Why wasn’t OBAMA impeached and Holder sent to prison for Fast and Furious?

Then he sells weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels and those weapons are used to kill Federal agents.
Another mindless NRA lying parrot!

That asshole Obama sold guns to the Mexican drug cartels in the hope that the guns would find their back to the US and he could use that as an excuse to curtail the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

One of the most despicable and dishonest initiatives ever done by an American President.

Shame on you for defending the sonofabitch. What the hell is wrong with you?

Of course you stupid Moon Bats don't ever think your Neggra President could ever do any wrong, do you? Then you wonder why we ridicule you so much for being immoral dumbasses.

You are dishonest and despicable. That is nothing but a lie. It was run out of the ATF office in Phoenix as was Operation Wide Receiver under George W. The IG found no evidence that even the respective AGs were responsible for them.
Obama fucking sold firearms to the fucking cartels that were used to fucking kill our fucking LE officers.

Then Obama asserted executive privilege and Holder refused to turn documents over to Congress, and was held in contempt.

Can anyone specifically lay out for me how this was not impeachable?

It is not impeachable because it was the second operation that involved gunwalking. The first was Operation Wide Receiver which was run out of the Phoenix office as well. George W Bush was not impeached for it either.

You said it, must be true.

Why wasn’t Bush impeached? He should have been. His CIA LIED us into a war. Mueller was one of the liars.

He should not have been. Every intelligence agency including Israel said the same thing. Hussein was moving closer to terrorists. Bush was 100% right to do it. You are a liar.
No it is not an impeachable offense....
Again, knowingly arming Mexican Drug Cartels with weapons WITH THE INTENT TO CREATE A BODY COUNT HIGH ENOUGH to allow him to go after the 2nd Amendment, resulting in the deaths of Mexican and AMERICAN citizens was NOT an 'Impeachable offense?


'Nuff said from the Barry Worshipers...

View attachment 297330


There is not a bit of evidence to support your latest conspiracy theory. Fast and Furious was a gun tracing operation that went awry. This was a second attempt with the first being Operation Wide receiver. George W Bush was President then.

You like showing how stupid you are? Wide Receiver was done with the cooperation of the Mexican government and ended when it was determined that they couldn’t sufficiently track the weapons. Fast and Furious was done with ZERO notification to the Mexican government that Obozo and his wingman were sending guns to Mexico. This was proven a long time ago despite Obozo claiming executive privilege and refusing to turn over documents and emails. According to you lefties, that is an impeachable offense (obstructing Congress).
Abuse of power to sell guns to Mexican drug cartels that were used to kill Federal Agents??

Let’s compare that to a FUCKING INNOCENT PHONE CALL.

It was NOT A FUCKING INNOCENT PHONE CALL. Nor was Giuliani's attempts to pressure Ukraine innocent.

There was no abuse of power as it had a legitimate law enforcement aim. Just because it went awry does not make it wrong.
show us what was guilty from the call? cause none of your congress fks said there was anything. So you expect us to believe you over them? dude, you think way too highly of yourself. you suck.

He clearly asked for a investigation of Biden by Ukraine. He prefaced that by pointing out how much money the US gives Ukraine. The next day he asked for a investigation by Ukraine and China. Even the Chinese knew what this was all about. They refused to get involved in domestic politics.
Abuse of power to sell guns to Mexican drug cartels that were used to kill Federal Agents??

Let’s compare that to a FUCKING INNOCENT PHONE CALL.

It was NOT A FUCKING INNOCENT PHONE CALL. Nor was Giuliani's attempts to pressure Ukraine innocent.

There was no abuse of power as it had a legitimate law enforcement aim. Just because it went awry does not make it wrong.
show us what was guilty from the call? cause none of your congress fks said there was anything. So you expect us to believe you over them? dude, you think way too highly of yourself. you suck.

He clearly asked for a investigation of Biden by Ukraine. He prefaced that by pointing out how much money the US gives Ukraine. The next day he asked for a investigation by Ukraine and China. Even the Chinese knew what this was all about. They refused to get involved in domestic politics.
Well funny, it’s not in the transcript. So you lied.

Let me know when you want a real discussion. Continued lies does none of us any goo. Be honest once
There is absolutely no evidence anything unethical happened. Biden had the corrupt prosecutor fired. Shokin was not investigating Burisma or Hunter Biden.

Biden was America's VP, in charge of Ukraine foreign policy ---which exclusively focused on corruption in corporate-Ukraine, so Biden's son went over to Ukraine and got on the board of a corrupt company. To perform a job that he had no experience in, for $650K per year.

Now sure, you can claim that that isn't unethical, but...


Again there is no evidence of any wrongdoing. If there were then the DOJ could open a investigation. They have not.
Poor right wing crybabies can't seem to win one even though they always keep repeating their favorite buzzwords 'winning', and 'Soros', like little kids. It's always republicans in trouble, going to jail, waiting for sentencing (roger stone) , waiting for trial, (duncan hunter), getting pardons, being impeached. Democrats no. Basically honest. Been that way mostly since tricky dick was kicked out of the white house. Let's hope that this new year coming, they wise up, quit worrying about california, and spend more time trying to find honest candidates.

Unlike your idiotic crying about Russia! And Ukraine! And tax returns! Stormy! Gee, those seem like your favorite buzzwords. Basically honest Dimbocraps? You typed that with straight face?
There is absolutely no evidence anything unethical happened. Biden had the corrupt prosecutor fired. Shokin was not investigating Burisma or Hunter Biden.

Biden was America's VP, in charge of Ukraine foreign policy ---which exclusively focused on corruption in corporate-Ukraine, so Biden's son went over to Ukraine and got on the board of a corrupt company. To perform a job that he had no experience in, for $650K per year.

Now sure, you can claim that that isn't unethical, but...


Again there is no evidence of any wrongdoing. If there were then the DOJ could open a investigation. They have not.
Cause there wasn’t any investigation. So you have no idea. Again with the lack of honesty. Humility isn’t you huh?
Obama put his hand on a bible and said this:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Then he sells weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels and those weapons are used to kill Federal agents. Then he asserts executive privilege and his AG Eric Holder refuses to turn documents over to Congress and is held in contempt.

Sounds like abuse of power and obstruction of Congress to me.

Are those impeachable crimes and misdemeanors?

It doesn't to me because your facts are all wrong. Obama did not order this. It was run out of the ATF office in Phoenix. It was supposed to lead to higher ups but misfired. This was the second operation with the first being Operation Wide Receiver run when George W. was President. The IG recommended no criminal charges and found no evidence Holder knew anything about it before 2011. It also cleared the AG under George W.
Funny, the report stated Obama signed off on the execution of this operation.

You think everyone is as stupid as you are...

The Deputy Director for the CIA stated Obama was a micro-manager, that he controlled and managed everything from what new furniture they picked out to demanding updates on all critical operations.

That matches Strzok's texts in which he said Barry demanded updates on everything they did while investigating / spying on Trump and his team.

Snowflakes attempted to falsely claim Fast & Furious was BUSH'S failed program, but official documents and reports prove Bush NEVER ALLOWED the operation to be executed because HE was smart enough to know once the automatic weapons and grenades were in the hands of the Mexican Drug Cartels they were gone for good.

Snowflakes aren't smart enough to realize that means to run the OP the PRESIDENT'S approval was required - BUSH knew about it & would not allow it to be conducted. OBAMA knew about it, too...and HE approved it.

US AG Holder would not risk indictment and prison for anyone less than the President ... and committed Perjury & Obstruction to keep Barry's scandal quiet...for which, again, both Democrats and Republicans Censured him.

It is a wonder that you snowflakes saw anything for 8 years because you kept your eyes closed the whole time Obama was President.

This was looked into by the IG and he determined that Holder was unaware of Fast and Furious before 2011. There was absolutely no evidence that Obama knew anything about it. Also worth noting that the report largely recommended disciplinary action against the officials involved. It did not involve Obama or Holder.

That is not true. I voted for Bush twice but Operation Wide Receiver was conducted by the same Phoenix office that Fast and Furious was run out of. The IG determined that Bush's AG knew nothing about it. Clearly it does not require Presidential approval.
No it is not an impeachable offense....
Again, knowingly arming Mexican Drug Cartels with weapons WITH THE INTENT TO CREATE A BODY COUNT HIGH ENOUGH to allow him to go after the 2nd Amendment, resulting in the deaths of Mexican and AMERICAN citizens was NOT an 'Impeachable offense?


'Nuff said from the Barry Worshipers...

View attachment 297330


There is not a bit of evidence to support your latest conspiracy theory. Fast and Furious was a gun tracing operation that went awry. This was a second attempt with the first being Operation Wide receiver. George W Bush was President then.

You like showing how stupid you are? Wide Receiver was done with the cooperation of the Mexican government and ended when it was determined that they couldn’t sufficiently track the weapons. Fast and Furious was done with ZERO notification to the Mexican government that Obozo and his wingman were sending guns to Mexico. This was proven a long time ago despite Obozo claiming executive privilege and refusing to turn over documents and emails. According to you lefties, that is an impeachable offense (obstructing Congress).

Fast and Furious and Wide Receiver were both gunwalking operations.
There is absolutely no evidence anything unethical happened. Biden had the corrupt prosecutor fired. Shokin was not investigating Burisma or Hunter Biden.

Biden was America's VP, in charge of Ukraine foreign policy ---which exclusively focused on corruption in corporate-Ukraine, so Biden's son went over to Ukraine and got on the board of a corrupt company. To perform a job that he had no experience in, for $650K per year.

Now sure, you can claim that that isn't unethical, but...


Again there is no evidence of any wrongdoing. If there were then the DOJ could open a investigation. They have not.
Cause there wasn’t any investigation. So you have no idea. Again with the lack of honesty. Humility isn’t you huh?

If there is not even enough evidence to open a investigation, that shows how clueless you are. We don't open investigations of citizens without evidence. This is not a banana republic. That apparently is what you want.
Abuse of power to sell guns to Mexican drug cartels that were used to kill Federal Agents??

Let’s compare that to a FUCKING INNOCENT PHONE CALL.

It was NOT A FUCKING INNOCENT PHONE CALL. Nor was Giuliani's attempts to pressure Ukraine innocent.

There was no abuse of power as it had a legitimate law enforcement aim. Just because it went awry does not make it wrong.
show us what was guilty from the call? cause none of your congress fks said there was anything. So you expect us to believe you over them? dude, you think way too highly of yourself. you suck.

He clearly asked for a investigation of Biden by Ukraine. He prefaced that by pointing out how much money the US gives Ukraine. The next day he asked for a investigation by Ukraine and China. Even the Chinese knew what this was all about. They refused to get involved in domestic politics.
Well funny, it’s not in the transcript. So you lied.

Let me know when you want a real discussion. Continued lies does none of us any goo. Be honest once

Trump: There's a lot of. talk about Biden's son,. that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me.

You lose.You are the liar.
No it is not an impeachable offense....
Again, knowingly arming Mexican Drug Cartels with weapons WITH THE INTENT TO CREATE A BODY COUNT HIGH ENOUGH to allow him to go after the 2nd Amendment, resulting in the deaths of Mexican and AMERICAN citizens was NOT an 'Impeachable offense?


'Nuff said from the Barry Worshipers...

View attachment 297330


There is not a bit of evidence to support your latest conspiracy theory. Fast and Furious was a gun tracing operation that went awry. This was a second attempt with the first being Operation Wide receiver. George W Bush was President then.

You like showing how stupid you are? Wide Receiver was done with the cooperation of the Mexican government and ended when it was determined that they couldn’t sufficiently track the weapons. Fast and Furious was done with ZERO notification to the Mexican government that Obozo and his wingman were sending guns to Mexico. This was proven a long time ago despite Obozo claiming executive privilege and refusing to turn over documents and emails. According to you lefties, that is an impeachable offense (obstructing Congress).

Fast and Furious and Wide Receiver were both gunwalking operations.

Nobody has disputed that. But there were MAJOR differences. As previously described.
What’s astonishing to me is why no one on the left would be concerned about our government selling guns to Mexican drug cartels that were used to kill Federal agents.

The money and power and corruption is so deep that they don’t care.

Who cares if Obama sold firearms to Mexican Drug Cartels that were used to murder US Federal agents? We have to protect the Democrat party!
The government sold no guns to the Mexican cartels you stupid fuck.

The guns that were smuggled & lost track were found at the site where the federal agent was killed but ballistics could not show one of those F & F guns actually was used to kill him.

You assfucks get dumber every fucking day.

So Obama and Holder had nothing to do with it?

Then why did Obama assert executive Privilege and why did Holder get charged with contempt of Congress, assfuck?

Beacuse everything was on the up and up? Assfuck?

You are the assfucking asshole. The IG investigated and found nothing to support your claim.
There is absolutely no evidence anything unethical happened. Biden had the corrupt prosecutor fired. Shokin was not investigating Burisma or Hunter Biden.

Biden was America's VP, in charge of Ukraine foreign policy ---which exclusively focused on corruption in corporate-Ukraine, so Biden's son went over to Ukraine and got on the board of a corrupt company. To perform a job that he had no experience in, for $650K per year.

Now sure, you can claim that that isn't unethical, but...


Again there is no evidence of any wrongdoing. If there were then the DOJ could open a investigation. They have not.
Cause there wasn’t any investigation. So you have no idea. Again with the lack of honesty. Humility isn’t you huh?

If there is not even enough evidence to open a investigation, that shows how clueless you are. We don't open investigations of citizens without evidence. This is not a banana republic. That apparently is what you want.
It’s under investigation! I don’t need anything
Abuse of power to sell guns to Mexican drug cartels that were used to kill Federal Agents??

Let’s compare that to a FUCKING INNOCENT PHONE CALL.

It was NOT A FUCKING INNOCENT PHONE CALL. Nor was Giuliani's attempts to pressure Ukraine innocent.

There was no abuse of power as it had a legitimate law enforcement aim. Just because it went awry does not make it wrong.
show us what was guilty from the call? cause none of your congress fks said there was anything. So you expect us to believe you over them? dude, you think way too highly of yourself. you suck.

He clearly asked for a investigation of Biden by Ukraine. He prefaced that by pointing out how much money the US gives Ukraine. The next day he asked for a investigation by Ukraine and China. Even the Chinese knew what this was all about. They refused to get involved in domestic politics.
Well funny, it’s not in the transcript. So you lied.

Let me know when you want a real discussion. Continued lies does none of us any goo. Be honest once

Trump: There's a lot of. talk about Biden's son,. that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me.

You lose.You are the liar.
Yep that’s it. Where’s the discussion of the money?
Why wasn’t OBAMA impeached and Holder sent to prison for Fast and Furious?

Abuse of power to sell guns to Mexican drug cartels that were used to kill Federal Agents??

Let’s compare that to a FUCKING INNOCENT PHONE CALL.

That phone call is part of a far reaching strategy to help Russia and undermine American national security by lifting sanctions against Russia, and helping Putin claim most of the Ukraine for Russia.

There was nothing “innocent” about it.
Why wasn’t OBAMA impeached and Holder sent to prison for Fast and Furious?


Because neither broke the law for PERSONAL GAIN.
They were hoping to place the blame for Mexicans dying south of the border with guns purchased in US gun stores so they could use that to change minds on private gun sales in America....legal sales...they knew people would be killed in the Mexican streets and ours but didn't fucking care....and you support trash like that...you should hang your head in shame.....

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