WHY? Why Does The Biden WH Tell Such Obvious LIES?

It says a lot when you cannot mention democrats push Drag queen story hour and Trans pushing sexual issues to totterers in kindergarten on MSN because it violates their "community guidelines". Actually doing that? No problem! Point it out, it violates standards. Excuse me?
yeh, everything is twisted these days from truth/reality to sexuality. If it is not perverse, it is obsolete or whatever

I wonder how long God will let things go, as seems to be the case. I mean, he lets perverts rule everything these days. I wouldn't even want to bring childrne into such a terrible world
And you won't catch covid if you get vaccinated.

Our inflation rate for October was 0%.
Yeh, I heard about some medical expert (was it Fauci?) encouraging people to take the damn vax. Or if you already have, get another one. someone said get one every 2 months!

Well, "they" want to reduce the population so why wouldn't they say such evil things?

You can't count on things you used to count on. You can't count on anyone, anyone at all, giving a rip about your life.

It really baffles me when people actually trust govt and/or the medical profession
Cause he knows you (and noone else) is gonna do a damn thing about it?

Evil men are prevailing beyond their wildest dreams because there are no "good men" to get in their way.
yeh, the good men who should be doing that are awol

The Catholic priests should be standing up to all this Nazi stuff. Some bishops are, but then they get flack from (unbelievable) other bishops and evn the pope (so called).

The pope seems to be in on it, all the climate change bs and etc. Truth has been mixed with error ever since Vatican II began. Vatican II involved NON-Christians being allowed to have a say in the changes. Everything went down hill after 1969.
Nonsense, Biden says the border is secure

Oh, and the Pandemic is over.

You forgot to include that one which I think is just hilarious because everyone that voted for Biden knows that is a lie, yet they don't care.

There are more important things than truth, like destroying Orange man and the GOP.
The truth never was important to the freak liberals (redundancy there, for sure).

People who love money and power and "being someone" never care about truth. Truth just gets in their way.

I don't know how God can put up with this bs much longer (assuming we can say He puts up with it. He likely just figures, Hey, I get the Last Word.. )

He who laughs last laughs best, as they say
It is a very deliberate and very common rhetorical tactic used by the left. I call it "The Little Lie." It is used to avoid an uncomfortable question.

Ask Sec DHS Mayorkas "what are you doing to secure the border?" He says, "Uh, the, uh border is secure."

Everyone knows it is a lie but now he doesn't have to answer the question.
It is a very deliberate and very common rhetorical tactic used by the left. I call it "The Little Lie." It is used to avoid an uncomfortable question.

Ask Sec DHS Mayorkas "what are you doing to secure the border?" He says, "Uh, the, uh border is secure."

Everyone knows it is a lie but now he doesn't have to answer the question.

It doesn't matter if it's a lie or not. Leftist followers will believe anything their leaders tell them.
Not just Biden, his Dem minions are LYING. Here's Democratic Sen. Rapheal Warnock BUYING VOTES with Biden BRIBES in the GA run off election. He's spending much of the final campaign days courting student voters across the state, touting his support for President Biden's student loan handout program that has so far failed to forgive any college debt.

This is the new Dem strategy, BUY votes with hundreds of billions in taxpayer money.
Not just Biden, his Dem minions are LYING. Here's Democratic Sen. Rapheal Warnock BUYING VOTES with Biden BRIBES in the GA run off election. He's spending much of the final campaign days courting student voters across the state, touting his support for President Biden's student loan handout program that has so far failed to forgive any college debt.

This is the new Dem strategy, BUY votes with hundreds of billions in taxpayer money.
You are partly right------DEMONRATS have been buying votes for decades. The student loan fiasco, the border fiasco, and promising all the free stuff to blacks and browns.

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