Zone1 Why whites have more wealth than blacks.

Don't be so fucking stupid. I know what I said. And why should I lie about what I said? Ding-dong. If you can't be bothered to scroll up and see what I said then it's your nightmare, not mine.
Why should I believe what random people say on the internet?

Oh wait do you really think everything everyone says on the internet is true?
Who is talking about the internet, you idiot?
Isn't this message board on the internet?

Yes, it is

Therefore everything you post on this message board is on the internet

You say everything you say on the internet is true and I should just believe it without proof

I have absolutely no reason to believe everything you say is true because everything said on the internet is not true

Get it?
Isn't this message board on the internet?

Yes, it is

Therefore everything you post on this message board is on the internet

You say everything you say on the internet is true and I should just believe it without proof

I have absolutely no reason to believe everything you say is true because everything said on the internet is not true

Get it?
Oh, Jesus. I said what I said and he told me to prove that I said what I said. It's got nothing to do with the internet. :eusa_shifty:
Oh, Jesus. I said what I said and he told me to prove that I said what I said. It's got nothing to do with the internet. :eusa_shifty:

Of course it does.

because you are on the internet right now and your posts are on the internet right now.

I have absolutely no reason to believe what you say is true and if you don;t want to post any evidence that it is then I will continue to believe it's not true.

Get over it.
You can argue all you want rich boy. You don't want a strong middle class. You want what we have now. Every man for himself. You pay the lowest taxes possible. And the rich get richer.
My wife and I both come from middle class families, the majority of my employees are middle-classers. The middle class is the backbone to this nation…It is you and Democrats who hate the middle class. How do those who comprise the lower class make it into the middle class with tens of millions of Mexico’s people holding them down?
You a libertarian who wants no regulations and for the market to decide? I get it. That benefits you.
“Regulations” as you call them cost businesses time and money….time and money they could be putting into employees.
I like social security and medicare. Bet you don't.
I have no problem with SS and or medicare. The problem is; you are replacing all the contributors with Mexico’s people who pay no taxes, who don’t contribute to the SS and medicare funds.
Of course it does.

because you are on the internet right now and your posts are on the internet right now.

I have absolutely no reason to believe what you say is true and if you don;t want to post any evidence that it is then I will continue to believe it's not true.

Get over it.
You can scroll back yourself to see if I said it or not. If you think I'm lying then take an aspirin and get over it. :auiqs.jpg:
You can scroll back yourself to see if I said it or not. If you think I'm lying then take an aspirin and get over it. :auiqs.jpg:

I read every post you wrote and you have not proven that most people who become millionaires that do not inherit money become millionaires via crime so I have no reason to believe what you say is true.

And I never used the word liar. That's you describing yourself it seems.
My wife and I both come from middle class families, the majority of my employees are middle-classers. The middle class is the backbone to this nation…It is you and Democrats who hate the middle class. How do those who comprise the lower class make it into the middle class with tens of millions of Mexico’s people holding them down?

“Regulations” as you call them cost businesses time and money….time and money they could be putting into employees.

I have no problem with SS and or medicare. The problem is; you are replacing all the contributors with Mexico’s people who pay no taxes, who don’t contribute to the SS and medicare funds.
A. Those illegals aren't holding them down. It's illegal employers who hire them because they don't even want to pay $15 hr.

B. Those jobs are only going to pay $15 hr. So stop pretending a middle class blue collar white person is competing with illegals. I get it. I want them to be legal workers and paying taxes so I have social security in 9 years when it's going to be empty. We don't have enough workers. We have 10 million unfilled jobs right now. A lot of them low paying.

For years I said illegal immigrants were hurting uneducated blue collar Americans but then I just realized that the feds will fix it if wages go too high. Too high causes inflation. So they regulate that pay for low skilled workers maxes out at $15. No matter what McD and Starbucks will never pay $20 plus benefits. I wish they would. They would if they organized.

Every country has regulations. Not all regulations are bad. You want to remove specific regulations let's talk. But stop with the anti regulations bullshit as if regulations is a bad word. It's not intelligent. Makes you seem brainwashed by the republicans, who represent corporations, who don't like those regulations, but they are probably necessary. But I'm sure you can think of a couple of silly regulations.
Not whites who aren't educated.
But “uneducated whites” are out-earning you super smart Libs….how is that?


Middle-aged white people are dying due to economic despair, study finds​

A new Princeton study shows that on average, middle-aged white people with limited education are dying younger from suicide, drug overdoses and alcohol-related deaths due to job despair.

Not blacks, not latinos, not arabs. White uneducated Americans.
We already did this….why do you continue to peddle your lying bullshit?

Whites have more wealth because we have owned this country from the beginning.
As we should…just like the Japanese have more wealth in Japan.
We factor in white guys like Trump who's daddy gave him a lot of money.
hahaha…but you wouln’t be so disdainful if he were black and if Father Government gave him a lot of money would you?
My wife and I both come from middle class families, the majority of my employees are middle-classers. The middle class is the backbone to this nation…It is you and Democrats who hate the middle class. How do those who comprise the lower class make it into the middle class with tens of millions of Mexico’s people holding them down?

“Regulations” as you call them cost businesses time and money….time and money they could be putting into employees.

I have no problem with SS and or medicare. The problem is; you are replacing all the contributors with Mexico’s people who pay no taxes, who don’t contribute to the SS and medicare funds.

Let's go after illegal employers like we used to. Back before Bush 2 stopped.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

The hiring crimes of Illegal Employers are being ignored by the law, and rewarded by the economic systems of the nation. And it actually started with Reagan. He was the first to tell corporations he wouldn't go after companies who hired illegals.

Imagine if these companies refused to hire illegals. Imagine if they were afraid to get caught. They'd be forced to go on those job sites and post jobs available. If no one applies at $15 hr they may have to up the offer to $20 hr.

Quit trying to build a wall that ain't going to work. Go after illegal employers. Say it. Illegal employers.
But “uneducated whites” are out-earning you super smart Libs….how is that?
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We already did this….why do you continue to peddle your lying bullshit?
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As we should…just like the Japanese have more wealth in Japan.

hahaha…but you wouln’t be so disdainful if he were black and if Father Government gave him a lot of money would you?
I didn't like Herman Cain or Ben Carson. It's their politics.

What are your charts proving? Looks like poor people vote Democratic like they should. I'm sure the more comfortable a person is financially the more likely they are to vote GOP. It is the party of the rich.

You know who pisses me off? A guy who benefits from a union but votes GOP. What an idiot. I wish they'd take away all the union protections and benefits from idiots like that. Shit the union got them.
How do those who comprise the lower class make it into the middle class with tens of millions of Mexico’s people holding them down?
Just start with those entry level jobs that the Mexicans are filling, and they'll do just fine. 40 hours at McDonald's puts you just a few dollars away from the middle class (albeit the lower middle class).
I read every post you wrote and you have not proven that most people who become millionaires that do not inherit money become millionaires via crime .....
But you do see the proof that I said it .... right or wrong? Anyway, you told me to "get over it". Just how important is this little dialogue to you? You're the one getting upset over it, not me. I know what I said, you apparently do not.
A. Those illegals aren't holding them down. It's illegal employers who hire them because they don't even want to pay $15 hr.

B. Those jobs are only going to pay $15 hr. So stop pretending a middle class blue collar white person is competing with illegals. I get it. I want them to be legal workers and paying taxes so I have social security in 9 years when it's going to be empty. We don't have enough workers. We have 10 million unfilled jobs right now. A lot of them low paying.
Of course blacks/bottom feeders are held down by illegals. They run up housing costs, they run up transportation costs, they take social services from them, they take their job and education opportunities, they run up healthcare costs and degrade the quality of care, they degrade public education, they hold wages down all across the employment spectrum. Think about it; if a journeyman drywall hanger was getting $40 per hour what would a city worker or civil engineer need to be paid?
For years I said illegal immigrants were hurting uneducated blue collar Americans but then I just realized that the feds will fix it if wages go too high. Too high causes inflation. So they regulate that pay for low skilled workers maxes out at $15. No matter what McD and Starbucks will never pay $20 plus benefits. I wish they would. They would if they organized.
You keep talking about jobs for teen children….Starbucks and McDonalds….no child's job should include “benefits”…..The fix is simple….stop trying to turn a child's job into a career gig for ShaQuita and Guadalupe with a litter of children.
Every country has regulations. Not all regulations are bad. You want to remove specific regulations let's talk. But stop with the anti regulations bullshit as if regulations is a bad word. It's not intelligent. Makes you seem brainwashed by the republicans, who represent corporations, who don't like those regulations, but they are probably necessary. But I'm sure you can think of a couple of silly regulations.
Reasonable, sensible regulations makes sense to all….Democrats simply like to pretend Republicans hate all regulations.
Let's go after illegal employers like we used to. Back before Bush 2 stopped.
We try and you globalists shit your pants and protest…Remember all the calls to “abolish iCE”?

Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

The hiring crimes of Illegal Employers are being ignored by the law, and rewarded by the economic systems of the nation. And it actually started with Reagan. He was the first to tell corporations he wouldn't go after companies who hired illegals.
Of course that’s happened, you globalist libs have pushed harder and harder over the years….harder for less regulation levied on illegal immigration….You‘ve lured them in with SANCTUARY CITIES, free education, driver licenses, worker rights, free healthcare, EBT cards, some weird form of illegal citizenship from Obama.…etc etc
Imagine if these companies refused to hire illegals. Imagine if they were afraid to get caught. They'd be forced to go on those job sites and post jobs available. If no one applies at $15 hr they may have to up the offer to $20 hr.
Imagine if Libs agreed to a REAL mandatory E-verify Bill instead of firmly standing against them?
Quit trying to build a wall that ain't going to work. Go after illegal employers. Say it. Illegal employers.
Yeah yeah “walls don’t work”.
Employers are not responsible for enforcing our immigration law and or protecting our right to sovereignty. Remember all that government regulation you love? Get your Father Government to regulate that fucking border like they’re suppose to.

Face it bud….Democrats can’t get out of their own way….you people manifest and foster all the very problems you bitch about….you are your own worst enemy.
Walls work, but ya gotta finish them.

They'll just go around them, under them, over them, through them or come asking for asylum. Or come in as visitors and stay for the work.

Know why Canada doesn't have an illegal immigrant problem? Their corporations won't hire them. They wouldn't do that to Canadian workers. They (Reagan and Bush) did it on purpose. Rich people saved billions.

Ultimately, the truth? If we stopped illegal immigration tomorrow, they would just lobby to let more legal immigrants in. Our economy is regulated. Well regulated. The feds have control of wages. If wages start to go too high they raise interest rates to slow down the economy. It's doing too good.
They'll just go around them, under them, over them, through them or come asking for asylum. Or come in as visitors and stay for the work.

Know why Canada doesn't have an illegal immigrant problem? Their corporations won't hire them. They wouldn't do that to Canadian workers. They (Reagan and Bush) did it on purpose. Rich people saved billions.

Ultimately, the truth? If we stopped illegal immigration tomorrow, they would just lobby to let more legal immigrants in. Our economy is regulated. Well regulated. The feds have control of wages. If wages start to go too high they raise interest rates to slow down the economy. It's doing too good.
Student loans and drug use are responsible for all this immigration.

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