Why wasn’t OBAMA impeached and Holder sent to prison for Fast and Furious?

The reality is the left are viewed as inferior people. They're not expected to meet standard, so when they don't they're not held accountable. Why do you think they cling to victim roles so tightly? It's because they desire to be viewed as victims themselves, thus inviting excuses. The "news" protects them as well.
A presidential BULLSHIT on you.
There is no bigger perpetual VICTIM than "human scum" Tramp!!!!!
It's you CON$ervative Cry-Babies who have been claiming VICTIMHOOD for decades.

You say you are a victim of:

The liberal news

The liberal schools

The liberal courts

The liberal press

The liberal movies

The liberal trial lawyers

The liberal environmentalists

The liberal scientists

The liberal professors

The liberal Hollywood

The liberal judges

I’d shoot myself if I had that much rage you carry around about a person you know absolutely nothing about! Hly fk son
The reality is the left are viewed as inferior people. They're not expected to meet standard, so when they don't they're not held accountable. Why do you think they cling to victim roles so tightly? It's because they desire to be viewed as victims themselves, thus inviting excuses. The "news" protects them as well.
A presidential BULLSHIT on you.
There is no bigger perpetual VICTIM than "human scum" Tramp!!!!!
It's you CON$ervative Cry-Babies who have been claiming VICTIMHOOD for decades.

You say you are a victim of:

The liberal news

The liberal schools

The liberal courts

The liberal press

The liberal movies

The liberal trial lawyers

The liberal environmentalists

The liberal scientists

The liberal professors

The liberal Hollywood

The liberal judges


You say you are a victim of:

The liberal news I'm not, U R

The liberal schools I'm not, U might be

The liberal courts I'm not, some are, some courts are full of shit, people like you vote them in.

The liberal press I'm not, U R

The liberal movies It's a pile of trash

The liberal trial lawyers Works both ways, however PROGS have to be the worst, that's just logic.

The liberal environmentalists Some are full of shit, you don't hear me complain about them.

The liberal scientists You've run out of ideas.

The liberal professors Confirmed, you ran out. See liberal schools

The liberal Hollywood Ha ha, you're so full of BS

The liberal judges Ha ha, you repeated yourself four straight times, I saw it coming too.

Etc. Repeat etc. etc. etc. This is SO rich.
Obama fucking sold firearms to the fucking cartels that were used to fucking kill our fucking LE officers.

Then Obama asserted executive privilege and Holder refused to turn documents over to Congress, and was held in contempt.

Can anyone specifically lay out for me how this was not impeachable?

It is not impeachable because it was the second operation that involved gunwalking. The first was Operation Wide Receiver which was run out of the Phoenix office as well. George W Bush was not impeached for it either.
Abuse of power to sell guns to Mexican drug cartels that were used to kill Federal Agents??

Let’s compare that to a FUCKING INNOCENT PHONE CALL.

It was NOT A FUCKING INNOCENT PHONE CALL. Nor was Giuliani's attempts to pressure Ukraine innocent.

There was no abuse of power as it had a legitimate law enforcement aim. Just because it went awry does not make it wrong.
How many Repubs cared about Reagan selling weapons to Iran?

Same amount of Dems who cared about

-Joe Biden was in charge of Ukraine foreign policy from 2014-'16 and that is when his son (Hunter) went to Ukraine/created an lucrative, unethical business relationship w/ a Corp. (Burisma) known for its decades of corruption culture.
-This unethical relationship was about to get exposed, in 2015, but VP Joe Biden had the Prosecutor fired who was about to investigate Hunter's $700K annual salary from the corrupt Ukraine company.

There is absolutely no evidence anything unethical happened. Biden had the corrupt prosecutor fired. Shokin was not investigating Burisma or Hunter Biden.
No it is not an impeachable offense....
Again, knowingly arming Mexican Drug Cartels with weapons WITH THE INTENT TO CREATE A BODY COUNT HIGH ENOUGH to allow him to go after the 2nd Amendment, resulting in the deaths of Mexican and AMERICAN citizens was NOT an 'Impeachable offense?


'Nuff said from the Barry Worshipers...

View attachment 297330


There is not a bit of evidence to support your latest conspiracy theory. Fast and Furious was a gun tracing operation that went awry. This was a second attempt with the first being Operation Wide receiver. George W Bush was President then.
Obama fucking sold firearms to the fucking cartels that were used to fucking kill our fucking LE officers.

Then Obama asserted executive privilege and Holder refused to turn documents over to Congress, and was held in contempt.

Can anyone specifically lay out for me how this was not impeachable?

It is not impeachable because it was the second operation that involved gunwalking. The first was Operation Wide Receiver which was run out of the Phoenix office as well. George W Bush was not impeached for it either.

You said it, must be true.

Why wasn’t Bush impeached? He should have been. His CIA LIED us into a war. Mueller was one of the liars.
Abuse of power to sell guns to Mexican drug cartels that were used to kill Federal Agents??

Let’s compare that to a FUCKING INNOCENT PHONE CALL.

It was NOT A FUCKING INNOCENT PHONE CALL. Nor was Giuliani's attempts to pressure Ukraine innocent.

There was no abuse of power as it had a legitimate law enforcement aim. Just because it went awry does not make it wrong.
show us what was guilty from the call? cause none of your congress fks said there was anything. So you expect us to believe you over them? dude, you think way too highly of yourself. you suck.
There is absolutely no evidence anything unethical happened. Biden had the corrupt prosecutor fired. Shokin was not investigating Burisma or Hunter Biden.

Biden was America's VP, in charge of Ukraine foreign policy ---which exclusively focused on corruption in corporate-Ukraine, so Biden's son went over to Ukraine and got on the board of a corrupt company. To perform a job that he had no experience in, for $650K per year.

Now sure, you can claim that that isn't unethical, but...

No it is not an impeachable offense....
Again, knowingly arming Mexican Drug Cartels with weapons WITH THE INTENT TO CREATE A BODY COUNT HIGH ENOUGH to allow him to go after the 2nd Amendment, resulting in the deaths of Mexican and AMERICAN citizens was NOT an 'Impeachable offense?


'Nuff said from the Barry Worshipers...

View attachment 297330


There is not a bit of evidence to support your latest conspiracy theory. Fast and Furious was a gun tracing operation that went awry. This was a second attempt with the first being Operation Wide receiver. George W Bush was President then.
The FACT that Barry gave weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels is neither 'new' or a 'conspiracy theory', lil' ignorant lying snowflake....

No it is not an impeachable offense....
Again, knowingly arming Mexican Drug Cartels with weapons WITH THE INTENT TO CREATE A BODY COUNT HIGH ENOUGH to allow him to go after the 2nd Amendment, resulting in the deaths of Mexican and AMERICAN citizens was NOT an 'Impeachable offense?


'Nuff said from the Barry Worshipers...

View attachment 297330


There is not a bit of evidence to support your latest conspiracy theory. Fast and Furious was a gun tracing operation that went awry. This was a second attempt with the first being Operation Wide receiver. George W Bush was President then.
The FACT that Barry gave weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels is neither 'new' or a 'conspiracy theory', lil' ignorant lying snowflake....


Also, it's not conspiracy that Barry should've been impeached for this.
Obama fucking sold firearms to the fucking cartels that were used to fucking kill our fucking LE officers.

Then Obama asserted executive privilege and Holder refused to turn documents over to Congress, and was held in contempt.

Can anyone specifically lay out for me how this was not impeachable?

Listen up, you pathetic bastards spent countless years and tax dollars to prove his administration guilty and came up with nada, not a gotdamned thing. Which is so typical of the most corrupt party in our nations history, the GOP-igs. History has shown over and over and over again and again, you want corruption, dirt, immorality.....its always has been, continues to be and will be the party of conservative fake christians, ie, the Republican party....OWN IT!!
Clinton shared classified information, deleted emails off inappropriate server and lied about it to the FBI, on Obama’s watch. Cool.

Bill Clinton met with Justice Dept. just before Hillary was declared " it was unintentional", on Obama's watch. Cool

IRS demonstrated political bias on Obama's watch. Cool

Obama passes laws that are clearly unconstitutional. Cool

Obama practices authoritarianism and censors the press. Cool

Obama flies billions to the Iranians in cash during his last days in office. Cool

RUSSIA ATTACKED OUR DEMOCRACY snowflake concern occurred on Obama's watch. Cool

The majority of State Dept. beneficiaries happen to be high donors of the Clinton foundation. Cool

SWAT teams and FBI strike the elderly and innocent as if they're drug cartels. Cool

Clinton and Obama approve 1/5 of our uranium reserves sold to Russia. Cool

The Democrats lied to the court to commit treason against the sitting POTUS, which involves the FBI and CIA showing political bias. Cool

The Trump campaign was tapped under false pretences, on Obama’s watch forward. Cool.

The Clinton’s closest associates are sex–predators. Go figure Bill pancaked onto a young woman in the oval office. Gee, I wonder what else he’s done? Somehow those with dirt on the Clinton’s end up dead. Just a coincidence, fucking Hillary is a victim cuz she’s a woman and the Constitution is inconvenient. Cool.

Obama’s CIA director goes rough entertaining propaganda, treason and PROG-speak. Cool.

Trump inquires on Biden Ukraine corruption and is impeached. Cool

Clinton buys the DNC on Obama’s watch. Cool

Democrats work with foreigners and Russians to entertain Russian the collusion hoax. Cool

Democrats fight to steal the second amendment away from good people while releasing criminals onto the streets. All while inviting illegal immigration and “sanctuary” cities. They get free healthcare on the middle-class dime too. Cool

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Obama put his hand on a bible and said this:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Then he sells weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels and those weapons are used to kill Federal agents. Then he asserts executive privilege and his AG Eric Holder refuses to turn documents over to Congress and is held in contempt.

Sounds like abuse of power and obstruction of Congress to me.

Are those impeachable crimes and misdemeanors?

It doesn't to me because your facts are all wrong. Obama did not order this. It was run out of the ATF office in Phoenix. It was supposed to lead to higher ups but misfired. This was the second operation with the first being Operation Wide Receiver run when George W. was President. The IG recommended no criminal charges and found no evidence Holder knew anything about it before 2011. It also cleared the AG under George W.
Obama fucking sold firearms to the fucking cartels that were used to fucking kill our fucking LE officers.

Then Obama asserted executive privilege and Holder refused to turn documents over to Congress, and was held in contempt.

Can anyone specifically lay out for me how this was not impeachable?

Protected class.
Obama fucking sold firearms to the fucking cartels that were used to fucking kill our fucking LE officers.

Then Obama asserted executive privilege and Holder refused to turn documents over to Congress, and was held in contempt.

Can anyone specifically lay out for me how this was not impeachable?

Listen up, you pathetic bastards spent countless years and tax dollars to prove his administration guilty and came up with nada, not a gotdamned thing. Which is so typical of the most corrupt party in our nations history, the GOP-igs. History has shown over and over and over again and again, you want corruption, dirt, immorality.....its always has been, continues to be and will be the party of conservative fake christians, ie, the Republican party....OWN IT!!
Barry's administration WAS proven criminal; however, being proven guilty and being held accountable are 2 separate things.

Barry was never held accountable because he OWNED the DOJ, NSA, CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, & he and Hillary ran Hillary's criminally run State Department.

Barry even ADMITTED he did things he had no Constitutional authority to do.

Despite protecting his criminal Cabinet members / Agency Directors from criminal indictment & prison they were at times still punished.

US AG Holder, for example, was protected from indictment for perjury & obstruction, but Democrats joined Republicans in Censuring him, making him the 1st Presidential Administration Cabinet Member in US history to be Censured.

Obama's CIA Director John Brennan was caught red-handed illegally spying on US Senators. To keep from being indicted and going to prison (which he should have) he was forced to appear before Congress, confess / admit he committed perjury by claiming under oath he did NOT spy on them, admit he did, & promise not to do it again.

'Came up with nothing's?! You lying lil' Obama-apologist snowflake, you are such a reality-denying leftist regard.

Jonathon Gruber must be so proud of you!

Can anyone specifically lay out for me how this was not impeachable?

Obama knew he could start an actual civil war if he was impeached & the republicans are empty nut sacks! (most still are).

Obama would have told CNN and MSNBS to start screaming "THEY ARE IMPEACHING OBAMA BECAUSE HE IS BLACK".

You don't think the leftists on this board would have believed it? How about IM2?

Then barak the magic negro waved his magic pen and forced perverts into the little girls bathrooms, dorms, showers, and dressing rooms. (still the empty nut sack repubs did nothing).

After that...do you really think manchelle is a woman? Why would obama do such a thing if manchelle was really female?
Another racist fuck afraid of intelligent women.

Transgendered people are not perverts. Maybe you should try to get a fucking education.

Some are just mentally ill.
Obama put his hand on a bible and said this:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Then he sells weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels and those weapons are used to kill Federal agents. Then he asserts executive privilege and his AG Eric Holder refuses to turn documents over to Congress and is held in contempt.

Sounds like abuse of power and obstruction of Congress to me.

Are those impeachable crimes and misdemeanors?

It doesn't to me because your facts are all wrong. Obama did not order this. It was run out of the ATF office in Phoenix. It was supposed to lead to higher ups but misfired. This was the second operation with the first being Operation Wide Receiver run when George W. was President. The IG recommended no criminal charges and found no evidence Holder knew anything about it before 2011. It also cleared the AG under George W.
Funny, the report stated Obama signed off on the execution of this operation.

You think everyone is as stupid as you are...

The Deputy Director for the CIA stated Obama was a micro-manager, that he controlled and managed everything from what new furniture they picked out to demanding updates on all critical operations.

That matches Strzok's texts in which he said Barry demanded updates on everything they did while investigating / spying on Trump and his team.

Snowflakes attempted to falsely claim Fast & Furious was BUSH'S failed program, but official documents and reports prove Bush NEVER ALLOWED the operation to be executed because HE was smart enough to know once the automatic weapons and grenades were in the hands of the Mexican Drug Cartels they were gone for good.

Snowflakes aren't smart enough to realize that means to run the OP the PRESIDENT'S approval was required - BUSH knew about it & would not allow it to be conducted. OBAMA knew about it, too...and HE approved it.

US AG Holder would not risk indictment and prison for anyone less than the President ... and committed Perjury & Obstruction to keep Barry's scandal quiet...for which, again, both Democrats and Republicans Censured him.

It is a wonder that you snowflakes saw anything for 8 years because you kept your eyes closed the whole time Obama was President.

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