Why Weren't Annapolis Victims Armed ?

in a civilized society, people should not need weapons
I lived in a ''not good'' 'hood, and never needed a weapon
.....France, Germany, England [ countries most comparable to the US ] have much, many times lower murder rates with strict gun laws---period
..if guns deter murder, than the US should have one of the lowest murder rates- ...especially in the developed countries--the US has one of the highest gun ownership rates
but the US has one of the highest murder rates--especially in the developed countries


please explain??--period
Violent crime in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas so shut the fuck up you stupid ass motherfucker
in a civilized society, people should not need weapons
I lived in a ''not good'' 'hood, and never needed a weapon
.....France, Germany, England [ countries most comparable to the US ] have much, many times lower murder rates with strict gun laws---period
..if guns deter murder, than the US should have one of the lowest murder rates- ...especially in the developed countries--the US has one of the highest gun ownership rates
but the US has one of the highest murder rates--especially in the developed countries


please explain??--period
Violent crime in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas so shut the fuck up you stupid ass motherfucker
great evidence you have there--insults
so very compelling
I don't understand how it can be that 5 good people are shot dead by some lunatic, and all of them were walking around in public unarmed. I rarely go anywhere unarmed, and have my gun with me 99% of the time. If they had been armed (or even just 1 of them), the following scenario would have played out. Either >>>

1. The shooter would have been deterred and never would have showed up.

2. The shooter would have ran away as soon as he realized he had firearm resistance.

3. The shooter would have been shot dead, thereby saving at least some (if not all) of the lives that were lost.

I have heard that Maryland (blue state) is an entire, statewide gun-free zone. Not sure about that, but I do know that gun-free zones are getting people killed like flies, so I wouldn't doubt if that was part of the scenario here.

Does anybody know an answer to the question (title) of this OP ?

Oh look, another faux-Conservative using the death of people to make political points on an internet forum....and the other faux-Conservative said that only the left does that.
in a civilized society, people should not need weapons
I lived in a ''not good'' 'hood, and never needed a weapon
.....France, Germany, England [ countries most comparable to the US ] have much, many times lower murder rates with strict gun laws---period
..if guns deter murder, than the US should have one of the lowest murder rates- ...especially in the developed countries--the US has one of the highest gun ownership rates
but the US has one of the highest murder rates--especially in the developed countries


please explain??--period
Violent crime in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas so shut the fuck up you stupid ass motherfucker
great evidence you have there--insults
so very compelling
Yes majority of violent crime in this country is in Progressive controlled urban areas… Fact
We have always had a 'gun culture'. Our Nation was birthed at the barrel of a gun not that long ago & boy, do we ever have a sheite load of guns to boot! So that's all fine and dandy in a homogeneous society where there is personal accountability by virtue of the fact that the population doesn't change much except for the deliberately vetted and recorded influx of newcomers. That works, that is sane and copacetic.

Now contrast that to that same nation with all them guns and pour in a 3rd world element by the millions, all of whom (adults) are criminals the moment they touch their big toe on American soil. There is no accountability cus we don't know who they are or where they live. Exploit that same crossing they make for an illicit drug influx, tonnage by the day, and you have for yourself a nation with a sheite load of guns, with a gun culture and legislation to match, limited personal accountability for millions cus we don't technically know they exist (but they're here). Starting to get the picture...

No you say, ... most of the shootings are by redneck crackers in wife beaters. Look, this nation had gun violence and mayhem from the get go, nigh 300 years ago. Best case scenario and it will still continue to have a modicum of the same. U add a substantial criminal element and the entrepreneurial billion's in illegal drug trade, with an endlessly gushing pipeline across the boarder & it's a radically exacerbated picture. How many of our native boy/girl citizens Jonny & Sussie Q's get swept up by this criminality because it has beaten a path to their doorsteps from Guatemala & Tijuana...

The current course in untenable, something has to give. Either the drug and illegal 'nation crashers' have to stop or law abiding citizens need to 'get sprung' for armament with an urgency that has been heretofore, LACKING. Turn off the spigot of foreign illegality / criminality and we can, in our relative tranquility, talk about the need for less guns (perhaps)... IMHO of course.
Lots of good point made here. Well said. FW asked a question. You answered it. Too many people overlook the 3rd world immigration factor. Bring savages into your country and you get ...well, savagery.
Violent crime in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas so shut the fuck up you stupid ass motherfucker
Indeed. >> progressive controlled urban areas, loaded with 3rd world immigrants, or their descendants.
Oh look, another faux-Conservative using the death of people to make political points on an internet forum....and the other faux-Conservative said that only the left does that.
What gives you the notion to call me "Faux-Conservative" ? You've been drinking, perhaps ? As for "using", I use ANYTHING to make a political point, if it does just that.
All that and our homicide rate is 4-5X those countries. Sounds like their way is working.
"Our" homicide rate ? Or the US homicide rate in certain particular communities (black ghettos) ? I don't exactly consider the black communities with lots of shootings, to fit in the definition of the word "our".

Take them out of the equation, and we have the lowest homicide rate in the world.
I don't understand how it can be that 5 good people are shot dead by some lunatic, and all of them were walking around in public unarmed. I rarely go anywhere unarmed, and have my gun with me 99% of the time. If they had been armed (or even just 1 of them), the following scenario would have played out. Either >>>

1. The shooter would have been deterred and never would have showed up.

2. The shooter would have ran away as soon as he realized he had firearm resistance.

3. The shooter would have been shot dead, thereby saving at least some (if not all) of the lives that were lost.

I have heard that Maryland (blue state) is an entire, statewide gun-free zone. Not sure about that, but I do know that gun-free zones are getting people killed like flies, so I wouldn't doubt if that was part of the scenario here.

Does anybody know an answer to the question (title) of this OP ?
Would the OP have been able to react in time? Hmmmmm
Maybe. He certainly wouldn't WITHOUT A FUCKING GUN!!!
The dead people were the same.
These people like Lysistrata and Brain, who think they are perfectly safe without a gun in their pocket, or without CCW carriers nearby, are just plain LUCKY that they are still alive. It just so happens that they weren't in the places where all these shootings occured, and if they had been, they'd be dead.

On the other hand, if they had been in the places where gun carriers shot murderers*, they might LUCKY to be alive, because of that.

* LAX, Garland, TX, Moore, OK.
The dead people were the same.
These people like Lysistrata and Brain, who think they are perfectly safe without a gun in their pocket, or without CCW carriers nearby, are just plain LUCKY that they are still alive. It just so happens that they weren't in the places where all these shootings occured, and if they had been, they'd be dead.

On the other hand, if they had been in the places where gun carriers shot murderers*, they might LUCKY to be alive, because of that.

* LAX, Garland, TX, Moore, OK.

I've been walking around without a gun for 68 years now. How does one distinguish between a "gun carrier" and a "murderer"? I don't want to dine out and then find out that the person at the next table has a loaded gun. The people who walk around with loaded guns have mental problems and we know this.

When I began law school at night in DC, my then husband presented me with a derringer. I thanked him and told him to return it. I'm not afraid of guns. My father used to site for me and then I would pull the trigger when I was a little kid. He educated me to never point a gun at a human being unless the situation was dire. The only living thing that I have aimed a gun at was a spider in Castroville, Texas when I was 12. But I will not carry a gun in my neighborhood, or on the metro and buses. Why? I believe in a decent society. I am not afraid of my neighbors.
The dead people were the same.
These people like Lysistrata and Brain, who think they are perfectly safe without a gun in their pocket, or without CCW carriers nearby, are just plain LUCKY that they are still alive. It just so happens that they weren't in the places where all these shootings occured, and if they had been, they'd be dead.

On the other hand, if they had been in the places where gun carriers shot murderers*, they might LUCKY to be alive, because of that.

* LAX, Garland, TX, Moore, OK.

I've been walking around without a gun for 68 years now. How does one distinguish between a "gun carrier" and a "murderer"? I don't want to dine out and then find out that the person at the next table has a loaded gun. The people who walk around with loaded guns have mental problems and we know this.

When I began law school at night in DC, my then husband presented me with a derringer. I thanked him and told him to return it. I'm not afraid of guns. My father used to site for me and then I would pull the trigger when I was a little kid. He educated me to never point a gun at a human being unless the situation was dire. The only living thing that I have aimed a gun at was a spider in Castroville, Texas when I was 12. But I will not carry a gun in my neighborhood, or on the metro and buses. Why? I believe in a decent society. I am not afraid of my neighbors.

I respect that. I also respect the rights of those who choose to carry legally.

I believe in a decent society too. I believe that most people are basically good. I also know that not everyone is good. And there are those who would prey on others. My being armed allows me to step up and intervene on behalf of those who would be prey.
The dead people were the same.
These people like Lysistrata and Brain, who think they are perfectly safe without a gun in their pocket, or without CCW carriers nearby, are just plain LUCKY that they are still alive. It just so happens that they weren't in the places where all these shootings occured, and if they had been, they'd be dead.

On the other hand, if they had been in the places where gun carriers shot murderers*, they might LUCKY to be alive, because of that.

* LAX, Garland, TX, Moore, OK.

I've been walking around without a gun for 68 years now. How does one distinguish between a "gun carrier" and a "murderer"? I don't want to dine out and then find out that the person at the next table has a loaded gun. The people who walk around with loaded guns have mental problems and we know this.

When I began law school at night in DC, my then husband presented me with a derringer. I thanked him and told him to return it. I'm not afraid of guns. My father used to site for me and then I would pull the trigger when I was a little kid. He educated me to never point a gun at a human being unless the situation was dire. The only living thing that I have aimed a gun at was a spider in Castroville, Texas when I was 12. But I will not carry a gun in my neighborhood, or on the metro and buses. Why? I believe in a decent society. I am not afraid of my neighbors.
What a stud. You must have balls the size of coconut. Manly man.

that is your choice.

I choose to not be a meat target with some nut case on drugs that are supposed to help with depression sent him off on a violent rage. You can choose to be stupid. I will not, nor will I surrender my right to be armed.

An armed society is a very polite society.
I've been walking around without a gun for 68 years now. How does one distinguish between a "gun carrier" and a "murderer"? I don't want to dine out and then find out that the person at the next table has a loaded gun. The people who walk around with loaded guns have mental problems and we know this.

Really? How do "we " know this?

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