Zone1 Why whites have more wealth than blacks.

I'm probably going to get in lots of trouble for saying this but at least if you want to be a lifeguard then chances are you won't have to worry about it being stolen away from a black person. (I'm sorry, no offense to black people who can swim but I just couldn't help myself. Hopefully I didn't go too far with this one. 🤣 If I did I'll delete it. 🙂)
To the extent (an extent which I assume is not really validly doubted) that black people in our land were the subject of racism in the past, and that racism has adversely impacted black people in the present, I grasp the call for making some amends.

Today, many black Americans start off in an economically disadvantaged position in our society which exists as a present day consequence of past discrimination. The entire notion of “affirmative action” began along those lines. It was a way of temporarily “tilting the field” to compensate black Americans for the present day consequences of past societal discrimination.

But …

Objectively, it tends to discriminate against “present” day white Americans since those are the people who, involuntarily, are made the sacrificial lambs in the process.

In brief, being discriminated against — on the basis of race — under an “Affirmative Action Program” is no less racist today than Jim Crow laws were in the past.

There are other convoluted thoughts on the legality of such Affirmative Action programs. But the goal has pretty much always been driven by the notion that society has some obligation to take cognizance of race to overcome the results of past discrimination.

We should have been (since our founding) a “colorblind society.” We weren’t. So the thinking is that we “need” to weigh race back into the process, to fix things. In other words, our past failure to be a colorblind society demands that we not be a colorblind society, now.
I'm probably going to get in lots of trouble for saying this but at least if you want to be a lifeguard then chances are you won't have to worry about it being stolen away from a black person. (I'm sorry, no offense to black people who can swim but I just couldn't help myself. Hopefully I didn't go too far with this one. 🤣 If I did I'll delete it. 🙂)

Just so everybody knows black people joke about this too though.

To the extent (an extent which I assume is not really validly doubted) that black people in our land were the subject of racism in the past, and that racism has adversely impacted black people in the present, I grasp the call for making some amends.

Today, many black Americans start off in an economically disadvantaged position in our society which exists as a present day consequence of past discrimination. The entire notion of “affirmative action” began along those lines. It was a way of temporarily “tilting the field” to compensate black Americans for the present day consequences of past societal discrimination.

But …

Objectively, it tends to discriminate against “present” day white Americans since those are the people who, involuntarily, are made the sacrificial lambs in the process.

In brief, being discriminated against — on the basis of race — under an “Affirmative Action Program” is no less racist today than Jim Crow laws were in the past.

There are other convoluted thoughts on the legality of such Affirmative Action programs. But the goal has pretty much always been driven by the notion that society has some obligation to take cognizance of race to overcome the results of past discrimination.

We should have been (since our founding) a “colorblind society.” We weren’t. So the thinking is that we “need” to weigh race back into the process, to fix things. In other words, our past failure to be a colorblind society demands that we not be a colorblind society, now.
Another negative effect of Affirmative Action is that it prepares a lower skilled person for a lower paying job at the expense of someone who would very likely learn a higher skill resulting is a higher paying job. Also, many of those lower skilled jobs must be created for those lower skilled degrees, particularly social programs in the public sector.
I'm probably going to get in lots of trouble for saying this but at least if you want to be a lifeguard then chances are you won't have to worry about it being stolen away from a black person. (I'm sorry, no offense to black people who can swim but I just couldn't help myself. Hopefully I didn't go too far with this one. 🤣 If I did I'll delete it. 🙂)
Blacks drown at a much higher rate than whites because they don't learn how to swim, not because they 'sink like a rock'.
It also has to do with blacks not getting hired. White privilege. Not enough corporations are trying hard enough to diversify. Because of stereotyping, blacks don't get the job. They say the best person got the job but then I point out Hunter Biden got a lot of good jobs. And not because he was the best. Then they get it.

Detroit has made a comeback. 5 rich white men own most of Detroit. Businessmen. Billionaires. And they hire whites from the suburbs to drive in and do the work every day. Not enough of the natives are benefiting from the comeback. Sure they get janitor jobs and security jobs but those jobs don't pay the bills.

I also love pointing this out to whites who pick on blacks. In the last decade uneducated whites have taken a huge hit. Their jobs went overseas and now they find themselves in the same boat as blacks. Instead of crack it's alcohol and fentynol killing them. Heroine.

And too many of these uneducated whites are Republicans. Voting against themselves. Instead of joining a fucking union.

Trump may bring jobs home but at $15 hr.

An explanation that has achieved great resonance in the media is that less-educated Whites have been especially hard hit in recent economic times. Case and Deaton referred to the increased deaths linked to overdoses, suicides, and alcoholism in working class Whites as “deaths of despair.

Only happening to whites. Men and women. Uneducated. I told them for decades that to the GOP they are n*#$rs too. Now maybe they'll listen? Of course not. They are loyal to the racist cause. Trump has them convinced it's not his fault (billionaires) it's blacks, immigrants, liberals to blame.
Meanwhile the UAW is fixing the middle class while Republicans bash them.

Perhaps this is part of the real problem.

Blacks drown at a much higher rate than whites because they don't learn how to swim, not because they 'sink like a rock'.

And actually this is on topic because in the black neighborhoods poverty is a big thing and they can't afford swimming pools or swimming lessons so again they bring on that and the stereotype of black people not being able to swim themselves.
They all should be on an even playing field when vying for a position. Remember....I said, "EVEN PLAYING FIELD".
That doesn't mean to tilt it toward a minority or towards whites.
You don't have an issue with that, do you? :eusa_eh:
No. But here's the problem. Do you think my brother had a clue how to be the VP of HR when they first named him to that position?

Companies are understanding that bias exists among the mostly white hiring managers

People don't hire "the most qualified" They hire the person they can most see themselves working with every day. And for white hiring managers, working with blacks is at the bottom. This is why white women have benefited most from Affirmative Action. If you have to pick one, pick a white woman. And that's what we see happening. No surprise.

Hey, I'm not 100% in favor of AA. I can just defend it. Because it's still necessary. Clearly. We have a long way to go before minorities and women are on an even playing field.

I can also go into how we put blacks in the hole their in and need to do more than just say we now have an even playing field. Because we don't. Really. Now what do I mean we created the plight of the black man? Good example is their talking eubonics. We put their parents in that ghetto. Or their parents. Or their parents parents. So of course they're not going to speak the queens English.

I don't always defend blacks. The blacks here think I'm just a white liberal. They don't appreciate how hard I argue for them. There might come a day in my lifetime where I say how many more years do we have to give them?

My nephews are white and going to college. I don't worry about them they'll have more money than me someday. But I do worry about white men like them. If my brother was going to school today he would not pick HR. HR is for women and minorities to run. Still not a lot of women or minorities qualified to be CEO. Not yet. But lucky for them AA exists otherwise in 100 years there would still be 90% white men in those power positions. And your grand grand kids will say it's because they are smarter than blacks. And women want to have babies and take 5 years off.

The U.S. birthrate is down sharply from 15 years ago, as women report that economic and social obstacles are causing them to have fewer children than they want. The number of babies born in the U.S. started plummeting 15 years ago and hasn't recovered since.
And actually this is on topic because in the black neighborhoods poverty is a big thing and they can't afford swimming pools or swimming lessons so again they bring on that and the stereotype of black people not being able to swim themselves.
Another reason is the attitude of "how hard can it be". They jump in the water...and drown.
What about Hispanics, asians, jews, blacks, muslims? How in country as diverse as ours are so many white men getting these jobs?

You sound ignorant and like a cry baby. Yes, corporate America is still dominated by white men. When black women make up 3% maybe then we will have achieved MLK's dream of inclusiveness.

I know it's hard for a white man to swallow. My nephews are in college and I feel sorry their going to have to deal with getting passed over for a black or woman. I know, it sucks. But blame their ancestors.

You remind me of a white in South Africa who cried about Apartide being broken up. I know it sucks but it's only right. Right?
Is there something wrong with your vision ? "so many white men getting these jobs?" Go to your VA hospital and look at all the so many black people getting those jobs. And any other government office and in private industry too.
What about Hispanics, asians, jews, blacks, muslims? How in country as diverse as ours are so many white men getting these jobs?

You sound ignorant and like a cry baby. Yes, corporate America is still dominated by white men. When black women make up 3% maybe then we will have achieved MLK's dream of inclusiveness.

I know it's hard for a white man to swallow. My nephews are in college and I feel sorry their going to have to deal with getting passed over for a black or woman. I know, it sucks. But blame their ancestors.

You remind me of a white in South Africa who cried about Apartide being broken up. I know it sucks but it's only right. Right?
No, I DON'T blame anybody's ancestors. I blame racist fools like you, who support Affirmative Action, and keep on discriminating by race.
The U.S. birthrate is down sharply from 15 years ago, as women report that economic and social obstacles are causing them to have fewer children than they want. The number of babies born in the U.S. started plummeting 15 years ago and hasn't recovered since.
Too many out of wedlock births causes generational problems, especially for blacks.

They own the business! :D
Nope. Try again.

I'll tell you what a guy at the top says. Take it for what it's worth. He says they are super smart but don't have the people skills it takes. So they are stuck in the programming and engineer level.

I say that's bullshit. Lots of smart asian Americans go to school and if "the best" were hired, they're represent more jobs at the top.

Forget the business owner. We're talking favoritism in the work force. You're an employee right? Who do white men always go so far as employees?
Lack of people/social/communication skills. Skillsets a legit CEO must possess.
Simple shit for anyone not looking for skin color to be the primary qualifier.
sealybobo is that you at left in the image below?
View attachment 850741
Well that's funny because I just posted that excuse. They don't have the people skills to run the sales, HR, marketing, finance, accounting departments.

Yes, you have an excuse for why everyone is under represented. Women, jews, arabs, mexicans, blacks. Collectively, something is fishy when 90% of CEO's and VP's are white men. The numbers aren't as bad as they were 10 years ago thanks to Affirmative Action. Otherwise, there would still be 98% white men at the top.

Sorry but in a country as diverse as America, your excuses are starting to become old and bad.

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