Zone1 Why whites have more wealth than blacks.

Not sure what you mean. Please explain.
If you have a dollar, and you spend it, you have helped the merchant cover his costs. His costs include the expense of having purchased that item at wholesale. But he is also making a small profit. Now he, in turn, uses that dollar. The next merchant reaps the same benefits as the first merchant. And that continues. So no dollar is “worth” only a dollar. Each dollar has an inherent additional value. It multiplies.

See, for example: What is the Multiplier Effect? - 2023 - Robinhood
Yes moron that's right. Workers have always said job creators, pay us more. Got a problem with that?
True and I’ve been a worker…I asked for more and when they didn’t pay me I went and got a better higher paying job…I didn’t cry, whine or beg…I got a better fucking job.
See how easy this shit is?
You don't know class warfare exists? Well it does dipshit.
Hahaha…WTF. That’s sounds like some begging Democrat catchphrase.
Can you explain “class warfare” for us please.
I don't know what you do but you're either a corporation or an unappreciative piece of crap.
I’ll tell what I don’t do…I don’t beg for free shit. I pave my own path and pay my own way…try it…it’s the American Way.
And yet so few Asian CEO's in America. Why come?
To Escape From the Grind, You Have to Get Off the Grid

Because it's unnatural even for the coolie race to be a studyoholic. Once they get a white-collar job, they cease to be ambitious.

A Korean girl I knew spent all her time studying and wouldn't date anybody because it would have interfered with her grind. So she was desperately inexperienced when she finally graduated and allowed herself to date. She was a clinger, and when her first boyfriend broke it off after a couple of years, she committed suicide.
Is there something wrong with your vision ? "so many white men getting these jobs?" Go to your VA hospital and look at all the so many black people getting those jobs. And any other government office
The Right Hand Does Know What Its Left Hand Is Doing

This is the paradox of Statism. If they want us to love the government, why do they hire the most incompetent, lazy, and rude to service us?

The apparent contradiction is because they get a sadistic pleasure out of forcing people to accept the government's nasty power. Also, because they are agents of the Right Wing they were born in, so they want to trick unaware Americans to vote for putting themselves at the mercy of the private sector, which functions just like a totalitarian state.
An explanation that has achieved great resonance in the media is that less-educated Whites have been especially hard hit in recent economic times. Case and Deaton referred to the increased deaths linked to overdoses, suicides, and alcoholism in working class Whites as “deaths of despair.
:safetocomeoutff:cheers! ~S~
Why don’t Black people just get jobs and work like all legit humans in America do? Why don’t they stop running baby factories? Why don’t they stop smoking so much weed? Why do East Indians and Asians run right past Black people?
Why is begging for free shit the answer?
How about teaching black folks cause and effect and ambition?
Genetically Impossible for Evolution's Sore Losers
An explanation that has achieved great resonance in the media is that less-educated Whites have been especially hard hit in recent economic times. Case and Deaton referred to the increased deaths linked to overdoses, suicides, and alcoholism in working class Whites as “deaths of despair.
Going beyond the projection and lies from sealybobo and looking at some data… it seems like “less educated whites” are out-earning those uber intelligent woke white guilt wackos with purple hair, neck tattoos and nose rings.

Going beyond the projection and lies from sealybobo and looking at some data… it seems like “less educated whites” are out-earning those uber intelligent woke white guilt wackos with purple hair, neck tattoos and nose rings.
View attachment 850823

View attachment 850825
Funny, nobody asked me my education level when I voted. My wife and I would have both chipped away at the 58% that claimed they voted for Crooked Hillary since we both have post graduate degrees and voted for Trump. You really aren't very educated if you thought Crooked Hillary would have been a good President no matter how many degrees you have.

They probably asked a few in that survey and then extrapolated for the entire population.

That is how those polls work, and this even assuming the respondent told the truth.
Oh now that the shoe is on the other foot you're making excuses? Blacks had good excuses for 200 years and you mocked them. Now you have excuses?

Let me tell you something you dumb fucking hick. It ain't blacks and women's fault your life sucks. YOU voted GOP. They voted for policies like trickle down and they don't want to make college more affordable.

BTW, it's not college educated whites who are suffering. It's you uneducated whites. You are finally finding out that the GOP doesn't care about you. They only pretend to. They pit you against blacks and tell you that your life sucks because of them.

Take a look at how rich your CEO is stupid. It's his fault. Not the blacks.

BUT, I will say this. They pay women and blacks less so maybe the CEO is smart to hire people who can do just as good a job as you but for less. And to those blacks, that's a pay increase. Paying them LESS than you is a pay increase. Meanwhile, you're waiting for billionaire trump to MAGA for you. Don't hold your stupid breath white boy dick.
What do you mean by saying "now" ? It isnt just now, it it from well back in the past, going back 58 years, to when my work life was just beginning. I'm now retired and spent my ENTIRE worklife under the gun of Affirmative Action, holding me back at every place I applied for work.

My whole 4.5 years of college was destroyed, as was the career I would/could/should have had, and it wasn't just me. It is thousands of other men and women, white, hispanic, asian, et al non-black.

So now you blame blacks' troubles on the GOP, huh ? You idiot, during the Trump administration, blacks never had it better. This is when blacks had their lowest unemployment in US history. Simultaneous to that, the US median wage was the highest in US history. Trump created 10 million jobs in 4 months, including 400,000 manufacturing jobs, while the GDP 35.3%, was highest in US history. 4 million Americans off food stamps. Vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever. FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. Trump reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars.
$6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic (the most ever). 8,700 Opportunity Zones were created, with investment incentives for companies to invest in distressed communities.
Got $ 250 Million/year to black colleges.

Trump was the best US president for blacks since Lincoln, and all you can do is come here and blabber a bunch of close-minded CNN/MSMNC stupid talk.


I spent 27 years in the workforce, and I moved from state to state frequently. I worked in a variety of jobs from machine shops to high-tech companies, to driving jobs, etc. etc, and had more than 2 dozen separate employments, over the decades. I never worked anywhere where women and blacks were paid less. That is a typical Democrat propaganda, and you fall for it.

Lastly, I'm neither a "boy" (am 77 years old), nor am I entirely "white", since I am part Mexican, and speak Spanish desde mil novacientos ciquenta y nueve. (since 1959).
The question should be, all other things being equal, do the Black person and the White person have an equal chance for success. That should be the goal, not some asinine equity that liberals are obsessed with.
All things are not equal, that's what white right wingers refuse to accept because the inequality benefits them.
Note that the POOREST BLACK is not poorer than the POOREST WHITE. That's called "equality".

Notice that black median income is far lower than white median income and blacks are paid less than whites even when everything else is the same.
Amidst all the information available in this regard this is the most important.

Whites are simple older than blacks. Wealth accumulation takes time. The average white family has been at it much longer than the much younger black family. Of course, there are other reasons for this disparity but 'time in service' is certainly the most important one.

The most direct and fastest way to accumulate wealth is through the acquisition of real property (land).

In many places in the U.S. people of African descent were not allowed to own land in the aftermath of the abolishment of slavery via the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Black Land Theft and the Racial Wealth Divide -

Their Family Bought Land One Generation After Slavery. The Reels Brothers Spent Eight Years in Jail for Refusing to Leave It.
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Notice that black median income is far lower than white median income and blacks are paid less than whites even when everything else is the same.
That's your fault, yes you, for supporting Capitalism and it still does not negate what I said about the poorest white being just as poor as the poorest black.

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