Zone1 Why whites have more wealth than blacks.

Nope. Try again.

I'll tell you what a guy at the top says. Take it for what it's worth. He says they are super smart but don't have the people skills it takes. So they are stuck in the programming and engineer level.

I say that's bullshit. Lots of smart asian Americans go to school and if "the best" were hired, they're represent more jobs at the top.

Forget the business owner. We're talking favoritism in the work force. You're an employee right? Who do white men always go so far as employees?
Yea a lot of whites get their jobs that way. His father, his friends father.

Oh please. Are you going to tell me you acknowledge that this kind of favoritizm/nepotism exists but whites don't hire whites because they are white? It's okay as long as they know them?

This is why poor uneducated whites are struggling so bad. They're finding out to the whites at the top, they're n*#$rs too. It shows in how much they pay them.

And with affirmative action and diversity programs trying to make things more fair for the rest of us, uneducated whites are now finding themselves in the same spot that ghetto blacks find themselves. Desperate and no hope to make a better life for themselves. Hopeless. And they are turning to suicide and drugs. Sound familiar?

You whites should be embarrassed. For centuries you've told blacks to pick themselves up by their bootstaps. Despite all the obsticles, the've been doing it. Slowly getting better. Meanwhile whites are taking a step backward. At least uneducated whites.

And this is why it blows me away that Republicans are telling us all don't go to college. Meanwhile they all have college degrees. They don't want to make college more affordable for the masses like us liberals did. Their answer is don't go to college. Become a loser on drugs and kill yourselves. Put that on a GOP bumper sticker.
The Elitist unAmerican Prep School Means "Prepare for College"

"Education" means nothing more than buying a job. That puts inferior people in superior positions, which is why our economy fails and the uneducated are put out of work. The wrong people at the top do us wrong and make us blame ourselves instead.

We will continue to drift downward unless we go back to the old system of the self-educated starting on the ground floor and working their way up to the front office. But the brainwashing about class-biased indentured-servitude "education" is overwhelming, because the Preppies and wannabe Preppies have achieved totalitarian thought-control.

A college diploma is no different from what a Communist Party membership card was in the failed Soviet Union. The epitaph on the tombstone of the American economy will be TO GET A GOOD JOB, GET A GOOD EDUCATION.
Why don’t Black people just get jobs and work like all legit humans in America do? Why don’t they stop running baby factories? Why don’t they stop smoking so much weed? Why do East Indians and Asians run right past Black people?
Why is begging for free shit the answer?
How about teaching black folks cause and effect and ambition?
Why are you so angry? Didn't you get your benefits this month? Call your social worker at the welfare department and tell them to send your check and food stamp benefits. :itsok:
Why don’t Black people just get jobs and work like all legit humans in America do? Why don’t they stop running baby factories? Why don’t they stop smoking so much weed? Why do East Indians and Asians run right past Black people?
Why is begging for free shit the answer?
How about teaching black folks cause and effect and ambition?
Genetically Impossible
What about Hispanics, asians, jews, blacks, muslims? How in country as diverse as ours are so many white men getting these jobs?

You sound ignorant and like a cry baby. Yes, corporate America is still dominated by white men. When black women make up 3% maybe then we will have achieved MLK's dream of inclusiveness.

I know it's hard for a white man to swallow. My nephews are in college and I feel sorry their going to have to deal with getting passed over for a black or woman. I know, it sucks. But blame their ancestors.

You remind me of a white in South Africa who cried about Apartide being broken up. I know it sucks but it's only right. Right?

I'll ask again since you ignored it the first time.

Should upper management of a company be qualified, or be black? Should someone be hired based on their ability to do the job, or their skin color?

I love pointing out the racism in racist liberals.
Blacks don't value the nuclear family and education like any other demographic, not just whites.
That's all folks!!!
Bullshit Moon Bat.

That would have been the case prior to the 1960s but not in the last 40 to 50 years. Due to affirmative action and diversity goals Blacks are even more likely to be hired instead of Whites nowadays.

The reason they don't do shit is because:

1. They have much more criminal records that Whites

2, They don't have a good work ethic do to the fact they were not raised in culture that embraced hard work.

3. They have tremendous drug and alcohol problems.

4. They were not raised in a two parent home that promoted good work ethics.

5. They have a welfare and entitlement mentality.

6. Many of them are uneducated and functionally illiterate because they were passed in school because of racial goals and not because of reaching a level of learning.

sealybobo thinks every time he doesn't get a job it's because he's black, even though he isn't black. It keeps him angry though
You sound bitter, angry and envious. :mad: If not, why do you talk so mean about Black people?
Black people wreak havoc and terrorize the American public TODAY and everyday and then beg for free shit for shit that happened to their ancestors decades ago.
I think today’s blacks should pay reparations to today’s legit Americans. Doesn’t that make more sense?
That’s all nothing but free shit needing beggar bullshit…We’ve always had bottom feeding degenerates saying the same tired shit. “Give me more free shit”….”take more from rich whitey and give it to me”….”take more from corporations and spoon feed me”…..Nothing has changed in America….Smart ambitions people start businesses /corporations and common folks work for what they think their time is worth…The only difference is; filthy Democrats whom always claim to be looking out for the bottom feeders have dropped tens of millions of wetbacks on top of the people they proclaim to cherish.
Again…more of the same here. Beggars beg.
Yes moron that's right. Workers have always said job creators, pay us more. Got a problem with that?

You don't know class warfare exists? Well it does dipshit.

I don't know what you do but you're either a corporation or an unappreciative piece of crap.
As for generational wealth, I got zero (less than zero, net) from my parents. At 74, the wealth that I have is the product of (a) being constantly employed since I was 15, (b) getting married, and having my spouse work full time, (c) living below our means, and (d) saving as much as we could until we finally retired.

Got a lot of lucky breaks along the way, but none of it was due to family or personal contacts, my race, or any affiliations. Much of my education was funded by VA benefits, and I actually went into the Army (during Vietnam) so that this would happen.

I finished college and law school with ZERO debt. Maybe that wouldn't be possible now with higher tuition costs, but everything was pay-go.

Any Black male could have done everything the same as me, and could have achieved the same result. Retirement funds are well into seven figures and not a (financial) care in the world.
I have a similar outcome. I entered the Marine Corps on my seventeenth birthday--a high school drop out. By all rights, I should have ended up cannon fodder in Vietnam. I answered a call during qualifications testing in boot camp and as a result spent four years as a journalist (one year in Vietnam escorting civilian news crews). I got my education from the same uncle you did. Over fifty years later, with hard work and austerity by both my spouse and me, we are enjoying a great retirement with the grandkids and our kids following much the same path.
Blacks don't value the nuclear family and education like any other demographic, not just whites.
That's all folks!!!
It's a vicious cycle as many blacks don't come from a nuclear family. It becomes normal so it continues.
The Elitist unAmerican Prep School Means "Prepare for College"

"Education" means nothing more than buying a job. That puts inferior people in superior positions, which is why our economy fails and the uneducated are put out of work. The wrong people at the top do us wrong and make us blame ourselves instead.

We will continue to drift downward unless we go back to the old system of the self-educated starting on the ground floor and working their way up to the front office. But the brainwashing about class-biased indentured-servitude "education" is overwhelming, because the Preppies and wannabe Preppies have achieved totalitarian thought-control.

A college diploma is no different from what a Communist Party membership card was in the failed Soviet Union. The epitaph on the tombstone of the American economy will be TO GET A GOOD JOB, GET A GOOD EDUCATION.
You're a jealous uneducated worker. But you have conflicting thoughts. Those high paid blue collar workers are overpaid for just pushing a button.

But then you attack educated people too.

No wonder you want anarchy. You want to blow the whole system up because it's not working for you. Loser.
You don't get to change the reason we invaded after you lied about WMD's. He was "a bad man" is not justification. You're experiencing cognitive dissonance brother.

Oh, and about those dark nations. Black England.

King Charles to acknowledge ‘painful’ colonial past on state visit to Kenya​

Monarch’s recognition will come as country prepares to celebrate 60 years of independence from Britain​

The monarch will talk vaguely about ‘wrongs’ on his first official visit as head of state to a Commonwealth country. This blindness about the violence of empire must stop

It's only been 60 years since they were freed from England's rule. You remember how much we liked being under England's rule right?
WMD were a small part of why we invaded Iraq. The biggest things were Saddam constantly violating the terms of the cease-fire and attacking our aircraft that were enforcing the "no-fly zone" that was protecting the Kurds from Saddam's attempt at genocide.

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