Why Weren't Annapolis Victims Armed ?

Maryland has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country, yet cities like Baltimore have very high Black, on Black murder rates. Criminals can get guns, but the law abiding can not get a permit to carry, and must buy a license just to own a gun. Many guns are banned. It is a socialist HELL HOLE.
Sounds a lot like New York City. My sister, who moved here to Florida, from New York, says they're not even allowed to carry a pepper spray up there. Insanity.
Bullshit. I am from the NYC area. I asked my brother. One can carry what one wishes. The thing is, in the NYC area, people are not very afraid of each other. This fear must be a Midwestern thing. I live in the DC area now. We do not know this fear of the people among us, and we have very diverse communities.
Learning to read might help you. Did I say that they chose? Or did I pose a question in response to your question.

The simple fact is, you don't know either.
Which is why I asked a question. Duh!

And why I gave a perfectly valid suggestion as to one possible reason.

Do a little research. Maryland is overwhelmingly democrat. To suggest that people in the news media would choose not to own or carry a firearm makes sense.
So democrats are dumb. We knew that already.
And why I gave a perfectly valid suggestion as to one possible reason.

Do a little research. Maryland is overwhelmingly democrat. To suggest that people in the news media would choose not to own or carry a firearm makes sense.
It makes sense to obey the law. If it had not been the law, it would not make sense (to voluntarily be vulnerable)

People in Maryland need to elect some Republicans, and start owning some gun rights.
Didn't help when Dallas cops were getting slaughtered.
Maryland has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country, yet cities like Baltimore have very high Black, on Black murder rates. Criminals can get guns, but the law abiding can not get a permit to carry, and must buy a license just to own a gun. Many guns are banned. It is a socialist HELL HOLE.
Sounds a lot like New York City. My sister, who moved here to Florida, from New York, says they're not even allowed to carry a pepper spray up there. Insanity.
Bullshit. I am from the NYC area. I asked my brother. One can carry what one wishes. The thing is, in the NYC area, people are not very afraid of each other. This fear must be a Midwestern thing. I live in the DC area now. We do not know this fear of the people among us, and we have very diverse communities.
Amazingly a lot of you die every year due to crime. Not so much in the “scared” parts of the country. How do you explain that?
they weren't paranoid nutbars like the op

you're welcome
You do know they’re dead right? They took that we ain’t scared and don’t need no guns right to the final resting place under a desk. Unarmed but democrat. They must feel good about that. I’m sure their families are happy they weren’t armed.
None of that changes the validity of my suggested reason why the people in question were unarmed.
Nor did I say it did. You're posting pretty good stuff here. No need to be defensive.

I am not being defensive. I made a simple post suggesting a possible reason they were not armed. I did it in the form of a question because we don't know.

And just FYI, your first response was pretty hostile. So don't try to play nice now. You are an ignorant asshole. In this thread you pretend to be self reliant. But in too many other threads you have wanted the gov't to "fix" all your problems. I post the same sort of stuff most of the time.
Hello. I'm here with the newspaper. Can I interview you?

Didn't help when Dallas cops were getting slaughtered.
They were ambushed, weren't they ? If so, that's not the same as Annapolis, Parkland, Newtown, San Bernardino, Pulse Club, Fort Hood, etc.
Which proves things do not always work out to yer Hollywood fantasies.
What Hollywood fantasy would that be? The one where you’re disarmed but all about the democrat agenda? That should comfort you in the end.
Bullshit. I am from the NYC area. I asked my brother. One can carry what one wishes. The thing is, in the NYC area, people are not very afraid of each other. This fear must be a Midwestern thing. I live in the DC area now. We do not know this fear of the people among us, and we have very diverse communities.
Don't call me bullshit. asshole. I was born in New York City, and lived there for 30 years. It's as gun-free as any place ever was. I remember having to go to the Firearms Control Board, and jump through a lot of hoops just to obtain a .22 rifle, and even that wasn't allowed to be carried around.

In New York City, the licensing authority is the police department, which rarely issues carry licenses to anyone except retired police officers, or those who can describe why the nature of their employment (for example, a diamond merchant who regularly carries gemstones, or a district attorney who regularly prosecutes dangerous criminals) requires carrying a concealed handgun.

Either your brother is dreaming, or you're full of shit. As for not knowing fear, that's OFF TOPIC. This thread is about being prepared or being vulnerable, and in some cases, being dead.
I don't understand how it can be that 5 good people are shot dead by some lunatic, and all of them were walking around in public unarmed. I rarely go anywhere unarmed, and have my gun with me 99% of the time. If they had been armed (or even just 1 of them), the following scenario would have played out. Either >>>

1. The shooter would have been deterred and never would have showed up.

2. The shooter would have ran away as soon as he realized he had firearm resistance.

3. The shooter would have been shot dead, thereby saving at least some (if not all) of the lives that were lost.

I have heard that Maryland (blue state) is an entire, statewide gun-free zone. Not sure about that, but I do know that gun-free zones are getting people killed like flies, so I wouldn't doubt if that was part of the scenario here.

Does anybody know an answer to the question (title) of this OP ?
Good idea. In Trump's Amerika, journalists need to arm themselves or hire security. Probably better off with both.

Here come the trolls!!
People don't usually arm themselves in the workplace nor should they be required to. The survivors should feel lucky that Police were there in a minute. Contrast that with the Columbine school shootings where responding Police apparently waited for the shooting to stop before storming the building or Va.Tech Blacksburg where the local Police were interviewing witnesses while the shooter was murdering people across campus or Ft. Hood where M.P.'s were unarmed and had to call the local police or the Fla. school shooting where the Police Officer apparently ran the other way.
People shouldn't NEED to be "required" to arm themselves. They should have enough common sense to do so. Should one walk through the woods in Alaska without a rifle ? Less people are killed by brown bears there, than by people here in the lower 48.
Does anybody know an answer to the question (title) of this OP ?

Because the ability to be secure in public, without walking around armed, is why we have government on the first place. If I have to pack heat just to go to the grocery store, I'm not going to bother paying taxes.

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