Why We Are Likely to See a COVID19 Vaccine by End of the Year


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
It normally only takes 6 months to put together a flu vaccine, though some people think it is impossible or never achieved.

On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins stated that if one of the coronavirus vaccine trials is successful, “tens of millions of doses” will be available by the end of the year, and that he believes by the end of the year “we will have a vaccine…that looks like it’s working” and that everyone will have access to one by the spring.
Collins said that because of the use of “at-risk manufacturing,” “we will have, if one of these trials shows success, tens of millions of doses of that vaccine ready to go, by the end of 2020, the end of this calendar year. That’s never been done at this speed before. We’re not compromising on safety. We’ll be sure the thing works. But if it does, we’ll be ready to go for the highest-risk people, as soon as possible.”

Trump will reduce the regs to get a successful vaccine out there, probably before the election.

We have 21 vaccines already in human trials and using 'at risk' manuifacturing to be able to sell ASAP once approved. by the FDA.
It normally only takes 6 months to put together a flu vaccine, though some people think it is impossible or never achieved.

On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins stated that if one of the coronavirus vaccine trials is successful, “tens of millions of doses” will be available by the end of the year, and that he believes by the end of the year “we will have a vaccine…that looks like it’s working” and that everyone will have access to one by the spring.
Collins said that because of the use of “at-risk manufacturing,” “we will have, if one of these trials shows success, tens of millions of doses of that vaccine ready to go, by the end of 2020, the end of this calendar year. That’s never been done at this speed before. We’re not compromising on safety. We’ll be sure the thing works. But if it does, we’ll be ready to go for the highest-risk people, as soon as possible.”

Trump will reduce the regs to get a successful vaccine out there, probably before the election.

We have 21 vaccines already in human trials and using 'at risk' manuifacturing to be able to sell ASAP once approved. by the FDA.

I doubt they will work. At best, they may come up with some temporary vaccines, forcing people to buy a new shot every few months. No vaccine has ever been made for a respiratory coronavirus before.
I doubt they will work. At best, they may come up with some temporary vaccines, forcing people to buy a new shot every few months. No vaccine has ever been made for a respiratory coronavirus before.

Or as in the case of a vaccine for Dengue, it is only recommended for those who have previously had the disease. Others may potentially suffer worse with it if they never had Dengue, get vaccinated, and then exposed.

The vaccine is only recommended in individuals who have had a prior dengue infection or in populations where most (>80%) of people have been infected by age 9.
In those who have not had a prior infection there is evidence it may worsen subsequent infections. For this reason Prescrire does not see it as suitable for wide scale immunization, even in areas were the disease is common.

It normally only takes 6 months to put together a flu vaccine, though some people think it is impossible or never achieved.

On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins stated that if one of the coronavirus vaccine trials is successful, “tens of millions of doses” will be available by the end of the year, and that he believes by the end of the year “we will have a vaccine…that looks like it’s working” and that everyone will have access to one by the spring.
Collins said that because of the use of “at-risk manufacturing,” “we will have, if one of these trials shows success, tens of millions of doses of that vaccine ready to go, by the end of 2020, the end of this calendar year. That’s never been done at this speed before. We’re not compromising on safety. We’ll be sure the thing works. But if it does, we’ll be ready to go for the highest-risk people, as soon as possible.”

Trump will reduce the regs to get a successful vaccine out there, probably before the election.

We have 21 vaccines already in human trials and using 'at risk' manuifacturing to be able to sell ASAP once approved. by the FDA.

Only if Rump can figure a way he can make money.

Even if a Vaccine for the cure is found (highly likely) by the end of the year, Rump will be gone and it will still take up to 6 months to get it out to the general public. We don't even have enough vaccine glass containers right now to even get started. But they are manufacturing them like crazy. Maybe when the Cure is found and released, we MIGHT have enough containers to get started.

Rump can't back off on the Regs. If he does and the vaccine that comes out of that is deadly, I don't think even HE could find that acceptable unless he just bought a bunch of Mortuaries.
The Kung Flu is less dangerous than a seasonal flu. If you think you have it, which is very unlikely, get an online prescription for the anti-malaria drug combined with over the counter Zinc and in a few days it is gone.

Unless you want the medical industry to make money with your body, do not get a vaccine, and do not go to the hospital.
God works in mysterious ways, my friends

obviously, only God can cure corona, and he will do it on his own terms
It must be really nice to enjoy the comfort of forced consumption of your products at the barrel of a government gun.

There's a word for the merge of corporation and state. Hmmm...wonder what it could be...it certainly isn't free-market...
#6: and only god already knows the outcome of the crisis, but seems to be voyeuristic about it. A form of pornography coupled to sloth?

#2: Even though the antibodies may be produced for a short time, vaccine can be administered again. Evolving herd immunity is marching right behind the mutating virus.
It normally only takes 6 months to put together a flu vaccine, though some people think it is impossible or never achieved.

On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins stated that if one of the coronavirus vaccine trials is successful, “tens of millions of doses” will be available by the end of the year, and that he believes by the end of the year “we will have a vaccine…that looks like it’s working” and that everyone will have access to one by the spring.
Collins said that because of the use of “at-risk manufacturing,” “we will have, if one of these trials shows success, tens of millions of doses of that vaccine ready to go, by the end of 2020, the end of this calendar year. That’s never been done at this speed before. We’re not compromising on safety. We’ll be sure the thing works. But if it does, we’ll be ready to go for the highest-risk people, as soon as possible.”

Trump will reduce the regs to get a successful vaccine out there, probably before the election.

We have 21 vaccines already in human trials and using 'at risk' manuifacturing to be able to sell ASAP once approved. by the FDA.
And in the mean time, Trump has been a total failure doing anything about it; Tapper: This crisis is spiraling out of control

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