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Why White People Don’t Like to Talk About Race


This is the cost of your racism.

The Amazing Resiliency of White Wealth - CityLab
Russia had socialism it didn't work out
So tell me why is Al Sharpton richer than you?What exactly has he done
"That’s the deficit-lens on the problem as it pertains to black families. But it’s worth looking at how each of those components also played a huge role in boosting white families’ financial standing to begin with. The wealth, income, and savings that white families accumulated during slavery supplied the economic thew that catapulted them into elite affluent status during the country’s first two centuries of existence. But it was community context and creative credit machinations that helped white families maintain that status over the ensuing two centuries, putting into doubt whether a closure of the black-white racial wealth gap is even possible given these deeply entrenched advantages."

The 1940s were also the period when white families were able to further enhance their wealth prospects through new credit and finance instruments created as part of the New Deal. At this point, white families and farm owners were taking advantage of loans created by what was then called the Federal Housing Administration and the Farm Security Administration to leverage their way into wealth. Whereas before the Civil War, mortgages and credit were collateralized on the backs of enslaved Africans as properties, by 1940 white families could obtain mortgages and credit collateralized by land, houses, and farms. And they didn’t have to come from wealthy families or be wealthy themselves to obtain this financing.

African American farmers and families, meanwhile, were
unable to establish the wealth that former slaveholding families were re-establishing, nor were they able to access the FHA and FSA loans at the same rates as whites. The Atlantic’s Vann Newkirk describes in his story “The Great Land Robbery” how black farmers lost their land and farms during this time period:

While most of the black land loss appears on its face to have been through legal mechanisms—“the tax sale; the partition sale; and the foreclosure”—it mainly stemmed from illegal pressures, including discrimination in federal and state programs, swindles by lawyers and speculators, unlawful denials of private loans, and even outright acts of violence or intimidation. Discriminatory loan servicing and loan denial by white-controlled [Farmers Home Administration] and [Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service] committees forced black farmers into foreclosure, after which their property could be purchased by wealthy landowners, almost all of whom were white.

The Amazing Resiliency of White Wealth - CityLab

You have benefitted from past racist policies.
How did a community organizer / former president buy a 15 million dollar mansion?
How can you equalize the wealth gap when blacks only make up around 13% of America's population?
A person's opinion can't be proved wrong, dummy.
Actually it can.

Prove it!

Don't have to. All kinds of opinions have been proven wrong and you know it.
Listen Free to William Elliott Whitmore - Bury Your Burdens In The Ground Radio | iHeartRadio

Bury white racism instead of trying to tell people they are wrong for being displeased that it still exists in the 21st. century.
Stop with the babies out of wedlock by teenage single women. Is that plain enough? I remember Al Sharpton being asked questions by people. He spent the whole time answering all questions while bloviating except shorting one. He was asked about illigitimate babies being born. And basically answered "that is an issue" That was it. He is a sellout. Another man enriched on the backs of others. This is an issue for other groups also. And then there are drugs. Somebody has power to keep letting them into our nation so easily.
He still hates you, sycophant bitch. Don’t you know?

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I know I don't hate Bo didleysquat, so who are you talking about?

White boys like you make far too many assumptions.
you hate all whites and that makes you a racist.
I don't hate all whites, therefore by your definition, which is not the definition of racism, I am not a racist.
I read your shit and your words give you away. You're a racist and hate all whites Those you claim not to hate you only use them to benefit your agenda. You aren't fooling anyone but yourself and those who think you don't hate all whites.

I have a half white child. So no, I don't hate whites. You're just a sniveling racist punk who wants to run his mouth off about black people and can't take it when the mirror is put in your face. There is only one agenda going on here, white men who want the old days when they got to do whatever they want to everyone else back.

What’s wrong with the sistas baby daddy? Hypocrite. A strong black woman ain’t good enough for you. That poor kid has been subjected to your racist views their whole life. Never good enough, and indoctrinated with your radical racist rhetoric. The truth comes out.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So once gain we see the usual suspects saying the usual things. One of you has tried playing the MLK card. This card has never been played on the other thousand threads made in this forum by whites. But since you want to play stupid, it's time to break out the chalkboard.

"It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap, according to a report released this month from the global consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. That will be roughly 4 percent of the United States GDP in 2028—just the conservative view, assuming that the wealth growth rates of African Americans will outpace white wealth growth at its current clip of 3 percent to .8 percent annually, said McKinsey. If the gap widens, however, with white wealth growing at a faster rate than black wealth instead, it could end up costing the U.S. $1.5 trillion or 6 percent of GDP according to the firm."

The Amazing Resiliency of White Wealth - CityLab

This is the cost of your racism.

You can’t deal with your fragile ego, when your bullshit racist rhetoric is thrown back in your face.

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Here's the real reason: It's Boring and Pointless.

After years of being called WACISTS due to the color of our skin, we white folks just don't believe you Race Baiting Hate Mongers.

No darling, you were never called racist because of your skin tone. You should figure out why you're triggered by the topic.

You sad sack of silliness. You don't know anything about me...or much else.

Enjoy your stint in Banitory.
My question is why can’t IM2 stop talking about race?
I guess he can't let go.

My neighbors who are black people, they have good jobs and own their houses, have good cars and go a week or two for vacations each year. They never talk about race, they didn't make their lives miserable wasting their time thinking about race.

At this point, even many illegal immigrants are capable to succeed and make good income and even business. While I have witnessed as well that people who think about the past they can't progress because they can't concentrate in their future.

When the OP can't respond that today race is not an issue, then he transforms himself from hysterical to historical, and he starts mentioning the crude treatment against his ancestors in the past.

Today's people are not guilty of what their ancestors did or didn't do.

And race is not an issue for people who want to live and progress in today's society.

The OP has an agenda which is not working anymore. Society has changed a lot, and you can notice in the news that people who suffers consequences because "the color of their skin" are mostly low income people, who can't progress because they claim society owes them, I don't have any idea what society owes to them, but such is their claim.

Perhaps that is the reason they refuse to work waiting for a check coming for free, and the check never arrives and they keep living in poverty generation after generation? If this is what is happening, then my neighbors who are black are the smarten between black people, because they don't wait for the free check... they work for earn it instead.
From your article, it seeks an answer, and I have one;

". . . The easy thing to do is just sit down in the room (it’s comfortably furnished after all) and do nothing. But then we never get out. What will unlock the door?"

Simple, refuse to acknowledge that there is a door between us.

Don't judge each other by our skin color. The ruling elites WANT you to judge folks by externalities like sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, and skin color, political identification, etc., it keeps populations divided. STOP IT.

You don't have the answer and posting videos of blacks who you try using to justify your refusal to really want to do something about it is not going to work. This is about public policy and until whites are willing to do what it takes for real equality in a capitalist system, don't come to me with some simple minded bullshit like what you posted.

Racists are very good at instructing everyone as to the percentage of blacks in the population. And they reach hard to extrapolate exaggerated numbers about crime, often conflating murder with total crime. But somehow and really it's done on purpose because we are dealing with racists, are other important statistical data is not discussed.

Blacks are 13 percent of the American population but have 2.6 percent of the wealth. This did not happen because of laziness. Indeed, the historical records shows that blacks have consistently worked as hard or harder than whites and for far less money, including over 230 years for free. Equality in a capitalist system means we have 13 percent of the wealth. We have 1/5 the wealth we should have in proportion to our population.

Before I end this, let me break down what white racism has done to this nation. While certain whites gloat about how successful they have been as a race and lecture others about how they have failed, facts they have created the problems being complained about today. If not for racism everyone would be better off economically, fewer people would be on the public dime, tax revenues would increase at every level, we’d have a smaller deficit, or possibly no national deficit or debt. Crime would be reduced dramatically, unemployment very well would be less than 1 percent. More than likely the increased tax revenue could help provide free education and health care to all American citizens. After reading study after study shoes us that virtually every economic problem we have stems from the racism that has denied people of color opportunity.

. . . a lot of this has to do with ethnological studies.

Black posters on this site continually maintain the American Blacks have their own culture.

Hell, I even in my youth met a CIA agent that helped create, within the Black Culture the whole idea of black nationalism. The CIA wanted American blacks to have their own identity, so this agent cultivated a close relationship with Bobby Seale, so that they would create an organization that would feed into this, and create separateness from White culture.

In America, we have many different sub-nations, and they all perform at different levels, because their families have different attitudes.

The biggest blame the black families can level at white culture, is purposeful destruction and manipulation of their culture and families, so that they have been excluded from their birth right, and what they truly are, part of the larger culture.

THEY ARE NOT SEPARATE, they have been tricked into thinking that they are. IT has been an advanced Cointelpro, from before the end of Jim Crow, so that the black American community would tricked into keeping themselves down. It has to do with the music produced, the literature written, and movies made.

This whole, "acting white" shit? You folks do that to yourself. You are no different. This whole, "you have your own culture," and no talking to the man so you make yourselves increased victims of crimes? THAT is why your families and businesses and communities get torn asunder. There is a poster, Avery Jarmen, she posts about domestic violence and child abuse. . . if no one calls CPS or the cops? Then psychic destruction keeps black communities down, but you want to blame that on the dominant community?

No sir. I am not buying it at this point. Sure. . . some of it is the institutional shit, but most of it is based on a refusal to engage in the mainstream culture.


In fact, if you look closely at the education system and the social structure since the nineties, the government and the institutional structures have made herculean efforts to promote the interests of women and minorities. At this point? The problem probably lay with those communities and internal expectations.

Actually we maintain that our culture has been ignored as part of American culture. I'm black learn to stop thinking you can tell me what blacks say or think. Everything you say here is bullshit. The acting white is another old dumb white excuse used to deny major systemic problems. Whites get beat up for acting black, but in standard white racist fashion you refuse to accept that whites have created this problem and want to find was to absolve yourself of personal responsibility. Let me use your last paragraph to illustrate my point. School funding is based on property value and property is worth lees in black communities meaning schools in those communities get less funds. It really doesn't much matter what you don't buy because the only thing you want to buy is the pretense that continuing white racism has no effect on those dealing with it.

I find it ironic that to people like yourself acting white only applies to studying and getting good grade but never the anti social behaviors that have caused white kids to shoot up schools or drive white kids to suicide.

From your article, it seeks an answer, and I have one;

". . . The easy thing to do is just sit down in the room (it’s comfortably furnished after all) and do nothing. But then we never get out. What will unlock the door?"

Simple, refuse to acknowledge that there is a door between us.

Don't judge each other by our skin color. The ruling elites WANT you to judge folks by externalities like sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, and skin color, political identification, etc., it keeps populations divided. STOP IT.

You don't have the answer and posting videos of blacks who you try using to justify your refusal to really want to do something about it is not going to work. This is about public policy and until whites are willing to do what it takes for real equality in a capitalist system, don't come to me with some simple minded bullshit like what you posted.

Racists are very good at instructing everyone as to the percentage of blacks in the population. And they reach hard to extrapolate exaggerated numbers about crime, often conflating murder with total crime. But somehow and really it's done on purpose because we are dealing with racists, are other important statistical data is not discussed.

Blacks are 13 percent of the American population but have 2.6 percent of the wealth. This did not happen because of laziness. Indeed, the historical records shows that blacks have consistently worked as hard or harder than whites and for far less money, including over 230 years for free. Equality in a capitalist system means we have 13 percent of the wealth. We have 1/5 the wealth we should have in proportion to our population.

Before I end this, let me break down what white racism has done to this nation. While certain whites gloat about how successful they have been as a race and lecture others about how they have failed, facts they have created the problems being complained about today. If not for racism everyone would be better off economically, fewer people would be on the public dime, tax revenues would increase at every level, we’d have a smaller deficit, or possibly no national deficit or debt. Crime would be reduced dramatically, unemployment very well would be less than 1 percent. More than likely the increased tax revenue could help provide free education and health care to all American citizens. After reading study after study shoes us that virtually every economic problem we have stems from the racism that has denied people of color opportunity.

. . . a lot of this has to do with ethnological studies.

Black posters on this site continually maintain the American Blacks have their own culture.

Hell, I even in my youth met a CIA agent that helped create, within the Black Culture the whole idea of black nationalism. The CIA wanted American blacks to have their own identity, so this agent cultivated a close relationship with Bobby Seale, so that they would create an organization that would feed into this, and create separateness from White culture.

In America, we have many different sub-nations, and they all perform at different levels, because their families have different attitudes.

The biggest blame the black families can level at white culture, is purposeful destruction and manipulation of their culture and families, so that they have been excluded from their birth right, and what they truly are, part of the larger culture.

THEY ARE NOT SEPARATE, they have been tricked into thinking that they are. IT has been an advanced Cointelpro, from before the end of Jim Crow, so that the black American community would tricked into keeping themselves down. It has to do with the music produced, the literature written, and movies made.

This whole, "acting white" shit? You folks do that to yourself. You are no different. This whole, "you have your own culture," and no talking to the man so you make yourselves increased victims of crimes? THAT is why your families and businesses and communities get torn asunder. There is a poster, Avery Jarmen, she posts about domestic violence and child abuse. . . if no one calls CPS or the cops? Then psychic destruction keeps black communities down, but you want to blame that on the dominant community?

No sir. I am not buying it at this point. Sure. . . some of it is the institutional shit, but most of it is based on a refusal to engage in the mainstream culture.


In fact, if you look closely at the education system and the social structure since the nineties, the government and the institutional structures have made herculean efforts to promote the interests of women and minorities. At this point? The problem probably lay with those communities and internal expectations.

“An earthly kingdom cannot exist without inequality of persons. Some must be free, some serfs, some rulers, some subjects”

― Martin Luther

And that's the problem. An earthly kingdom can exist without those things. It was this belief that made YOUR ancestors get on ships and float over here. They rejected this idiocy and now you try quoting it to justify white supremacy.

HARRISON BERGERON by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
Google "Anthony Johnson slave"...he was a black man who owned black slaves...and he was not a one off.
Yawn! Google who made slavery legal in the US. And then go learn the fact that few blacks owned slaves and most of them purchased family members. Disingenuous doesn't work with me son.

And outright lies don't work for me son!

At the beginning of the civil war, 43% of slave owners in south carolina were black.

43%...that's damn near HALF of all slave owners in the state!

That is not "few blacks owned slaves and most of them purchased family members".
You don't have the answer and posting videos of blacks who you try using to justify your refusal to really want to do something about it is not going to work. This is about public policy and until whites are willing to do what it takes for real equality in a capitalist system, don't come to me with some simple minded bullshit like what you posted.

Racists are very good at instructing everyone as to the percentage of blacks in the population. And they reach hard to extrapolate exaggerated numbers about crime, often conflating murder with total crime. But somehow and really it's done on purpose because we are dealing with racists, are other important statistical data is not discussed.

Blacks are 13 percent of the American population but have 2.6 percent of the wealth. This did not happen because of laziness. Indeed, the historical records shows that blacks have consistently worked as hard or harder than whites and for far less money, including over 230 years for free. Equality in a capitalist system means we have 13 percent of the wealth. We have 1/5 the wealth we should have in proportion to our population.

Before I end this, let me break down what white racism has done to this nation. While certain whites gloat about how successful they have been as a race and lecture others about how they have failed, facts they have created the problems being complained about today. If not for racism everyone would be better off economically, fewer people would be on the public dime, tax revenues would increase at every level, we’d have a smaller deficit, or possibly no national deficit or debt. Crime would be reduced dramatically, unemployment very well would be less than 1 percent. More than likely the increased tax revenue could help provide free education and health care to all American citizens. After reading study after study shoes us that virtually every economic problem we have stems from the racism that has denied people of color opportunity.

. . . a lot of this has to do with ethnological studies.

Black posters on this site continually maintain the American Blacks have their own culture.

Hell, I even in my youth met a CIA agent that helped create, within the Black Culture the whole idea of black nationalism. The CIA wanted American blacks to have their own identity, so this agent cultivated a close relationship with Bobby Seale, so that they would create an organization that would feed into this, and create separateness from White culture.

In America, we have many different sub-nations, and they all perform at different levels, because their families have different attitudes.

The biggest blame the black families can level at white culture, is purposeful destruction and manipulation of their culture and families, so that they have been excluded from their birth right, and what they truly are, part of the larger culture.

THEY ARE NOT SEPARATE, they have been tricked into thinking that they are. IT has been an advanced Cointelpro, from before the end of Jim Crow, so that the black American community would tricked into keeping themselves down. It has to do with the music produced, the literature written, and movies made.

This whole, "acting white" shit? You folks do that to yourself. You are no different. This whole, "you have your own culture," and no talking to the man so you make yourselves increased victims of crimes? THAT is why your families and businesses and communities get torn asunder. There is a poster, Avery Jarmen, she posts about domestic violence and child abuse. . . if no one calls CPS or the cops? Then psychic destruction keeps black communities down, but you want to blame that on the dominant community?

No sir. I am not buying it at this point. Sure. . . some of it is the institutional shit, but most of it is based on a refusal to engage in the mainstream culture.


In fact, if you look closely at the education system and the social structure since the nineties, the government and the institutional structures have made herculean efforts to promote the interests of women and minorities. At this point? The problem probably lay with those communities and internal expectations.

“An earthly kingdom cannot exist without inequality of persons. Some must be free, some serfs, some rulers, some subjects”

― Martin Luther

And that's the problem. An earthly kingdom can exist without those things. It was this belief that made YOUR ancestors get on ships and float over here. They rejected this idiocy and now you try quoting it to justify white supremacy.

lol I'm not trying to change your mind because you can't change the mind of a racist hell-bent on the destruction of another race. All I'm doing is showing you a fact you will never have equality of persons but you do have equality of race.

That's what you may be trying to do, but that has nothing to do with me. Your fragility is something you must get past. What you have shown is an idiotic comment said 600 years ago that created a system that oppressed whites in Europe. Beliefs like that was the emphasis for the European feudal system. Men and women are equal as all were created by the same being.

. . . and this is what you simply DO NOT GET.


It is how different sub-groups react that separate the winners and losers. There is no more insidious, systemic, system wide oppression, that is not countered by AA.

I get that you are trying to promote reparations, but even if you did get them? It would not solve the problems you have in your own communities. These problems are deep, and lasting. You need to change the culture first.

Reparations would NOT be spent on building businesses, spent on investments, on land, or any CAPITAL INVESTMENT. They would be spent on frivolities, material items that do not last, cars, jewelry, electronics, drugs and booze. "Spinning Rims." :71: BLING. YOU KNOW IT, I KNOW IT.

Few in the main of the black community do the reading that you or I do. And thus, reparations WOULD NOT SOLVE SHIT.

USMB is a fine example of this......

Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about?

We/I talk about race all the time. Because people like you keep making an issue of it.

I have no hesitation to discuss it as an issue. In fact I tend to hit such threads a lot, because they/you are low hanging fruit, easy to destroy.
Blacks are 13 percent of the American population but have 2.6 percent of the wealth. This did not happen because of laziness.

It happens because of attitude. Which of these race-baiters preach anything but victimhood?

Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama, former First Lady Michelle Obama, Eric Holder, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Rev. Al Sharpton, Minister Louis Farrakhan, Father Pflager, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr., Rev. Jesse Jackson, Jr., King Samir Shabazz, Van Jones, Charlie Rangel, Barbara Boxer, Maxine Waters, Al Green, Sheila Jackson Lee, Andre Carson, Shirley Sherrod, Keith Ellison, and the list goes on!

How is this going to move young men or any race forward?

USMB is a fine example of this.

Why White People Don’t Like to Talk About Race
March 26, 2015 by Barnabas Piper

Most white people want no part of the conversation about race. We don’t want it with our baristas, our neighbors, our spouses, or anyone really. We don’t quite know what do each February during Black History Month. For most white people that’s Martin Luther King Jr. awareness month with a nod to Harriet Tubman and not much sense of any other aspect of black history or culture. The ongoing tensions surrounding the deaths of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and so many other incidents are more than most of us know what to do with (if we want anything to do with them at all).

Most of us grew up unaffected by the racial divide, or at least unaware of how it affected us. Now, though, the divide has been brought to us and we’re at a loss. We don’t want that conversation. We’re uncomfortable with it. Our responses tend to fall into two main groups.

Group 1: Don’t want to talk about race

This first group contains the bigots and racists. They don’t want to talk about race (or maybe they do for all the wrong reasons) because they want to be the only race. This bunch deserves a whole lot of ink, most of it not very pleasant, and none of it here. They are despicable products of unfortunate upbringings.

The majority of this group, though, is not outright bigoted. Instead they are outright ignorant and therefore subtly prejudiced. They are unexposed to minority cultures (not just black, but all non-white cultures) and unaware of the complexities, difficulties, and hurts there. Really most of white America is part of, or has been part of, this group. They are the comfortable majority, and thus they determine the status quo. Life is good, so why rock the boat? It’s not that they don’t “care” about the needs of others — you won’t find a more cause-oriented bunch of advocates than young, privileged white people — but those needs never really intersect with their lives at a personal and relational level. And they’re happy to keep it that way because any other way is uncomfortable and intimidating. It’s a passive aggressive approach to racial separation, and one most don’t even realize they’re participating in. Their ignorance is blindness they mistake for bliss.

Group 2: Don’t know how to talk about race

Why White People Don't Like to Talk About Race

Most here are not the blissfully ignorant. You are racists. Blacks here have been called all kinds of racist names and all kinds of overtly racist opinion has been spoken. Blissful ignorance is not why a thread about black names has been created at least 2 times sine I've actively started participating here. The same goes for other things.

Now watch the racism you will see from people who are going to complain. They never complain when a thread by a white person denigrating blacks is posted. Only when a thread about whites is made do they suddenly become colorblind.
How do you feel about democrats having a long history of racism and now using blacks for votes?
We have the right to have our own opinion if you don't like it too bad for you.

Yes. This is exactly where civil rights jumped the shark. It failed to recognize that deciding for ourselves who we like and don't like, who we associated with and who we avoid - no matter what the reasons - is a fundamental human right.

Equal rights under the law is the core if liberal democracy. But mandating respect is overreach.


In the civil rights era of my youth, the ideal was to treat everybody with the same considerations and expectations and racism was a term applied to those who hated people based upon race.

Today, the leftist orthodoxy assails anybody who DOES treat everybody with the same considerations and expetations and the term racist is applied to anybody who doesn't automatically favor blacks over all other groups.
Are you good with blacks fleeing the Democratic Party, IM2?
Does it resemble the exodus we saw when republicans freed them in 1863?
I know I don't hate Bo didleysquat, so who are you talking about?

White boys like you make far too many assumptions.
you hate all whites and that makes you a racist.
I don't hate all whites, therefore by your definition, which is not the definition of racism, I am not a racist.
I read your shit and your words give you away. You're a racist and hate all whites Those you claim not to hate you only use them to benefit your agenda. You aren't fooling anyone but yourself and those who think you don't hate all whites.

I have a half white child. So no, I don't hate whites. You're just a sniveling racist punk who wants to run his mouth off about black people and can't take it when the mirror is put in your face. There is only one agenda going on here, white men who want the old days when they got to do whatever they want to everyone else back.

What’s wrong with the sistas baby daddy? Hypocrite. A strong black woman ain’t good enough for you. That poor kid has been subjected to your racist views their whole life. Never good enough, and indoctrinated with your radical racist rhetoric. The truth comes out.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
He's pissed because the white woman got knocked up
Now watch the racism you will see from people who are going to complain. They never complain when a thread by a white person denigrating blacks is posted. Only when a thread about whites is made do they suddenly become colorblind.

Does that mean you won't complain about a 'white history month' discussion here IM2?

I have a half white child. So no, I don't hate whites. You're just a sniveling racist punk who wants to run his mouth off about black people and can't take it when the mirror is put in your face. There is only one agenda going on here, white men who want the old days when they got to do whatever they want to everyone else back.

Like I've said previously. Now we learn that you're indeed white, your wife is black and you have a bi-racial child. Why take your anger at your wife out on everyone else?

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