Why wasn’t OBAMA impeached and Holder sent to prison for Fast and Furious?

In addition to other crimes Obama should have been impeached for abuse of power when he used the IRS to disenfranchise a grassroot political movement. That was definitely a high crime.

Although not a high crime giving billions of dollars to his Iranian Mullah buddies should have resulted in Obama being ridiculed and marginalized.

Not only was Obama the most failed President we ever had but also the most corrupt. That is saying a lot when the runner ups are LBJ and Slick Willy.
Illegal spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, & the USSC!

Weaponizing the IRS and using it against Americans who were legally opposing his re-election.

Held in Contempt for violating Judges' orders at least twice, ADMITEDLY violating the Constitution regarding DACA, found to be guilty of violating the Constitution regarding his recess appointments, by-passed Congress to negotiate his own treaty with Iran then ran to the UN to get it ratified and accepted it by 'the world' before the US Congress could even read it.

Pimping out the US military to Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans, to help them kill a leaders who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in northern Africa and to take Libya for their own....for invading Syria...a UB-defined 'International War Crime' for invading another nation without permission or request from that nation's leader of govt.

Take your pick....there's more.
Obama should have been impeached like 29 times.

It’s unreal the left is ok with spying on US citizens just because it was a black Dimm POTUS doing it.
If Barry and his administration cared so much they would not have placed automatic weapons and grenades in the hands of Mexican Drug Cartels
Same NRA lie, from a mindless NRA liar!
Ok, snowflake, how could the NRA supporting stricter background checks have prevented Obama and his administration giving Mexican Drug Cartels automatic weapons and grenades they used to slaughter women and children and kill Americans? I can't wait to hear you explain this one...

The NRA would NEVER and have NEVER prevented cartels from getting guns. And as you well know the NRA OPPOSES background checks!!!!!
So again you make false claims with NO proof! I on the other hand have the NRA's own website for backup!
NRA-ILA | Background Checks | NICS
January 7, 2019

Background Checks for Guns
  • NRA opposes expanding firearm background check systems, because background checks don’t stop criminals from getting firearms, because some proposals to do so would deprive individuals of due process of law, and because NRA opposes firearm registration.
Then he sells weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels and those weapons are used to kill Federal agents.
Another mindless NRA lying parrot!

That asshole Obama sold guns to the Mexican drug cartels in the hope that the guns would find their back to the US and he could use that as an excuse to curtail the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

One of the most despicable and dishonest initiatives ever done by an American President.

Shame on you for defending the sonofabitch. What the hell is wrong with you?

Of course you stupid Moon Bats don't ever think your Neggra President could ever do any wrong, do you? Then you wonder why we ridicule you so much for being immoral dumbasses.
That asshole Obama sold guns to the Mexican drug cartels in the hope that the guns would find their back to the US and he could use that as an excuse to curtail the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
Another mindless drone parroting the NRA lie!
The NRA would NEVER and have NEVER prevented cartels from getting guns.
The NRA has never had the POWER to prevent MEXICAN Drug Cartels from possessing guns, you f*ing MORON. The NRA advocates the LEGAL ownership of guns, the protection of the 2nd amendment, and protection of US citizens' Constitutional Right to bear arms...

....as opposed to Barry and his criminal administration who not only gave automatic weapons and hand grenades to Mexican Drug cartels, facilitating their slaughter of women and children and murder of American citizens but he also armed and trained terrorists, facilitating the slaughter of THOUSANDS abroad.

Yeah, you're right, the NRA has never once stopped Barry and his administration from arming Mexican Drug cartels, Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood..... OH WAIT, That's right....IT'S NOT THEIR JOB TO DO SO! Instead of arming all these criminals and terrorists, it was BARRY'S job to make sure they DID NOT get such weapons, not GIVE them weapons.


Can anyone specifically lay out for me how this was not impeachable?

Obama knew he could start an actual civil war if he was impeached & the republicans are empty nut sacks! (most still are).

Obama would have told CNN and MSNBS to start screaming "THEY ARE IMPEACHING OBAMA BECAUSE HE IS BLACK".

You don't think the leftists on this board would have believed it? How about IM2?

Then barak the magic negro waved his magic pen and forced perverts into the little girls bathrooms, dorms, showers, and dressing rooms. (still the empty nut sack repubs did nothing).

After that...do you really think manchelle is a woman? Why would obama do such a thing if manchelle was really female?
Another racist fuck afraid of intelligent women.

Transgendered people are not perverts. Maybe you should try to get a fucking education.
Transgender men are men stupid fk. That’s your PC eat it

Wow...you got it right. Transgender men are men and transgender women are women. When did you get so enlightened?
Yep a person with a dick is a man, and a person with a Vijay jay is a woman. Thanks
The NRA would NEVER and have NEVER prevented cartels from getting guns.
The NRA has never had the POWER to prevent MEXICAN Drug Cartels from possessing guns, you f*ing MORON. The NRA advocates the LEGAL ownership of guns, the protection of the 2nd amendment, and protection of US citizens' Constitutional Right to bear arms...

....as opposed to Barry and his criminal administration who not only gave automatic weapons and hand grenades to Mexican Drug cartels, facilitating their slaughter of women and children and murder of American citizens but he also armed and trained terrorists, facilitating the slaughter of THOUSANDS abroad.

Yeah, you're right, the NRA has never once stopped Barry and his administration from arming Mexican Drug cartels, Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood..... OH WAIT, That's right....IT'S NOT THEIR JOB TO DO SO! Instead of arming all these criminals and terrorists, it was BARRY'S job to make sure they DID NOT get such weapons, not GIVE them weapons.


You just keep repeating the NRA scripted lie even though you know it is a lie!
The NRA supports Straw purchases of guns which is where the cartels have gotten their guns long before Obama was president and have continued to get their guns long after he was gone!
You just keep repeating the NRA scripted lie even though you know it is a lie!

Thank you for demonstrating to us all how you can not explain how the NRA supporting stricter background checks for gun ownership here in the US could have stopped Obama and his administration from giving Mexican Drug Cartels automatic weapons and grenades and / or stopped Obama from arming terrorists!


Can anyone specifically lay out for me how this was not impeachable?

Obama knew he could start an actual civil war if he was impeached & the republicans are empty nut sacks! (most still are).

Obama would have told CNN and MSNBS to start screaming "THEY ARE IMPEACHING OBAMA BECAUSE HE IS BLACK".

You don't think the leftists on this board would have believed it? How about IM2?

Then barak the magic negro waved his magic pen and forced perverts into the little girls bathrooms, dorms, showers, and dressing rooms. (still the empty nut sack repubs did nothing).

After that...do you really think manchelle is a woman? Why would obama do such a thing if manchelle was really female?
Another racist fuck afraid of intelligent women.

Transgendered people are not perverts. Maybe you should try to get a fucking education.
Transgender men are men stupid fk. That’s your PC eat it

Wow...you got it right. Transgender men are men and transgender women are women. When did you get so enlightened?
Yep a person with a dick is a man, and a person with a Vijay jay is a woman. Thanks

So post operative trans people. Okay, it’s a start. Of course, that means you identify this individual as a woman.

You just keep repeating the NRA scripted lie even though you know it is a lie!

Thank you for demonstrating to us all how you can not explain how the NRA supporting stricter background checks for gun ownership here in the US could have stopped Obama and his administration from giving Mexican Drug Cartels automatic weapons and grenades and / or stopped Obama from arming terrorists!


See same lie I disproved with a link from the NRA's own site and you just keep repeating it even though you know it is a lie.
Thank you.
NRA-ILA | Background Checks | NICS
January 7, 2019

Background Checks for Guns
  • NRA opposes expanding firearm background check systems, because background checks don’t stop criminals from getting firearms, because some proposals to do so would deprive individuals of due process of law, and because NRA opposes firearm registration.
Obama knew he could start an actual civil war if he was impeached & the republicans are empty nut sacks! (most still are).

Obama would have told CNN and MSNBS to start screaming "THEY ARE IMPEACHING OBAMA BECAUSE HE IS BLACK".

You don't think the leftists on this board would have believed it? How about IM2?

Then barak the magic negro waved his magic pen and forced perverts into the little girls bathrooms, dorms, showers, and dressing rooms. (still the empty nut sack repubs did nothing).

After that...do you really think manchelle is a woman? Why would obama do such a thing if manchelle was really female?
Another racist fuck afraid of intelligent women.

Transgendered people are not perverts. Maybe you should try to get a fucking education.
Transgender men are men stupid fk. That’s your PC eat it

Wow...you got it right. Transgender men are men and transgender women are women. When did you get so enlightened?
Yep a person with a dick is a man, and a person with a Vijay jay is a woman. Thanks

So post operative trans people. Okay, it’s a start. Of course, that means you identify this individual as a woman.

if she has a Vijay jay you bet. It's what I learned as a kid. dick, man, vagina, woman. what did you learn?
Another racist fuck afraid of intelligent women.

Transgendered people are not perverts. Maybe you should try to get a fucking education.
Transgender men are men stupid fk. That’s your PC eat it

Wow...you got it right. Transgender men are men and transgender women are women. When did you get so enlightened?
Yep a person with a dick is a man, and a person with a Vijay jay is a woman. Thanks

So post operative trans people. Okay, it’s a start. Of course, that means you identify this individual as a woman.

if she has a Vijay jay you bet. It's what I learned as a kid. dick, man, vagina, woman. what did you learn?

Yes, he has a vagina. That means you want him peeing and showering in women’s facilities.
Transgender men are men stupid fk. That’s your PC eat it

Wow...you got it right. Transgender men are men and transgender women are women. When did you get so enlightened?
Yep a person with a dick is a man, and a person with a Vijay jay is a woman. Thanks

So post operative trans people. Okay, it’s a start. Of course, that means you identify this individual as a woman.

if she has a Vijay jay you bet. It's what I learned as a kid. dick, man, vagina, woman. what did you learn?

Yes, he has a vagina. That means you want him peeing and showering in women’s facilities.
why not, she is a woman. you think she shouldn't why?
Is anyone defending Fast and Furious?

Not really. In early 2011, the Justice Department wrote in a letter to Congress that no guns had been intentionally allowed to "walk," which it says was based on statements from ATF officials. That letter was retracted when it became clear that it was wrong. There's now a consensus that the operation was botched, but two questions remain. First, who approved it -- was Fast and Furious the work of a rogue ATF, or did Attorney General Eric Holder (or perhaps even President Obama) know of or approve it? Second, has there been an attempt to mislead Congress about the operation through a cover-up? On the first question, the department insists that only the ATF's Phoenix office approved the sting. At some point, however, the U.S. Attorney in Phoenix became aware, as did the acting director of the ATF. Both were forced to resign in August 2011 after Issa uncovered emails showing they'd been briefed. Justice says it's not trying to cover anything up, noting that it has turned over 7,600 documents and that Holder has testified before Congress nine times about Fast and Furious.

What happened Wednesday?

Darrell Issa, a California Republican who heads the House Oversight and Government Committee, has been demanding further documents and threatening to try to hold the attorney general in contempt of Congress if he didn't turn them over (more on that later). So Wednesday morning, acting on Holder's request, Obama asserted executive privilege in response to a request from Holder. In a letter to Obama, Holder argues that the documents Issa is requesting aren't really related to Fast and Furious, since they post-date it, and that releasing them would compromise confidentiality within the executive branch. The letter came after negotiations late Tuesday -- in which Holder offered to release some documents in return for dropping the contempt proceedings -- failed. Issa, however, was unswayed by Obama's assertion and went forward with a vote in the Oversight Committee. The committee voted in favor of holding Holder in contempt by a 23-17 margin, along party lines.

What does executive privilege mean?

The phrase refers to a president's right to a certain degree of confidentiality in his decision-making, but what it means in practice is sort of hazy. It has long been an accepted concept, but since it's not spelled out anywhere in the Constitution or elsewhere, it's not clear how sweeping that right is, and who it covers: only the president? Communications between the president and advisers? Cabinet members? Typically, politicians have tried to keep executive privilege questions out of court, which has kept its boundaries vague. For much, much more, read this Associated Press explainer and this Congressional Research Service report.

Eric Holder, Contempt of Congress, and Fast and Furious: What You Need to Know

Holder Cleared of Wrong Doing in Fast and Furious
Holder Cleared of Wrong Doing in Fast and Furious
The reality is the left are viewed as inferior people. They're not expected to meet standard, so when they don't they're not held accountable. Why do you think they cling to victim roles so tightly? It's because they desire to be viewed as victims themselves, thus inviting excuses. The "news" protects them as well.
The reality is the left are viewed as inferior people. They're not expected to meet standard, so when they don't they're not held accountable. Why do you think they cling to victim roles so tightly? It's because they desire to be viewed as victims themselves, thus inviting excuses. The "news" protects them as well.
A presidential BULLSHIT on you.
There is no bigger perpetual VICTIM than "human scum" Tramp!!!!!
It's you CON$ervative Cry-Babies who have been claiming VICTIMHOOD for decades.

You say you are a victim of:

The liberal news

The liberal schools

The liberal courts

The liberal press

The liberal movies

The liberal trial lawyers

The liberal environmentalists

The liberal scientists

The liberal professors

The liberal Hollywood

The liberal judges


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