Barry, while out of the country, mocked US citizens' concerns for bringing in so many 'refugees' from terrorist-infested countries like Syria, declaring Americans were just afraid of 'widows and orphans'?! Something like a week later one of those 'refugees' killed 7 Americans in California.

'Human Life' and actual 'FACTS' takes a back seat to Democrats to NOT being held accountable and declaring they did absolutely NOTHING wrong. As Hillary said of 4 Dead Americans, 'What does it matter'?

'Nothing to see here - Move Along. Don't try to analyze or look at the facts - just believe what we SAY.'

Gullible snowflake sheep do that.
Can anyone specifically lay out for me how this was not impeachable?

Obama knew he could start an actual civil war if he was impeached & the republicans are empty nut sacks! (most still are).

Obama would have told CNN and MSNBS to start screaming "THEY ARE IMPEACHING OBAMA BECAUSE HE IS BLACK".

You don't think the leftists on this board would have believed it? How about IM2?

Then barak the magic negro waved his magic pen and forced perverts into the little girls bathrooms, dorms, showers, and dressing rooms. (still the empty nut sack repubs did nothing).

After that...do you really think manchelle is a woman? Why would obama do such a thing if manchelle was really female?
Another racist fuck afraid of intelligent women.

Transgendered people are not perverts. Maybe you should try to get a fucking education.
Transgender men are men stupid fk. That’s your PC eat it

Wow...you got it right. Transgender men are men and transgender women are women. When did you get so enlightened?
Your "confirmed" fact is a confirmed lie manufactured by the NRA to deflect from their support for straw purchasers buying guns to supply their bad guys with guns to increase gun sales to good guys with guns.
I would ask for a link, but why bother. You would not / could not provide one to substantiate your claim, which was stupid to begin with. You destroyed your own claim by saying it was the NRA who was supporting 'strawman purchases' - a 'strawman' argument based on the fact that it was THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION WHO GAVE MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS automatic weapons and grenades.

Except I actually quoted a named NRA spokesman defending straw purchases when the Obama admin brought up a bill to restrict them.
Here it is again:
If a person buys a gun and sells it to another person, who in turn sells it to yet another person, the bill’s language could be used to punish the initial buyer of the gun, the NRA says.

“It potentially holds people liable for the intention of parties far down the chain of possession,” NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam wrote in an email to The Hill.

Now you on the other hand did exactly what you accused me of doing, providing no proof Obama sold anything to the cartels, when in fact everyone knows the cartels' main source for guns is straw purchases, thank you NRA.
How drug cartels get American guns into Mexico
Guns aren't so easy to get in Mexico, but in the United States, it's a whole different story.

That's why, federal prosecutors say, organizations like the Gulf Cartel and other drug selling operations turn to buyers in America to help them assemble arsenals they otherwise wouldn't be able to accumulate.

In three federal cases in the last two years, documents filed by federal agents and prosecutors lay out how the Gulf Cartel, which operates in northeast Mexico, used people living in Texas to procure guns and other weapons with the intent of smuggling them into Mexico.
According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office, the bulk of the firearms seized in Mexico and later traced were found to have come from southwestern border states in America.

The GAO concluded that of the 104,850 guns seized in Mexico from 2009 through 2014, 73,684 originated in the United States and most of those in Texas, New Mexico, California and Arizona.
Except I actually quoted a named NRA spokesman defending straw purchases when the Obama admin brought up a bill to restrict them.
...which has NOTHING, even if true, to do with the fact that Barry and his administration gave the Mexican Drug Cartels automatic weapons and grenades that were used to slaughter women and children...and murder US citizens.
Except I actually quoted a named NRA spokesman defending straw purchases when the Obama admin brought up a bill to restrict them.
...which has NOTHING, even if true, to do with the fact that Barry and his administration gave the Mexican Drug Cartels automatic weapons and grenades that were used to slaughter women and children...and murder US citizens.
Again no proof, only you mindlessly parroting the NRA lie.
Obama put his hand on a bible and said this:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Then he sells weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels and those weapons are used to kill Federal agents. Then he asserts executive privilege and his AG Eric Holder refuses to turn documents over to Congress and is held in contempt.

Sounds like abuse of power and obstruction of Congress to me.

Are those impeachable crimes and misdemeanors?
If Barry and his administration cared so much they would not have placed automatic weapons and grenades in the hands of Mexican Drug Cartels
Same NRA lie, from a mindless NRA liar!
Ok, snowflake, how could the NRA supporting stricter background checks have prevented Obama and his administration giving Mexican Drug Cartels automatic weapons and grenades they used to slaughter women and children and kill Americans? I can't wait to hear you explain this one...

In addition to other crimes Obama should have been impeached for abuse of power when he used the IRS to disenfranchise a grassroot political movement. That was definitely a high crime.

Although not a high crime giving billions of dollars to his Iranian Mullah buddies should have resulted in Obama being ridiculed and marginalized.

Not only was Obama the most failed President we ever had but also the most corrupt. That is saying a lot when the runner ups are LBJ and Slick Willy.

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