Why won’t Merrick Garland release the affidavit for the Mar A Lago invasion?

Suspect I have traveled more than you or most people. And yes, it is out of the ordinary. The fact you claim to do it does not make it the norm.

Doubtful. I have been to over 100 countries. Worked in over 50. And paid for it all on my own.
Good Question

The warrant was a search for Classified information improperly stored by Trump

Not only was Classified information found, but Top Secret SCI
So the warrant should have been for specific documents...not every document from Trump's entire time in office...not anything that is "near" any document produced from Trump's entire time in office! That warrant was a joke as written.
So the warrant should have been for specific documents...not every document from Trump's entire time in office...not anything that is "near" any document produced from Trump's entire time in office! That warrant was a joke as written.

The FBI gathered evidence
It paid of BIGLY

WOW, I am shocked you will not do what you demand of others.

Never saw that coming! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Why am I not surprised you can't do a simple search.

This site used to have a photo forum where I posted a bunch up.

Tell you what, I am about to fly out to Ely for some business, we can do a travel thread where we post up pics from our travels later on tonight

That shows an introduction…nothing more

Show where influence was sold
Trump is irrelevant. He's the Defendant and doesn't get to decide shit.

No it's a criminal investigation. No one's entitled to shit. Welcome to the US. Criminal justice system. It's a bitch.
Did you read what you wrote? Do you not understand how completely unAmerican your opinions are? The United States has been the beacon of the free world BECAUSE our justice system was designed to provide for the rights of the accused. You seem happy that's no longer the case. What's wrong with you?
When you're going after a warrant on an ex President of the United States, don't you think you'd want to get that from a Federal Judge and not a Magistrate? Especially one with a history of criticism of that ex President? The "appropriate" legal authority would have been the local Federal Judge.
Of course the Chief Judge of the Palm Beach area court was appointed by W. They didn't go to her...because she wasn't someone who hated Trump. Instead they took a case of this magnitude to a second tier Magistrate because he gave them what they wanted!
Awww, the former 1-term president as a victim. How about the he doesn’t possess classified materials at his golf resort.
Good Question

The warrant was a search for Classified information improperly stored by Trump

Not only was Classified information found, but Top Secret SCI
I'm curious, Winger...how is it that we know what was found? The answer to that is quite simple. We've been informed that's the case through leaks from unnamed sources in the DOJ to the same media outlets that pushed the Steele dossiers story. So once again we've got a DOJ refusing to comment on an "ongoing criminal investigation" while they leak information from that investigation to a compliant main stream media to smear the prospective candidate of the opposition party! It's the same song as before...sung by the same people!
Did you read what you wrote? Do you not understand how completely unAmerican your opinions are? The United States has been the beacon of the free world BECAUSE our justice system was designed to provide for the rights of the accused. You seem happy that's no longer the case. What's wrong with you?

They are a fascist.
I'm curious, Winger...how is it that we know what was found? The answer to that is quite simple. We've been informed that's the case through leaks from unnamed sources in the DOJ to the same media outlets that pushed the Steele dossiers story. So once again we've got a DOJ refusing to comment on an "ongoing criminal investigation" while they leak information from that investigation to a compliant main stream media to smear the prospective candidate of the opposition party! It's the same song as before...sung by the same people!
Okay Sean handity

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