Why white Christian nationalists are in such a panic


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
“In some sense, White evangelicals’ desperate efforts to cling to political power and demand adherence to a set of outdated cultural norms only make the problem worse. Not many 20-year-olds (part of the most diverse, inclusive generation in history, one steeped in climate science and tech) would leap at the prospect of living in a state where abortion is unattainable, gays are ostracized and secularism is bashed.

But the demographic clock cannot be turned back. No one can claim to be patriotic defenders of democracy when they decide their declining numbers justify anti-democratic voter suppression or even violence. In short, MAGA White Christians have painted themselves into a corner where the majority rejects their outlook and anti-majoritarian tactics cannot keep them in power forever. A dramatic transformation would need to happen for this movement to return to pluralistic politics.”

Hence the right’s efforts to establish Republican minority rule, to oppose immigration, to suppress votes, and to disenfranchise voters of color.
“In some sense, White evangelicals’ desperate efforts to cling to political power and demand adherence to a set of outdated cultural norms only make the problem worse. Not many 20-year-olds (part of the most diverse, inclusive generation in history, one steeped in climate science and tech) would leap at the prospect of living in a state where abortion is unattainable, gays are ostracized and secularism is bashed.

But the demographic clock cannot be turned back. No one can claim to be patriotic defenders of democracy when they decide their declining numbers justify anti-democratic voter suppression or even violence. In short, MAGA White Christians have painted themselves into a corner where the majority rejects their outlook and anti-majoritarian tactics cannot keep them in power forever. A dramatic transformation would need to happen for this movement to return to pluralistic politics.”

Hence the right’s efforts to establish Republican minority rule, to oppose immigration, to suppress votes, and to disenfranchise voters of color.
Weird. The Democrat Party is busy trying to do the exact same thing to white people.
Funny how Christians seem as evil as you commie bastards.
"Cultural norms"...like no perverts in the womans bathroom or don't rape a 6 month old child.

Believe me...I don't want perverts in my bathroom either...but I will allow them in it before I let them in the womans bathroom!

P.S. If you have a dick...you are NOT a woman...and you never will be. No surgery or hormone injections will ever change that fact!

Bruce jenner is NOT female.
“In some sense, White evangelicals’ desperate efforts to cling to political power and demand adherence to a set of outdated cultural norms only make the problem worse. Not many 20-year-olds (part of the most diverse, inclusive generation in history, one steeped in climate science and tech) would leap at the prospect of living in a state where abortion is unattainable, gays are ostracized and secularism is bashed.

But the demographic clock cannot be turned back. No one can claim to be patriotic defenders of democracy when they decide their declining numbers justify anti-democratic voter suppression or even violence. In short, MAGA White Christians have painted themselves into a corner where the majority rejects their outlook and anti-majoritarian tactics cannot keep them in power forever. A dramatic transformation would need to happen for this movement to return to pluralistic politics.”

Hence the right’s efforts to establish Republican minority rule, to oppose immigration, to suppress votes, and to disenfranchise voters of color.

Couple points:

The US has, has always had and will continue to have (there is no push to change it) the most liberal and open immigration policy on the entire planet. No where on earth allows for more people to become citizens lawfully than the US.

The right opposes ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. IE people coming to the US outside the law. Do you get the difference? I get that the left would like to cast that opposition to hating all brown people and the right has for whatever reason allowed the left to do so, but it isnt the position.

No country has more foreign-born citizens than the US and it's not even close. The US has more than the rest of the top 5 COMBINED.

Requiring an ID isnt suppressing votes.

Not wanting ballot harvesting isnt suppressing votes.

Wanting people to vote in person isnt suppressing votes.

Voting happening on 1 day or over a week or less vs over months isnt suppressing votes.
Where does the OP GET this stuff? :auiqs.jpg: :eusa_think::dunno::eusa_liar:

oh...the WaP O.

The group that has declined the most is at the core of the MAGA movement, the group most devoted to Christian nationalism. “White evangelical Protestants have experienced the steepest decline. As recently as 2006, white evangelical Protestants comprised nearly one-quarter of Americans (23%). By the time of Trump’s rise to power, their numbers had dipped to 16.8%,” Jones explains. “Today, white evangelical Protestants comprise only 13.6% of Americans.”

and this is from that whackjob Jennifer Rubin. Satan's little helper. Doin' everything she can to destroy the country, American youth, faith in God.

Why white Christian nationalists are in such a panic​

The idiotic thread headline ^ assumes a fact not even remotely based on reality.

And Jennifer Rubin. The shrill liberal bitch who pretends to be a conservative?

This thread belongs in the toilet with the other shit liberals spew.
“In some sense, White evangelicals’ desperate efforts to cling to political power and demand adherence to a set of outdated cultural norms only make the problem worse. Not many 20-year-olds (part of the most diverse, inclusive generation in history, one steeped in climate science and tech) would leap at the prospect of living in a state where abortion is unattainable, gays are ostracized and secularism is bashed.

But the demographic clock cannot be turned back. No one can claim to be patriotic defenders of democracy when they decide their declining numbers justify anti-democratic voter suppression or even violence. In short, MAGA White Christians have painted themselves into a corner where the majority rejects their outlook and anti-majoritarian tactics cannot keep them in power forever. A dramatic transformation would need to happen for this movement to return to pluralistic politics.”

Hence the right’s efforts to establish Republican minority rule, to oppose immigration, to suppress votes, and to disenfranchise voters of color.
The Democratic Party has empowered China, the drug cartels and The Taliban while degrading the lives of American citizens, especially the poorest Americans. This is not your Father's Democratic Party anymore. Time to quit them and join team America.
“In some sense, White evangelicals’ desperate efforts to cling to political power and demand adherence to a set of outdated cultural norms only make the problem worse. Not many 20-year-olds (part of the most diverse, inclusive generation in history, one steeped in climate science and tech) would leap at the prospect of living in a state where abortion is unattainable, gays are ostracized and secularism is bashed.

But the demographic clock cannot be turned back. No one can claim to be patriotic defenders of democracy when they decide their declining numbers justify anti-democratic voter suppression or even violence. In short, MAGA White Christians have painted themselves into a corner where the majority rejects their outlook and anti-majoritarian tactics cannot keep them in power forever. A dramatic transformation would need to happen for this movement to return to pluralistic politics.”

Hence the right’s efforts to establish Republican minority rule, to oppose immigration, to suppress votes, and to disenfranchise voters of color.
Actually, they see the country God gave them slipping into the hands of the Devil.:omg:
“In some sense, White evangelicals’ desperate efforts to cling to political power and demand adherence to a set of outdated cultural norms only make the problem worse. Not many 20-year-olds (part of the most diverse, inclusive generation in history, one steeped in climate science and tech) would leap at the prospect of living in a state where abortion is unattainable, gays are ostracized and secularism is bashed.

But the demographic clock cannot be turned back. No one can claim to be patriotic defenders of democracy when they decide their declining numbers justify anti-democratic voter suppression or even violence. In short, MAGA White Christians have painted themselves into a corner where the majority rejects their outlook and anti-majoritarian tactics cannot keep them in power forever. A dramatic transformation would need to happen for this movement to return to pluralistic politics.”

Hence the right’s efforts to establish Republican minority rule, to oppose immigration, to suppress votes, and to disenfranchise voters of color.

White Christian nationalist....a definition.

When the left tried to use Qanon as a way to smear republicans......and no republicans even knew what that was....and most democrats.........so it didn't take off as a smear....the democrats had to scramble to find a new word to smear republicans.....and after much polling and brain storming, they came up with "Christian Nationalist."

They don't actually exist......but it sounds good on CNN and MSNBC and anytime a democrat can use the word during an interview......

wait. Conservativism is failing..right?
It's been failing...for over 40 years. Conservatism hasn't had a successful policy implementation in a VERY long time. We're talking all the way back to Tricky Dick. Conservatism has turned into a religious dogma, rooted in the belief in a supreme entity, and now grounded in cultural divisions. Louisiana is so heavily gerrymandered, I'm not surprised they gained a super majority. But it won't last. It may take a decade or two, but the pendulum will swing the other way.
Everything that is happening here has been prophecied to happen. "Christian Nationalism" is real, but not at all organized. Many are joyful that God's word again proves true. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:
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