Zone1 Why whites have more wealth than blacks.

The most direct and fastest way to accumulate wealth is through the acquisition of real property (land).

In many places in the U.S. people of African descent were not allowed to own land in the aftermath of the abolishment of slavery via the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Black Land Theft and the Racial Wealth Divide -

Their Family Bought Land One Generation After Slavery. The Reels Brothers Spent Eight Years in Jail for Refusing to Leave It.
We know, by virtue of your color, you are a natural victim of the white man and you claim to not be bigoted.
That's your fault, yes you, for supporting Capitalism and it still does not negate what I said about the poorest white being just as poor as the poorest black.
Actually it does negate it.
East Indians are Asians. And it means that immigrants from India were most of the H1B Visa recipients.
Well, the term "East" Indian is meant to distinguish people from India/Pakistan from the American native indian (as well as "West Indian", being the Caribbean), thanks to Columbus's ignorance. And although you are correct in saying that people of India are Asians - true, true - (anything east of the Bospherous actually), people outside of the UK (for example) think of Asians as being Burmese, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, etc.
Bluebloods Sponsor Brown-Noses and Blacks

The proportion of people in the 1% who were born in the 1% is 20 times what it would be in a healthy society. That absurd bias brings into question the merit of the rest, since their class-climbing is controlled by such a lopsided concentration of heiristocrats.
So you just pulled that ridiculous statement out of you ass?

And since whne is more people being born poor a sign of a healthy society?

The fact is most people who have become millionaires in this country did not inherit their money
People don't know how much money a criminal makes because they don't report the incomes they make from their crimes.
Yes, that's true, of course, but I thought you were referring to bonafide, up-front millionaires who can verify their income and I am talking about criminals. To that I say:

1). Money laundering and ...
2). let's be honest .... politicians who bend over for the Deep State/Military-Industrial Complex.

***** loopholes galore for those who have the right contacts.
What ARE you prattling on about, white boy?
Don't vote for a guy who says he's going to maga for blue collar uneducated Americans and then be obtuse about what I'm talking about. You know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about dumb Americans like you who vote for the rich because they dupe you with god gays and guns. And Racism.
True and I’ve been a worker…I asked for more and when they didn’t pay me I went and got a better higher paying job…I didn’t cry, whine or beg…I got a better fucking job.
See how easy this shit is?

Hahaha…WTF. That’s sounds like some begging Democrat catchphrase.
Can you explain “class warfare” for us please.

I’ll tell what I don’t do…I don’t beg for free shit. I pave my own path and pay my own way…try it…it’s the American Way.
BINGO! Then don't complain about Biden and inflation. Because of the pandemic we had what was called the Great Resignation. A shit load of millionaires retired in their 50's. Said fuck it. That left a void. Everyone who went out and looked for another job is doing better today, even factoring in inflation.

So you are talking to the losers who vote for Trump and complain about the economy. The economy is great. You just admitted it.

Class warfare is something Republicans convinced you we were waging against the rich when the fact is, the war has and will always exist. The rich lobby government and pay off Clarence Thomas. Not only is there a war going on, we're losing it. And they've got you convinced the war is only us waging it on them? Boy are you stupid huh? So easily duped.
Amidst all the information available in this regard this is the most important.

Whites are simple older than blacks. Wealth accumulation takes time. The average white family has been at it much longer than the much younger black family. Of course, there are other reasons for this disparity but 'time in service' is certainly the most important one.

This is a number of years ago, and I mean pre-forum/internet days. I read an article that blacks, genetically, were on the whole not business minded/savvy. Unfortunately, I have no link etc.. because in the 80's, you just read stuff.
Yes, that's true, of course, but I thought you were referring to bonafide, up-front millionaires who can verify their income and I am talking about criminals. To that I say:

1). Money laundering and ...
2). let's be honest .... politicians who bend over for the Deep State/Military-Industrial Complex.

***** loopholes galore for those who have the right contacts.

So most people who have become millionaires who didn't inherit their money did it by illegal activity?



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