Zone1 Why whites have more wealth than blacks.

And one more.......

VS ... this...

I beg to differ.

According to financial market intelligence firm Cerulli and Associates, baby boomers and the Silent Generation (preceding boomers) will pass down $84.4 trillion in assets through 2045, with $72.6 trillion going directly to heirs.

The Baby Boomer generation is expected to leave a significant amount of money to their Millennial children. It's estimated that more than $68 trillion will be bequeathed to their offspring. The great wealth transfer is expected to make Millennials the richest generation in American history.
A Supestition Similar to Hindu Reincarnation

If athletes got the right to pass on their positions to their sons, pro sports would soon become a joke and have to be disbanded. Americans who've been brainwashed to believe in the privilege of inheritance are a joke. Soon their country will follow other civilizations that believed the same and are now defunct.
All that's needed for blacks to get out of poverty is for black women to get in touch with their fertility cycle and apply it to their sexual behavior. Also, we're running out of prison space for their out of wedlock kids.
Pro-Life Breeds Natural-Born Killers

We need mandatory abortion of likely future criminals. This is another reason why the Christofascists are as dangerous as the Democrats.
Let's go after illegal employers like we used to. Back before Bush 2 stopped.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

The hiring crimes of Illegal Employers are being ignored by the law, and rewarded by the economic systems of the nation. And it actually started with Reagan. He was the first to tell corporations he wouldn't go after companies who hired illegals.

Imagine if these companies refused to hire illegals. Imagine if they were afraid to get caught. They'd be forced to go on those job sites and post jobs available. If no one applies at $15 hr they may have to up the offer to $20 hr.

Quit trying to build a wall that ain't going to work. Go after illegal employers. Say it. Illegal employers.
Fake Tough Guys Slapping Their Classmates on the Wrist

The only think that will work is confiscating the business of anyone who hires immigration criminals. All else is just posturing. The Democrats hate White people; the Republicans hate the working class.
Okay now here is going to be the unpopular response. I do believe that whites typically have more wealth than blacks is because they spend their money on a proper education, not drugs and they properly discipline their children.

The crime rate is much higher in the black population than the white population and the percentage of black children growing up in fatherless homes is much higher as well.

Does this mean that this is among all black families? No it doesn't, but the fact that that's usually how it goes doesn't change.

If black people want to change their reputation they need to stop breeding like rabbits out of wedlock or at least a really committed relationship, stay in school, and start discipling their children before the police have to.
thats systematic racism according to im2 lol. you see us whites cause the black "men" to get erections and cause the black "women" to lie flat and spread her legs apart. whites also cause the black "man" to be/stay unemployed and out of school.
I don't think those guys are included in the working poor stats.
It’s doubtful they work. They probably beg for spending money from their baby mamas while living with their own mama in a subsidized apartment.

What they SHOULD have done is study hard in high school, use a condom if they had sex (and no….sex is not necessary in high school), and take a vocational program, paid for by Pell Grants. They would have been part of the middle class by age 25.
It’s doubtful they work. They probably beg for spending money from their baby mamas while living with their own mama in a subsidized apartment.

What they SHOULD have done is study hard in high school, use a condom if they had sex (and no….sex is not necessary in high school), and take a vocational program, paid for by Pell Grants. They would have been part of the middle class by age 25.
They look like they're discussing their next caper. :omg:
One thing I did notice in the 70s when women were able to get good paying jobs……more divorces

Women were no longer stuck in marriages because they were unable to support themselves outside of a husband
Leftwinger seeing divorce as a good thing. And the beat goes on.

And woman getting divorces because they met guys they were attracted to on the JOB. And those guys getting a divorce as well. In the middle of this mess, are kids who no longer know who their fathers are. Ugh!
Leftwinger seeing divorce as a good thing. And the beat goes on.

And woman getting divorces because they met guys they were attracted to on the JOB. And those guys getting a divorce as well. In the middle of this mess, are kids who no longer know who their fathers are. Ugh!

Not actually…many women were in abusive relationships both mentally and physically
Good paying jobs allowed them a way out
Don't you recognize a student who is studying astronomy, you know, taking up space. :auiqs.jpg:

He's probably exhausted from researching his minor, studying wild life.
Put it this way... ever heard of the phrase "on black time"?
Kids in college all over the country know exactly what that phrase means.
The fact kids all over America knows it - tells you something about the unfortunate culture of too many black students.
I want to point something out. When I poke fun of uneducated whites and the sea of despair they are living in, it's not that I like it. In fact I advocate for paying those idiots more. But Republicans say they are only worth $15 hr. I say they are worth more. But they vote for Trump.

So why is a white guy like me advocating for fairness when the rigged system favors me? Because the rigged system doesn't benefit any of us. We're all getting fucked. So rather than us fight each other, let's try to wake these dumb white mother fuckers up and get them to realize it's the rich they vote for who's fucking them over. Not blacks. Not libs. It's corporations and rich people. And all they have to do is buy Clarence Thomas a RV and he votes the way they want.
The rigged system discriminates AGAINST A WHITE GUY LIKE YOU. Where have you been for the last 58 years ? Living in a closet ?
Ever hear of Affirmative Action. ? Ever been to a workplace (like a VA hospital (for just one example) and seeing 99% nonwhites working there ? (90% blacks)

When I was a leftist (for 40 years ), I used to say the same thing you're saying now. Blame everything on the rich. In the meantime, we just had a rich guy for POTUS, and he was more beneficial to the poor and working class (especially blacks) than any president since FDR. And all Democrats cn do is hurl insults at him, and try to jail him, as they treat politics as if they were rooting for a baseball team.
Put it this way... ever heard of the phrase "on black time"?
Kids in college all over the country know exactly what that phrase means.
The fact kids all over America knows it - tells you something about the unfortunate culture of too many black students.
I've been guilty of that. :( Never liked strict schedules, or timeclocks.
The most direct and fastest way to accumulate wealth is through the acquisition of real property (land).

In many places in the U.S. people of African descent were not allowed to own land in the aftermath of the abolishment of slavery via the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Black Land Theft and the Racial Wealth Divide -

Their Family Bought Land One Generation After Slavery. The Reels Brothers Spent Eight Years in Jail for Refusing to Leave It.
That was pretty much limited to the deep south, the old Confederate states. Most states had no laws restricting land ownership.
Amidst all the information available in this regard this is the most important.

Whites are simple older than blacks. Wealth accumulation takes time. The average white family has been at it much longer than the much younger black family. Of course, there are other reasons for this disparity but 'time in service' is certainly the most important one.

Also minorities don't live as long wonder why... Now that we have the worst upward mobility inequality poverty and homelessness in our history thanks to 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich tax rates, won't change...Great job!
And the answer to that question is NO, they do NOT have an equal chance for success. The Black person has a far greater chance for success than the white. This is due to the moronic and racist 58 year old policy of Affirmative Action that has ruined the lives of thousands of whites, while placing (often unqualified) blacks directly into jobs, colleges, job promotions etc.

The evidence is all around us. I am a veteran who goes frequently to the VA hospital in Tampa, FL. This massive institution employs 16,000 people, and spending some time there, and walking through its many long hallways, one thing is starkly evident. The employees are overwhelmingly) I'd guess 99% non-white.

And who says that whites have more wealth than blacks ? Some leftist think tank, university, or media ? All known for their BS propaganda ? When all those non-white doctors, nurses, technicians, clerical workers, etc drive into the VA hospital parking areas in their shiny new cars, and pass some poor person in the median holding a sign asking for help, it is quite often a white person.

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Luckily, 75% of the country doesn't rely on crap GOP propaganda for "news"...

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