Zone1 Why whites have more wealth than blacks.

Blacks aren’t hired because they lack iQ, because they have poor people/communiction skills, because they can’t articulate and speak the english language clearly, because they have poor leadership skills, because they lack attention to detail, because they aren’t reliable and dependable, because they tend to be defiant and resistant.
Woke white quilt wackos think all of the aforementioned should be overlooked in the name of EQUITY.
Fuck that.

But does this mean that Biden (who you all claim has a low IQ, senile, etc) only got to be president because he is white?

Before him, I recall another white guy; who now you all claim had a low IQ (mainly because you are embarrassed about how wrong you were about the Iraq invasion) -- did he only get to be president because he was white and his daddy was president?
We worry that you are not hiring the most qualified. You're hiring your friends kid.

The blacks and women being hired are proving you wrong. They're doing just fine. My brother had to find a diversity candidate to take over for him. He was VP of HR at his fortune 500 company. He found a black guy and guess what? He's doing just fine. The business is doing great.

Relax. They aren't hiring an inexperienced black to be the CEO. Just the VP of HR. He can handle it. Baby steps.

Oh please. You don't think blacks hire blacks because they are black? You think that's exclusively a white thing? Or is it ok if blacks hire blacks simply because they are black? Because, well, negros and slavery and all?

I mean your fucking VP is VP because shes black. Where were you screaming racism then?

Can you imagine you lefties outcry if Trump had said he would select a VP because he's a white male? You fucking idiots would go apeshit. But Biden said he wants a VP because shes a black female, and that 100% fine. In fact you leftist shitheads labeled that racism as "progressive."

No, it just demonstrates the absolute racism of the left.
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Wow. 10 years in this forum, and I've never seen a post just DISAPPEAR right before my eyes - but that is what just happened with post # 19. o_O
Affimatve action doesn't address land that was taken from families by murder you dunce
1. The response to your post # 18, was in my post # 19, which strangely disappeared right before our eyes. Reported it to mods

2. You miss the point. Blacks do NOT have less wealth than whites. This is a propaganda line pushed by liberal institutions like think tanks, universities, and media. As I said in Post # 19, take a walk through your local VA hospital, and see the thousands of employees working there (doctors, nurses, technicians, clerical, etc), 99% of whom are non-white (mostly black)

3. This addresses the TOPIC of the title of this thread, not land, you babbling buffoon.
Okay now here is going to be the unpopular response. I do believe that whites typically have more wealth than blacks is because they spend their money on a proper education, not drugs and they properly discipline their children.

The crime rate is much higher in the black population than the white population and the percentage of black children growing up in fatherless homes is much higher as well.

Does this mean that this is among all black families? No it doesn't, but the fact that that's usually how it goes doesn't change.

If black people want to change their reputation they need to stop breeding like rabbits out of wedlock or at least a really committed relationship, stay in school, and start discipling their children before the police have to.
Bullshit Moon Bat.

That would have been the case prior to the 1960s but not in the last 40 to 50 years. Due to affirmative action and diversity goals Blacks are even more likely to be hired instead of Whites nowadays.

The reason they don't do shit is because:

1. They have much more criminal records that Whites

2, They don't have a good work ethic do to the fact they were not raised in culture that embraced hard work.

3. They have tremendous drug and alcohol problems.

4. They were not raised in a two parent home that promoted good work ethics.

5. They have a welfare and entitlement mentality.

6. Many of them are uneducated and functionally illiterate because they were passed in school because of racial goals and not because of reaching a level of learning.
Your attitude is proof AA is still necessary.

No, racism in the work place wasn't solved in the 60s.

What we are seeing today is uneducated whites are learning how hard it is to live like poor blacks have had to live for 200 years or however long they've been "free" citizens in this country.

Things are better today for them. Thanks to Affirmative Action.
But does this mean that Biden (who you all claim has a low IQ, senile, etc) only got to be president because he is white?

Before him, I recall another white guy; who now you all claim had a low IQ (mainly because you are embarrassed about how wrong you were about the Iraq invasion) -- did he only get to be president because he was white and his daddy was president?
The thread is referring to tens of thousands of people all over th USA, not one person who got to be president. Duh!
The thread is referring to tens of thousands of people all over th USA, not one person who got to be president. Duh!

Yeah and I spotted the fact that nobody else was saying the biggest reasons why it is the way it is so I figured that it might as well be me. If I'm labeled as a racist because of it so be it.
Your attitude is proof AA is still necessary.

No, racism in the work place wasn't solved in the 60s.

What we are seeing today is uneducated whites are learning how hard it is to live like poor blacks have had to live for 200 years or however long they've been "free" citizens in this country.

Things are better today for them. Thanks to Affirmative Action.
Are you saying that blacks are inferior and need special rights?
It does sound like that. :eusa_whistle:
Oh please. You don't think blacks hire blacks because they are black? You think that's exclusively a white thing? Or is it ok if blacks hire blacks simply because they are black? Because, well, negros and slavery and all?

I mean your fucking VP is VP because shes black. Where were you screaming racism then?

Can you imagine you lefties outcry if Trump had said he would select a VP because he's a white male? You fucking idiots would go apeshit. But Biden said he wants a VP because shes a black female, and that 100% fine. In fact you leftist shitheads labeled that racism as "progressive."

No, it just demonstrates the absolute racism of the left.
You're ignoring the fact that 90% of all the good jobs go to white men. Even stupid ass white women complain about AA when they are the biggest benefactors.

Sorry, but in a country as diverse as ours, the management team shouldn't be so white and male. Sorry. I know you like it because you are a white male. I like it too for that same reason. Doesn't mean it's right.

And yes, you white racists are fucked. Now it's going to be a black or woman hiring more blacks and women than ever before. Sucks to be a young white man. I get why they are butt hurt. But sorry, we have to break up the good old boys network.

Let me give you an example you'll understand because you are dull. In the 2000's Hunter got chosen to sit on his first BOD. A white man. Today my brother says if you are a white man, forget about getting picked to sit on a BOD. Those go to minorities and women. Why? Because they are easy to fill. A company would much rather pick a black or woman to be the VP or sit on the board than pick one to be CEO. CEO is too important. So is the engineering department and sales. So women and minorities get to run the HR department or finance/accounting. They can be controllers but not CEO's.

Baby steps.

And relax. It's still a white man's world. If you can't succeed then maybe you should have thought about that when you were telling poor blacks to pick themselves up by their bootstraps. Remember? You said in a great country like America, no excuses.

Now you are making excuses. Well WAAAH about affirmative action when your fathers (Joe Biden) have been hooking their sons (Hunter Biden) up for centuries. Cry me a river bitch boy.
But does this mean that Biden (who you all claim has a low IQ, senile, etc) only got to be president because he is white?

Before him, I recall another white guy; who now you all claim had a low IQ (mainly because you are embarrassed about how wrong you were about the Iraq invasion) -- did he only get to be president because he was white and his daddy was president?

Yes Biden and Bush both represent white privilege and why affirmative action is still very much necessary.
Your attitude is proof AA is still necessary.

No, racism in the work place wasn't solved in the 60s.

What we are seeing today is uneducated whites are learning how hard it is to live like poor blacks have had to live for 200 years or however long they've been "free" citizens in this country.

Things are better today for them. Thanks to Affirmative Action.
Key words are "for them"
And things are FAR WORSE for whites, whose entire 4 years of college studies have been flushed down the drain, as if they never occured, and entire careers they would/could/should have had, wiped out.

And you post into this forum your support for this despicable racism. Affirmative Action is the #1 racism in America, discriminating against the largest number of people (whites & Asians).

This racist lunacy was NEVER NECESSARY, and if anybody really needed a helping hand due to financial hardship outside their control, that could have been addressed with remedies based on FINANCIAL NEED, not race.

Just to show how idiotic AA is, the current AA gives special favorable treatment to wealthy blacks, while pushing aside poor whites. You think these kids should lose opportunities >>

to give special favors to these kids>>>
You're ignoring the fact that 90% of all the good jobs go to white men. Even stupid ass white women complain about AA when they are the biggest benefactors.

Sorry, but in a country as diverse as ours, the management team shouldn't be so white and male. Sorry. I know you like it because you are a white male. I like it too for that same reason. Doesn't mean it's right.

Black females make up 6% of the US population. Why would they represent more than that in management?

So management shouldn't be good at their job, they should be "more black?"

Do you realize how racist you really are?
It also has to do with blacks not getting hired. White privilege. Not enough corporations are trying hard enough to diversify. Because of stereotyping, blacks don't get the job. They say the best person got the job but then I point out Hunter Biden got a lot of good jobs. And not because he was the best. Then they get it.

Detroit has made a comeback. 5 rich white men own most of Detroit. Businessmen. Billionaires. And they hire whites from the suburbs to drive in and do the work every day. Not enough of the natives are benefiting from the comeback. Sure they get janitor jobs and security jobs but those jobs don't pay the bills.

I also love pointing this out to whites who pick on blacks. In the last decade uneducated whites have taken a huge hit. Their jobs went overseas and now they find themselves in the same boat as blacks. Instead of crack it's alcohol and fentynol killing them. Heroine.

And too many of these uneducated whites are Republicans. Voting against themselves. Instead of joining a fucking union.

Trump may bring jobs home but at $15 hr.

An explanation that has achieved great resonance in the media is that less-educated Whites have been especially hard hit in recent economic times. Case and Deaton referred to the increased deaths linked to overdoses, suicides, and alcoholism in working class Whites as “deaths of despair.

Only happening to whites. Men and women. Uneducated. I told them for decades that to the GOP they are n*#$rs too. Now maybe they'll listen? Of course not. They are loyal to the racist cause. Trump has them convinced it's not his fault (billionaires) it's blacks, immigrants, liberals to blame.
Meanwhile the UAW is fixing the middle class while Republicans bash them.
Many Republican voters are in unions.

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