Why wasn’t OBAMA impeached and Holder sent to prison for Fast and Furious?

What’s astonishing to me is why no one on the left would be concerned about our government selling guns to Mexican drug cartels that were used to kill Federal agents.

The money and power and corruption is so deep that they don’t care.

Who cares if Obama sold firearms to Mexican Drug Cartels that were used to murder US Federal agents? We have to protect the Democrat party!
The government sold no guns to the Mexican cartels you stupid fuck.

The guns that were smuggled & lost track were found at the site where the federal agent was killed but ballistics could not show one of those F & F guns actually was used to kill him.

You assfucks get dumber every fucking day.

So Obama and Holder had nothing to do with it?

Then why did Obama assert executive Privilege and why did Holder get charged with contempt of Congress, assfuck?

Beacuse everything was on the up and up? Assfuck?
The media brought down the Nixon administration. The media couldn't stem the flow of outrage by the public over the relationship between the president and an intern but they protected Bill Clinton and his enabler wife every way they could. The media was behind the ludicrous "collusion" charge against President Trump and the motivation for impeachment. Outside of Barry Hussein standing over the body of a U.S. Border Patrol Officer with a smoking gun there was no outrage and little interest in "Op.Fast/Furious" by the media.
Obama fucking sold firearms to the fucking cartels that were used to fucking kill our fucking LE officers.

Then Obama asserted executive privilege and Holder refused to turn documents over to Congress, and was held in contempt.

Can anyone specifically lay out for me how this was not impeachable?
Isn't there a rule against flame threads, and if not …. why not? Oh wait …. nevermind.
Evidently snowflakes don't consider Barry being held in Contempt twice for violating Federal Judges' orders as being proven to have abused his power / broken laws...

Evidently snowflakes don't consider Barry being found by the USSC in violation of the US Constitution ... SEVERAL TIMES ... and losing more cases before the USSC than any other modern President as being proven to have abused his power / violated the Constitution.

Evidently snowflakes don't consider Barry being credited with the Presidential administration most criminally non-compliant with the FOIA & Federal Records Act in US history as Barry being proven to have abused his power / broken laws.

Their denial and arguments are SO EASILY DEBUNKED / DESTROYED it isn't even funny!

The FACT that Barry gave weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels is neither 'new' or a 'conspiracy theory', lil' ignorant lying snowflake....
Is NOT a FACT, it is a NRA scripted LIE!
But you knew that already, making you a lil' ignorant lying snowflake.
Obama fucking sold firearms to the fucking cartels that were used to fucking kill our fucking LE officers.

Then Obama asserted executive privilege and Holder refused to turn documents over to Congress, and was held in contempt.

Can anyone specifically lay out for me how this was not impeachable?
Because it was a continuation of codpiece George?
The FACT that Barry gave weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels is neither 'new' or a 'conspiracy theory', lil' ignorant lying snowflake....
Is NOT a FACT, it is a NRA scripted LIE!
But you knew that already, making you a lil' ignorant lying snowflake.
Again, you have to produce more than just 'Nuh-Uh' to back what you are claiming, lil' lying, reality denying snowflake...especially if you are trying to claim your opinion matters more than all the official documents, reports, testimony, Censure of Holder, and links posted.


Obama fucking sold firearms to the fucking cartels that were used to fucking kill our fucking LE officers.

Then Obama asserted executive privilege and Holder refused to turn documents over to Congress, and was held in contempt.

Can anyone specifically lay out for me how this was not impeachable?
Because it was a continuation of codpiece George?
Thanks for proving what I said earlier about dumbass snowflakes trying to blame Bush.

The big difference between Bush and Barry is Bush recognized the failure in the plan and REFUSED TO GIVE MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS WEAPONS .... Barry DID give Mexican Drug Cartels automatic weapons and hand grenades, facilitating the murder of Mexican men, women, & children and 4 American citizens.
Poor right wing crybabies can't seem to win one even though they always keep repeating their favorite buzzwords 'winning', and 'Soros', like little kids. It's always republicans in trouble, going to jail, waiting for sentencing (roger stone) , waiting for trial, (duncan hunter), getting pardons, being impeached. Democrats no. Basically honest. Been that way mostly since tricky dick was kicked out of the white house. Let's hope that this new year coming, they wise up, quit worrying about california, and spend more time trying to find honest candidates.
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Obama fucking sold firearms to the fucking cartels that were used to fucking kill our fucking LE officers.

Then Obama asserted executive privilege and Holder refused to turn documents over to Congress, and was held in contempt.

Can anyone specifically lay out for me how this was not impeachable?
I thought that we don't blame guns.
Poor right wing crybabies can't seem to win one even though they always keep repeating their favorite buzzword 'winning'. It's always republicans in trouble, going to jail, waiting for sentencing, waiting for trial (duncan hunter), getting pardons, being impeached. Democrats no. Basically honest. Been that way mostly since tricky dick was kicked out of the white house at least.


What part of the fact that Democrats just spent the last 3 years and continue to try to remove the most successful President in the last 50 years - in some cases EVER - from office?!

What part of the fact that a DEMOCRAT Constitutional Expert testified during Nadler's coup hearing that the ONLY ones to have abused their power during this entire Presidency ... And before ... Are the DEMOCRATS?!

Barry DID give Mexican Drug Cartels automatic weapons and hand grenades, facilitating the murder of Mexican men, women, & children and 4 American citizens.
BULLSHIT! Obama gave them nothing. The cartels sent their NRA protected straw purchasers to the USA to BUY guns they can't get in Mexico, but you knew that already!
Clinton shared classified information, deleted emails off inappropriate server and lied about it to the FBI, on Obama’s watch. Cool.

Bill Clinton met with Justice Dept. just before Hillary was declared " it was unintentional", on Obama's watch. Cool

IRS demonstrated political bias on Obama's watch. Cool

Obama passes laws that are clearly unconstitutional. Cool

Obama practices authoritarianism and censors the press. Cool

Obama flies billions to the Iranians in cash during his last days in office. Cool

RUSSIA ATTACKED OUR DEMOCRACY snowflake concern occurred on Obama's watch. Cool

The majority of State Dept. beneficiaries happen to be high donors of the Clinton foundation. Cool

SWAT teams and FBI strike the elderly and innocent as if they're drug cartels. Cool

Clinton and Obama approve 1/5 of our uranium reserves sold to Russia. Cool

The Democrats lied to the court to commit treason against the sitting POTUS, which involves the FBI and CIA showing political bias. Cool

The Trump campaign was tapped under false pretences, on Obama’s watch forward. Cool.

The Clinton’s closest associates are sex–predators. Go figure Bill pancaked onto a young woman in the oval office. Gee, I wonder what else he’s done? Somehow those with dirt on the Clinton’s end up dead. Just a coincidence, fucking Hillary is a victim cuz she’s a woman and the Constitution is inconvenient. Cool.

Obama’s CIA director goes rough entertaining propaganda, treason and PROG-speak. Cool.

Trump inquires on Biden Ukraine corruption and is impeached. Cool

Clinton buys the DNC on Obama’s watch. Cool

Democrats work with foreigners and Russians to entertain Russian the collusion hoax. Cool

Democrats fight to steal the second amendment away from good people while releasing criminals onto the streets. All while inviting illegal immigration and “sanctuary” cities. They get free healthcare on the middle-class dime too. Cool

Clinton had every right to classified information as she was Secretary of State. There is no evidence that she shared it with anyone. There is no evidence she lied to anyone.

Clinton and Lynch were in the same town at approximately the same time. There is no evidence it was deliberate.

The IRS went after both liberal and conservative organizations. I don't know of any fake conservative groups that use the word progressive in them.

Trump uses EOs and rules to create new laws without Congressional approval.

Trump attempts to intimidate the press by threatening them and any dissenting opinion is not tolerated.

Obama made a agreement with Iran and part of that was returning cash we owed them.


A large number of contracts have gone to Trump's allies.

Uranium One has been thoroughly debunked.

There has been no evidence of any political bias by the IG. There is no evidence they lied to the court. There is no evidence of treason as you have no clue what you are talking about.

The Trump campaign was not tapped as wires on Page were sought AFTER he left the campaign.

Trump has sexually assaulted a number of woman. He paid off women to keep quiet. Trump ignores Congress' power of the purse among other things.

There is no treason and no evidence of any bias has been found.

Trump tries to get a phony investigation started on Biden. A clear abuse of power.

The DNC clearly supported Clinton however they did not rig the primaries the way Republicans are. Canceling primaries, encouraging winner take all and refusing to place any name but Trump on the ballot. Apparently no dissent will be tolerated.

Republicans refuse to support any regulation whatsoever. The fact is that Trump kowtows to racists and has them in his administration.
Obama should have been impeached like 29 times.

It’s unreal the left is ok with spying on US citizens just because it was a black Dimm POTUS doing it.

I see your brain was impeached and removed. There was no cause to impeach Obama.

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