Zone1 Why whites have more wealth than blacks.

One thing I did notice in the 70s when women were able to get good paying jobs……more divorces

Women were no longer stuck in marriages because they were unable to support themselves outside of a husband
I want to point something out. When I poke fun of uneducated whites and the sea of despair they are living in, it's not that I like it. In fact I advocate for paying those idiots more. But Republicans say they are only worth $15 hr. I say they are worth more. But they vote for Trump.

So why is a white guy like me advocating for fairness when the rigged system favors me? Because the rigged system doesn't benefit any of us. We're all getting fucked. So rather than us fight each other, let's try to wake these dumb white mother fuckers up and get them to realize it's the rich they vote for who's fucking them over. Not blacks. Not libs. It's corporations and rich people. And all they have to do is buy Clarence Thomas a RV and he votes the way they want.
Amidst all the information available in this regard this is the most important.

Whites are simple older than blacks. Wealth accumulation takes time. The average white family has been at it much longer than the much younger black family. Of course, there are other reasons for this disparity but 'time in service' is certainly the most important one.

Reparations for slavery would close the wealth gap between Whites and Blacks in the USA. Blacks labored for 254 years for FREE, then were exploited by Jim Crow laws for another 100 years. Nothing is going to make up for that headstart that Whites received in those years.
Reparations for slavery would close the wealth gap between Whites and Blacks in the USA. Blacks labored for 254 years for FREE, then were exploited by Jim Crow laws for another 100 years. Nothing is going to make up for that headstart that Whites received in those years.
Calculating reparations would be impossible and would likely cause more division and anger in the black community than in the white community.

For one thing the economic well-being of blacks must be measured against their contemporary counterparts in Africa, not white people in America. In other words, if they had not been brought here as slaves how would they have fared economically in their homeland.

In Nigeria for example, the region where many slaves came from, average income today per person is about $2000/yr. whereas the income of their American descendants is about $45,000/yr.

So Nigerian-American fortunes have dramatically improved as a result of slavery.
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Calculating reparations would be impossible and would likely cause more division and anger in the black community than in the white community.
Reparations would not cause division or anger in the Black community. And if your next excuse is we don't have enough money, that's a fib too. Look at all the money we are sending to Ukraine and Israel for their wars. (Billions) Look at how much military equipment we left in Afganistan. (Billions)
We have money for what we want to have money for.
One thing I did notice in the 70s when women were able to get good paying jobs……more divorces

Women were no longer stuck in marriages because they were unable to support themselves outside of a husband

The UAW's strike success hinges on organizing more workers​

strategy that will only succeed if the United Auto Workers follow it up with an equally aggressive effort to unionize other automakers.

A successful UAW organizing effort could improve the livelihood of all U.S. autoworkers, including those who work at non-union plants run by Tesla, Toyota, Nissan, Hyundai and others.

Driving the news: After Ford executive chairman Bill Ford Jr. said earlier this week that the UAW strike was putting the domestic auto industry at risk, union president Shawn Fain responded: "Workers at Tesla, Toyota, Honda and others are not the enemy — they're the UAW members of the future."

  • "Next we're going to organize non-union auto companies like we've never organized before," Fain said during a Friday livestream.
  • Its most recent failure came in 2019, when workers at Volkswagen's Chattanooga, Tennessee plant rejected the UAW for the second time.
  • Organizers blamed scare tactics by VW management and anti-union politicians.
Just a few years later, however, the labor movement has entered a new era.

  • More favorable attitudes toward organized labor, a pandemic-emboldened workforce, and a growing wealth gap suggest the UAW's prospects are better than they've been in decades.
  • "Step one is demonstrating that the union is strong and capable of being equal to the auto companies," explained Bensinger, former national organizing director of the AFL-CIO, who also served as UAW organizing director a decade ago.
  • Step two, he says, is mobilizing a grassroots organizing drive similar to the recent unionization effort at Starbucks (which Bensinger helped lead).
The intrigue: Young labor activists who joined Fain's inner circle from Bernie Sanders' 2016 presidential campaign are bringing new energy and tactics to the fight.

Perhaps the most coveted prize for the UAW would be to organize Toyota's Georgetown, Kentucky plant — a sprawling facility with more than 8,000 employees that the UAW last tried to unionize in the 2000s.

  • Todd Dunn, president of the UAW local that represents workers at Ford's nearby Kentucky Truck Plant, hinted that the union could target Toyota next.
  • A "significant segment" of workers at the Toyota plant "want UAW representation," Dunn told Axios in an interview.
Yes, but: Some workers say they don't need to unionize since their employers tend to raise wages anyway whenever their UAW counterparts get a new contract.

  • "Those workers at non-union plants are rooting for the UAW because it means they're going to see a wage increase," said consultant Dennis Cuneo, a longtime auto industry executive.
Reparations would not cause division or anger in the Black community. And if your next excuse is we don't have enough money, that's a fib too. Look at all the money we are sending to Ukraine and Israel for their wars. (Billions) Look at how much military equipment we left in Afganistan. (Billions)
We have money for what we want to have money for.
Reparations would cause division and anger because many blacks wouldn't receive any as their ancestors were never slaves, or because many have not been negatively affected financially by slavery.

We sent mostly arms and equipment to Ukraine, very little money. The $80Billion left in Afghanistan was the cost of that military equipment, not money. The money spent to manufacture that equipment likely never left America, and is now scattered all over the place.
We sent mostly arms and equipment to Ukraine, very little money. The $80Billion left in Afghanistan was the cost of that military equipment, not money. The money spent to manufacture that equipment likely never left America, and is now scattered all over the place.
If the American taxpayers foot the bill for a tank, and that tank is then gifted to Ukraine or some other nation, guess what? It was still paid for by us.
If the American taxpayers foot the bill for a tank, and that tank is then gifted to Ukraine or some other nation, guess what? It was still paid for by us.
Sure, but they received a tank, our tank builders got the money. Also, they got a single use 'asset' that will eventually be destroyed or become useless (except for scrap).
Sure, but they received a tank, not money.
So what? The fact is that it’s insignificant to us whether we give another nation an outright gift of cash or we spend that same money on equipment and then give the equipment, instead.

We’re out that money and they get (free of cost to them) the value.
So what? The fact is that it’s insignificant to us whether we give another nation an outright gift of cash or we spend that same money on equipment and then give the equipment, instead.

We’re out that money and they get (free of cost to them) the value.
You do know why we are supporting Ukraine right?
So what? The fact is that it’s insignificant to us whether we give another nation an outright gift of cash or we spend that same money on equipment and then give the equipment, instead.

We’re out that money and they get (free of cost to them) the value.
Not so. Building tanks is part of our economy and employment. I'm also not sure that those tanks aren't without some strings. Are we lending them the money to buy the tanks from us, to be repaid at later time?
Not so. Building tanks is part of our economy and employment. I'm also not sure that those tanks aren't without some strings. Are we lending them the money to buy the tanks from us, to be repaid at later time?
It is “so.” The money the taxpayers spend on such things has an economic consequence. Any useful product made does.

But the cost is paid-for by the taxpayers.
It is “so.” The money the taxpayers spend on such things has an economic consequence. Any useful product made does.

But the cost is paid-for by the taxpayers.
But it comes right back to us, as do most taxes.
Amidst all the information available in this regard this is the most important.

Whites are simple older than blacks. Wealth accumulation takes time. The average white family has been at it much longer than the much younger black family. Of course, there are other reasons for this disparity but 'time in service' is certainly the most important one.

In my never to be considered humble opinion, that probably is a component of the big picture. But I think the wealth gap between blacks and whites at this time is more cultural than anything.

Because the left demands that we all remain race conscious (and therefore racist), black people are more often seen as seeing themselves as black first before anything else. That is amplified in perception because so many black people are given specifically 'black' names and are taught that it is wrong to act, speak, dress 'white', i.e. mainstream. And that makes them less desirable to both black and white employers who perceive them as more trouble maker or not fitting in than responsible workers.

And a little over one third of black children are blessed with growing up with two biological parents in the home which gives them a distinct advantage. By some credible studies such children who prepare themselves to live and work in mainstream society on average do very well financially mostly because they are more likely to stay away from illegal substances and activities, far more likely to graduate high school and college, more likely to get married before having kids etc.

The two thirds in single parent or step parent homes can also do fine, but statistically are far less likely to do so.

A society that exalts, approves, praises the single parent more than it does the traditional nuclear family does a great disservice to the children no matter what the skin color may be.

The number of upper middle class, millionaires, billionaires citizens who happen to be black continues to significantly increase and, while not yet achieving parity with white citizens, most likely because of the age/experience thing, they are closing the gap.

All this is to reinforce my constant mantra that until the woke/liberal/Democrat/bleeding heart/do gooder meddlers understand that skin color should be seen and treated no differently than hair or eye color, will the so-called 'systemic racism' end. It is those 'meddlers', many of whom profit from racism, who created the current racism and are doing their damndest to perpetuate it. And there is some evil in that.
I want to point something out. When I poke fun of uneducated whites and the sea of despair they are living in, it's not that I like it. In fact I advocate for paying those idiots more. But Republicans say they are only worth $15 hr. I say they are worth more. But they vote for Trump.

So why is a white guy like me advocating for fairness when the rigged system favors me? Because the rigged system doesn't benefit any of us. We're all getting fucked. So rather than us fight each other, let's try to wake these dumb white mother fuckers up and get them to realize it's the rich they vote for who's fucking them over. Not blacks. Not libs. It's corporations and rich people. And all they have to do is buy Clarence Thomas a RV and he votes the way they want.
That’s all nothing but free shit needing beggar bullshit…We’ve always had bottom feeding degenerates saying the same tired shit. “Give me more free shit”….”take more from rich whitey and give it to me”….”take more from corporations and spoon feed me”…..Nothing has changed in America….Smart ambitions people start businesses /corporations and common folks work for what they think their time is worth…The only difference is; filthy Democrats whom always claim to be looking out for the bottom feeders have dropped tens of millions of wetbacks on top of the people they proclaim to cherish.
Again…more of the same here. Beggars beg.
Reparations would not cause division or anger in the Black community. And if your next excuse is we don't have enough money, that's a fib too. Look at all the money we are sending to Ukraine and Israel for their wars. (Billions) Look at how much military equipment we left in Afganistan. (Billions)
We have money for what we want to have money for.
Why don’t Black people just get jobs and work like all legit humans in America do? Why don’t they stop running baby factories? Why don’t they stop smoking so much weed? Why do East Indians and Asians run right past Black people?
Why is begging for free shit the answer?
How about teaching black folks cause and effect and ambition?

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