Zone1 Why whites have more wealth than blacks.

So, Asians lack the people/social/ communications skillsets of a CEO?

Yet some of the biggest corporations in the world are in Japan, S Korea and China and all have Asians as CEOs
Lacking the people skills confirms my position that it's never the best person who gets hired. It's who the hiring manager sees themselves working with for the next 5-30 years. And white male hiring managers tend to see themselves working with whites. They won't admit it but a lot of times blacks don't get the job because of this bias. This is why AA is necessary. To make up for this.

And I do agree I fear blacks will do the same thing in the future. Hire blacks more than they do whites because that's why they'd like to work with for the next 5-30 years. Eventually this needs to stop I agree but not yet.
Another reason is the attitude of "how hard can it be". They jump in the water...and drown.

Do you guys really not know the history of why black Americans can't swim?

So blacks move in to our neighborhoods, now we won't swim in the pools, and we move out. And shut the pools down because not enough funding.
It has more to do with generational wealth

That is only part of it. Give blacks $$ and what happens to it?

But does this mean that Biden (who you all claim has a low IQ, senile, etc) only got to be president because he is white?
Biden became President because those big-tent, inclusive, SJW woke white guilt self proclaimed black loving wackos passed up on Kameltoe Harris and Cory Booker
Before him, I recall another white guy; who now you all claim had a low IQ (mainly because you are embarrassed about how wrong you were about the Iraq invasion) -- did he only get to be president because he was white and his daddy was president?
I’m not embarrassed at all….WMD’s aside Hussein and Iraq needed to be destroyed.

Look around the globe….what do you see in EVERY single dark person led nation? There’s nothing coincidental about it…it’s a cultural/genetics thing.
Face it, white folks are just better leaders.
Women piss me off because they HATE people thinking that they got the job because of Affirmative Action. But they did.

This age-old, leftist talking point of PURE BULLSHIT, never seems to die out. Usually when things have been shown to be WRONG 10,000 times over, they fade away.

Beware of articles from leftwing sources that start off with the words > "Studies show". Oh they do, do they ? Problem is, leftists love to refer to "studies" (done by other leftists) which "show" what they WANT them to show.

In the case of white women who receive Affirmative Action preference, NO, it is NOT TRUE that AA has helped them more than anyone else.In fact, all things being considered (which leftist "studies" conveniently don't do), white women are helped relatively very little by AA. In many AA programs, preference is given only to blacks with everyone else denied, including white women.

This was the case when, in my graduate school, assistantships were given only to blacks.

Secondly, millions of white women suffer discrimination against them by way of being the dependent daughters and wives of white men who were discriminated against. The numbers are numbing. For every white woman gaining from AA, 1000 suffer from it.

As so often is the case, with this, the leftwing media (like TIME magazine) is simply full of sh-t.
So, Asians lack the people/social/ communications skillsets of a CEO?

Yet some of the biggest corporations in the world are in Japan, S Korea and China and all have Asians as CEOs

I will say that I've heard this from several people in corporate America. President's and CEO's who come from Asia are very hard to work for. Different rules. Different customs. Knowing when to tell them you can't do something. I can't explain it because I've never worked for an Asian boss but if they are from Asia, there is a communication gap and they really don't look at you as a peer.

But that's true for the German's I work with too. It takes years for them to trust/respect/like you. I mean really like you.
Well that's funny because I just posted that excuse. They don't have the people skills to run the sales, HR, marketing, finance, accounting departments.

Yes, you have an excuse for why everyone is under represented. Women, jews, arabs, mexicans, blacks. Collectively, something is fishy when 90% of CEO's and VP's are white men. The numbers aren't as bad as they were 10 years ago thanks to Affirmative Action. Otherwise, there would still be 98% white men at the top.

Sorry but in a country as diverse as America, your excuses are starting to become old and bad.
That’s the thing bud, I make no excuses… Caucasians are simply better leaders is all around.
This is proven in communities, cities, states and nations all over the world.
Biden became President because those big-tent, inclusive, SJW woke white guilt self proclaimed black loving wackos passed up on Kameltoe Harris and Cory Booker

I’m not embarrassed at all….WMD’s aside Hussein and Iraq needed to be destroyed.

Look around the globe….what do you see in EVERY single dark person led nation? There’s nothing coincidental about it…it’s a cultural/genetics thing.
Face it, white folks are just better leaders.

You don't get to change the reason we invaded after you lied about WMD's. He was "a bad man" is not justification. You're experiencing cognitive dissonance brother.

Oh, and about those dark nations. Black England.

King Charles to acknowledge ‘painful’ colonial past on state visit to Kenya​

Monarch’s recognition will come as country prepares to celebrate 60 years of independence from Britain​
The monarch will talk vaguely about ‘wrongs’ on his first official visit as head of state to a Commonwealth country. This blindness about the violence of empire must stop

It's only been 60 years since they were freed from England's rule. You remember how much we liked being under England's rule right?
So, Asians lack the people/social/ communications skillsets of a CEO?

Yet some of the biggest corporations in the world are in Japan, S Korea and China and all have Asians as CEOs
I thought we were talking about America and American businesses?
Lacking the people skills confirms my position that it's never the best person who gets hired. It's who the hiring manager sees themselves working with for the next 5-30 years. And white male hiring managers tend to see themselves working with whites. They won't admit it but a lot of times blacks don't get the job because of this bias. This is why AA is necessary. To make up for this.

And I do agree I fear blacks will do the same thing in the future. Hire blacks more than they do whites because that's why they'd like to work with for the next 5-30 years. Eventually this needs to stop I agree but not yet.
People skills/personnel management are paramount components for those in high level positions.
You people didn’t know that?
That’s the thing bud, I make no excuses… Caucasians are simply better leaders is all around.
This is proven in communities, cities, states and nations all over the world.
You don't know the history of how us whites ended up in the nicer neighborhoods and the blacks in the hoods.

What are we seeing today? Every demographic of uneducated Americans are doing better for themselves. Each generation they do better. Slowly but better. They are living longer. Every demo except one.

Uneducated Whites. Why? Because all the good paying blue collar jobs disappeared. Now we see how whites respond to this. In the past you pointed at minorities and judged them. Now we see the lack of economic opportunities is literally killing uneducated whites.

You made fun of blacks and crack. When it was us pumping it into their communities. Now it's your communities and it's fentynol, heroine, suicide, alcohol.

In the future white men will be the least desirable. Except for us who can afford college.
You don't get to change the reason we invaded after you lied about WMD's. He was "a bad man" is not justification. You're experiencing cognitive dissonance brother.
Again…I, like most core Americans can’t give two fucks about why we invaded Iraq…So what, Bush was given poor intel…So what.
We destroyed a terrorist harboring genocidal dictator at a time when we needed to flex our muscle on the global stage.
Sorry, not sorry.
Again…I, like most core Americans can’t give two fucks about why we invaded Iraq…So what, Bush was given poor intel…So what.
We destroyed a terrorist harboring genocidal dictator at a time when we needed to flex our muscle on the global stage.
Sorry, not sorry.
And now we can't tell Russia it's wrong because we did it. China too. Dumb fucker.
In the case of white women who receive Affirmative Action preference, NO, it is NOT TRUE that AA has helped them more than anyone else.In fact, all things being considered (which leftist "studies" conveniently don't do), white women are helped relatively very little by AA. In many AA programs, preference is given only to blacks with everyone else denied, including white women.

Prior to Affirmative Action, women, especially white women were limited to positions as Secretaries, Nurses, Airline Stewardess, Teachers, Bank Tellers

Affirmative Action opened up positions as managers, executives, Doctors, Lawyers, School Administrators, Bank Managers…….along with Police, Firemen….even Astronauts
Again…I, like most core Americans can’t give two fucks about why we invaded Iraq…So what, Bush was given poor intel…So what.
We destroyed a terrorist harboring genocidal dictator at a time when we needed to flex our muscle on the global stage.
Sorry, not sorry.
Say aren't you someone who doesn't want to get involved overseas? Weren't you mad at Obama for starting wars? If not you need to talk to your Republican friends. They do not approve of what Bush did.

Are you a Trump supporter? He said Pelosi should have impeached Bush for lying us into Iraq. You disagree with him?
Prior to Affirmative Action, women, especially white women were limited to positions as Secretaries, Nurses, Airline Stewardess, Teachers, Bank Tellers

Affirmative Action opened up positions as managers, executives, Doctors, Lawyers, School Administrators, Bank Managers…….along with Police, Firemen….even Astronauts
Women were just as well off when they had the esteemed positions of being housewives and diligent mothers, instead of letting strangers raise their kids in schools and day care centers.

And whatever gains SOME women got as doctors, lawyers, and astronauts, other women got losses from it, their husbands and fathers being denied jobs in the process.
Prior to Affirmative Action, women, especially white women were limited to positions as Secretaries, Nurses, Airline Stewardess, Teachers, Bank Tellers

Affirmative Action opened up positions as managers, executives, Doctors, Lawyers, School Administrators, Bank Managers…….along with Police, Firemen….even Astronauts
And they HATE people thinking that's why they got the job, even though it's why they got the job. It infuriates me. They are embarrassed for it but they shouldn't be. It's not their fault that white men are too bias to be fair. It has to be forced on them. And we all fight change. Imagine me coming to your work and telling you that your bias is racist and you need to go out of your way to make up for it by hiring more blacks and women than you normally would.

I know, it sucks. It's not fair. But neither is the status quo.

I love pointing out that GW Bush appointed Hunter Biden to his first BOD. Did he hire the best person for the job? Nope. Republicans will say that's nepotism not racism but they are just being ignorant. They know this happens on a racist level. Not just when it's a family friend of the CEO.

My brother is a VP and he's given lots of friends resume's to his bosses or other departments. Like i if you are an engineer, he will give your resume to the VP of engineering. That's it. He doesn't want to get involved beyond that. No favoritism, nepotism. None of that. But I'm sure it's a good thing when the VP of HR hands your resume to the head of another department.

Another way whites have an advantage is our friends dad's are managers or employees at a lot of high paying companies. Black kids fathers are not. So they don't get to network like we do. BUT, I will say this. Black kids in college get together and become all Malcomb X CRT BLM and lose their white friends by sophomore year. Too bad because our fathers would have gotten them jobs when they graduated but they don't want anything to do with us white devils so they cost themselves opportunities by self segregating.
Women were just as well off when they had the esteemed positions of being housewives and diligent mothers, instead of letting strangers raise their kids in schools and day care centers.

And whatever gains SOME women got as doctors, lawyers, and astronauts, other women got losses from it, their husbands and fathers being denied jobs in the process.
Women's lib ruined America. Let me explain. But you can even thank those hoes for all this gay shit we are experiencing. In your face gays in bikini's and in drag. When did that start? 1920's

Then instead of being happy with husband going to work they wanted to make some extra cash. But corporate America is too smart. Eventually it takes 2 people working to make it like we did before with only one bread winner. Way to go women. Now we have to partner up or we can't afford to live. If it takes 2 to pay for what 1 used to provide right?

And now women are the CEO's, VP's, salesperson, accounting manager, whatever. They are making enough money they don't need a man. I see a lot of women today get knocked up, child support and a babysitter every other weekend rather than a husband.
Women were just as well off when they had the esteemed positions of being housewives and diligent mothers, instead of letting strangers raise their kids in schools and day care centers.

And whatever gains SOME women got as doctors, lawyers, and astronauts, other women got losses from it, their husbands and fathers being denied jobs in the process.
One thing I did notice in the 70s when women were able to get good paying jobs……more divorces

Women were no longer stuck in marriages because they were unable to support themselves outside of a husband
What are we seeing today? Every demographic of uneducated Americans are doing better for themselves. Each generation they do better. Slowly but better. They are living longer. Every demo except one.

Uneducated Whites. Why? Because all the good paying blue collar jobs disappeared. Now we see how whites respond to this. In the past you pointed at minorities and judged them. Now we see the lack of economic opportunities is literally killing uneducated whites.
hahaha…are you ever right about anything?
”Uneducated whites”, just like ALL blacks are getting fucked by Democrat border policy…by wetbacks as blue collar trade work and menial labor jobs are whored out and destroyed as the Great Replacement is in full effect. Simple as that.
You made fun of blacks and crack. When it was us pumping it into their communities. Now it's your communities and it's fentynol, heroine, suicide, alcohol.
hahaha…AGAIN, are you ever right about anything?

In the future white men will be the least desirable. Except for us who can afford college.
Although you woke white guilt Democrats are trying real hard to make that happen…it won’t…look around at ALL predominantly dark communities, cities and states…they’re ALL super-shitholes.
Even you purple haired SJW’s with neck tattoos and nose piercings will have to wake the fuck up at some point….just like they’re did in Martha’s Vinyard and just like they’re doing in NYC as dark people invade.

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