Zone1 Why whites have more wealth than blacks.

Luckily, 75% of the country doesn't rely on crap GOP propaganda for "news"...
Interesting how lest loons often insult GOP media as "propaganda", but rarely eer cite what specific reports they think are propaganda.
Most have never watched Newsmax, OAN, or other conservative media.
Big Oil Occupied Government

Both wars were caused by the fact that Saddam was producing oil over his OPEC quotas and then his sanctions quotas and thereby driving down the profits of the American oil companies.
Well we always know that money is the reason behind any war we get involved in. If no money we don't get involved. Lots of wars and attrocities happening in Africa we turn a blind eye to.
The rigged system discriminates AGAINST A WHITE GUY LIKE YOU. Where have you been for the last 58 years ? Living in a closet ?
Ever hear of Affirmative Action. ? Ever been to a workplace (like a VA hospital (for just one example) and seeing 99% nonwhites working there ? (90% blacks)

When I was a leftist (for 40 years ), I used to say the same thing you're saying now. Blame everything on the rich. In the meantime, we just had a rich guy for POTUS, and he was more beneficial to the poor and working class (especially blacks) than any president since FDR. And all Democrats cn do is hurl insults at him, and try to jail him, as they treat politics as if they were rooting for a baseball team.

1. Those VA jobs don't pay shit. Whites won't do them.
2. I seem to have plenty of opportunities despite affirmative action. Not enough blacks to affect me. Plus it's the right thing to do. What about women? Forget blacks. AA has helped the women you know. But they don't appreciate it. They resent it. I get why you don't like it but it's necessary if you believe in what's right. Doesn't matter if it hurts me. That may be the only reason I'm against it.
3. No Trump didn't MAGA like you think. You just swallowed the coolaid.
4. The system is out of wack because of the rich. You and Trump call them the deep state globalists.
The rigged system discriminates AGAINST A WHITE GUY LIKE YOU. Where have you been for the last 58 years ? Living in a closet ?
Ever hear of Affirmative Action. ? Ever been to a workplace (like a VA hospital (for just one example) and seeing 99% nonwhites working thre ? (9 0% blacks)

When I was a leftist (for 40 years ), I used to say the same thing you're saying now. Blame everything on the rich. In the meantime, we just had a rich guy for POTUS, and he was more beneficial to the poor and working class (especially blacks) than any president since FDR. And all Democrats cn do is hurl insults at him, and try to jail him, as they treat politics as if they were rooting for a baseball team.
I have worked for sooooo many all white employee companies. And I've seen blacks get interviewed, they hired the "better qualified" white and that white ended up being a loser. And I could tell by just looking at her she was a loser. The black lady seemed nice.

We have bias towards black people. Don't lie. They're lazy, don't show up on time, cry discrimination and sue you if you fire them. I've also seen that stereotypes exist for a reason and far too many times it's true, but this bias against blacks makes white hiring managers not hire them.

And so they can never get promoted because they never got hired.
Also minorities don't live as long wonder why... Now that we have the worst upward mobility inequality poverty and homelessness in our history thanks to 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich tax rates, won't change...Great job!
Naw, those things have other more mundane causes: crime, drugs, lack of education, illegitimacy, sloth, poor judgment, mental illness, etc.

The rich create jobs and opportunities. We need more of that.
Naw, those things have other more mundane causes: crime, drugs, lack of education, illegitimacy, sloth, poor judgment, mental illness, etc.

The rich create jobs and opportunities. We need more of that.
Yea but good paying jobs? Our society changed from 1978 to now. Unions broken, good paying manufacturing jobs sent overseas.

We see if labor doesn't have a seat at the table the middle class gets worse.

Chicken or egg? Which came first? Crime and drugs or lack of economic opportunities? Because we see poor uneducated whites are failing and they say it's because of the lack of economic opportunities.

Of course, we do, they're scary. :omg:

SNL did a great skit on this. The black guy got offended when the white guy at the ATM was scared of him. But then the white guy left and it was the black guys turn. 2 blacks walked up behind him and he got scared.
Yea but good paying jobs? Our society changed from 1978 to now. Unions broken, good paying manufacturing jobs sent overseas.

We see if labor doesn't have a seat at the table the middle class gets worse.

Chicken or egg? Which came first? Crime and drugs or lack of economic opportunities? Because we see poor uneducated whites are failing and they say it's because of the lack of economic opportunities.

Our problems are the result of the 'hollowing out' of morality, good judgement, and the sense of responsibility.
Yea but good paying jobs? Our society changed from 1978 to now. Unions broken, good paying manufacturing jobs sent overseas.

We see if labor doesn't have a seat at the table the middle class gets worse.

Chicken or egg? Which came first? Crime and drugs or lack of economic opportunities? Because we see poor uneducated whites are failing and they say it's because of the lack of economic opportunities.

Puh-lease. Stop making excuses for crime and drug abuse. Lack of economic opportunities? Yeah, right.

Plenty of poor, hard-working people who don’t steal or smoke crack.
Puh-lease. Stop making excuses for crime and drug abuse. Lack of economic opportunities? Yeah, right.

Plenty of poor, hard-working people who don’t steal or smoke crack.
How do you explain the recent trend? Researchers concluded the reason uneducated whites are doing worse while everyone else is getting better is all those good paying jobs that went overseas. No more good jobs without going to school they can't afford. So they are turning to fentynol, alcohol, heroine and suicide.

You explain why then.
How do you explain the recent trend? Researchers concluded the reason uneducated whites are doing worse while everyone else is getting better is all those good paying jobs that went overseas. No more good jobs without going to school they can't afford. So they are turning to fentynol, alcohol, heroine and suicide.

You explain why then.
The bullshit study focuses on a cohort in a narrow age range, 50-54 years of age. Also, the graph mirrors the rise in use of fentanyl, the deadly drug found most in the drugs-of-choice of non-Hispanic whites.
The bullshit study focuses on a cohort in a narrow age range, 50-54 years of age. Also, the graph mirrors the rise in use of fentanyl, the deadly drug found most in the drugs-of-choice of non-Hispanic whites.

Sounds about the right age. Those people are not savy with new technology. Their high paying union jobs went away and now they are making $15 hr and they have how many years to retire?

This is only happening to uneducated whites. Not college educated whites. Not blacks and mexicans. Whites. And not just white men. White women too. Uneducated WHITES are dying from economic despair.

Do you think it's any different for people age 49? I'm 53 soon. Can't wait to retire in 9 years. My buddy says I should qualify for low cost Obamacare if I'm only living off social security and interest from my savings. Just till I can get medicare at 65. If they don't raise that too.
I've been guilty of that. :( Never liked strict schedules, or timeclocks.
When both my daughter and son went to college, that would have been between 2008 - 2016 for the two of them. They were stunned by the black students. "OBT" (on black time) - they really did always show up late, leaver early. And many of them never turned in homework. Like over half of them.
You can't have that kind of culture and expect any degree of economic equality.
But Democrats will not, for one second, address that issue. NO - they make concessions for that behavior. Lower the requirements for them. Let them take 6-8 years to get a degree if necessary.. or just hand them "general degrees" after they keep failing over and over.
But hey!!! - don't stop paying for their tuition!!! Raaacist!!!
Sixty years ago, Blacks had a legit case for less opportunities at success. Since then, that has completely reversed as all US institutions will choose a Black applicant over an equally or even slightly more qualified White applicant.
Sounds about the right age. Those people are not savy with new technology. Their high paying union jobs went away and now they are making $15 hr and they have how many years to retire?

This is only happening to uneducated whites. Not college educated whites. Not blacks and mexicans. Whites. And not just white men. White women too. Uneducated WHITES are dying from economic despair.

Do you think it's any different for people age 49? I'm 53 soon. Can't wait to retire in 9 years. My buddy says I should qualify for low cost Obamacare if I'm only living off social security and interest from my savings. Just till I can get medicare at 65. If they don't raise that too.
Thing is that the graph only shows an increase to 200 deaths per 100,000 from a previous 100 deaths over a period of 15 years. Not earth shaking. And causes of death are not delineated. I'm guessing fentanyl is a major factor. "Death from despair" is a shaky conclusion at best.
When both my daughter and son went to college, that would have been between 2008 - 2016 for the two of them. They were stunned by the black students. "OBT" (on black time) - they really did always show up late, leaver early. And many of them never turned in homework. Like over half of them.
You can't have that kind of culture and expect any degree of economic equality.
But Democrats will not, for one second, address that issue. NO - they make concessions for that behavior. Lower the requirements for them. Let them take 6-8 years to get a degree if necessary.. or just hand them "general degrees" after they keep failing over and over.
But hey!!! - don't stop paying for their tuition!!! Raaacist!!!
Pretty clear that most don't really want to be there, and probably shouldn't be.

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