Zone1 Why whites have more wealth than blacks.

Which is another reason why blacks are at an economic disadvantage, even if currently everybody is given equal opportunities. The advantages that previous white generations had, that blacks had been denied produces generational advantages / disadvantages.
Those disadvantages are largely gone. There is substantial black wealth that is passed down now, however. There is a growing black upper income class which might portend the creation of 'black capital' which would have the potential of raising opportunities for blacks generally.
BINGO! Then don't complain about Biden and inflation. Because of the pandemic we had what was called the Great Resignation. A shit load of millionaires retired in their 50's. Said fuck it. That left a void. Everyone who went out and looked for another job is doing better today, even factoring in inflation.
What’s your point? Wealthy people aren’t really affected by inflation….inflation destroys those bottom feeders you proclaim to cherish.
So you are talking to the losers who vote for Trump and complain about the economy. The economy is great. You just admitted it.
WTF…I did no such thing. The economy is shit and everybody sane and paying attention knows it.
Class warfare is something Republicans convinced you we were waging against the rich when the fact is, the war has and will always exist. The rich lobby government and pay off Clarence Thomas. Not only is there a war going on, we're losing it. And they've got you convinced the war is only us waging it on them? Boy are you stupid huh? So easily duped.
Hmmm…sounds like more leftist manufactured bullshit to me. Sounds like the “War On Drugs” bunch of bullshit….a neat impactful phrase rooted in fantasy.
Nobody wealthier than me ever prevented me from becoming wealthy. Do you people think there is a predetermined amount of cash out there?
Do you feel like some wealthy people are out in front of you picking up all those hundred dollar bills off the ground…are they beating you to them?
What’s your point? Wealthy people aren’t really affected by inflation….inflation destroys those bottom feeders you proclaim to cherish.

WTF…I did no such thing. The economy is shit and everybody sane and paying attention knows it.

Hmmm…sounds like more leftist manufactured bullshit to me. Sounds like the “War On Drugs” bunch of bullshit….a neat impactful phrase rooted in fantasy.
Nobody wealthier than me ever prevented me from becoming wealthy. Do you people think there is a predetermined amount of cash out there?
Do you feel like some wealthy people are out in front of you picking up all those hundred dollar bills off the ground…are they beating you to them?
Ah so you are wealthy. Shocker.

Don't worry. It was unions and liberal government that created the middle class and it will be unions and liberal government that MAGA for them. Certainly not you guys. You think those blue collar workers are only worth $15. Can't deal with inflation making that.

Don't vote for a guy who says he's going to maga for blue collar uneducated Americans and then be obtuse about what I'm talking about. You know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about dumb Americans like you who vote for the rich because they dupe you with god gays and guns. And Racism.

Whoa, now the extremist, racist antisemite Sealydodo rears his ugly had. So why do you as you say "Hate black people?" Do you have an excuse or does their skin color set you off, racist?
Ah so you are wealthy. Shocker.

Don't worry. It was unions and liberal government that created the middle class and it will be unions and liberal government that MAGA for them. Certainly not you guys. You think those blue collar workers are only worth $15. Can't deal with inflation making that.

Hahaha…you Father Government loving folks always believe government did everything for you…The middle class was created by capitalism, by ambitious risk takers who started businesses….businesses that would compete in commerce and compete for employees.
You think those blue collar workers are only worth $15. Can't deal with inflation making that.
Hahaha…we think $15 an hour is a child’s wage, a wage only a child should work for….It is you globalist fools who have begged illegal Guadalupe to take that child’s job at McDonalds and try to make a career of it…to try to raise six kids on the wage. It is you globalist fools who have thrown tens of millions of Mexico’s people into the blue collar trades to fuck it all up for Americans.
It is you bleeding heart globalist fools who have destroyed the middle class.
How do you seem to always leave out the obvious?
Hahaha…you Father Government loving folks always believe government did everything for you…The middle class was created by capitalism, by ambitious risk takers who started businesses….businesses that would compete in commerce and compete for employees.

Hahaha…we think $15 an hour is a child’s wage, a wage only a child should work for….It is you globalist fools who have begged illegal Guadalupe to take that child’s job at McDonalds and try to make a career of it…to try to raise six kids on the wage. It is you globalist fools who have thrown tens of millions of Mexico’s people into the blue collar trades to fuck it all up for Americans.
It is you bleeding heart globalist fools who have destroyed the middle class.
How do you seem to always leave out the obvious?
You can argue all you want rich boy. You don't want a strong middle class. You want what we have now. Every man for himself. You pay the lowest taxes possible. And the rich get richer.

You a libertarian who wants no regulations and for the market to decide? I get it. That benefits you.

I like social security and medicare. Bet you don't.
Whites have more wealth because instead of whining about reparations all day, they go out and get a job.

Not whites who aren't educated.

Middle-aged white people are dying due to economic despair, study finds​

A new Princeton study shows that on average, middle-aged white people with limited education are dying younger from suicide, drug overdoses and alcohol-related deaths due to job despair.

Not blacks, not latinos, not arabs. White uneducated Americans.

Whites have more wealth because we have owned this country from the beginning. We factor in white guys like Trump who's daddy gave him a lot of money.

On an even playing field?

Middle-aged white people are dying due to economic despair, study finds​

A new Princeton study shows that on average, middle-aged white people with limited education are dying younger from suicide, drug overdoses and alcohol-related deaths due to job despair.
They also don’t have the majority of their kids out of wedlock so they can’t get a job, raise their children in poverty and welfare, and continue the cycle.
All that's needed for blacks to get out of poverty is for black women to get in touch with their fertility cycle and apply it to their sexual behavior. Also, we're running out of prison space for their out of wedlock kids.
All that's needed for blacks to get out of poverty is for black women to get in touch with their fertility cycle and apply it to their sexual behavior. Also, we're running out of prison space for their out of wedlock kids.
Can’t really rely on the fertility cycle. They need to get in touch with birth control.
"Prove it"? What is this, kindergarten time? I said what I said and I now say it is accurate .... I did say it. What's there to "prove"?

And I should believe you why?

Anyone can say anything that doesn't mean it's accurate.

So I'll file that under the "It's true because someone on the internet said it" in the circular file cabinet
Another problem is that blacks spend a greater amount of their disposable income on luxury and status items rather than invest.

I noticed this pattern even in the 60s, as a kid. In my middle-class suburban neighborhood, it was all Fords and Chevys - and when we drove through the poor neighborhoods in DC, there were all these Cadillacs. Lots of pink ones.
Another problem is that blacks spend a greater amount of their disposable income on luxury and status items rather than invest.

I noticed this pattern even in the 60s, as a kid. In my middle-class suburban neighborhood, it was all Fords and Chevys - and when we drove through the poor neighborhoods in DC, there were all these Cadillacs. Lots of pink ones.
Good point. Blacks (not all of course) are in that stage of development where they need to have the things they have been deprived of for so long. It will take time for them to satisfy that need. At this time they don't understand that "You can't have your cake and eat it too."
Good point. Blacks (not all of course) are in that stage of development where they need to have the things they have been deprived of for so long. It will take time for them to satisfy that need. At this time they don't understand that "You can't have your cake and eat it too."
I don’t know that you can blame poor spending habits on ”being deprived for so long.” My parents, and all their contemporaries, grew up very poor in New York in the 30s and 40s, and as they moved into the middle class (after college and NO pre-wedlock children), they spent their money wisely. No luxury watches, cars, jewelry, designer clothes, etc.
And I should believe you why?

Anyone can say anything that doesn't mean it's accurate.

So I'll file that under the "It's true because someone on the internet said it" in the circular file cabinet
Don't be so fucking stupid. I know what I said. And why should I lie about what I said? Ding-dong. If you can't be bothered to scroll up and see what I said then it's your nightmare, not mine.
I don’t know that you can blame poor spending habits on ”being deprived for so long.” My parents, and all their contemporaries, grew up very poor in New York in the 30s and 40s, and as they moved into the middle class (after college and NO pre-wedlock children), they spent their money wisely. No luxury watches, cars, jewelry, designer clothes, etc.
I don't think blacks think the way Jews do.

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