Zone1 Why whites have more wealth than blacks.

No. I'm saying when you interview a black or woman your racism and bias are why you always pick the white dude.
That's what you're saying. huh?
I'm betting that nearly all companies would rather hire the most qualified, without having to feel the guilt or repercussions
of doing so if it isn't a minority.
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Key words are "for them"
And things are FAR WORSE for whites, whose entire 4 years of college studies have been flushed down the drain, as if they never occured, and entire careers they would/could/should have had, wiped out.

And you post into this forum your support for this despicable racism. Affirmative Action is the #1 racism in America, discriminating against the largest number of people (whites & Asians).

This racist lunacy was NEVER NECESSARY, and if anybody really needed a helping hand due to financial hardship outside their control, that could have been addressed with remedies based on FINANCIAL NEED, not race.

Just to show how idiotic AA is, the current AA gives special favorable treatment to wealthy blacks, while pushing aside poor whites. You think these kids should lose opportunities >>
View attachment 850704

to give special favors to these kids>>>
View attachment 850706
Oh now that the shoe is on the other foot you're making excuses? Blacks had good excuses for 200 years and you mocked them. Now you have excuses?

Let me tell you something you dumb fucking hick. It ain't blacks and women's fault your life sucks. YOU voted GOP. They voted for policies like trickle down and they don't want to make college more affordable.

BTW, it's not college educated whites who are suffering. It's you uneducated whites. You are finally finding out that the GOP doesn't care about you. They only pretend to. They pit you against blacks and tell you that your life sucks because of them.

Take a look at how rich your CEO is stupid. It's his fault. Not the blacks.

BUT, I will say this. They pay women and blacks less so maybe the CEO is smart to hire people who can do just as good a job as you but for less. And to those blacks, that's a pay increase. Paying them LESS than you is a pay increase. Meanwhile, you're waiting for billionaire trump to MAGA for you. Don't hold your stupid breath white boy dick.
Haven't you heard? It's the newest part of the public school circulum now. Reading, writing, and reparations.
Not just now. In the 1970s, when I was in a public college (City College of New York), classes were watered down to make it easy for "Open Admissions" (90% blacks), who were being let in regardless of their high school grade averages.

So classrooms were filled with dum dums who never should have been there.

The result was predictable and awful. I never heard the phrase "open book exam" until Affirmative Action reared its ugly head at the college I was in. It was a meteorology course, and the open-admissions, clueless blacks who got into the college by their color, despite failing in high school, got the teachers to initiate open book tests. When I first heard the term I thought it was a gag.
I looked around the room in the middle of a mid-term exam, and students were looking for answers in their textbooks. I couldnt believe my eyes.

After the test was over, while waiting for the elevator in the CCNY science building, some students were complaining about how hard the test was. They wound up with failing grades, even with textbooks open during the test. I got 100% on the test. As for my textbook, I didn't even have it with me.
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That's what you're saying. huh?
I'm betting that nearly all companies would rather hire the most qualified, and not having to feel the guilt or repercussions
of doing so if it isn't a minority.

Exactly as they usually are looking for grounded educated people black or white. If somebody went around saying that they got the job simply because they're white can you imagine the uproar over it?
It has more to do with generational wealth
I'm not going to argue and I don't know which has MORE to do with it. Add them all up and it's not fair.

Generational wealth. With how expensive things are, fewer and fewer middle class people are getting anything in the will other than an expensive funeral to bury dad. So more and more whites are finding they don't have generational wealth.

Anderson Cooper wrote an interesting book about the Vanderbuilds and the Astors. Rich families. Within a few generations that money is gone. The parents left their kids a fortune, they squandered it.
Black females make up 6% of the US population. Why would they represent more than that in management?

So management shouldn't be good at their job, they should be "more black?"

Do you realize how racist you really are?
What about Hispanics, asians, jews, blacks, muslims? How in country as diverse as ours are so many white men getting these jobs?

You sound ignorant and like a cry baby. Yes, corporate America is still dominated by white men. When black women make up 3% maybe then we will have achieved MLK's dream of inclusiveness.

I know it's hard for a white man to swallow. My nephews are in college and I feel sorry their going to have to deal with getting passed over for a black or woman. I know, it sucks. But blame their ancestors.

You remind me of a white in South Africa who cried about Apartide being broken up. I know it sucks but it's only right. Right?
The question should be, all other things being equal, do the Black person and the White person have an equal chance for success. That should be the goal, not some asinine equity that liberals are obsessed with.

Great question. The answer is that at the moment of birth * all ethnicities have the opportunity for eventual success.

* Children born with certain defects excepted.
Exactly as they usually are looking for grounded educated people black or white. If somebody went around saying that they got the job simply because they're white can you imagine the uproar over it?
Women piss me off because they HATE people thinking that they got the job because of Affirmative Action. But they did.

Whether or not they keep it though usually depends on their upbringing.

Look at what the new hard core right winger who's now the Speaker of the House said about his adopted black son and his white son.

"Michael being a Black American and Jack being white Caucasian. They have different challenges. My son Jack has an easier path. He just does."
That's what you're saying. huh?
I'm betting that nearly all companies would rather hire the most qualified, without having to feel the guilt or repercussions
of doing so if it isn't a minority.
Doesn't matter if you get it. Smarter conservatives than you get it. CEO's who implement diversity programs at their companies and

The Speaker of the HOUSE! Referring to his two sons. One white and one black.

"Michael being a Black American and Jack being white Caucasian. They have different challenges. My son Jack has an easier path. He just does."
What about Hispanics, asians, jews, blacks, muslims? How in country as diverse as ours are so many white men getting these jobs?

You sound ignorant and like a cry baby. Yes, corporate America is still dominated by white men. When black women make up 3% maybe then we will have achieved MLK's dream of inclusiveness.

I know it's hard for a white man to swallow. My nephews are in college and I feel sorry their going to have to deal with getting passed over for a black or woman. I know, it sucks. But blame their ancestors.

You remind me of a white in South Africa who cried about Apartide being broken up. I know it sucks but it's only right. Right?
They all should be on an even playing field when vying for a position. Remember....I said, "EVEN PLAYING FIELD".
That doesn't mean to tilt it toward a minority or towards whites.
You don't have an issue with that, do you? :eusa_eh:
Doesn't matter if you get it. Smarter conservatives than you get it. CEO's who implement diversity programs at their companies and

The Speaker of the HOUSE! Referring to his two sons. One white and one black.

"Michael being a Black American and Jack being white Caucasian. They have different challenges. My son Jack has an easier path. He just does."
And why do they implement diversity programs? Because of the governmental pressure? Sweet, so potentially, they can't hire
the most qualified, they have to fill a quota. Got it.
Success is more than wealth accumulation, as is contentment. If building wealth makes you miserable, wears you out, and shortens your life, why do it? I turned down a very high paying job because of this, but I'm very content with what I have done with my life. Regardless of earnings and wealth most people are doing want they want to do.
They all should be on an even playing field when vying for a position. Remember....I said, "EVEN PLAYING FIELD".
That doesn't mean to tilt it toward a minority.
You don't have an issue with that, do you? :eusa_eh:

I feel bad for you. Obviously I peek to see what they say when you respond to them (or somebody else on here I like) to see what they're saying, but you don't have the privilege of the ignore button. It really comes in handy because people like that will rant on and on about anything and everything.

However that isn't always the case. Then there's people like YouTuber Officer Tatum. He grew up in a black neighborhood with that kind of developed attitude and after he went to college he completely turned his life around.
I will share a thought I read many many years ago in college. I can’t quote it verbatim, but I can paraphrase it fairly well from memory. It is about so-called “affirmative action.”

‘To hire a person on the basis of race is also to refrain from hiring another person on the basis of race. When inscribed in law, this is racism.’
‘To hire a person on the basis of race is also to refrain from hiring another person on the basis of race. When inscribed in law, this is racism.’

No kidding but black people don't see it that way. They think that white people are always out to get them no matter what the situation is. A lot of them are completely paranoid of us.

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